
Crazy You


The next morning Kyuhyun can’t be seen anywhere in the school, it makes Changmin worry to death, he can’t concentrate nor think properly.  He already make up his mind that he will go to that church again after the class, but he was relieved when he see Kyuhyun come to class around 11, Kyuhyun was pale, with blood shot and puffy eyes, he also looks lifeless. Kyuhyun just say sorry to the teacher and went to his seat, after that, he just staring at the window with his lifeless eyes. Changmin found his heart ache seeing Kyuhyun like that. When lunch time come, Kyuhyun immediately stand and go out of the class and without thinking any further Changmin start running to follow Kyuhyun. Changmin found Kyuhyun heading to the roof top, Changmin start to panic when he open the door to the roof top and can’t find Kyuhyun there. He just start searching around when he heard Kyuhyun voice,

“What are you doing here?” Kyuhyun asked in lifeless tone, he was standing on top of safety wall, holding to some bar. He closes his eyes, try to enjoying the wind that touch his skin, but the coolness of the wind only brought the pain back to his heart, to feel the coldness creeping again, the same coldness that covering his heart for this two years.

“I’m looking for you.” Changmin can’t find a proper words to said, he just afraid that Kyuhyun will jump out, heck he don’t even know where that thought came from, “I don’t like to see you like this.” Changmin said while he moves closer to Kyuhyun, “It hurt me to see you like…”

“Like what?! Like what Changmin?! You don’t know anything about me!” Kyuhyun scream while his body starts to tremble. He can’t barely think, all the memory and feeling was bursting out, he feel like he can’t control himself. He was tired, tired of his job, tired to lied to himself that his Siwon hyung was still there that he will be back that his death was a mistake, tired to pressed his feeling towards the boy in front of him.

Changmin take a deep breath before open his mouth, “No Kyu, I don’t know you, but I’m willing to learn, so would you give me a chance?” Changmin asked slowly while open up his hand, “Please Kyuhyun? Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind. I’ll be here for you.”

Kyuhyun open his eyes and looking to Changmin in instant, it was his words, the words that his Siwon hyung will use to persuade him every time he was angry or sad. How Changmin can use the exactly same words, Kyuhyun can’t think about that, the next think Kyuhyun know was that his fortress was collapse, he was falling into Changmin embrace and start to cry again, he cry as hard as that darn day, the day where Heechul came to him and told him that his Siwon hyung was gone forever.

“It’s okay Kyu, I’m here for you.” Changmin tighten his embrace.

“He said he won’t leave me…” Kyuhyun whispers between his sob. “He said I don’t need to worry, that everything will be alright.”

Changmin can’t find a word, he just hug him tightly, as if he can squeeze all the pain away from the fragile figure. He just stares to the sky, hoping to see the sadness to evaporate from Kyuhyun body. Changmin really hope that he can do anything to ease the pain and sadness that Kyuhyun feel, but he know he can’t, so Changmin just stay there, being a shoulder to cry on. They remain in that position until Changmin can hear that Kyuhyun sobs lessen. Changmin peek his wrist to see the time, they already late for the class, with a bit of hesitation Changmin ask Kyuhyun, “Do you want to go to the class?” without releasing his hug. Kyuhyun only shook his head. “Okay, how about if we sit there?” Changmin asked since his leg already starts to complain for staying in the same position for more than an hour. Changmin then guide Kyuhyun to the shadow and when he already sit, he open his arm and Kyuhyun immediately hugs him, he’s not crying anymore but no word came out of his mouth. Changmin just hugs him there, inhaling Kyuhyun sweet scent and with reflect kissing Kyuhyun hair. They were staying in comfortable and warm silence.

It’s been another hour until Kyuhyun releasing his hug on Changmin. Changmin hesistantly releasing his hug too and looking to Kyuhyun eyes, it was red and puffy but he can see a life, a small warm spirit in it.

“Thank you Changmin.”

