Man Talks

Intermediate Prelude to a Love Story (The HyukRi)

Ahhh this is it, APRIL......I love spring! And who dare can hate it??
If they hate spring, they must be freakin' crazy..... Me, Fishy-Donghae, except love to swim and basket ball, I also loveee the spring time. The weather, blossom flowers, singing birds, breezy winds…….aahhh, this season always can bring something romantic out of me.
YES! I am The King of Romantic..... Hate it when the other boys, SuJu members, calling me "the king of tears"! W.T.H??!!! All the tears I've dropped it's because of them! But I don't mind. I do love them all too, so, I forgive them….hehehee....
Wow, it's perfect. This afternoon on "me time" and after bathing, I feel so much relax. My mind is fresher, making me want to start the review on songs for our Super Show 3.
Donghae walks to a desk in corner of the room. I will own this room by my self for the next few hours, so...let's get begin boys.... He takes some papers from the desk, reading a bit, one by one. A sheet of paper is taking his attention.
Hmm....this one song from the project with Chance-hyung of One Way, I believe has a deep purposeful to someone. I mean, all songs must have special meaning on the composer or writer...yes I agree with that, but.....because it's involving my best friend, my buddy, bejeweled Lee Hyukjae...Hyukk, this one is more special.

It was on March 2010 when SuJu held concert in a foreign country, still in Asia but quite far from Korea, I must say. This country is so beautiful, the people are awesome...besides, our fans in here were so unbelievable! I LIKE it all...
The concert of the day has ended and we all back to the hotel, rather late that night. I share the room with Eunhyuk of course, and with our 'eternal magnae' Ryeowook who already slept after cleaning himself. We decided to hang around in the living room, continue the talks for not disturbing the sleeping Wookie.
"We'll meet Chance-hyung in a couple of days, you remember, rite? He asked us to prepare some materials for the project, you know....for discussion, reviews & brain-storming. I have 2 or 3. How about you, Hyukk-ah?"
My closest buddy in SuJu settled there in sofa next to me, hunching up with his both hands rubbing his hair. This gloomy vibe...... I immediately sensed his whirl.
"Is it something wrong?? Hyukkie-ah, are you still searching for the anchovy hat from your fans?" I tried to mock him out.
"Ha. Ha. Haa. Funny...," Hyukk did not laugh. He just imitated the laughs sound.
"'Bro, it's fine if you don't have.... I mean, if you haven't found any materials for the project, I can---"
Eunhyuk responded, lifting his chin up and palms holding his back of neck, saying, "Sure I do have. But it's just awful scratches." He got up from sofa, shuffling off back to the bedroom.
Few minutes later, he passed me the note pages. He's right, it was a messy handwriting.
"Sorry, I wrote it down when we're on plane. Still can't find for the right melody for it, only 2 paragraphs lyrics. So, maybe it can add to something of yours....," Hyukk acted -don't care-, walking past me straight to the window and looking at far out there.
I aimed my eyes to his messy handwriting. Words by words. Sentences by sentences. Phrases by phrases.
I realized something, "....ngg...Hyukk-ah, are you getting your self in a love triangle...again?"
Hyukk bowed his head down, just kept in silent.
I waited for his answer. It has been a quite long time since our last 'man to man talks’ like this. And now, we eventually have another one although it's in the middle of our international tour. Yet, I appreciated it. He wants to share something with me and definitely it’s an important thing.
Fortunately, Ryeowook has fallen into his peaceful sleep, so our man talks won't be interrupted.
But due to his respite reply, I complaint, "Heyy, it's me, Hae-fishy. Your best buddy.....remember? Don’t you trust me??"
"Phewww......." Finally, I heard Hyukk's heavy sigh. "Chill out, Hae. I am not. Once…..and that's enough."
The room suddenly felt wider to me, so I said, "Thank GOD! For a second, you scared me. I mean, this lyric...." Ugh, I find it hard for the right words for him.
"Yeah, harrasseoyyo.... That time, you guys all have told me about her previously. Gomawoo," Eunhyuk still stared at elsewhere place outside the window.
"Aaannd?? Come ‘on……talk to me, 'Bro. You know if you share your problems, you'll feel lighter,“ I encouraged him. “Who knows, if I---".
"I've told you. Just read the notes."
"Yahh, it's unclear. So, ok....let me guess, you are in potentially got into a love triangle.....umm....yes?"


