Just Some Guy

Don't Try to Hide it.

It was the Saturday after the first Sunday that Seunghyun and Yubin's 'deal' began. Yubin was currently sitting at her desk trying to study for a math test she had on Monday when her eyes drifted to the top nicely hung on a hanger in her closet.  All Yubin could think about was if Seunghyun had an alterior motive to buying her the shirt. 

"Does he think I owe him now?"  Yubin stared long and hard at the shirt. During the school week, Seunghyun continuosly tried talking with her in school. Yubin had thought they only made a deal for Sundays, but I guess Seunghyun thought otherwise. 

He would sit with her at lunch, find her in the halls, and do whatever it took to grab her attention. Each and everytime he did that, he tried to keep his cool image, and cocky attitude up in front of her, but only ended up getting frustrated when she didn't respond to him. 

"I don't want anything to do with him...guys are nothing but trouble." Yubin shut off her night lamp and went to bed, tomorrow she would have to meet up with Seunghyun again for another hour. Seunghyun insisted in picking her up, but she said that it wasn't part of the deal and that they would just meet up. Knowing him, he would probably make fun of her or judge her when he sees her house. 


It was currently 3 O'clock in the morning, Yubin was in a light sleep when she heard the side door open and footsteps. 

Yubin quickly woke up and calmly got out of bed. She her room light and looked out her door. There was nothing but darkness. 

All of a sudden she heard the footstpes again, walking through the living room, she walked towards the stairwell and walked halfway down the steps and called out. 

"Why are you back?" Yubin stared down at a dark figure at the bottom of the steps waiting fo a reply. 

"Where are they?" Was all the dark figure responded. 

"They aren't here. How'd you get in?" Yubin was honestly a bit afraid, but she knew who this person was, and from the way he sounded, he means no harm.. yet.

"Got a spare key, When will they be back?" 

"They don't come here often anymore, just me. You should leave them alone." Yubin's adrenaline was pumping, she didn't want to say anything that would upset the person.

"I can't. If they're not here, I'm leaving.." The figure turned around making its way back to where it entered.

"Leave the key. No point in having it, next time, knock when there's sun out." Yubin called out to the figure hoping it heard.

Yubin heard the keys clank against a counter top and the door shut closed. She let out a deep sigh to calm herself down before turning on all the lights and making her way down to lock the door. She grabbed the spare keys and made her way back upstairs shutting off all the lights.

"Why is it always me..." 


The next day  Yubin was sitting on a bench outside a convenience store flipping through a magazine when she heard someone clear their throat. She slightly rolled her eyes and looked to her left to see Seunghyun sitting there with a bored expression on his face.

"What?" Yubin asks irritably.

"Is this what you always do? I'm bored." Seunghyun tried to look cool, but hreally all his words sounded like a childs

"It was your idea to follow me around, you can leave whenever you like, I'm not stopping you" Yubin sighed and looked back down at her magazine.

Seunghyun kept his stare on Yubin, She didn't seem to have a lot of energy today and had slight bags under her eyes. Overall she looked exhausted. 

"You look tired. too busy thinking of me last night" Seunghyun laughed.  

Yubin looked back up again a bit more frustrated and replied bluntly. "In your dreams." 

Seunghyun was a bit taken a back, he was just trying to poke fun with her, she would usually reply with a smirk and try getting back at him, but seeing her continuosly sigh to herself made him a bit worried. 

Seeing her eyes tiredly drift back to her magazine, Seunghyun looked up and made a decision.

"This isn't fun." He stood up and looked down at Yubin staring back at him weirdly.

"Then leave." Was all she said. 

"I will, and so will you." Seunghyun took Yubin's wrist and pulled her up from the bench making her drop the magazine on her lap.

"Wait, what?! Let go of me!" Yubin tried struggling free, but was too tired to do so for long.

Without any hesitation Seunghyun began making his way towards Yubin's house when he realized that if he went all the way without asking for directions, she would know that he knew where she lived. He wanted to take her home because she looked so tired to the point where he was scared she might collapse on him. He wouldn't take no for an answer, usually he wouldn't care, but for some reason Yubin was different.

"Where do you live?" Seunghyun did not stop and 'unconciously' continued walking towards her house. 

"none of your business, why do you want to know?" Yubin was shooting daggers into Seunghyun's back with her eyes, she wasn't in the mood.

"You look too tired, I'm not letting you go home alone, what if you collapse or something? then I won't have anyone to follow around on Sundays." Even at a time like this, Seunghyun still tried to poke fun at her.

