Chapter 8- two deals?

SHINee: As a k-drama


     Onew scribbled down some of his teacher’s words. He needed his chicken. But lunch was 50 minutes

away*.  Onew gave up on taking notes, and he started to wonder. Earlier when it was time to have their

morning break, he saw Taemin carrying Key’s heavy messenger bag. It was such a suspicious action, Onew

couldn’t help but ask them why. Key just gave him a devious smirk. Taemin however, blushed. He noticed a

red blemish on Taemin’s neck, so Onew handed him a bandaid. ( Onew has a bunch of band aids in his

pockets. You know, just in case he trips or falls. Which is like everyday lol.) Taemin’s face was now a bright

red, and he quickly took the bandage thankfully.

    Minho was about 3 yards away behind Taemin. Onew watched as Minho strided to Taemin, turned him

around, and asked him “Why are you carrying Key’s bag?” To think he would have the courage to say that

when Key was right there. “Taemin, don’t tell him, it’s our secret.” Key ordered. Onew watched as Minho and

Key started to fight. It was very unusual for Key to argue with someone other than Jonghyun. Where was

Jonghyun anyways?

     Jonghyun was looking at his two friends fight in the hallway. Not wanting to get involved, he turned back

around, walking away from Key and Minho. “Oh, Jonghyun, is that you? Will you help me separate these

people?!” Onew yelled over to him, struggling to take Key away from Minho. He caught a glimpse of Key with

his fists up, before he calmly put them down.

      “Onew honey~ put me down will you?” Key said romantically, turning his head to Onew. Key reached in for

a kiss, and Onew got chills on his back, causing him to drop Key on the floor instantly. Key was too mad at

Minho to be annoyed at Onew.  “Thanks,” he said in a rush, then trying to find where Minho was. The guy that

bickered with Key was now gone, and so was Jonghyun. “Thank goodness Jonghyun took Minho away,” Onew

thought. Taemin and Key then proceeded to enter their classroom like nothing happened. (But Key’s mad

aura hadn’t left him yet.)

     “Lee Jinki!” Onew heard his name, and looked up at the teacher. “Class is over; you were dismissed a while

ago.” He said. Onew was sad he didn’t get to finish thinking about his memory, but he was also happy lunch

was coming soon. Onew hurriedly got out of the classroom and went to his next class.

    It was finally time to eat! Onew ran to the lunch line and bought the Yujacha Chicken dish. Getting to his

table, he saw Taemin was sitting next to Key. Minho and Jonghyun were nowhere in sight. That caused Key to

flip, saying things like “That idiot Minho chickened out huh? Well let’s see what will happen tomorrow at lunch.

He can’t starve forever. Ohhoho, when I get my hands on him…” And that was about the time when Onew

covered his ears to block away Key’s sudden inappropriate language. Taemin was listening to Key talk about

blood and guts and shredding and ripping. Taemin never knew Key could spit out such foul words.

   Taemin’s innocent mind was now forever scarred with sick images of internal body parts being manually

distorted. The thoughts disgusted Taemin so much, he fainted, right there on the lunch bench. Absolutely

shocked, Key felt responsible for poor Taemin’s reaction. Onew watched as Key carried Taemin princess-style

to the nurse’s office. Onew just trailed behind the two. Other people didn’t really look at Taemin and Key that

much, afraid to anger the headmaster’s son.

     At the office, Key gently placed Taemin on a bed for people who needed it.  While Key waited for Taemin to

open his eyes, he thought about the argument he had with Minho. Why was it so bad he needed to discuss

about killing Minho’s insides again? Key re-winded to when he had the fight with Minho in his head.


“Why are you treating Taemin like one of your maids?” Minho asked Key with a pinch of anger in his voice.


“Like you need to know,” Key answered with a snicker.


“Of course I need to know, he is my… my friend.”


“Aren’t you just being jealous?”


“Of course not, I deny that accusation!” Minho said.


“Then give me a better reason why I should tell you about me and Taemin’s secret.”


“Er… he is too good for you?”


“What are you trying to say?”


“Well I think your secret is that you’re dating and…um…Taemin is very caring and way too kind for you too





“Hey, I am just saying that from what I have experienced when being friends with you for a long time.”


“Care to elaborate?” Key said, trying to calm down his boiling feelings.


“I noticed from your tough, mean attitude, that it isn’t possible for you to treat a person you where dating any

nicer than how you are with family and friends.” Minho said with caution.


“Oh, I see now. You are calling me a selfish jerk.” Key said, coldly.


“No, no I meant to say that-”


“You know what? I am fairly sure I can be kind and caring to Taemin. From your assumption at guessing our

secret, I’ll show you that I can be a lovable boyfriend. Let’s make it a bet. If I lose, and become mean to Taemin

even once, I “break-up” with him.” Key said without thinking, suddenly regretting his words. How was he going

to make Taemin his servant while on a bet to be nice to him from Minho?


