The Reality of Us

Intermediate Prelude to a Love Story (The HyukRi)
Oaeehhmm…..ouups, immediately I cover my mouth with my right hand. Yah, why do I bother? It's dark now, nobody would notice my less-goddess image which the management has settled on me for these two years now. This movie theater is quite empty since Sunday night is not the best time for most people to get some free time out of themselves.


Tonight I'm wearing none in my face except put on baby powder and lips conditioner along with my casual clothes ; a long loose pale pink turtle-neck sweater, creamy color jacket, skinny blue jeans and covering my pony hair tailed is a dark purple boyish hat.

In screen, Curly is being beaten by Moe again....Hahahaaa...I hear the couple, three lines in front me are laughing together. That's sweet.... I notice too the other couple in my right side, by interval an alley with me. Tcckk....I sigh, leaning back on my chair and although my eyes is watching on forth to the funny scenes, my mind is still buzzed up with things from the moment I entered this theater.


Ah, my dongsaengs, when they found out I’ll interview Super Junior in SSTP, fretful they are! Nicori, Jiyoung and Hara started squealing and bickering about who SuJu member would be perfect sit next to me. Only Seungyeon who were silent, standing stunned there in my room. She was smiling in her meaningful smile.


But early in the morning, after the interview, lines came up from Baby Jing that made all of us shocked. She said, “….ngg…..if it’s according to me, I'm hugely happy that Eunhyuk oppa took a seat next to you last night, Gyuri eonni.” Her with that sweet tone and aegyo smile. Nicole and Hara giggled simultaneously at her response. The two girls agreed to what their magnae has spelled out. Aiigooo....these girls! I saw Hammie said none. With hands folded and her left shoulder leaned against my room door threshold, she’s looking at me, smiling secretive-widely as she knew a secret.


Afterwards I recall, he [Eunhyuk-ssi] phoned me. It’s supposed to be a cheerful conversation, talking about every aspect has happened in SuJu interview on the night before. Laughs, taunting and teasing, hhmmm….;-)))……. However at the end, it’s quite confusing. Our miscom--  no, I’m sure it’s him who misunderstood. Not me. He wanted an honest answer, right? So, I answered and it seemed, this aimed to uneasy thing between us.


The next day on my birthday, my ex-boyfriend phoned me. Yeah sure, it brought me back to those memories. Those sour and sweet memories of us, as presently from the phonecalls, emails and sms from him, I captured his intention to rewrite our story. Ughh…..why now?


At afternoon, an sms from Eunhyuk-ssi was received in my cellphone ; Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone. Happy birthday, Gyuri-ssi. Have blessing days ahead!

His words were so sweet. I really thankful for that but none sms from him later to my reply.  Is he still upset with me?


Afterwards, I noticed from Shindong-ssi’s twitter, the photo he had posted in his twitter. It was his pic with one of SNSD girl……ngg....I won’t say her name (too resentful here) which both were posing cute! Twitter, which he joined into it not just because of SuJu members but also because of my suasion? Hmmppp…….


Even when we Kara, Super Junior and other artists performed together in Dream Concert just yesterday, he seemed unnoticed me then I could only stare at him for a distance. So, for making it more uproar, I posted my photo kissing someone’s cheek who’s actually Baby Jing. But, none respond from him. Nor, smiling messages…..or, laughing at me by phones…. .

Ok, if he remained the way like that, don’t expect me to be carried it on friendly acts. It’s fine if he doesn’t follow me in twitter, but this…..this’s too much.


I sigh. After 1 hour 19 minutes, Curly, Moe, Larry has ended their hilarious actions then closing songs also tittles are playing, and now, I want to try something new. Instead of rushing off walk outside before the lights , I stay on my chair, leaning frontward on the next chair and bowing my head which my face is completely covered by this purple hat shade. I'm acting busy with my cellphone (well, not's true I'm texting my manager eonni =)), ignore the other spectators who wobble off in their groups or with her/his couple. Ughh, the couples…..  

As I didn't hear anybody left in the room, I get up and stride going outside of the movie room. With a bit of sorry to The Three Stooges since they can’t make me fully laugh, I stretch out my arms, tilting my head to the left and right. In brief seconds, an sms alert hit my cellphone.

Shim Yoon MGR = mianhae Gyuri-ssi, I can't. This emergency meeting’s taking me longer. But don’t worry, our associate will pick you up to the dorm. Just walk outside the building. A black Hyundai Tucson No. : ********. Ok, see you tomorrow. Cheriiiooo...

Hmm, it's weird. She’s never done this before, sending a colleague to pick up Kara’s member. Can she be trusted? Who's this, her friend….or, another future business colleague, perhaps? Shim Yoon eonni wouldn’t do something mischievous to me, right? And why in her sms she seems extremely happy? Ouch, I become in wicked prejudice on her. Gyuri, it’s not good! Better you go outside and find out who she is for yourself.


In planning to follow her suggestion a.k.a instruction (& because I'm too lazy for calling a cab ;p), I lower my purple hat to hide up my face, humming and stepping outward the theater. 

Aeehhmm....what a fresher air on pedestrian outside. A few people are traversing on the sidewalks although it's 27 minutes passed 10 p.m., giving me a comfort feeling that I’m not alone. While humming, I begin to scan through the street in front of me. Not many cars are parking on the sides of street tonight so easy to find a black Hyundai that my manager eonni has mentioned about.