"pfft, as if I'm letting you know where I live." Yubin tried to remove her wrist from his grasp again, but once again failed due to fatigue. 'che, damn that guy coming at 3 o'clock in the morning ruining my night...' 

"I'm not fighting with you. Not like you can fight anyways, it's either your house or mine." Seunghyun momentarily stopped and looked at her with a smirk and look filled with determination.

'huh? wrong with him? he's acting differently... looks like he won't give up today...' Yubin let out a sigh and looked at her surroundings, noticing that they were pretty close to her house already.

"You're going to regret it. Turn left on the street coming up." Seunghyun nodded, but of course already knew that.


They were walking through Yubin's neighbourhood, Her eyes kept on darting to Seunghyun's ace to see a change in expression from the sudden scenary change, but she saw nothing but the same determined face. 

As they got closer to her house she looked up to see a familiar figure waiting outside her house. Seunghyun noticed the person as well and slowed down a bit. 

Yubin looked up at him and felt his grip loosen around her wrist, yet she made no move to remove it. 

Yubin spoke the first words as the stopped a few metres from her front steps. "Why are you back again? they aren't here. go home." 

Seunghyun was blankly staring at the guy in front of Yubin's house. 'Who is this guy? who is 'they'? is he the reason she looks so tired?' 

The guy looked at Yubin annoyed and looked back at Seunghyun. "Your boyfriend? Surprised someone would take on extra baggage like you."

Seunghyun listened carefully to the mans words. When he heard 'boyfriend' he felt a strange tad bit of  relief , since that mean't the guy wasn't Yubin's boyfriend/husband or whatever, but he immediately frowned when he heard him call her extra baggage. He was about to speak up when Yubin  spoke,

"He's not my boyfriend, just some guy. Just go home already." Yubin looked back at the man with a stern look. 

Seunghyun heard the man cuss under his breath as he walked past him. He felt Yubin remove her wrist from his grasp and leave his side walking up the beaten down front steps. 

She quietly opened the door and walked inside. Before completely shutting the door she looked back at Seunghyun with a slight apologetic look, but other than that it was blank and weary.

He heard whisper loud enough for him to hear. "Told you you would regret it." With that she closed the door leaving Seunghyun lost in confusion.

When he snapped out of it, he slowly turned away from the home and made his was home. He felt angry.  A bit at Yubin for calling him 'Just some guy', but mostly  at that man. 'What man calls a girl extra baggage?! Who the heck is he?' Seunghyun felt the need to defend Yubin, he didn't know why, but Yubin was becoming something more to him than just an interesting person, she was becoming something that he had the need to protect.



Woo finally got to updating all 3 of my stories! ^^ I hope this chapter was okay and it's not too confusing and all like "WTF" LOL. I wasnted to add more suspense/drama I guess? so i brought in the mysterious man... who's pretty rude but nice? hmm idk. ;) 

Seunghyun finally gets Yubin to reveal her home ~ I want to get them closer faster... along with showing their true personalities to one another ~

I hope you enjoyed ! please comment and leave your thoughts :o THANK YOU FOR THE PATIENCE AND SUPPORT. <3



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@DTTHI I'll try updating soon!! >x< I have a whole bunch of stuff going on with school atm and I lieterally have been working non-stop for the past 2 weeks :S


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littleswallow #1
Update please!!! I love this :(
Drewhajri #2
Chapter 8: Update please.. I just started reading this!!!
please update the story ~~~~~!! thanks !
KimKeyBummi #4
Chapter 8: Ah hoe sweet i love this story already so keep updating please!!
TooBin_Luv #5
Chapter 7: Ooh. How sweet! Seunghyun bought the top for her! It doesn't seem like a date but if Seunghyun thinks it's one then oh well... a date is shall be ;)

Thanks for the update! Yoobin is falling for him?? Hehehehehe..
TooBin_Luv #6
Chapter 6: I have to say I subscribed to this story before I start readimg the first chapter! Cuz the intro just caught my attention! Seunghyun is such a stalker and is he falling in love??? Haha. I wonder what is going on with Yoobin's life. She's so mysterious! And who's this 'he' she mentioned a few chapters back? Dad? Brother? Boyfriend? Husband?!

Oh no. I definitely want toobin to end up together! Hehehehe. And I am loving this story by the way! Update soon! ^^
what is the life of Yubin?? but i smiled at the ending part XD Update soon
strawberrysohee #8
So seunghyun is a stalker now kkkk so who exactly Yoobin is? Update soon;)
ilikek444 #9
waiting for the next update !!! i think is gona be a love hate relationship !!
interesting ^^ Toobin <3 Update soon