"....ngg...... Worse, I think."
"It's big possibility, will be more than a triangle..... She's just too perfect, Hae-ah,……. Too hard to reach....," Hyukk slowly opened the window, gazing up to the night sky above. "Although in public, guys’re brace not to showing their interest –‘coz of intimidated by her- they adore her much in reality. I can’t bare the competitors! No wonder….. And she’s……umm.……actually at present, is close with me."
Ow….ow….ow…….she must be someone I already knew, from his ‘once in while’ of never ended stories about her. "Then, it must be SHE, ‘eh? A girl who’s been recently co-hosting with you every Wednesday in Sukira……..,"
My buddy has told me about WGM incident on January, her sms during his swine flu, her gladly response at his sms to her about her mom, etc. etc… .
YUP, my best friend is in love with her, a modest-witty-goddess, Park Gyuri. He just wayyy to afraid letting her knows.
Only mentioned 'I like her much', it's all he used to say to other Suju member (and at first, also to me). 'It's normal things, ok?’, he said. What a denial.
Well, it's not just 'like her much', Hyukk-ah. It's obviously-distinctive that you adore her. Even close enough to the next level, like......'loving'?? Hehehehee.... this anchovy is so funny and pure!
I’ve seen many times how my best friend here, were restraining so hard about his feeling towards her. He pulled it all into himself, hiding it up with his ridiculous smiles. Sometimes, when I was with them (SuJu and Kara, together in recording for a show), I can sense that she likes him as well. But, the way she showed it was still random from my point of view.
Despite of my lack-experiences with girls, actually I understand how it caused him in bothersome, working together with someone who he hugely adores….in a same working place and same time at Sukira. How difficult is for him in making further steps, an approach to more than just a good friend of her.
As ancillary, this girl is kind different type of girl he usually has crush on to. Yet, no matter what, I have……..ought to instigate him. It’s a burden, seeing Hyukk in tousled like this.
"Hyukk-ah, I think.....," I stopped a while, firming my tone to get his full attention. Hyukk turned his head back at me. "I think, you really should find the right time, so that, ….umm……you could confess your feelings to her. By any chance, if it’s possible."
" make it sound so easy. It's NOT, Donghae!" Hyukk strolled back and sat on chair, leaning his back and extending his hands and shoulder. "It’s so damn hard!"
"Well, if it's NOW. I mean, you know.... when you two are still working together, sitting side by side like at present in Sukira,...yeah, it's hard indeed. But surely you two are not goin to co-work together like that forever, rite? So, maybe if in the future......," I shrugged my shoulder.
"What about ‘him’ then??”
“Who…..ohh, dat guy??” Aha, I should see it. It was him ‘the other guy’ whom Hyukk is referred to in his lyrics.

“Well…….you can find it out from her answer, can’t you? Yahh, where’s your guts! If you can deal with bungee-jumpings, then why not on this?
”Nahh….it’s different!” Eunhyuk shook his head. “But yeah, if it’s all doin fine, it'll become a dream come true. Wow, Donghae, what you've just said it's moreless like wot Shindong-hyung had told me before months ago."
"Yeah, well…….I understand and agree with him.” Hyukk has mentioned it before. Shindong-hyung was the one who has enlighten him about her hints, including the WGM incident in Sukira.
Hyukk nodded slightly, his cheeks redden at once. "Me too. That’s why, my motto is ‘Be patient’. Ngg.....Hae-ah, would you keep it zipped?"
"This ‘our man talks’? Ohohooo....absolutely! So Eunhyuk-ah, I’m becoming as wise as Shindong-hyung, am I?"
"Hahahahaa....yeah, you wish!" Hyukk laughed heartily, throwing his chair cushion at me. Ugh, I was late. My face! Then he said, "Gamsahamnida, Hae-ah."
Ah, I’m so happy to see my best buddy’s face here was full of shining hopes....again. anchovy-friend with that also same face I saw on yesterday morning. He knocked my room’s door and opened it without my permission, whispering, "Eeteuk-hyung? Is he on shower?"
As I nodded, he rushed into my room and showed me a photo in his mobile-phone. A cup cake. A birthday cup cake from Gyuri, he said. Hyukkie's face was bright like first sun in spring.
"Pssttt, she also gives me this in parking yard.... No one noticed it, I hope." He then revealed a small blue envelope. It's a birthday greeting card!
"What’s in it, whatt.....can I read it?"
"Nehh, it's just a simple greeting. Nothing more....."
"Not always like that," I insisted. "It can probably contain....ngg...hidden messages...."
"Nope. I already examined it through. The words, paper, envelope,... Nope... ."
"Just let me see it....." I grabbed the card from him as polite as I can. Hehehee...well Hyukk, mian, I'm so curious.
It was written :