“Alright, you better remember this deal, oh, and keep it a secret.”


“Um actually Minho, I take the words I just said ba-”


“I see, the Almighty Key can’t handle two secrets at once?” Minho said with a provoking grin.


“LET’S SEE YOU STILL SMILE LIKE THAT AFTER I PUMMEL YOU!” Key knew he had some anger issues. He

couldn’t help it, his emotions were hard to control.


Right when Key was about to beat-up the equally strong Minho, he was held back by Onew.  Taemin was by

the window, not hearing any of the words Minho and Key just exchanged.


     Onew noticed Key’s fists were tightening, his hands turning scarlet, and that worried him. “Key, hello? Are

you alright?” Onew said, snapping Key back to the present. “I am just fine.” Key replied, gritting his teeth.

“Hyung?” Taemin looked at his friend, and then shivered seeing Key. “Remember the deal.” Key turned his

head and found Minho standing behind Jonghyun. “What are you guys doing here?” Taemin asked.

     “Hey, I think we have some un-finished business to talk about,” Key said, trying to sound polite. His plan

was to be nice to Minho, then let all his rages come to Mihno when they were alone. “Nah, I don’t think we have

much to say to each other,” Minho replied. Key completely forgot about the plan when he charged to Minho,

ready to punch his face. Jonghyun tried to interfere by pushing Minho out of the way, and Onew attempted to

pull Key back again. “Ohohoho, not this time you guys,” Key said, nudging his elbow hard into Onew’s

stomach, and then kicking Jonghyun in between his legs. Key’s hits weren’t hard enough to cause serious

injury, but it was enough to cause more ruckuses.

     “Now that was un-called for!” Jonghyun yelled, tackling Key along with Onew. After some wrestling they got

up, tired, but ready for a more real fight. Jonghyun, Key, and Minho all had their guards up, and Onew just sat

by Taemin. “Look, I don’t want to hurt you Key,” Minho tried saying to bury the hatchet between them. “You’re

too late.”

     Taemin watched as punches and kicks were thrown around the nurse’s office. Where was the nurse when

you needed her most? (In actuality, the nurse came back from her lunch break a while ago, saw the fight, then

ran away, scared to get involved in any way.)  The three kept fighting until they were exhausted, satisfied at

what they had done to each other. Minho had a big purple mark on his arm, and a bloody lip. Key got away

with one limp ankle. Jonghyun got an aching head, and sore arms. 

     Minho suddenly perked up at the sight of me. “Key, may I ask why Taemin is in the nurse’s bed?” “It’s

nothing really Minho. I just kind of made him faint.” Key said. “You made him faint?!” Minho was now angry.

Wow that was new for Taemin, a mad Minho. “I am ready for a few more punches now,” Minho announced,

cracking his knuckles. “Calm down, stop being jealous again just because I carried him princess-style doesn’t

mean-” Key added without finishing his sentence. Minho had aimed a kick at him, and Key cleverly dodged it.

“Wait, you carried me princess-style?” Taemin’s face was now ample with red.   

     “I am so tired, can we finish this tomorrow?” Key declared. “Okay, fine, I needed some rest too,” Minho

answered back. Jonghyun walked out with Minho right before the bell rang. Onew wished Taemin good health,

and then he left for his next period. Taemin looked at Key, who was looking back at him. “What exactly

happened when you argued with Minho?” Taemin asked Key. “Maybe I'll explain everything to you tomorrow.”


* This university is set up like a american highschool, where the students switch classes and such. In a korean highschool, the teachers are the one who move to each classroom, but since I know the U.S way better, that is the type of system I'll do in  the story. But there are some korean elements to this school system I am using, like the incredibly long classes, and the morning break, and the long lunch time. 

A/N: I apologize for the long delay. My computer got a virus and shut down a lot of times~ Sorry about this chapter, I might've repeated the member's names too much. This was such a bad and confusing un-revised chapter, but I had to live up to last chapter's expectation's and cause a "havoc." Will update soon~ Next chapter will be better.

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I want to read More Love this Story sooooo... Much! :D
TaeKey: Everywhere...

Chapter 25: Nice :D

Wait.. That was their first time? NICE ONE! I love dominant Taemin... Mmm <3

Keep the up!
still not sure about key (. -.-) poor Minnie
But This put me in a good mood since skl 2day was painful DX
Hehe and the awesome :P
Update again soon :D
Chapter 24: poor Taeminnie he didn't deserve to be treated like that -_-
Ok. You CAN'T leave it there I mean...
TOO much drama (hatin key right now (. -.-)
But ARGHHGH this Fic is awesome
I ll love you forever and five up cookies for an update !!!!! X
Kyaa jongho~