There, less than six meters from my stand, close to a bus stop, I see it and someone is sitting behind the steer. I’m walking towards the car and......wait waiitt..... the driver, is a guy? But my manager eonni said her friend, so I thought it must be a female, right? Oohh….could he be, my SS501 oppa? But if he’s one of them , why didn’t she just say so? Assuring myself, I repeatedly look around and yup, there's no other Hyundai car in this street. Hesitantly, I slowdown my treads to the car with thoughts, I'm strong and brave, am I? If anything's wrong happened, I can just scream out loud.

The driver is wearing a dark t-shirt, brown jacket, navy blue scarf and dark blue beanie. He's bowing his head down and both hands are leaning onto the steer. Is he sleeping? I stop humming and stroll close the car, ready for knocking the glass window of passenger seat. Seems in full awareness, as like the guy heard my steps, he tilts up and turns his head to my direction. He looks at me and even under the traffic lights with the crescent moon,.....I can see his face.


Never crossed in my mind, meeting him up here. I 'm surprise. A big surprise, "Eunhyuk-ssi.....?"

*End of Gyuri's POV*


Finally, she comes! Oh, they didn't lie. I've been here for about 35 minutes and start to think, they might be doing pranks on me...again.... but, she's here. Thank GOD!


It's just an sms from Siwon-ah who made me taking this action. He wrote = To be failed is no SIN. It's sin if you're never trying! =0.

That was after sequence teasing from Donghae, always asks me with same theme ; It's about the time, Eunhyuk-ah. What else time you need for this, huh? She soon is going to Japan. Tcckk, you anchovy-ssi!


And of course, the other SuJu member was also mocking me. Uughh, those dorky boys. But, yeah, why I drag the times? What if suddenly I hear the news that she is dating somebody else?'s will be the end of the day of Bejeweled monkey which probably, I will end up in a mentally hospital....bbbrrr..... NOPE, it's not gonna happened on me! So, after the official fan meeting event with my lovely ELF is finished, I drove here. Thank you, my brothers, Kara girls and Shim Yoon manager noona^__^.


Quickly I open the car's door, stomp out of it and walk at her beckoning her to approach me. Then about 1 meter from her, I........I aim my sight on her. Gyuri-ssi, although under the dim street lights, her boyish purple hat, bare face and casual clothes, still is unsuccessful hiding her simply beauty. Stupid! I'm standing there stupefied.


She's the one who first into react. "Eunhyuk-ssi?? Helllloooo......," she slightly waves her right hand upon my face, bring me to the real world.


"Ah, Gyuri-ssi. Come here. I already reserved this chair for a goddess tonight." While saying it, I'm rushing open the passenger door for her.


She steps approaching the passenger side of the car then facing me, still blinking and widening her eyes, seems can't believe her own eyes, "Eunhyuk-ssi, why you--, I mean.....aren't you afraid of preying eyes here?"


"Hurry then, come inside." By my words, she enters the car taking the passenger seat and I still hold the car's passenger door for her, "I was near and info resources that you're in this vicinity, I'm," I suppress my nervous the best as I could, smiling at her.

When she smoothly shifts next to me, her scent is sniffed by my nose. Rose, orange and cherry.......I close my eyes because of it for a brisk then I close her door, rushing to my driver seat. Goosshh, her aroma. Somebody, please anybody.....don't you dare wake me up! Although I catch her little hesitant, so glad she doesn't look mad or annoyed. In rush again, I'm back to my driver seat.


"Your resources? My manager noona was one of them?" she asks while I was about to close my door.


I gulp involuntary, prefer not answer anything. Not now.


Seems Gyuri understand it. "A new car?" she watches me with her laughing eyes.


It's my turn, tempting her, "Yup, it's just one of our collections. Like it?" I gaze at her, still not turn on the car's key.


"Ahh you......" She's smiling to me on abashed face. Her eyes are .....smiling too, directly looking at me. Heeyyy it's me who do the teasing but why I'm the one who has shamefaced? Damn!! My belly's starting to feel funny like some geese are walking on it. I can sense my palms are becoming bloodless which this blood prefers overheating, comes up towards my face. I grip the steer harder for neutralizing it. Right now I'm shamefacedly for sure. But.....heheheee...I spot she's embarrass too.


Set aside her embarrassment, she asks me, "No really, Eunhyuk-ssi, why're you here? Never knew that you and my manager noona know each other that close and.....umm.......(She's gazing around) is there any hidden camera for the tv pranks, gag shows here? Or, is this like, Suju and Kara will make a music project together?"


I release my soft laughs upon her exaggerate questions. "Not one of them. There's no any hidden camera. think I lie?"


She smiles as a response, while her left hand is playing front side of her purple hat.


Then I ask her, "Are you in the middle of 'Me Time', walking around by yourself?"


"Yeah. Sometimes people need their own space. My manager eonni told me about this movie theater few times. So, I think wanna give it a shot."


"...umm....Three Stooges?" I nod at the preview poster in exhibition walls of the theater.


"Why not? Old movies are my favorite too, you know....."