Happy B-day, Eunhyuk-shi. May you have a long life, more success, full of joyness, friends and stay healthy! PS : You’re making me sad if you get skinnier. So, DON”T! 
;^__^;Park Gyuri

"Ow..ow…," I shook my head.
"What?? What does it mean?" Hyukk took back the b-day card, reading it again.

"....umm....she seems like, care much about you, my friend! She noticed you're getting skinnier currently!" I smirked at him.
"Aiigooo, those are commonly things to say. Even the Sukira's PD told me that... . Besides, I’m not that skinner now. See?” Hyukk unveiled his biceps, visibly very proud of himself.
Ahahaahaa....I held my laugh in my heart. Can't helped it. Eunhyuk's look changed to cloudy. I pressed my smile inside and then pretended was apprehensive at him, "Hyukkie-ah, I said it so that you are not too over-reacted happily 'coz of her card. There, look…..,” I pointed out the card, “She said she’ll be sad if you don’t gain some weights. So, quit that muscled anchovy of yours and start to change as a muscled dolphin! Heheheheee…. .“ I failed, bursting loud my laughs.
My best friend, Lee Hyukjae, just stand there in my room, glaring his sharp eyes on me. But, he then smiled and laughed. His face all was red.


"Hey heyyy......wot are you doin, Hae-ah, smiling by your self? Reading something funny and corny, ‘eh? Or, you just day-dreaming about Sunye again??" Leeteuk-hyung’s suddenly presence is shocking me, bring me back to this peaceful-annoyed afternoon because of him.
Ughh.…/;)*$(*!=+#>,,,…now it's my turns who get embarrassed…hehehee....

