Day 6: Misunderstandings

A couple, just for seven days


“Sunggyu-hyung, I’m starving!” Woohyun had complained for the umpteen times today.

“Shut up! I’m cooking already so stop being so whiny!” Sunggyu shouted from the kitchen.

“Ah! There you go again, being mean to me! I’m injured and can’t go out. Whose fault is it?” Woohyun continued whining like a baby.

“If I knew you were going to make such a big fuss about it, I rather you didn’t rescue me and let me hit my head or something!” Sunggyu shouted.

“Sunggyu-hyung, you’re so unappreciative! So not cute!” Woohyun had shouted back. Sunggyu didn’t have to look because he knew that when Woohyun said that, he was definitely pouting.

“Fine, I’m sorry okay? I’m really grateful. That’s why I’m doing all this right?” Sunggyu had served the porridge out to the dining table where Woohyun was waiting eagerly.

Today, to make it up to Woohyun, Sunggyu had gone over to Woohyun’s house early in the morning to be his servant.

Mopping the floor, cleaning the toilet, cooking and doing his homework was all part of slave Sunggyu’s job.

“Ahh!” Woohyun had opened his mouth wide.


“Feed me!”

“Don’t you have hands?”

“Two, but well, one’s practically useless!”

“Then, use the other one!”

“Ahhh!” Woohyun continued, ignoring all of Sunggyu’s protests.

“Fine! Eat it!” With that, Sunggyu shoved a spoonful of porridge into Woohyun’s wide open mouth.

Woohyun’s expression changed as he chewed on the porridge.

“Hyung-ah, you don’t cook often right?” Woohyun had asked with a pained expression on his face.

“What?” Sunggyu asked and he tried one himself.

“Gross!” Sunggyu spitted it out immediately. It was too salty.

“Fine I get it,” Sunggyu got up to throw the porridge away but Woohyun stopped him.

“I’ll eat it. I’ll eat it!” Woohyun insisted, forcing Sunggyu to feed him.

“Sunggyu-hyung made it for me. I’ll eat it no matter what!” Woohyun had said, bringing a smile to Sunggyu’s face.


Woohyun watched as Sunggyu went on ahead to watch the dishes.

It was so clear to him now. He loved Sunggyu. He was fully aware of it. However, he wasn’t sure of Sunggyu’s feelings towards him. Whatever Sunggyu’s feelings are, Woohyun have decided to try and confess to Sunggyu.
It was time to end the 7 days plan. Woohyun wanted to spend the next thousands and ten thousands of 7 days only with Sunggyu.

“Sunggyu-hyung,” Woohyun had crept up to the older man who was taking a breather on the sofa.

“What?” Sunggyu had asked tiredly.

“I think it’s time to end this now,” Woohyun had started, earning himself a sudden jerk from the older man. Sunggyu had jerked upright and stared straight into Woohyun as he started.

‘Does he mean to end this relationship?’ Sunggyu thought to himself.

“You said it before didn’t you? that us being tied together like that was weird,” Woohyun continued.

‘If only there wasn’t the 7 days tying us down…’ Woohyun had thought.

However, Sunggyu was totally on another page.

‘Was he going to break up with me? Even before 7 days are up?’ Sunggyu thought.

“Hence, I felt that we shouldn’t continue this mistake. We should rectify it and try to change our relationsh…” Woohyun wanted to continue but was interrupted by Sunggyu.

Sunggyu had forced a kiss on Woohyun, not allowing him to speak further. Woohyun’s eyes widened and he was just about to return the kiss when suddenly Sunggyu pulled away.

He stared at Woohyun in disbelief, his fingers touching his lips as if he couldn’t believe what he just did.

“I’m sorry. That was an accident. I don’t feel that… This isn’t how I feel… I’m sorry…” With that, Sunggyu sprung away from Woohyun.

Woohyun stood there rooted to the spot.

‘An accident? You didn’t feel that way?’ Woohyun shook his head, cursing how dumb he was for thinking that Sunggyu was actually in love with him.

“Stop freaking playing around , Kim Sunggyu!” Woohyun yelled and banged the table.


‘Why did I? Kim Sunggyu, why did you?’ Sunggyu thought as he fled out of Woohyun’s house, fingers not leaving his lips.

‘Stop dreaming Kim Sunggyu! However much you try to retain him, he’ll be gone after 7 days!’ Sunggyu screamed inside of his head and hit a random pole.

‘Why Woohyun? Why do you want to end everything?’ Sunggyu thought, tears streaming down.


“Hello? Woohyun?” Dongwoo picked up the phone.

Hoya turned to look at his lover worriedly.

“I’ll be right there,” Dongwoo disconnected the call and brought his jacket as he headed out.

“Hoya, Problem. Woohyun’s dead drunk,” Dongwoo told his lover.

“I’ll come with you,” Hoya had replied and went with Dongwoo to look for Woohyun in his house.


“Woohyun!” Dongwoo banged on Woohyun’s door urgently and impatiently.