"Ah, I see. Miss your parents, huh?" I say it while adjusting the inside rear windows.


She only sticks out her tongue to my question.


I smile at her, "Okayy.... But from my opinion, it's unsafe. You.....a girl. A beautiful one, [She smiles shyly when I said it.] .....walking alone? At these hours, in a northern part of city corner like this? Even as brave as you, NO," I shake my head, "I don't think so. Especially when I, Lee Hyukjae, is around....umm....this is why I'm here tonight. You definitely need a bodyguard. Not too late for an action, am I? But, of course if you don't wan-- ...."


Gyuri's widening her eyes which make her cuter, eventhough with that boyish hat.


"Well....I don't wanna to be a rude person. Fine I think, having an to my dorm tonight," she pouts and flaps her pony.


"Not just an . A bodyguard! Ok then, fasten your safety belt and perhaps, your birthday gift-- a small gift will follow. This won't break your curfew, right?" I tighten my seatbelt.


A bit askance but Gyuri then clicks her seatbelt button, saying, "Mwoo? Heheheee....,". The word 'curfew' made her chuckles with that kind aegyo chuckle from a goddess, covering by her back palm while doing it.  "I'm not Baby Jing. I'm Kara's umma. Heheheee.... It's fine, I already asked permit to my manager. You said my birthday gift?REALLY? Oww! Ok, Hyukk oppa. Let's go!"


My hands are weakening on steer as I heard she said that 'oppa' word. I clear my throat and say, "But this has to be first....." I turn up the radio to a random station which coincidentally is playing a full-house music kind of.


She shakes her head, " want to do some dances now? May I choose another radio station whose more appropriate broadcast?" As I nodded, Gyuri presses the radio button three times before she found one station we both agree.


"Aiiissshhh....and they said you like this kinda music too....."


"Who said that? That's a lie!" She smiles bashfully.


I detach my laughs then glimpse deeply to her eyes, "Come on, I'll show you a place before going to dorm." I plug in the car key and starting the engine, heading this Hyundai to the left direction, "Ok. Here we go."


The sky tonight is very clear so we agree to open the car windows, instead of using the car air conditioner.


#End of Eunhyuk's POV#



" it far?" I admit there's a mixed tone of dubious and curious in my voice.


"In this traffic? Need less than 15 minutes from here and 20 minutes to your Kara dorm. Don't be scared, Gyul-ssi, I won't do any harm on you, " Eunhyuk-ssi turn his face at me, giving me his calmly smile. "If you're still worried, here.....oupss, sorry--,"

At sudden he inclines his shoulder to my seat, making me tug a bit. His motion decreases our range to centimeters while his right hand is reaching a thermos bottle out from my chair's back bag. Besides sensing raised heat on my cheeks, I can flash scent his body cologne aroma. It is musk, bubblegum and...umm....sandalwood.

"--here's hot moccachino," he gives me the thermos, "Just pour it to me if I do bad things on you."


Ahahahaaa… laughs burst out. I was about to manage my throbbing heart caused by his sharp glance and a quick move he just given me, then this... .

Receiving thermos bottle from him, I only can utter, "Aiiiggooo, Eunhyuk-ssi.... ."


With wrapped palms around the thermos on my lap, I'm sitting quietly beside him. He must be prepared this in short time.


"So, how've you been?" he asks later on.


Hm, we've just met yesterday and he asks like we never met in months. "Been doin good, thanks. And you?" I deliberately used informal kind of talks, while wish off the front side of my purple hat to its right, feel like wanna be in hip hop style this time.


"Great. Me? you can see." He shrugs his shoulders. "Gyul-ssi, this our short trip is not.....ngg.....against your will, or something, right? You are not-I mean, if you're objected I just turn the car and we can go directly to your dorm."


Is Eunhyuk-ssi challenging me? "You are spoiling our rendezvous if you keep talking about me going to dorm," handily I said. Ah...look at him, smiling on his redden face like that!  Eunhyuk-ssi is sure a shy guy.


But then he gazes at me for seconds and back again put his sight forward, smiling and saying, "OK. I agree with that. It's our rendezvous....."


=End of Gyuri's POV=




Hmppp, looks like Gyuri-ssi is tempting me, so, I replied her that. I can handle it as well as I can handle this my manager hyeong's car had borrowed me. My confidence reactivates. Me, as the best driver among SuJu members ...ehm...=))). I hide up my tickle seeing her response to my teasing just did. She's cheeky smiles and pinky cheeks. Smoothly I move the accelerator pedal of this car as our talks continued to random themes, including to my preparation on repackage album, her night radio show in SSTP (so proud of her!), the schedules, funny weirdness of our each member group, potential new comers/artists and more.


Afterwards....she is quiet again, seemingly busy with her own thoughts.


The ambience is later cracked by my voice,"Gyuri-ssi, I have promises to you when you're resigned from Sukira, right?" [Gyuri tilts her head, trying to remember. Then she nods and simpers]."But why you never ask me......even for once?"


She raises her eyebrows. "Aiigooo, Eunhyuk-ssi. Why you said that...... I never ask for it 'coz it doesn't need to. Instead, I'm the one who have to say 'sorry' for not congratulating personally to you about Bonamana album. So,...ngg...please forgive me... ."


