Chapter 23: And the drama continues...

SHINee: As a k-drama




“Jonghyun?” I stared at him, noticing his gaze not in my direction.


Following his line of eyesight I discovered it land to Key on the other side of the lunch table.


My heart fell, and my mind ached. Why was he staring at him? I thought we were dating to get over our past crushes, not continue liking them.


Being me, I quickly got over adorable Taemin. But Jonghyun was the sort of persistent guy that can’t handle not getting what he wants.


“This is the reality you wanted, right? Us, going out…” I mumbled in to his ear. Jonghyun snapped out of his trance, and smiled at me.


“Of course,” He replied, his wide grin somewhat comforting my pain.


Pain? That means…


“Jealousy?” I incoherently whispered under my breath. My eyebrows furrowed at the thought, and small wrinkles creased on my forehead.


“What’s wrong Minho?” Key asked me, while still chewing his food.


“Eh? Ah…nothing…” I responded.

Even though me and Jonghyun agreed to not show our affection in public, it really is beginning to annoy me that we can’t.


We are a couple, though I can consider the idea that we aren’t a serious one.


And I don’t like that.




“Minho, what do you think you’re doing?” I snapped at him, his hand pulling my wrist inside a supply closet.


“Sorry to make you skip class like this, but at least I didn’t drag you out during lunch,” He hesitantly told me.


“Seriously, why did you bring me here? I thought we weren’t on the best of terms.” I crossed my arms.


“Can you do me a favor?” The frog questioned.


“Now, why would I do that for you?” My patience was being tested.


“Jonghyun, he seems to still be in love with this other guy, and I want him to like me, not him and-”


“So you’re envious?” I intermitted, a perk of curiosity popping up in me.


“Basically, yes. So I want to make him jealous, make him realize that only I should be there for him, and the only way I can do that is to flirt with another guy in front of him.” Minho elaborated his request.


“And you want me to flirt with you? Look, I have Taemin, and I can’t betray him. Why does it have to be me anyways?”


Minho hesitated a moment before answering.

“It has to be you because you’re the best choice to make Jjong envious. If it was Onew, he would just cause confusion and laughter. Taemin can be too timid. And you…well you’re handsome, brave, honest, and very straight-forward.”


Oh the compliments are making me actually want to give in to this.

“Then how will I explain this to Taemin? I have the feeling he’ll definitely misunderstand.”


“We won’t tell him; instead we’ll just do it when he isn’t there. That way it is easier for everyone.”


“What do I get out of this whole deal? I’m not a huge fan of favors without some kind of catch to it…”


“Fine, if you’re willing to help, I’ll give this to you.” Minho took out a rare designer bag out of his backpack, and I gasped.


“Don’t tell me that’s-”


“Yeah, it’s that men shoulder bag that you always say you wanted. Money can’t buy this thing, but I’ll hand over this old object to you,” He waved around the item.


“How did you get that? I’ve been looking all over for it!” I lovingly eyed the well made fashion article.


“My father’s friend’s worker gave it to him as a gift for giving him a raise. My dad didn’t like it so I asked of I could own it.” Minho smirked, knowing I would fall for the bribe.


It was an extremely vital bag to proudly hang in my wardrobe.

“Ehhh…uhr…uhnmfg…efhmng…” I stuttered out random lines, trying to collect my senses. My conscience told me to say no for Taemin’s sake.


But that bag…


“Fine then,” I agonizingly said.


“Great! Once Jonghyun goes back to liking me more than staring at his previous crush, I’ll give you this carrier. We’ll begin when we meet up for a movie night on Friday with our friends. Bye!” Minho skipped out of the closet.


My knees weakened, and I let myself drop down to the floor. I buried my face in my hands with regret.


Is this really what I wanted to do?



A/N: A deal has been made! I was thinking of another twist, and I thought adding some minkey could never hurt (I kind of ship everyone with key but taemin will always be the one for him lolol.) So yeah. Maybe there'll be in chapter 24 or 25 :P 

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I want to read More Love this Story sooooo... Much! :D
TaeKey: Everywhere...

Chapter 25: Nice :D

Wait.. That was their first time? NICE ONE! I love dominant Taemin... Mmm <3

Keep the up!
still not sure about key (. -.-) poor Minnie
But This put me in a good mood since skl 2day was painful DX
Hehe and the awesome :P
Update again soon :D
Chapter 24: poor Taeminnie he didn't deserve to be treated like that -_-
Ok. You CAN'T leave it there I mean...
TOO much drama (hatin key right now (. -.-)
But ARGHHGH this Fic is awesome
I ll love you forever and five up cookies for an update !!!!! X
Kyaa jongho~