Chapter 11: Meeting Sunny

SHINee: As a k-drama


     “Key, I thought you’re father set you up to an arranged marriage. Why are you kissing and flirting with

Taemin when you have Lee Sunkyu?” Onew asked Key. They were at Key’s media room, watching some

American movies. “First off, “Lee Sunkyu” likes to be called Sunny*. And second of all, me and Taemin aren’t

really in love. It is all an act. Don’t take it seriously.” Onew wrinkled his forehead, and pouted. “You do know if

Sunny finds out, she’ll break off the marriage. And there is a chance your father might go bankrupt.” Key

sighed, and then replied, “Don’t worry; I know my dad needs her family’s support (meaning money) to have a

stable School.”

     “That’s right!” Stunned, the two guys looked behind them and found a cute short fashionable girl  behind the sofa. 

“What in the world are you doing here, and when did you get here?!” Key worriedly asked Sunny.

“Aren’t you happy to see me Kibum? I entered the room right after you finished saying you needed me in your

life. I am behind the couch because I was hoping to startle you with a hug but then my mouth just had to

speak.” Sunny said enthusiastically. 

     “Get out; I have other guests coming over.” Key responded.  In all truthfulness, Key was pretty happy that

Sunny didn’t over hear his conversation with Onew. But he was stressed now because silly Onew over here

had to invite Taemin to his house, thinking everyone was going to watch movies. Taemin could go into the

room any second now.  “Cold as always I see. Don’t worry, I still love you because deep down I know you have

good heart, Key.” Sunny said, giggling and blushing.

    “Aigoo, not this crap again. Go away, your presence annoys me.” Key looked at her with irritation in his

eyes. “Why do you always treat me like this? Am I nothing to you? I do everything I can to win over your heart,

and this is how you show your gratitude?” Sunny stood from her crouching position. Key noticed this was

getting serious, so he got up and stood in front of her. “Listen Sunny, I didn’t mean to offe-” Sunny interrupted

him. “No, stop, all you do is apologize after you make me feel like bull. This is wrong, how did I ever fall for

you? Many times I attempt to get you to accept me, and you always retort. I even got an English tutor so I

could have at least one same interest with you besides fashion. I feel like we never ing connect, but always

somehow get back together. Opposites attract huh? Well that is absolutely the tiest thing I have ever

heard.” Oh no. When Sunny started cursing and you could see tears well up in her eyes, just got real.

     “Please don’t cry, really, I didn’t have the intention to hur-” Key was interrupted again as he moved his

head away from a powerful slap. “I almost got you. You deserve a couple of punches to experience the pain I

go through when I see you. But I don’t know why I can’t let you go an-and,” Sunny started sniffling. Key didn’t

really understand what she was talking about, and he just wanted her to be quiet. “God, w-why am I like this,

this h-happens almost every time. Key, just be a g-gentlemen for once, can’t you? If you did, all m-my hard

work and effort for y-you might actually count for something. I ing hate you so much Kim Kibum, for making

me suffer and beg like this. I hate you so much I might call off the marr-” Key pressed his lips softly against

Sunny’s, and then giving a deep French kiss. Sunny struggled at first, and then relaxed when he held her

waist. She put one of her hands on his back as the other ruffled his hair. Key stopped and pulled her into a

hug. “Thank goodness you stopped speaking,” he said into her ear, then resting his chin on her shoulder.

Sunny was flustered, but she hugged back, burying her face into his chest. “Stupid.”

    Taemin looked and saw a familiar face with his arms around a small petite girl. The lights were dim because

the movie was still playing. Onew was completely entranced in the film, too transfixed on it too complain about

the two behind him. Taemin was able to see Key was the guy hugging the girl. A huge ache grasped Taemin’s

heart. Taemin clenched his chest, as Key looked over to him, startled he was at the doorway. Taemin had

entered the house with a supple knock, and a maid let him in. So the fact he was there was such a surprise,

Key pushed away the girl. “Oh, h-hey Taemin, you missed like half of the movie.”

     “Hey! Why did you put me on the ground right when we made up? Whatever, I forgive you Key~ See you

soon.” Sunny pecked a kiss on Key’s cheek. At the doorway, she spotted Taemin. “Uaah~ you’re so cute!

you must be Key’s friend I see. You better not steal him away from me!” She said, all giggly. “Just kidding,

hope we can be friends~” Then Sunny left skipping until she was outside.

      An awkward ambience filled the room, and Onew just ignored it, emersed on the motion picture before his

eyes. “Wait, where are you going Taemin?!” Key shouted, running after Taemin, whom rushed out of the

room. Taemin didn’t like his chest throbbing so much. He had to leave before it would explode in misery. Key

sweated, and stopped for a rest. He put his hands on his thighs and arched his back. He looked up and saw

Taemin was nowhere in sight.


*Guys, don't fret, Sunny and Key is a completeley random pairing I came up with. Since Sunny is me bias in snsd, I decided to pick her to be engeged with Key. Oh, and the kiss between Sunny and Key was emotionless on Key's side.

A/N: So yeah. New character. Thanks for commenting. If your wondering, the film Onew was watching was "Chicken Run" ( You know, that old clay stop-motion comedy.) I shall update soon :3

I want you guys to know gayness is completeley accptable in the University because you never know what happens in a all boys school. In my story, let's ignore the fact homouality isn't so easily accepted in south korea.

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I want to read More Love this Story sooooo... Much! :D
TaeKey: Everywhere...

Chapter 25: Nice :D

Wait.. That was their first time? NICE ONE! I love dominant Taemin... Mmm <3

Keep the up!
still not sure about key (. -.-) poor Minnie
But This put me in a good mood since skl 2day was painful DX
Hehe and the awesome :P
Update again soon :D
Chapter 24: poor Taeminnie he didn't deserve to be treated like that -_-
Ok. You CAN'T leave it there I mean...
TOO much drama (hatin key right now (. -.-)
But ARGHHGH this Fic is awesome
I ll love you forever and five up cookies for an update !!!!! X
Kyaa jongho~