"Yahh, that's nothing! Kara had sent that funny and beautiful e-card, right? That 'Thank You' wish in our Suju 4th album also can't be granted either. So, considered it's as same," I smile ludicorusly.


After a moment...... "Hey, we're here."


I tell her, this place was accidentally found months ago when me and my High School friends were on the way back from his new apartment. As the sun was going to sink, the car had flat tire, forcing us to stop and changing it with the spare tire. Having it done, we decided to take another road and further breaths, driving to this rest area of outer ring road. By surprise, we found it. Not many people knew this location since it's unpopular vicinity. People much prefer other rest location with lots of café and merchandise stores. The more the merrier, they said. But here, there is only a small coffee shop and 24 hours of an old gas station also as a chain store.


As the car entered the entrance gate, I wave to the security guards, muttering to Gyuri, "Free of charge hour.....," then reside the car in parking lot, 3 meters from a wooden bench, "OK, this's the place I've told you about."


Gyuri put thermos onto the dashboard, calmly unfasten seatbelt. After I opened her door, she steps out of the car by her usual grace, timidly walking besides me seems more curious than afraid to see what the place is. There, to a winding path with the wooden fence at the edge of it, stretched along next to the bench.


I see a couple is walking onwards with holding hands from their car to the chain store in opposite direction. Ughh, I'm jealous of them!


But.....yeah! Only God knows how gleeful I'm tonight. Not even in million years, I can have her with me like this when we are alone. No other Suju members, Kara members, managers, fans,.....with us. Only us. Hmmm.... I must be in fantasy.


#End of Eunhyuk's POV#




Eh what, this looks like a usual place.....a rest area? Eunhyuk-ssi is taking me to a flat ground at left side of the parking lot with some picnic wooden benches and each of them illuminated by garden lamps attached to its light pole. There are three blossom cherry trees near the coffee shop while some pots of blossom gardenia are between benches and the chain store, embellishing the area and creating a layback atmosphere.


But, it's not them what my eyes are pulled by. Down there across the border fence, probably one meter's a savannah. A savannah of luxuriant flowers. Daisy flowers, lots of them! Maybe thousands of white, pink and yellow daisies gathered in such location spreading out like a giant tapestry in more less an acre of field until the limit of nearest villages whereas at far, their lamps likewise hundreds of glimmering fireflies.



I got enthralled by this romantic scenery, almost in seconds.


"Ooooouuwwww.......," impulsively I exclaim seeing the place, putting palms to my cheeks.


"...umm....what do you think? Pretty amazing isn't?"


"Pretty amazing? This is unbelievably amazing! Magical.....I feel like, there'll be an elf or a fairy show up at any times! Those flowers...... ." All of my attention goes to panorama of the flower field. "How come there're so many daisies in there?"


"They said this field should become a golf court or something but the land owner disagreed and they planted daisy in there." Eunhyuk-ssi points his finger to the coffee shop about nine meters to our stand. "They're the owner. Too bad it's closed at these hours... ."


"It's fine, Hyuk-ssi." I really enjoy this magical view, smelling those flowers scent as deep as I could. Hmmmm......their sweet aroma are complying my lungs.


"That time, when we had flat tire, was sunset. So.... if now is time close to sunset, it would be better view."


"You're kidding? Tonight is perfect! Look at that.....," I stand leaning against the fence, admiring the beautiful scene next to me.


The moonlight is sharing her shiny glows to the daisies. The breezy winds, blowing them in frequent randomly rhythms....white, pink and yellow waves... It's just like paintings of ancient panorama. It’s so quite here, besides the faintly sound of songs from the car's radio [which the both windows are still open], we only can hear the wind blows and the whizzed sound they made, melodious song from a different world. A different nature of night world and it's not even a remote area.



"Thinking about someone?" suddenly he asks.


Upss, how does he possibly know? Yes, Eunhyuk oppa, I do thinking about my ex-boyfriend. But it's a flash of thinking, not more than that. "No, I'm nott... What is this, an investigation?" I reply. Yes, I lie oppa.....sorry....


He smiles a little, "When was the last time you ask yourself 'how are you', Gyul-ah? Don't forget, whenever you ask yourself this and the answer is 'bored or tired', you can always goin here. And of course, you’re allowed to ask me for come along....."


"Aiissshh.....," I chuckle, looking at him for a brisk then seeing the daisy waves again. As so he does the same.


Shindong-ssi once blurted out commenting that about 2 years ago, Eunhyuk-ssi was experienced a quite painful relationship. That's way, until now Eunhyuk-ssi always focus completely on his fans. Super Junior's fans ; ELF. All he wants to do in this world (besides to make his parents and noona proud) is making the fans happy. But then Shindong-ssi won't continue the story. It's too personal, he said.


Figured out what it feel, I whisper to the night air, "Always remember to forget the troubles that pass your way....but never forget the blessings that come each day."


"Ah, a wisdom advice. For whom…?" he simpers but remains taking his sight upfront. "Well, thanks anyway.”


A peaceful sphere is emanated. Hm, I looveee this fragrant, those flowers...the daisy field... .



“Ehm, Gyul-ah......for your birthday. Until now, I haven't given you any birthday gift. I still confuse on what present I should give you....sorry..." he bitterly smiles.