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jadejade #1
@dilotcute ; ..yeah..haha...actually once I thought about another present for Gyul from Hyukk, but I want to make this chapter the sweetest of the other my chapters, so...ehehehee...not bad I hope..huhuuu.. A huge gamsahamnida 4 u!<br />
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@honeykeyla ; oooww you're very sweeeeettt!!. Thank you so muuuccchhh...I might have other ideas but what sure I don't have is TIME...hiks.. But, dunno....maybe if magic things can happened in future? hikss...<br />
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**And finally to you all ; silent readers, subcribers & viewers, HWAITING!!! BIG THANKS for your support! See ya...@___@.
jadejade #2
*First of all (whaaa I really forget about this =0), let me say ; HAPPY birthday Eunhyuk-ssi, HAPPY birthday Gyuri-ssi).<br />
As the gift for Eunhyuk&Gyul's birthday and hyukrians, I added a spicy-romans flavor in this story (dunno, "very little?"). Oughhh, hopefully it's not making you yawn while reading it, or a story that you will throw to the garbage bag after reading it...[please don't#____#].<br />
Then, let us all the hyukrian and hyukri admirers get around for a hug...A BIG HUG...hikss. Reading your comments, making me flying to the heart is soo touched by the belle words.<br />
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@sskahino ; kyaaa...u're making wuuoooo....ehmm;-D))).<br />
Well, from the beginning, the story concept was intentionally formed as a semi-documentary-reportage plus a tiny drama in it. That's why, the readers will found barely none conflict in this. I must arrange it as much like as the both group activities in their real life.....which is *&@>$+%#...GOD!! more difficult than if this story is my pure imagination-fiction...ehehehee....<br />
So, my dear friend @sskahino,....MANY3x thank you for your compliments! You know I always love your writings and stories =))). Just keeping on doing your wonderment works, I'll be waiting for yours.<br />
<br />
@ariesmars ; ouch...sooo sweeetttt you're too!!! Great Thanks! I really do hope we all can fall in love again333x to HyukRi couple, and so they gain much more love than hatred & jealousy from the fans.. Duhh those people @___@..<br />
honeykeyla #3
"Gyuri-ah, ...umm....what do you think of me? Me as Lee Hyukjae...... not as a SuJu's member, Lee Eunhyuk? Can I –Lee Hyukjae-, give my heart to you as your birthday gift?"<br />
"I'll be your Umbrella guy, then. I'll protect you....and us, no matter what. With all of my power."<br />
"Hyukjae oppa, I accept my birthday present from you..... ."<br />
aigooo... so sweet!<br />
HyukRi happy ending!!!<br />
ahhh~ totally love it~<br />
<br />
good job @jadejade~ thanks for your hardwork..<br />
i hope u'll write another HyukRi fanfic again..<br />
pleaseeeee!!! *puppy eyes*<br />
i'll always support ur hyukri fanfic..<br />
;)<br />
owh~ it's already finish~ so sweet of hyuk to give her that present XD<br />
hahaha gud job~!! really like this ff :)<br />
<br />
and this is ur last hyukri's ff? :(<br />
sa sad...hope u can change ur mind~ hehehe<br />
hope the best for u~ and tq for this awsome ff~!!
AriesMars #5
sooooooooo sweet, I fall in love with this couple more and more, but, hey, why are you going to stop you writting? please, we still need more hyukri fics T.T anyway, i totally love this story, such a cute couple
Quote: "Gyuri-ah, ...umm....what do you think of me? Me as Lee Hyukjae...... not as a SuJu's member, Lee Eunhyuk? Can I –Lee Hyukjae-, give my heart to you as your birthday gift?"<br />
<br />
→kyaaaa!!!! @jadejade do you want me to die?! It's cheesy but then at the same time SUPER SWEEEEETT!!! My fangirling mode was activated by that line! I almost squealed from my spot...<br />
<br />
Your stories are always light not too much drama it's like an easy communication or an open book, not like mine I think my story's getting lame too much drama on it. I've always wanted to write something like yours but always ending up with a character crying or suffering. :( *sighs*<br />
<br />
I admire your style of writing..wish you could write more HyukRi fics to add on our growing HyukRi stories here but you said that it may become your last fic *SAD* *SAD* ┬┬ ┬┬ Wae??<br />
<br />
Chingu~<br />
If you make up your mind and decided to make another HyukRi story I'll be the first one to subscribe! XDD<br />
I'm gonna miss your writing..<br />
Great job as always @jadejade!<br />
<br />
HyukRi & HyukRians FIGHTING! ^__^<br />
<br />
update~!! reading this make me miss superkara~ -_-'''<br />
hahaha nice update~! really hope to see hyukri together~ kekeke<br />
will wait for next~!! :)
honeykeyla #8
finally, u have updated this fanfic!!!<br />
suju@sstp! super like!!<br />
yay! hope for more hyukri interaction...<br />
i'll always support this couple..<br />
keep updating soon! ;)<br />
AriesMars #9
Hi! OMG I totally loved this chapter! and this story of course ^.^ Teukie is so sweet he's really concerned about , Hyukri fighting!
jadejade #10
aiiiggooo.....@honeykeyla, @sskahino (loooveee u tooo!), @loveunexpectedly, @dilotcute (no, you've written before^__^) and other readers, viewers, many999x THANKS!<br />
Now I feel horror-struct and carrier a weightest load. I've been thinking to skip the Suju-SSTP part....because the story line. Ouchh, please forgive me... very3 must be disappointing....=(((