
The Kiss of Blood

"Hyung! Sungmin-hyung!" Sungmin grumbled in his sleep, tried his best to ignore the annoying voice in his dream. He was to tired to wake up and just wanted to stay in his dream. A dream of the time one year ago when the world was still in order. "Hyuuung! Come on and wake up! We have to talk, quickly!"

"Later... want to sleep..." the sleeping one mumbled and to his side, gasped in shock when someone screamd right above him and then crashed down on him. Since when could you feel pain when you were dreaming?

He blinked sleepy and covered his eyes with his hand as he was greeted by bright sunshine, and an also bright smiling Ryeowook who was sitting right beside him on his bed. "What do you want? What time is it?"

The younger just laughed, grabbed his shoulder and shook him effusive. "Do not be that grumpy, Sungmin-ah! It is still early in the morning... short after sun rise." Ryeowook said with a gently smile. "And seriously, I have to tell you something! Big news!"

Sungmin eyed his friend skeptically from under his hand, tried to find something unusal like a bite mark, scratches or something similar to it and breathed in relief when there was nothing. He groaned and rubbed his eyes again, opened them slowly and sat up. "Okay... what is so important?"

And there was Ryeowook's broad grin again. "First, your parents are back and your mother told me that I should wake you up. Second, you shall hurry up and help them with the bolts of cloth AND thirdly: my mother is going to the city with us! For two entire days!"

Sungmin's eyes widened and a huge smile spread across his face, as he sat up and hugged Ryeowook tightly before he let him go off again. "The city? Ouw, lucky you! When you will leave?"

Ryeowook's shoulders slumped and he smiled sadly. "In two hours... Mom said, she want to reach the city before nightfall... I am sorry, hyung."

"Why are you apologizing?" Sungmin shook his head and smiled, even if he was a little bit sad. "You will go to the city! That is just amazing and I really hope that it will be a nice trip for you! Oh, and bring me something!"

"I will!" Ryeowook nodded eagerly and wrapped his arms around Sungmin's neck. "Everything you want!" Sungmin did the same and wrapped his arms, laughing, around the other. "Nothing special please."

The younger chuckled. "You know me! I will find something really special for you!" He could hear a sigh and could not help but had to laugh at his friends reaction. "Okay, okay. Nothing special, but something that is as special as you."

"Yah! Stop making fun of me!" playfully, Sungmin pushed him away and hit him at the shoulder, was a little bit surprised when Ryeowook just stared at him. "Wook? You okay? Is there something on my face?"

Ryeowook bit his lip and nodded slowly. "Yeah... your face..."


"Ah! I am sorry hyung!" said boy squeaked startled, shook his head. "Uhm... it is just that- that you know... those marks from- from your father... they are gone."

"What do you mean they are gone?" Sungmin looked questioningly at Ryeowook who just shrugged his shoulders, smiled. "Like I said, they are gone. All of them... and I have been wondering why you look so different today."

"Those bruises can not disappear overnight." Sungmin said and stood up from his bed, walked over to the mirror at his cupboard and gasped in surprise and shocked when he saw his reflection. "How... that is impossible..." he over his cheek and his neck, where his father had hit and stramgled him and where a bruise was supposed to be.

"They are gone..." he whispered with an astonished smile, grabbed suddenly for the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, was taken aback. All his injuries, the old and the new, which he had recently obtained, were gone and his body was in perfect health again.

"Sungmin-hyung?" Ryeowook's voice interrupted his thoughts and he turned back to his friend, sat down next to him on the bed when he gaze suddenly landed on the small cup on his bedside table and a small smile spread across his face. "Why are you smiling, hyung?" He slightly bumped his shoulder against Sungmin's.

But the latter just shook his head, smiling. "I just suddenly thought of something..."

Ryeowook smiled fondly and wrapped his arms around the shoulders of the elder. "I wish we could take you with us... I am sure you would love the city."

"Nah... it is okay." Sungmin answered and could hear his parents downstairs. "And I think your mother is waiting for you. The sooner you ride, the earlier you are in the city." He stood up again and pulled Ryeowook also up to his feet. "Come on, I will bring you home."

They left the house, Sungmin promised his parents to be home as fast as he could, and walked through the small village, enjoyed the warm sunshine and the pleasant breeze on their skin.


"Please be careful when you are going into the forest!" Ryeowook grinned cheeky as he hugged Sungmin and they bid goodbye to each other.