"My birthday gift? Oh, no need thinking too much about it. Your greetings are enough for me. This, you’re taking me to this beautiful daisy land, I can take it as my birthday present,” I smile at him. “So, very gamsa…..Eunhyuk oppa."




We then talk on and on until our talks are getting into topic of Hyun Bin-ssi and Song Hye Gyo-ssi. We both admire them as a bright actor and actress, also about their roman relationship. However it's kind of surprise him when I sigh, saying in gloom, "'Thou I think, it'll be muuuucchhh better if they keep their relationship between them only. Celebrities, they don't have normally life like other people with normal kind of job. Their chaotic schedules.....riot-lovely fans....the buzzing press and crazy paparazzi..... umm... that'll be sure a disaster. My umma also said the same. It's not for public consumption."

He must remember, my mom was a quite famous actress when she’s younger.


To my statement he looks at me for a moment. He might wonder, am I talking about myself ....or, do I refer the sunbaes condition to my own story?


"And….ngg--…….my umma also said, it's impolite staring at someone like that," sheepishly I response at his behave.


"Upss....sorry, Gyul-ah. It's just--, I agree with you. A hundred percent," he nods a few times.



Eastern wind comes at seconds, blowing the air around us.... bringing a smell of wet ground after touched by the rain from faraway land. My favorite kind of nature smell. But it also quite cold, making me shiver a bit.


"Getting cold here. Gyul......are you ok? You look pale and shaking. Here, take my scarf."


"Noo.... It's fine-- "


Disparaged my hesitant, he insists me to wear it, replying none but unwind his navy blue scarf, putting it gently round on my neck and shoulder. I'm shocked at the distance between us now.

We're standing close. So close..... Then, he gives me those looks in his dark brown eyes. Those tender, warm, sharp, caring looks....with a splash of passion in it, that gaze which usually a man will about to.....


Oww, my body heat is rising up, turns me into some feelings of unstable. Either to run or hugging him so tight. Butterflies are flying freely inside my tummy....tapping their tiny feet and wings..... Oh God, what should I do?


=End of Gyuri's POV=




She looks at me and I return looking at her too. Time seems freeze at once.


Everything you need to see can be seen by your heart, nothing worth seeing is just seen by your eyes. Her beauty is beyond skin deep. She's a simple and modest girl inside, not like her famous image!


My pulse is accelerating, I'm mesmerized...crazily.


I've been thinking a lot about her. And I mean, A LOT! At first, I thought she’s just one of another belle face in entertainment world but after getting to know her more in real, I realize that ‘goddess’ is just a concept. A ridiculous mask of hers.

Gyuri, eventually, you can reveal yourself, as our working times together -on air & off air-, I can see who you really are. You who're always smiles at my jokes, even on those lame & cheap ones….your kindhearted yet strong will to your dongsaengs & yourself, your fierce eyes & witty talks while at same time you're smiling bashfully. You who listen to me and look up to me, honored me, argued with me but at the end agree with me^__^...

I began to like you more, adore you more....starting to fell in love with you.



By gather my most bravery, I say, "...umm...actually I do have this present for your birthday gift.. But, I don't might not as what you wish for. Don't laugh, ok....I'm serious."


"Ok....,” she raises her eyebrows. “What is it?" Uncertain is pictured in her glossy eyes.


God…..her smiling eyes is more luminous than those fireflies of mid-summer!


Yet I never have certainty, as she also give her smiles and laughs to other guys. Still I can't be sure that she -herhints, cues, etc.- must be only for teasing me....doesn't really mean something deeper on her. I only hope those are reflection of herspecial feeling for me, Lee Hyukjae......and not Lee Eunhyuk, a Super Junior member. Hope this will make her understand. Now it's the right time for me to make it clear and obvious. I was ready to know what she's going to react on me. To my question.


A prelude of a western song is being played by radio in the car which we forgot to close the windows. It's so dramatically and a bit romantic that time....


We’re listening to the entire song, never intend to break out the moment.... Gyuri and me are swayed and hooked up by the atmosphere surrounding us.



It's been so long since we took the time

To share words from deep inside us

We're in our own world spinning our wheels

But you know how I feel


Well since the first time I took your hand

My love for you has just been growing

You always seem to understand

You know how I am



I'm gonna love you 'till the end, I'm gonna be your very true friend

I wanna share your ups and downs, I'm gonna be around


When you're alone and I'm away

Don't be sad don't be afraid

I'm gonna turn my thoughts to you

Like I always do…….



I'm gonna love you 'till the end, I'm gonna be your very true friend...


Catch you when you fall, Hold you when you're down

Sharing every moment, I wanna show you all I do

I believe I've found a miracle in you



I'm gonna love you 'till the end…. I'm gonna be your very true friend...[MLTR]



"Gyuri-ah, ...umm....what do you think of me? Me as Lee Hyukjae...... not as a SuJu's member, Lee Eunhyuk? Can I –Lee Hyukjae-, give my heart to you as your birthday gift?"


#End of Eunhyuk's POV#




I’m getting absorbed by this ordinary beautiful view in front of me and the song. This is my aunty favorite song because her husband was proposed her by singing this song.

So, when a man next to me asking a question, a very extra sudden question, it does making me gasp a bit.


