Day 4: If time would stop

A couple, just for seven days


“Kim Sunggyu! Wake up already!” Sunggyu could hear his mother scream at him.

“Just…5 more… minutes,” A sleepy Sunggyu pleaded.

“Today’s your tournament, idiot!” Upon hearing the word ‘tournament’, Sunggyu jumped out of bed.

How could he forget?

Sunggyu immediately washed up. Sunggyu saw the swollen red orbs that stared back at him. Gosh. He can’t believe that he cried so much yesterday. Sunggyu ruffled his hair in irritation.
‘How am I going to face him today?’ Sunggyu thought.

Just the thought of facing Woohyun was making Sunggyu so messed up.

‘After what happened yesterday, how was he supposed to react?’

Not wanting to think too deeply about it, Sunggyu grabbed his breakfast and walked to the train station.

At the train station, Sunggyu met a familiar figure. Sunggyu told a sneak peek at the younger’s face. Panda eyes and heavy eyebags. Sunggyu’s guessing that the other was also very concerned about yesterday.

As usual, Sunggyu took a cup of coffee that the younger one handed him. The atmosphere between the two was awkward and nobody said a word.

“Hey… about yesterday…” Sunggyu tried to explain to the younger one. He felt that he was a little harsh yesterday and wanted to apologise to Woohyun. After all, Woohyun was not at fault and who was he to poke into Woohyun’s business?

However, Woohyun wasn’t listening to Sunggyu at all. It wasn’t like Woohyun was purposely ignoring Sunggyu. It’s just that Woohyun was so lost in thoughts that everything Sunggyu said seemed to bypass his ears.

Finally, Sunggyu gave up and they continued their journey in silence.


“You said what?!” Yoona’s outburst was so loud that it took both Sunggyu and Myungsoo to cover .

“Kim Sunggyu, what’s wrong with you?” Yoona continued shouting.

Seeing that she wasn’t going to get an answer, Yoona just walked away in anger.

Sunggyu sighed. “What’s wrong with her?” Sunggyu asked Myungsoo who was sitting in a corner, awfully quiet.

“Yoona’s reaction was too big. But well, Sunggyu, good job!” Myungsoo smiled and gave Sunggyu a thumbs up sign.

“What?” SUnggyu gave Myungsoo a blank look.

“Just think about why you did that okay?” Myungsoo continued.
“oh and good luck for the tournament in the afternoon okay?”

Myungsoo gave an evil laughter. “Things are proceeding faster than I thought,” With that, he sent a text message to the 4 other guys.


“Stop dreaming, Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun!” The captain’s voice alerted Sunggyu who was busy thinking about Myungsoo’s words.

Then, he turned over to peek on Woohyun who was also being scolded.

Woohyun, however, was unaffected and still in dream world. ‘Did Sunggyu’s words really affected him that much?’ Sunggyu wondered.

“Hyung, hyung!” Hoya and Sungjong rushed up to Sunggyu.

“You better do something to Woohyun-hyung if you really want to win the tournament,” They advised.

Sunggyu was also starting to get a little worried. This wasn’t the time to think about such stuff, the most important thing now was to win the semifinals, and bring the team to the finals!

The tournament soon started and Sunggyu’s performance was as per normal, if not better. He shot bullseye after bullseye and helped the team lead by quite a large margin.

However, when it came to Woohyun’s turn, everyone was shocked.

The younger one totally wasn’t concentrating and the first shot he shot was a premature release. The arrow didn’t even come close to that target.

‘What’s wrong with you Woohyun!?’ Sunggyu thought as he heard sniggers from the opposing team.

This team, as if to make up for it, Woohyun held the bow longer, putting stress on his arms. However, the arrow once again, missed the target.

When his turn passed, Woohyun started looking really nervous and as pale as a ghost.

Sunggyu couldn’t stand watching Woohyun’s poor performance anymore. He ran up to Woohyun and questioned the younger one sternly, “What the hell are you doing?”

This time he finally got the younger’s one attention as Woohyun looked up at Sunggyu and had a lost expression on his face. Sunggyu’s heart almost crumbled. Woohyun appeared so much like a helpless and lost kid that Sunggyu almost went ahead to hug the younger man.

“Concentrate, Woohyun!” Sunggyu urged the younger one.

“I can’t… I don’t think I can do this, hyung. I’m not suited for such tournaments!” Woohyun was starting to tremble slightly and he seemed really nervous.

That’s true. He ought to be nervous. Sunggyu mentally slapped himself. Even though Woohuyun appeared strong and all, this was actually his first tournament and the members were putting so much stress on him. Not to mention that Sunggyu even anger him yesterday.

Unable to stop himself, Sunggyu just followed what his body told him and embraced the younger one tightly.

Woohyun was rendered speechless at the sudden contact.

Upon feeling that the younger man’s tremble started to lessen, Sunggyu released his embrace and looked straight into Woohyun’s eyes.

“Woohyun-ah. I’ve been watching you for so long,” Sunggyu started.
“Even though you don’t come to practice very often, but whenever you did, I will watch you.”

Sunggyu cleared his throat.
“You’re the best archer I’d ever seen. You have some talent in you and I trust that you can do it. Whenever you pull the bow, it’s like time stops. And when you release it, I don’t even have to look. I’m always sure that it’ll hit the bullseye.”

“Hyung…” Woohyun stared at Sunggyu.