Sungmin only rolled his eyes, laughing. "Yes Mum!" he nodded and watched Ryeowook as he climbed on the horse cart to sit down next to his mother. "YOU should be careful that you do not get lost in the city!"

Ryeowook pouted. "You are mean! That was only one time!" he rose a little bit from his seat and waved at Sungmin, when his mother suddenly actuator the horses and the carriage drove off. He almost fell over backwards, but caught himself in the last moment and could hear Sungmin's laugh slowly moving away.

"Be careful, Ryeowook!" Sungmin shouted after him and laughed even when he saw his best friend's red face before horse-drawn carriage disappeared in the distance.

"And now?" Sungmin sighed and looked over his shoulder in the direction of the forest. The summer was almost over and since the nights were getting colder, the leaves of the trees were already stained in a rich gold, yellow and red.

He slowly made his way home and was surprised to find his parents in a living room full of fabrics, while his mother had put on some different silks as a kind of dress.

"Oh Sungminnie! Look! We got a lot of different fabrics in the city! Father promised me to make some beautiful dresses for me, and some nice pants and shirts for you." his mother smiled broadly at him, when he entered the house. Sungmin looked at the countless fabric rolls and was really surprised, because even though his father was an alcoholic and often lost the control of himself, he was a luminary as a tailor! His sense and feeling for good fabrics was unique.

"Uhm... is it okay when I go out again?" the black haired asked cautious and walked slowly towards the stair. His mother looked at him for a moment and seemed to think about his words, but nodded finally. "But be careful!"

Sungmin nodded as well and ran the stairs up to his room, grabbed Kyuhyun's jacket from their first meeting and ran back downstairs. He bid his mother goodbye and left the house again, walked with fast steps right in the direction of the woodland.

He stopped when he reached the edge of the forest. The sun was still shining and her rays were silently dancing between the trunks, while the wind was playing with falling leaves. There were no other noises except the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Sungmin took a deep breath and walked slowly into the forest, strolled between the trees and balanced over mossy stones.

Without noticing it, he went deeper and deeper into the forest. He was not really paying attention on his way, passed the abandoned cabin of the herbal witch and the old accommodation of the hunters. Sungmin was humming while he was walking down a slope and reached the gravel banks of the watercourse which later turned into the creek which ran through the village. He followed the flowing water towards the source until he stopped all of a sudden.

"Damn it..." Sungmin breathed and looked around. He was in a part of the forest, where he had never been before. But why had he stopped? He was standing in a rock crevice through which the water had made ​​its way, slopes to the left and right and nothing but trees. He had not yet reached the source and was not sure about how far he was away from it, if it was even possible to reach it within a day's walk.

He glanced up at the sky. Judging from the position of the sun, it was perhaps noon and when he turned now he would be back home before nightfall. But nevertheless, there was something that kept him in place and somehow forced him to continue his way so he just went beside the watercourse until he suddenly arrived on a huge glade. Standing on a path on whose right, another slope led down further and thus deeper into the forest, Sungmin had a really breathtaking view over the treetops up to the twin mountains, behind which he could see the deep blue of the ocean.

"Woah... really beautiful!" he smiled and enjoyed the view and the warm sunshine. It was a peaceful place and Sungmin had not thought that the forest would also extend to the sea, and maybe he could come back again, together with Ryeowook and Kibum when the two were back.


Sungmin froze in his motion, stopped also breathing. Did someone just called his name? Or had he just imagined?

He slowly turned his head and glanced over his shoulder, let out his hold breath in relief as he saw nothing and nobody. But it was strange. He was sure that he had heard his name and that is was not from the wind. His gaze wandered to the slope and up. "Maybe..." he mumbled, his heels and started to walk up the slope to see how the view was from a higher spot.

It took a while for him to climb up and he was gasping a little bit as he reached an even spot at the middle of the slope with a few wedged rocks that, ages ago, had fallen from higher above and were now bagged in the muddy earth, had now formed a small cave.

Sungmin stared at it for a while, before he turned back again looked at the gorgeous landscape. This was definitely a place Donghae would have loved, he thought with a sad smile and closed his eyes, opened his arms and took a deep breath of the fresh air.


There was this whispering again and Sungmin put his arms slowly down, looked around the trees and tried to find the person which were calling him again and again, but could not see anyone what startled him even more.

His gaze landed on the mossy, wedged rocks. There was something strange with them, but Sungmin could not say what- at least not from afar- and so he strode slowly towards them.