“…” Changmin stay there speechless, he never heard Kyuhyun talk to him in such a warm tone. Kyuhyun was about to stand when Changmin hold his wrist, “Kyu,,” and Kyuhyun stunt. Slowly Changmin pull Kyuhyun back to sit next to him, and turn Kyuhyun to face him, he can see Kyuhyun expression through his eyes, and it was a longing expression, half of it was filled with desperation. Carefully Changmin brush Kyuhyun cheek, slowly, very slow, he put his hand on Kyuhyun porcelain skin, just like he afraid to broke its fragile heart, so slow with attempt to brush away the sadness on its soul. Kyuhyun start to close his eyes when the warm feeling creeping on his skin, as if it radiates to his heart. As Kyuhyun starts to close his eyes, Changmin daring himself to take himself closer, as they narrowing the gap, as they start to feel each other breath in their skin, Changmin starts to close his eyes when they lips meet. At first Changmin only press his lips, didn’t dare to go further, waiting for Kyuhyun to push himself roughly and start cursing or hit him, but it didn’t happened. Later, Changmin even feel his shirt being pull by Kyuhyun as Kyuhyun start to move his lips, putting his lips in between Changmin’s, lock it in a perfect way. Feeling like Kyuhyun allowing him to kiss him, Changmin starts to make a small move, very gently he start to Kyuhyun upper lips, as Kyuhyun part his lips, Changmin starts to the lower lips, when Kyuhyun starts to respond and reply the kiss, Changmin tilt his head to give a better access for Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun lips taste like chocolate, Changmin love it, it makes Changmin want it more and more, but Changmin try to hold himself, he don’t want to ruin this moment. When Kyuhyun part the kiss, he moves his head higher, resting his cheeks on Changmin’s and hug him tighter, “You’re warm” was said while he try to normalize his breath. Kyuhyun haven’t opened his eyes, he hugs Changmin tightly, as if he don’t want to let him go, as if he afraid that Changmin will go away, left him if he release his hug. Changmin can feel his fear, he hugs him back and whisper to his ear, “I won’t go anywhere Kyu, I will always stay with you.”


Hi everyone,

thank you for reading the story

Super thanks and hugs for the subscribers

I try to put more emotion on the story, I don't know if it works or not,

so please give me comment and feed back, ^^~

I just see both of them in Gangnam fest last week, it was really great performance, but still wish ChangKyu do some duet or stuff,,

I'm like dying seeing Changkyu picture that Kyuhyun post on twitter and how Changmin respond to it when fans asked him about that. Oh, and don't forget their interaction in Do Dream, where Changmin became brighter, and keep giggling, smiling, laughing when Kyuhyun was there (read this in some fan account too). SM should make a duet album or get them in to the same movie or whatever. Why I start rambling about them? So sorry, they just soooooooooooo cute together... >.<


see u soon, 


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 10: CHANGMIN'S MOM???? OMG!!!!!
OMG I saw the title Free Fall and started singing BAP's Skydive
("We can skydive~ Free fall~ Skydive, free fall~")
Haha .. This is so good! Update when you're ready, no rush ^^ hwaiting~~
someday1965 #2
Chapter 10: Are you kidding me? Of course I want to still read your story. It's a good story line, please keep updating and thank you for not abandoning it. Please continue!!!
foodgame #3
Chapter 10: Omg i thought you dropped this fic :"( finally you'reback :) your story is,i think, okay. Quite amazing but their relationship is getting a liitle bit too fast :"< anyways i like your story line. I'm looking forward to your next chapter:>
sagitaboy #4
Chapter 9: pleas author update soon..the story intresting...
BluePhoenix #5
Chapter 9: Is Hangeng trying to test Changmin?
Chapter 9: :OOO Why Hangeng why??!!! Please update soon! I don't like mean hangeng T.T
babyjoonie0912 #7
Chapter 9: Such a nice story!! ^^ It's so fluffy yet cute! ^^
KyuRyuEJ97 #8
Chapter 9: Omgosh it's so fluffy. Hahaha. Nice story! Makes me wanna keep reading. Update soon!^^
KyuRyuEJ97 #9
Chapter 9: Omgosh it's so fluffy. Hahaha. Nice story! Makes me wanna keep reading. Update soon!^^
momocheoreom #10
Chapter 9: awww... It's getting more interesting !! Please update the chapter soon~ I rlly wanna know what'll happen next :)