I know it. This is the time. Something feels like clogged in my throat unexpectedly. Yet his next words, wasn’t be an unpredictable-unexpected thing, right?


"You might notice it for a while now, but still I'll gonna say it anyway....have to. I develop my feelings to you, Gyuri-ssi. I might not a perfect man and I can't promise that if you're with me you'll be always happy. But I promise, to be there with you no matter what, lighten your sorrow and sadness... Gyul-ssi, saranghaeyyo...."


Accumulate feelings.... Develop feeling from a friendship....


I can sense his examiner eyes is arching straight at me, search for something unusual. And because of it, my heart is start pounding harder. These palms of mine are getting chill yet the blood is skimming, swift overheating inside my body and reddening my face.

Aaahh, I'm embarrassed! Horribly embarrassed... But I pretend to be cool, inhaling and exhaling deeply as I walked to the nearest bench, sitting on it. From my corner sight, I notice his eyes trail me off.


Evoke a smile............and good memories....


Aberrant type of my ideal man...but he's a reliable, dependable and from the info I've got, he's a descent man... .


I hear his steps coming over me. He sighs then resides, sitting next to me at same bench. There's one meter distance between us.


He turns his face at me,  "You're not mad at me, aren't you?"


"How can I? I-- can't mad at you."


"Good then…..umm….would you-- "


"But why?"




"Why you choose me? Why me, Hyukjae-ssi?" A strained hesitancy tone was implied in my voice. And I called him by his actual name, so he could understand that we’re talking here as two of ordinary people. Not as celebrities.


He did catch it, taking a really deep breath before saying, "Why-- ? Gyuri-ssi, you can't question's just  happened. You just can feel it. don't feel the same way.....," his eloquent eyes are looking at me straight to my heart.


He gives me not so original answer, but--..... . "How's our friendship? I really treasure what we have now, Hyukjae oppa. I'm afraid.....I can loose it, loose you as my good friend somehow if we--. I do also have to think about Kara, my yo-dongsaengs. I care less about my self, but not for them. Fine if people hate me. But if because we’re close then they hate us –Kara-….what should we do?"


Hyukjae-oppa is a smart, thoughtful and serious person.... His compliments, and supports are encouraging, inspiring me always. Someone I can hold-on and count-on to, through this stormy live of me.


Beyond all of that, I realized I already fell for him. but, we both're about our career, our managements, company,  fans....lots of fans of him are obsessive and possessive just as Heechul-ssi had told me. 


How about the consequences ; career, dating secretly, bla blaa..... ouuhh….what should I do??




"I'll be your Umbrella guy, then. I'll protect you....and us, no matter what. With all of my power." His eyes are still directed at me. 


I sigh. Not yet giving any words to him. Then, I get up strolling towards the wooden fence, eyeing those daisy flowers again.



Why are you taking so long for this, oppa? Don't you know, I've been waiting long for you? It's you who could see me in truth, could find out what's me exactly, accepting my flaws, who strengthen me so I can put aside my mask just because near to you?



"Tell me, what's your answer, Gyul-ah? My feelings to you are true. Please, believe me.....," I heard his persuasion pleaded voice.  "You're relationship with anyone....or, back with him, your boyfriend, are you? I mean---," he's waiting for my answer.



      "NO....I'm not," I shake my head, talking to myself. I've been thinking....that I've made a right decision. Yup. I think I'm.
Eunhyuk-ssi, I let you seeing inside of me, knowing who I'm up my self for you, letting mine become fragile while I'm doing it.....opening up my heart for someone's entrance. Looking me in real, inside my heart, ....and as you have see it, can I trust you?


He then follows me, standing lean against the fence about at same distance when we’re on the bench.


"I thought you're still upset with me. Hyukjae oppa.... OPPA....of course this word is meant something on me, You, have meaning more than something for me. Please don't be misunderstood me when I say you're not my favorite member of SuJu," I smile, teasing him."You should change the question. It supposed to be who's my most favorite SuJu member among all of you guys.... In that case, my answer will be different."


I'm pointing my eyes to his, "You might not know this but I-- I too develop feelings towards you, Hyukjae oppa.... I always show you my force, but you know I'm actually weak. Youbecome my 'abutment' upon those of tired, fidgety, afraid, worry and down. Helping me up to the surface, to be the strong Park Gyuri."




"Hyukjae oppa, I accept my birthday present from you..... ."


                          There’re seconds of his startled. He widens his eyes at me in disbelieved.

"God, are my ears fooling me? Gyuri.....are you are telling me the truth? You don't lie to me, do you??"


I just –again- shake my head to reply him, giggle upon his uncertain face. What a cute and serious guy he is… .


'But oppa, you must promise me-- don't break our friendship, please? This is the most important thing to me. Promise me to be my best friend no matter what, even if we can't go through this our romantic journey as …ngg-- sweetheart couple? Promise me to be around...what ever happened, stay close to me no matter what?"


He's looking straight to my eyes and soul when he says, "I PROMISE, Gyul-ah....."


Something in his expression, his tone voice, his firmed eyes... Something about his words and his steady figure when he said it.....affected me, convince me. I swing my body at him, facing him ......which he then takes two steps at me.