He froze immediately when there was suddenly a dark groan and Sungmin could see that aught moved in the shadow under the stones. He swallowed and looked around, tried to find something he could use as a weapon to protect himself. Sungmin's face lit up as he saw a long and fairly thick branch on the ground not far at his right which he took and held it protectively in front of his body.

"Who is there?" he asked out loud and stepped to the side, narrowed his eyes and wanted to look under the stones to see what or who was there.

"Nnn Hhh..." there was the groan again and a shiver ran down Sungmin's spine as he was only a few meters away and could see a pair of... legs?!

"H- hello?" he said again and lowered the branch. "Do uhm... do you need some help? Shall I call a doctor? You- you should know that we are not allowed to be in the woods at night."

"Just go away..." a man's voice answered him and Sungmin's jaw dropped almost to the ground as he finally saw the man which was lying with his back facing him in the shadow under the stones, noticed a familiar mop of brown hair. "K-Kyuhyun?!"

"Did you not heard me?" Kyuhyun growled darkly and wrapped his arms around his upper body, slid away from Sungmin. "Go away! Leave me alone!"

But Sungmin would not be Sungmin, if he would let a friend alone who obviously needed help so he took a step closer to Kyuhyun and was about to reach out a hand, when the latter suddenly looked over his shoulder. "Sungmin... please..." he turned back and closed his eyes. "Leave me alone... I do not want to hurt you!"


"LEE SUNGMIN, GO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" he sat up abruptly and looked angrily at Sungmin. "TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN BUSINESS! I DO NOT NEED YOUR HELP AND NOW GO!"

Kyuhyun felt a pang of guilt as he saw the hurted expression on Sungmin's face, but he would not risk it to hurt Sungmin or... something worse.

Sungmin nodded slowly and stepped backwards, looked one last time before he slowly walked down the slope. The vampire sighed and layed back down, covered his eyes with an arm. "I am so dead! So ing dead!" he mumbled and winced in pain as he rolled back onto his side, wrapped his arms around his shivering form and could only laugh about his own stupidity.

Leeteuk would probably kill him the moment he stepped into the castle. His Umma knew that he and the others were leaving the lands during the night and pretended to know nothing, but as far as Kyuhyun could remember this was the first time that one of them was not back at home before the dawn.

"What a pity that I must to be the first..." he said sarcastic and sighed again, enjoyed the silence of the forest and hated the fact that he was doomed to wait here for the night while his animalistic side was getting stronger and greedier, and also the hunger for blood grew with every further hour.

Kyuhyun sighed and looked up at the stone which represented the ceiling of his refuge. "Why are you doing never what you are told?" he asked loud and could hear a soft squeaking. "I have said that I do not need your help."

"B-but..." Sungmin muttered and kneaded his fingers, had thought that he was quiet enough when he slunk back to Kyuhyun's hideout and sat down on the upper rock. "Is it my fault that you did not make it home before sunrise?"

"No..." the vampire could not help but had to smile. "It is my own fault, because I could have refused to be with you for so long. I am just glad that I have found this hideout before the sun got me."

"Are you so sensitive when it comes to the sun?" Sungmin asked curious and pulled his legs up to his chest, wrapped his arms around them and placed his chin on his knees.

Kyuhyun yawned and rubbed his eyes. "I am a vampire! A creature of the night! The sun is my natural enemy!"

Sungmin chuckled and grinned. "Okay... point taken." he nodded and tilted her head. "Will your Umma be angry with you?" He could hear a soft laugh from Kyuhyun followed by a tired sigh. "Probably... we all have the silent agreement that we are all back at home before the dawn and yeah... I am breaking this agreement now." He yawned again.

"Are you tired?" Sungmin leaned warily to the side and looked over the edge of the stone, down to the ground where Kyuhyun was laying and looked him straight into the eyes while the latter locked their gaze.

Kyuhyun nodded with a shy smile. "Yeah... I actually sleep during the day, but it would be to dangerous now. I can not risk it to be randomly found... it is already bad enough that you have found me here."

"You can sleep, if you want." a smile appeared on Sungmin's face. "I will keep guard for so long."

The lying one eyed him for a moment. "You are still an incredible person..." he shook his head, smiling. "I am a monster and you should be afraid of me... but you are still helping me." Sungmin grinned and leaned back, propped himself up on his hands and looked at the sky, relaxed in the warmth of the sun. "Good Night Kyu!"

A broad smile spread across Kyuhyun's face as he heard the nickname Sungmin gave him. He streched his limbs and turned back on his side, closed his eyes. "It is nice to see that your injuries have vanished." Kyuhyun mumbled tired and was asleep a few moments later.