“Dongwoo-hyung!” The door opened to a drunken Woohyun, who was definitely not in his right state of mind. Woohyun slunk his arm around Dongwoo’s shoulders and announced, “I knew only you cared about me!”

“What’s going on, Woohyun?” An anxious Dongwoo sat Woohyun down on the sofa and asked.

“What’s going on?” Woohyun snorted. “How the heck should I know?”

“Woohyun, what happened between you and Sunggyu?” Dongwoo tried once again, trying to be patient with the drunken Woohyun.

“Sunggyu? Kim Sunggyu? What happened? I fell in love with him, that’s what happened!” Woohyun shouted, completely drunk.

“That’s great! So what’s the problem?” Hoya butted in.

Woohyun snorted once again. “He doesn’t like me like that…” Woohyun said and tears started spilling out.

“You know what?! I love him. I love that idiot! I wanted to tell him so much that I wanted to spend forever with him. For the next ten thousands, millions of 7 days, I wanted to spend it with him,” Woohyun continued.

“But he doesn’t even like me like that. He kissed me and said it was a mistake. An accident and that wasn’t his true feelings!”

“What’s his problem?! Is he playing around with me?” Woohyun shouted.

“Dongwoo-ah… Why is falling in love so hard? If I knew love was like that, I never ever wanted to fall in love,” Woohyun continued, tears pouring out.

Dongwoo stood up, unwilling to hear his friend continue any longer.

“Hoya, take care of Woohyun,” Dongwoo got up to leave.

“Dongwoo, where are you going?” Hoya grabbed Dongwoo’s arm.

“Do you think I can sit still after hearing my best friend tell me all these?” Dongwoo almost shouted but controlled his volume.

“You know it Hoya. That Kim Sunggyu likes Woohyun too. So why would he do all this useless stuff?” Dongwoo asked but Hoya had no answer for it.

“That’s why I’m going there to beat the answer out of him!” With that Dongwoo dashed out, leaving Hoya to care for a heartbroken Woohyun.

Hoya, still worried, immediately reached for the phone and dialed Myungsoo’s number.


“Kim Sunggyu!” Dongwoo’s voice echoed throughout the whole school.

It was raining cats and dogs and streaks of lightning filled the sky. The nearest shelter from Woohyun’s house was the school. Thunder reverberated the whole school, as if warning of a heavy storm.

“Dongwoo…” Sunggyu realized Dongwoo’s presence.

Before Sunggyu could say another word, Dongwoo had sent a flying punch over to the handsome and delicate face. Sunggyu went sprawling to the floor.

Dongwoo wasn’t appeased at that. He grabbed Sunggyu by the collar and growled, “What’s your freaking problem, Kim Sunggyu?”

Then, he punched Sunggyu again. “Don’t you like Woohyun? Then why the hell do you cause him so much pain?”

Sunggyu picked himself up. Dongwoo didn’t waste any time and punched him to the floor again.

“Woohyun’s the type that treasures love a lot! So who the hell do you think you are playing with his heart?!” Dongwoo screamed at Sunggyu.

‘So… he was that disturbed by my kiss huh?’ Sunggyu thought.

Dongwoo wanted to give another shot to Sunggyu but Sunggyu beat him to it. As he watched Dongwoo approaching, he immediately went forward and gave Dongwoo a taste of his punch, sending Dongwoo to the floor.

“Who the hell is playing with his heart? I love him! Is it that wrong?” Sunggyu shouted.

“Damn you. Well, your love is giving him this much pain!” Dongwoo aimed another punch at Sunggyu and Sunggyu was just about to kick him back when the two were suddenly separated.

Myungsoo was holding Sunggyu back and Sungyeol was holding Dongwoo back, preventing them from hurting each other further.

“Hyungs! What the hell are you guys doing!?” Sungyeol shouted to the two injured hyungs.

“I’m going to kill this guy! He thinks he can get away with it for playing with my best friend’s heart!” Dongwoo roared at Sunggyu.

“Dongwoo-hyung! Please stop!” Woohyun’s voice was heard and the four turned to see Hoya along with Woohyun.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. Just please don’t hurt him any further,” Woohyun’s tone was strong and didn’t give Dongwoo a choice.

“Let’s go home,” Hoya took one side of Dongwoo’s shoulder and together with Sungyeol, helped Dongwoo to the entrance and his car.

Myungsoo left Sunggyu who was now sitting on the floor with Woohyun.

“Sunggyu-hyung, are you alright?” Seeing that they were alone, Woohyun tried to help Sunggyu up.

“Don’t touch me!” Sunggyu shouted.
‘You don’t even like me…’ Sunggyu continued in his heart, his tears streaming down his face.

Woohyun looked at him with hurt and pain but Sunggyu kept his head down the whole time.

‘So you really hate me huh, Sunggyu-hyung?’ Woohyun thought to himself.

“Come up, don’t be stubborn. Let’s get you home,” Woohyun continued to try. He couldn’t leave an injured Sunggyu here all by himself.

Sunggyu ignored him and stood up by himself, although he was unstable and almost fell.