The wind blows as we both moved to an embrace, when he holds me in his kinda loose hug, I tighten my arms and he does the same, I-- again, scent his musk sandalwood aroma. It paralyzed me. My trembled  body and knees are weakening yet I can feel that he will, somehow, could give me back the strength.

His chin is now above my forehead then he moves, his right cheek is now touching attached on my upper side of right side of face. I'm tiny compare to him but also feeling in comfort and perfectly protected under his arms. Warmth is filling up my heart.


"Me too, Hyukjae opaa. I PROMISE the same to you too......" I whisper to his ear.


=End of Gyuri's POV=




"Some nights I've been dreaming that when we're together then at a sudden you're gone. I call out your name for times….but you didn't appear. I'm afraid you'll fall down somewhere, get hurt,.....injured... I fear, that you'll leave me to---"


"To where?" She shakes her head, "Hyukk-oppa, I have nowhere to go except to your heart...." in conclusive, she says delicately to me.


*Gyuri, does she know that in my dreams I hear her voice always..... I feel her whisper across the nights. Keeping her with me in my heart which makes life easier when it's gets hard.I've been waiting for a love like this.... .


Every time I say goodbye, I'll wait for you..... I promise you.....I will. We both hear the music fill the air then I put a flower in your hair.... Though the breezes through trees, moving so're all the beauty I see As the world keeps spinning round, you hold me right here and now on until next time...

I'm hoping...... it'll last forever.... /*JM.


Aaahhhhh.....are my feet still landing on earth? Or am I flying to the sky? I'm such OVERWHELMED! Soon by tonight, I'll talk to Eeteuk hyeong and manager hyeongs. There are some lines in my rap lyrics which need to be replaced and re-recorded. Not just in the ‘No Other’ song but also in Eeteuk hyeong’s ‘All My Heart ‘ song.


GOD.......hope they would listen and agree to what I'm gonna say.


"You know, Gyul, for a moment I was so scared...."




"I'm afraid you'll ask me to sing that song again...You know, for assuring you.... Remember, that song? When we're on Miracle Show, back in 2008?" I look at her, smiling stupidly.


"Tcckk.... Hyukjae oppa, you can if you want to. I would love to hear you're singing for me once more......" she chuckles in radiant happiness while still in my arms.


"So, it's the reality of us, we can be the real HyukRi?"


"No, it can't be. It SHOULD BE the real HyukRi...." Gyuri’s eyes are solid yet tender, looking right to my eyes.


I gladly laugh on hearing what she have just said while those words from her magnae in Kara are replaying in my head. A New Year wish from a teenage girl for her gorgeous-loving-fierce eonnie : On this year, I hope someone can tame eonnie’s heart………….

Hmm, baby-Jing, apparently your wish is granted. Thank GOD!

I smile glowingly, my beamed eyes stare back at Gyuri. Her teary cheerful eyes are reserving my strength. I give a deep kiss, representing of my whole heart,  on her upper head. And again, embrace her tightly…feeling much of at home already.


People maybe understand it when there're boundaries towards us, celebrity. I've written once about it.... That is important.

Nevertheless, there's something means more important to me.This something is you, Gyul-ssi. With you I found parity and balance in me. You to me, are incomparable.


#End of Eunhyuk's POV#




On the way to Kara's dorm, as the radio is playing 'Valentine' sing byMartina McBride, Eunhyuk's right hand was holding Gyuri'sleft hand, both seem prepared to everything that will against their way.


Accompanying her to the door of ground lobby of Kara's dorm, Hyukk is humming for Gyuri :


>>>There's no one like you, even if I look around it's just like that....where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you, a gift good like you. How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me. Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me, a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me.

Your two warm hands get cold when I'm cold, your heart which used to be strong gets sensitive when I'm hurt. To silently take my hands, to silently hold me, I only wish for those small comforts. You don't know this heart of mine, which always wants to do more for you......


Again, the both are tighten their both hands.....twice, before Gyuri is taking her steps, going to the elevator.


The future is welcoming them for going inside, a love story ...a lovely journey has just been continued for them ; Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) and Park Gyuri..

There's no other things except love that can make you weak,vulnerable, disoriented, bitter, sad, cry, longing for.......and yet,there's also no other things except love which can make you strong,brave, happy, cheerfully, confidence, ....

=== ## ===



Jason Mrash (?), thank you.....I use your 'Lucky' lyrics a bit in my story. Because your words're so sweeeetttt and I found those match with this Ff.......again, thank you!

And for all sweetest readers, subcribers......many33x THANK YOU ; @ariesmars, @dilotcute, @honeykeyla also others who I can't mention each of your names ....many GAMSA! Please apologize for my late update. PLease also sorry for my imperfect English.... hikss...

I would love to know your comments although it'll sure making me scared.. And for your information, this may become my last HyukRi story...hiks...hikss.. T____T.... So, looking forward to reading some new Hyukrians here and everywhere. HyukRi and hyukrians ; HWAITING3x!