Sungmin was completely caught off guard and tried to fight down his blush. "Idiot..." he muttered under his breath and lapsed into silence to let Kyuhyun sleep.


The day passed uneventfully and Sungmin also fell asleep for an hour or two, but it was a light sleep and he woke up everytime he thought there was someone, but it were mostly birds rustling in the branches of trees, or deer and wild boar, which streaked slowly through the forest. He could hear Kyuhyun's steady breathing and the rustling sound of clothes when he altered his position.

Sungmin had slipped to the edge of the rock and let his legs dangle in the air, swung them back and forth. He hummed a melody and was watching the sunset as he suddenly heard a soft yawn from under him.

"Good evening." he chuckled as Kyuhyun mumbled something he could not understand. "Did you sleep well?"

"Uhuuu..." Kyuhyun grumbled sleepy and ruffled through his hair. "Were you here all day? Was it not... boring?" He had expected that Sungmin would be gone when he woke and was really surprised to find his cute human still by his side. He stopped in his motion. Did he just called Sungmin his cute?!

"Ooh... what are you doing with me Sungmin?" he mumbled and stood up, tottered for a moment and supporting himself on his knees. Something was wrong with him, he could feel it.

"Did you said something?" Sungmin asked cheerful while he watched the sun as she slowly disappeared and stretched his arms in the air before he leaned to the side again and looked over the egde at Kyuhyun. "You are a really- are you okay? Kyu?"

Kyuhyun was just standing there, a hand on his cheek and stared with wide eyes at the ground. "Kyu?"

Worried, Sungmin climbed down from the stone and was about to make a step forward as he suddenly heard a dark growl. He stopped and just looked at the other who was whispering something.

"I- I could not hear you." he said in a low voice, did not know what was wrong with Kyuhyun. "Can I help you?"

The vampire shook his head and clung to his knees. "Run Sungmin! Run as fast as you can and do not turn back!" he growled and closed his eyes. "Do not worry about me... run for your life!"

Sungmin's eyes widened as he heard the order and made a step backwards as Kyuhyun slowly looked up and stared dark and hungrily at him. "Your eyes..." his voice was not more than a faint breath but for Kyuhyun as loud as if he had yelled at him.

Kyuhyun was just staring at him, his eyes dark and dangerous while his fangs became more and more visible. The vampire in him, his animalistic side took more and more control over him and he slowly came to a point where he could no longer distinction a friend from a foe.

"Run Sungmin... please..." Kyuhyun said through gritted teeth and looked pleading at the human. "I- I do not want to hurt you or even losing!"

Sungmin gasped as he suddenly realized the danger he was in and stepped slowly backwards to the edge of the slope. "I am sorry!" he breathed, his heels and ran. Since it was getting darker with every further moment, it was it a little bit difficult to find the right way and Sungmin stumbled and slipped over again on the uneven ground, could hear some crashing sounds behind him. He did not know why, but tears were welling up in his eyes and already flowed down his cheeks. It was not because of the fear of Kyuhyun, more because of the fact that it was his fault that Kyuhyun had to suffer now because he had not reached his home before sunrise.

"I am sorry! I am sorry!" Sungmin repeated again and again and had almost reach the path as he suddenly tripped into a rabbit hole and fell with a cry of pain to the ground. "Damn it!" he sobbed and freed his foot, ignored the the stabbing pain in his ankle and reached limping the path and could already hear the gentle lapping of the watercourse.

"AAAH!" he cried when he was suddenly thrown backwards, landed with a painful gasp in the middle of the slope. "No! Not!" Sungmin squeezed his eyes shut and tried to get up again, but could feel that someone grabbed him by his wrists and pinned him on the ground.

The was a dark chuckle and he froze in his spot, saw panicked up and directly in Kyuhyun's face who straddled him with his legs. "No, Kyuhyun! Let me go!" He squirmed under him as the vampir leaned slowly forward.

"Too slow.. my cute little Sungmin!" Kyuhyun whispered huskily and took a deep breath of Sungmin's oh so addicting scent, could hear his blood rushing through his veins. "You smell so seductive... and your blood will be the most delicious thing I have ever tasted."

Sungmin shivered as Kyuhyun's breath tickled the skin at his neck, but sobbed and whimpered painfully as the latter increased the pressure on his wrists. "You- not! You do not have to do this, Kyu." Sungmin said as Kyuhyun was only a few inches away from his neck, his lips already brushing over his skin.