Woohyun immediately went to help him but Sunggyu shove him to the side forcefully.

“Stay away from me!” Sunggyu shouted.
‘Don’t treat me so nicely….’

Woohyun watched as Sunggyu slowly fumbled to the entrance of the school and walked out in the cold rain.

“Sunggyu-hyung!” Woohyun chased him out in the rain.
“I understand that you don’t want to see me anymore but at the very least, take the umbrella. I’m so sorry for all the problems that I caused you all this while,” Woohyun placed the umbrella handle into Sunggyu’s hand.

When Sunggyu took it, Woohyun heaved a sigh of relief.

“Thanks for all the wonderful memories. This will forever stay the best 7 days of my life,” Woohyun mustered a smile in front of Sunggyu.

Water trickled down Woohyun’s cheeks and he wasn’t sure if that was the rain or his tears.

“I’m sorry…” Sunggyu said before walking away from Woohyun, without even opening the umbrella.

He didn’t have to wipe off his tears as the rain did it for him. His heart became as cold as the weather.


“Kim Sunggyu, until when are you going to stop ignoring me?” Myungsoo had followed the soaking Sunggyu for three streets now in his car.

Sunggyu didn’t open the umbrella and just walked in the chilly rain.

“You’re going to catch a cold, gyu-hyung,” Myungsoo warned.

“Just get in already!” Myungsoo finally lost his temper and dragged Sunggyu in.

Inside the car, Myungsoo made sure to switch off all the aircon and the heater. The poor Sunggyu was trembling and shivering.

“Now, are you going to start talking?” Myungsoo looked at the older man.

“What’s there to talk?” Sunggyu finally said. “It’s over.”

“Gyu-hyung, you’ve fallen in love with him haven’t you?” Myungsoo concluded.

Upon Sunggyu’s silence, Myungsoo continued, “Hyung, do you remember? You’d once told me how falling in love was a pain. But do you know? You don’t choose when to fall in love, where to fall in love, how to fall in love or who you fall in love with. It just happens.”

“Sunggyu-hyung, don’t you think it’s time to stop worrying about getting hurt and just put yourself out there and love someone with all your heart?” Myungsoo asked.

He was fully aware what kind of person Kim Sunggyu was. Because he was scared to fall in love, he never tried to love someone. He and Nam Woohyun were totally opposites when it came to that. One is trying so hard to find someone he loves while the other hopes to never fall in love.

“I’m so scared to be rejected, Myungsoo. I don’t ever want him to hate me,” Sunggyu started sobbing.

“Love brings pain and insecurities. But at the same time, it brings such happiness that you’d wish will never stop,” Myungsoo smiled at his hyung’s confession.

“You know.. Yoona once said to me that 7 days was long enough for a dream. But those 7 days that I spent with him, were enough for me to fall head over heels in love with him,” Sunggyu continued.

“Well, your 7 days is not up yet,” With that, Myungsoo drove to Sunggyu’s house.

“You still have one more day to make everything right…”



Author's note: Okay, the next chapter will be the last day. It may be the last chapter? Or maybe i'll see if the story requires an epilogue or smth... Well, this time i added much of the rest of infinite and dongwoo & sunggyu's fighting scene. the story reached its & the next day everything will come to a resolution. Well, be assured that woogyu will always be together. Please look forward to the last day! & comment or pm me on how u thought the story would end. thanks so much for all ur support :D

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695 streak #1
re-reading this again 🥰
I just found this story after so many years, for the first time!!!! I watched the movie and it was amazing~~ And now I'm really excited to read it in Woogyu version!!!!><
Chapter 9: Do your best Gyu ♡
Chapter 11: I teared at the epilogue, this story was beautifully written! Thank you so much for writing this woogyu story, I really love it <3
kimgyugyu #5
Chapter 11: This is so cute :--( ❤❤
Chapter 11: I love how you make this story slightly different from the original one. It reminds me of the seven days movie version. Hahahaha i kept imagining both actors ;;
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaa i am squealing so hard noowww.. Ahahaha

And i bit my hand bcoz all of this fluffyness and cheesiness ahaaha

It was the best author-niimmmm.. Ten tumb isnt enough...
Thank you so mucchh /deep bow/
Chapter 10: I was read it. From the day 1 till day 7. Oh sorry, you are read mangas too. I saw you wrote it down in your foreword..

Here all of the scene before, archery club, the cheering from fangirl for gyu and hyun. Their exchange phone number. When they are stood in the peron, the train. All of this remembering me to the manga.. Thank you so much, author-nim. Thank you..

Your cheesy script too. It was nice, so nice..

And in this chapter. I can feel it.. Yes i can..
Im touched :')
Your naration too.. Thank you ^^
Chapter 3: /squealing so hard/

Did you read mangas ?
Oooh gyu oppa in archery club o>,<o
Wooww its so manga-iisshh.. And myungsoo so talkactive hereee kkkk

Really, i felt that i read a mangaa.. Huwaah hopely i wont lost this feeling in the next chapter..

Hello, i am new reader hereee /salute