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jadejade #1
@dilotcute ; ..yeah..haha...actually once I thought about another present for Gyul from Hyukk, but I want to make this chapter the sweetest of the other my chapters, so...ehehehee...not bad I hope..huhuuu.. A huge gamsahamnida 4 u!<br />
<br />
@honeykeyla ; oooww you're very sweeeeettt!!. Thank you so muuuccchhh...I might have other ideas but what sure I don't have is TIME...hiks.. But, dunno....maybe if magic things can happened in future? hikss...<br />
<br />
**And finally to you all ; silent readers, subcribers & viewers, HWAITING!!! BIG THANKS for your support! See ya...@___@.
jadejade #2
*First of all (whaaa I really forget about this =0), let me say ; HAPPY birthday Eunhyuk-ssi, HAPPY birthday Gyuri-ssi).<br />
As the gift for Eunhyuk&Gyul's birthday and hyukrians, I added a spicy-romans flavor in this story (dunno, "very little?"). Oughhh, hopefully it's not making you yawn while reading it, or a story that you will throw to the garbage bag after reading it...[please don't#____#].<br />
Then, let us all the hyukrian and hyukri admirers get around for a hug...A BIG HUG...hikss. Reading your comments, making me flying to the heart is soo touched by the belle words.<br />
<br />
@sskahino ; kyaaa...u're making wuuoooo....ehmm;-D))).<br />
Well, from the beginning, the story concept was intentionally formed as a semi-documentary-reportage plus a tiny drama in it. That's why, the readers will found barely none conflict in this. I must arrange it as much like as the both group activities in their real life.....which is *&@>$+%#...GOD!! more difficult than if this story is my pure imagination-fiction...ehehehee....<br />
So, my dear friend @sskahino,....MANY3x thank you for your compliments! You know I always love your writings and stories =))). Just keeping on doing your wonderment works, I'll be waiting for yours.<br />
<br />
@ariesmars ; ouch...sooo sweeetttt you're too!!! Great Thanks! I really do hope we all can fall in love again333x to HyukRi couple, and so they gain much more love than hatred & jealousy from the fans.. Duhh those people @___@..<br />
honeykeyla #3
"Gyuri-ah, ...umm....what do you think of me? Me as Lee Hyukjae...... not as a SuJu's member, Lee Eunhyuk? Can I –Lee Hyukjae-, give my heart to you as your birthday gift?"<br />
"I'll be your Umbrella guy, then. I'll protect you....and us, no matter what. With all of my power."<br />
"Hyukjae oppa, I accept my birthday present from you..... ."<br />
aigooo... so sweet!<br />
HyukRi happy ending!!!<br />
ahhh~ totally love it~<br />
<br />
good job @jadejade~ thanks for your hardwork..<br />
i hope u'll write another HyukRi fanfic again..<br />
pleaseeeee!!! *puppy eyes*<br />
i'll always support ur hyukri fanfic..<br />
;)<br />
owh~ it's already finish~ so sweet of hyuk to give her that present XD<br />
hahaha gud job~!! really like this ff :)<br />
<br />
and this is ur last hyukri's ff? :(<br />
sa sad...hope u can change ur mind~ hehehe<br />
hope the best for u~ and tq for this awsome ff~!!
AriesMars #5
sooooooooo sweet, I fall in love with this couple more and more, but, hey, why are you going to stop you writting? please, we still need more hyukri fics T.T anyway, i totally love this story, such a cute couple
Quote: "Gyuri-ah, ...umm....what do you think of me? Me as Lee Hyukjae...... not as a SuJu's member, Lee Eunhyuk? Can I –Lee Hyukjae-, give my heart to you as your birthday gift?"<br />
<br />
→kyaaaa!!!! @jadejade do you want me to die?! It's cheesy but then at the same time SUPER SWEEEEETT!!! My fangirling mode was activated by that line! I almost squealed from my spot...<br />
<br />
Your stories are always light not too much drama it's like an easy communication or an open book, not like mine I think my story's getting lame too much drama on it. I've always wanted to write something like yours but always ending up with a character crying or suffering. :( *sighs*<br />
<br />
I admire your style of writing..wish you could write more HyukRi fics to add on our growing HyukRi stories here but you said that it may become your last fic *SAD* *SAD* ┬┬ ┬┬ Wae??<br />
<br />
Chingu~<br />
If you make up your mind and decided to make another HyukRi story I'll be the first one to subscribe! XDD<br />
I'm gonna miss your writing..<br />
Great job as always @jadejade!<br />
<br />
HyukRi & HyukRians FIGHTING! ^__^<br />
<br />
update~!! reading this make me miss superkara~ -_-'''<br />
hahaha nice update~! really hope to see hyukri together~ kekeke<br />
will wait for next~!! :)
honeykeyla #8
finally, u have updated this fanfic!!!<br />
suju@sstp! super like!!<br />
yay! hope for more hyukri interaction...<br />
i'll always support this couple..<br />
keep updating soon! ;)<br />
AriesMars #9
Hi! OMG I totally loved this chapter! and this story of course ^.^ Teukie is so sweet he's really concerned about , Hyukri fighting!
jadejade #10
aiiiggooo.....@honeykeyla, @sskahino (loooveee u tooo!), @loveunexpectedly, @dilotcute (no, you've written before^__^) and other readers, viewers, many999x THANKS!<br />
Now I feel horror-struct and carrier a weightest load. I've been thinking to skip the Suju-SSTP part....because the story line. Ouchh, please forgive me... very3 must be disappointing....=(((