He wanted to brace themselves against Kyuhyun, but gasped in shock and froze in his movement when he suddenly felt Kyuhyun's lips at his neck, just above his racing pulse and waited for the pain when he would sink his teeth into him.

"Your heart is racing..." Kyuhyun whispered and pressed his lips, a kiss, on Sungmin's neck. "I am sorry that I scared you..." He leaned back and loosened his grip around his wrists, wiped one of Sungmin's tears with his thumb away and smiled apologetic. Sungmin could only stare at him and was not sure how to react.

"You... you !" Sungmin cried and tried to kick Kyuhyun, but was still hold in place from him. "Let me go off!"

Kyuhyun smirked and leaned forward again, placed another kiss on Sungmin's neck. "Promise me to not run away." he let a further kiss follow before he let go off Sungmin and let him sit up.

"I will not." Sungmin nodded and slowly sat up, rubbed his wrists. "And I have already said that before, I am not afraid of you! I was just... do not get it wrong, it was just... okay... I was afraid of you." He blushed and smiled apologetic, looked down at his hand.

Kyuhyun took his and in his own und brought them up to his lips, placed delicate kisses on Sungmin's sore wrists. "I want you to do me a favor." the vampire mumbled and looked Sungmin into the eyes, waited until he got a nod in response. He smiled. "Please go back to the hideout and wait there for me!"

"W-Where are you going?" Sungmin asked shyly and did not dare to look up, was blushing madly since Kyuhyun was still holding his hands.

"I will go hunting." the other male said simply and stood up, pulled Sungmin with him. "I can only protect you here, when I have a clear mind." "What you do not have currently." the smaller man laughed and nodded. "Okay... I will wait there."

He was about to walk up the slope again, when Kyuhyun suddenly grabbed him under his arms and raised him to his arms to carry him. "Thank you..." Sungmin smiled and could feel that his heart skipped a beat, when Kyuhyun also smiled at him. "It is everything I can do for you right now." the taller said and one moment later, they were again standing in front of the small hideout where Kyuhyun let go off Sungmin again, supported him gently with his body.

"Do not go out! Just wait in there, no matter what you hear!" the vampire said and assisted Sungmin to sit down under the rocks. "I will be back as fast as I can!"

Sungmin nodded and leaned back, snuggled deep into Kyuhyun's jacket which he was still wearing and watched after Kyuhyun as he disappeared into the darkness of the night.

He sighed and looked around the small hideout under the rocks, was glad that he did not feel the wind here and that it was even a little warm. He listened to the noises of the forest and tried to figure out if there was another human or at least an animal near him, but no. All he could hear was the wind when he blew through the leaves and some owls talking in the treetops, but otherwise it was perfectly calm.

Without noticing it, Sungmin fell asleep.

It was the crack of a twig, whose sound echoed loudly through the quiet forest and tore Sungmin from his sleep. Uncertainly, he tried to look if it was Kyuhyun who came back from his hunting, but he was to afraid that it may could be a wolf or a bear.

There were suddenly steps in the forest, not far away from him and Sungmin's heart beat increased unhealthy. This were not Kyuhyun's steps since he knew that the gear of the vampire was almost soundless.

"COME OUT LITTLE BROHTER!" a melodic male voice shouted, only a few meters away from Sungmin and his eyes widened in fear. That someone was searching for Kyuhyun could only mean that the person outside was also a vampire. "COME OUT, COME OUT! UMMA WANT TO SEE YOU~!"

The sound of the steps came closer and Sungmin gasped frightened, clasped his hands over his mouth in order not to betray himself and slipped as far as he could backwards into the corner he was sitting in to hide himself.

The steps stopped right in front of the hideout. "KUI XIAN~!"

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Chapter 7: Hey, I just happened to come across this story and became addicted after reading it. Not sure if you are ever going to continue with it, but I hope you do because this is really a good story.
EXOfan01 #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon~! Been waiting for ages. :(
I hope you continue this story.. Please >.<
Chapter 7: please update soon autor-nim~
can't wait :3
congrats on being featured =)
DinahLovesKpop #5
Chapter 7: Hi~ new reader here :)
congrats on being featured!
can't wait for your next update > <
TaiShanNiangNiang #6
Congrats on being a feature fic! This is GREAT and I hope you update soon!
Samona #7
Wah so interesting. :D
Awesome story, Can't wait for the next update. :D
wow, congrats for the feature.
Congrats! ^^'