
The Kiss of Blood

Bored, Kyuhyun rubbed his eyes and yawned, streched his numb legs, when he suddenly heared the heavy breathing of someone else right under him.

A smug grin crept up his face, when a addicting scent of blood filled his sense. A human who had broken the rules and came into the forest at night.

Carefully, he left the branch he was sitting on and started to climb down to where he could hear the heart beat of the poor human.

But Kyuhyun stopped in his motion, when he suddenly heard a angrily shouting voice somewhere down under him, between the trees and a quiet sniff, only a few meters away from him.

Actually Kyuhyun didn't really care about his victims, but something told him that he should look after the crying one.

So he carefully stepped closer to where he could smell the blood and could feel the beating heart, but it wasn't a normal beating sound. This person was scared to death...

"COME OUT YOU DAMN BRAT!", the voice was now right under the tree where Kyuhyun was sitting motionless between the branches and was looking at the shivering person in the shadow of the tree trunk.

It was a young man with short black hair, with doe eyes which were red and puffy from his crying and perfect heart-shaped lips.

Kyuhyun gulped when he saw the boy in the dim moonlight, saw the deep purple bruising on his milky white skin.

"I KNOW YOU ARE HERE! I AM YOUR FATHER! HOW DARE YOU TO HIDE FROM ME?!", the man cried again and stumbled over a tree root.

The boy tried desperatly to surrpress his sobs, while tears were flowing down his cheeks.

Kyuhyun sighed quietly and let himself fall down the tree, landed with light steps infront of the man.

"Uuh...", he wrinkled his nose. "You smell distusting!"

Sungmin's father blinked questioningly at the young man in front of him. "Who- who are you?", he asked and lifted the knife he was holding.

"That does not matter.", Kyuhyun smirked as he slowly walked towards the smelling man. "Do you not know that nobody should come into this forest at night? And that everybody who did it nevertheless will never leave this place alive?"

Kyuhyun growled darkly and his eyes turned dark, while his fangs became visible.

"Dear Lord... Who-what are you?", Sungmin's father asked scared as he tried to walk backwards, but tripped over his own feet and landed on his . "A- are you one- one of them?!"

"You should know... these rules are not made for nothing...", Kyuhyun chuckled low with a smug grin and crouched down, leaned forward until he was just a few centimeters away from the shivering and pale male. "Even if you are smelling like something rotten... Your blood will satisfy my hunger..."

The last what Sungmin's father could see and feel, before he passed out, were Kyuhyun's fangs short before they pierced his aorta.

Sungmin was still siting at the huge oak tree and did not dare to look down at his shouting father. He looked down startled, when there suddenly was a second, calm and deep voice.

Carefully, he pulled away some branches and glanced down to the ground, gasped when he saw his father and the knife in his hand.

He sobbed quietly and was about to shout at the opponent of his father, when his gaze landed on the young man, the grin on his face and his... fangs.

"A vampire...", Sungmin whispered, his voice full of fear as he realized what the other was.

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Chapter 7: Hey, I just happened to come across this story and became addicted after reading it. Not sure if you are ever going to continue with it, but I hope you do because this is really a good story.
EXOfan01 #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon~! Been waiting for ages. :(
I hope you continue this story.. Please >.<
Chapter 7: please update soon autor-nim~
can't wait :3
congrats on being featured =)
DinahLovesKpop #5
Chapter 7: Hi~ new reader here :)
congrats on being featured!
can't wait for your next update > <
TaiShanNiangNiang #6
Congrats on being a feature fic! This is GREAT and I hope you update soon!
Samona #7
Wah so interesting. :D
Awesome story, Can't wait for the next update. :D
wow, congrats for the feature.
Congrats! ^^'