JongHo Productions

The Missing Piece

“The position’s been filled.” Jonghyun told the people waiting in line.

He heard groans and comments about his mother, but Jonghyun could care less. He walked back to his table, where Minho was left to examine the red headed male awhile longer.

“Stalker much?” Jonghyun said sitting down.

“Shut up. I’m trying to figure out a way to get him over here.” Minho defended himself.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and raised his hand as he called out “Waiter!”

Minho shot him a dirty look.

“What?” Jonghyun asked with a shrug.

“Can I help you?” Taemin asked with a pen in one hand and a small notebook in the other as walked up to the bickering friends.

“Wow. He’s so much cuter up close.” Jonghyun said still amazed at how well this waiter resembled the boy in the picture.

Taemin smiled at the comment. It wasn’t the first time he had been hit on that day.

“I’m Choi Minho and this is Kim Jonghyun. We would really appreciate it if you would recite these lines.” Minho said handing Taemin a script and motioning him to sit down.

Taemin hesitated a bit, but did as he was told. If he had learned something that day, it was to please the custom (to a certain extent.)

Minho and Jonghyun watched him as he read and the more he read the more they were convinced that they could pull this off.

When Taemin was done reading he looked up at the 2 pairs of eyes that were staring at him in awe.

“Ahem.” Taemin said causing the 2 to snap back to reality.

“We’re with JongHo Productions” Minho said making it up as he went. “And we’re casting actors for a play. How would like to be the main lead? We could use someone with your talent! The pay is great and the perks are even better!”

“Whatda ya say?” Jonghyun asked

Right off the bat Taemin could tell there was something weird about these 2, but now he knew for a fact they were crazy. Taemin handed back the script and stood up. “No thanks.” He decline politely. “I gotta get back to work.”

“Great. Now what?” Jonghyun asked annoyed

“We try something else.”

“Can we at least get something to eat?”



Taemin stepped out into the fresh air. He had finished his shift and was ready to explore the city and hopefully find a place to stay for the night. He would’ve asked his new boss if he could crash on his couch, but it wouldn’t be very professional and he felt that Changmin had done enough for him already by hiring him.

He hadn’t even gotten as far as a block before bumping into some familiar figures.


“I told you I’m not interested in your play.” Taemin said before the other 2 had a chance to even open their mouths. Taemin adjusted his headphones and began to walk down the street only to be detained once more.

“Come on!” Minho begged. “Why won’t you do this?”

“Why are you so persistent?”

“Because… you’re a natural.” Minho lied.

“I have a lot more important things on my mind right now. Like where I’m going to sleep tonight.”

Taemin turned to walk away as Minho searched franticly and shouted the first thing that came to mind.

“It just so happens that we’re renting out a room.” he said quickly, trying to keep Taemin from leaving.

“You are?” Taemin asked turning back to him.

“We are? Jonghyun asked as well.

Minho quickly nudged Jonghyun in the stomach with his elbow.

“Right!” Jonghyun said catching on and rubbing his stomach. “We are.”

The 3 stared at each other awkwardly for a few minutes. Were they really just about to let some stranger stay with them and was this stranger actually going to accept?

“So… how ‘bout it?” Jonghyun asked breaking the silence.

“I don’t have much.” Taemin said feeling the wad of money in his pocket.

“First month’s on us!” Minho said throwing his arm around Taemin’s shoulder and dragging him in the direction of his apartment.

“I didn’t catch your name.” Minho lied again.


Jonghyun and Minho waited for a family name but it never came.

“Min….” Jonghyun urged

“Just Min.”


“He’s staying in your room!” Minho instructed

“What!?! This was your idea!!” Jonghyun demanded

They had stayed in the living room arguing as Taemin showered.

“What was all that crap about `JongHo Productions`? Why don’t you just tell him what we’re really doing?”

“I don’t know. I feel like it’s too soon to let him know the truth.”

“Whatever you say.” Jonghyun said “You are the mastermind behind this.”

“Exactly. Which is why he’s staying in your room.”

“He’s staying in yours.” Jonghyun replied unaware that Taemin had walked in.

One look and immediately Minho changed his mind. “Fine.”

Jonghyun nodded in satisfaction, but quickly looked behind him to see why Minho had changed his mind.

There stood they’re new house mate. In a white shirt that (was obviously too big for him and) belonged to Minho and baggy silver basketball short that also belonged to Minho. (Because Jonghyun was too lazy busy to him borrow his clothes.) Even while wearing clothes that didn’t really flatter his body, Taemin could still manage to look good in anything. His face seem to get stray people’s attention. Was he glowing?

Minho walked over to the now clean boy and started to lead him to his room.

“Minnie, you’ll be sleeping in my room.”

“NO-” Jonghyun interjected catching up to them. Both looked at Jonghyun almost frightened.

“Er- I mean my room is a lot more comfortable… and clean.”

“Thanks Jonghyun” Taemin smiled “… but I think we both know you don’t want that.” He replied turning back to follow Minho.


“Excuse the mess.” Minho said pushing aside all the stuff that was on his bed. “We didn’t really expect to get someone so soon.”

“It’s fine.” Taemin said throwing himself on the bed. He hid his face in the pillow and immediately noticed something about the smell. It was somewhat nostalgic.

Minho picked up a pair of clothes and headed towards the door. “And please excuse Jonghyun” he said before leaving the room. “He’s not used to sharing.”

“No hard feelings.” Taemin said smiling before throwing the covers over his head.

Minho smiled, turned off the lights, and made his way over to Jonghyun’s room.


It was 2 in the morning and neither of them had managed to get a wink of sleep.

“Scoot over!” Minho said pushing the shorter male a bit too far and causing him to fall off the bed all together with a loud thud.

“This isn’t working.” Jonghyun said getting up and crawling back into bed.


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Ascuba: •rubs head n smiles• Such cute babies they would make! And You’re welcome!

xonlyhalfmad: Yes! I EFFING HEART THAT MOVIE!

Shineeing: I love that movie so much! >.<

Mistral: Yeah he really didn’t do much and neither did Minho xP

L-L-Love: LOL

Chirisaa: I’m glad (:

LuciferGirl97: Welcome! Hope you enjoy the story XD

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Chapter 1: great start, i am excited fo the rest :) ♥
Sounds super interesting!
Chapter 13: After reading this fic for 2 hours straight, I conclude that The Missing Piece is AMAZING! Grammar errors and (sort of) rushed ending aside, I love how you played around with the classic Anastasia movie and put your own twist to it. I also love the humor here, and the side!JongKey was adorable, too~


I'mma read your other fics later, but first I have to sleep. (It's 3AM here.) :D
Jinki_JiYong17 #4
Chapter 13: This is a cute version of Anastasia^^ Very good:)
carrotcake #5
wow, it was really a fun read. thank you for this one! <3
susumiya08 #6
Chapter 13: cute!!! I wanted more jongkey but the story was amazing! I love the "remake" of anastasia, will u please do one about jongkey my favorite story is beauty and the beast. thanks for writing!! ^^
ilovekorea #7
Just finish reading this<3
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story<3
And thisthisthis.<33