“I really like you when you draw the bow. I really really like you Woohyun,” Sunggyu started to blush slightly.

Woohyun couldn’t help but blush slightly at that too. He knew that he shouldn’t take it the wrong way, but he couldn’t help but smile.

“Woohyun-hyung! It’s your turn!” Sungjong came running to the couple and realized that he actually disrupted a nice atmosphere.

‘Idiot!’ Hoya, who was just behind Sungjong, silently chided the inconsiderate and dense maknae.

Woohyun and Sunggyu withdrew from one another and their distance increased.

“Sunggyu-hyung!” Sunggyu spun around to face Woohyun who was calling him.

“Thanks!” Woohyun flashed a smiled at Sunggyu, who smiled back.

“Fighting!” He called out to Woohyun.

They didn’t need to look at each other’s faces. They were sure that at that time, the both of them were indeed grinning.


“Nam Woohyun! Nam Woohyun!” The members of the archery club threw Woohyun up into the air.

They had won. Well, obviously. Woohyun’s comeback was sweet and swift. He had shot bullseye after bullseye. The opposing team was shocked. They couldn’t believe that the guy who shot horrible in the first round trashed them flat in the second. It was as if he had received an energy boost (well, he did)

“Sunggyu-hyung!” Woohyun didn’t really care about all the attention and applause that he was getting. He just wanted to see a certain somebody as soon as possible.

“Congratulations!” Sunggyu who was waiting at the exit smiled widely at Woohyun.

Woohyun smiled a little and commented, “I wouldn’t have done it without you, hyung. Thanks!”

With that, the two of them went off together for their own celebration.

“Where’s our two heroes Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun?!” The captain announced.

“Hyung! They’re gone already!” Sungjong had shouted back to the captain.

“What?! How can the two stars not come for the celebration party?” The captain asked in disbelief.

Hoya and Sungjong smiled knowingly. Their hyungs were off for their own celebration party.


“Sunggyu-hyung!” Woohyun had called out to the hyung that was walking ahead.

“Hmm?” Sunggyu turned around.

“Was it really okay to skip the celebration party?” Woohyun asked.

Sunggyu chuckled. “You’ll just get drunk if you go there. Besides, what’s a celebration party without the stars?”

Woohyun laughed at that. It was better this way. Rather than hearing people cheer them on, Woohyun rather preferred hanging around with Sunggyu in the streets. After all, he only needed one reward.

“Sunggyu-hyung!” Woohyun called once again.

“Why do you keep calling my name today?!” Sunggyu asked, with mock irritation.

“I did well today right?” Woohyun started, his eyes starting to sparkle like a small boy.

Sunggyu warily nodded his head.

“So can I ask for a reward?” Woohyun started grinning eargerly.

Sunggyu almost burst out laughting at that. This guy was really such a kid.

“Fine, I’ll grant you one wish, my prince,” Sunggyu played along, causing Woohyun to flush excitedly.

“Then, let’s stay like this!” Woohyun grabbed Sunggyu tightly and refused to let it go.

Sunggyu was taken aback at Woohyun’s sudden action.

“Mum! Look! Those two guys are holding hands!” A small boy blurted.
“Don’t look!” The mother hurriedly averted the boy’s eyes.

At this time, Sunggyu could feel embarrassment painting his cheeks a bright red as he quickly withdrew his hand from Woohyun’s.

Woohyun pouted and frowned.

“Sunggyu-hyung, did you mind that?” Woohyun asked, his tone dead serious.

“Woohyun, it’s not…” But before Sunggyu could continue, Woohyun had already walked off.

Sunggyu knew he had hurt Woohyun’s feelings. Still, he didn’t know how he should react to the boy’s words. Two guys holding hands, of course, to whomever it’ll look weird. It’s not like Sunggyu actually mind the skinship, in fact, he liked it whenever Woohyun held his hand.
Only Woohyun’s hand held that warmth and sense of security. However, it was already too late as Sunggyu caught the younger increasing the distance between them.

It was already late in the night and the train was empty.

Sunggyu sat beside Woohyun who still appeared to be upset.

Slowly, Sunggyu brought his hand to cup over Woohyun’s one, intersecting their fingers. Woohyun got a shock and jumped at Sunggyu’s sudden motion.

Sunggyu looked away from Woohyun to hide his blush. Woohyun smiled at his hyung’s attempt.

Woohyun squeezed the older man’s hand and whispered, “Thanks.”

Feeling the awkwardness growing, Sunggyu leaned his head on Woohyun’s shoulder.

“I’m tired, I’m going to sleep,” Sunggyu declared and closed his eyes.

Woohyun smiled as he could see clearly from their reflection in the train tinted windows that Sunggyu was grinning from ear to ear.

‘Idiot..’ Woohyun smiled.

‘You’re really an idiot, Kim Sunggyu,’ Woohyun thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

‘Just for once, I wish that time will stay forever at this point.’

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696 streak #1
re-reading this again 🥰
I just found this story after so many years, for the first time!!!! I watched the movie and it was amazing~~ And now I'm really excited to read it in Woogyu version!!!!><
Chapter 9: Do your best Gyu ♡
Chapter 11: I teared at the epilogue, this story was beautifully written! Thank you so much for writing this woogyu story, I really love it <3
kimgyugyu #5
Chapter 11: This is so cute :--( ❤❤
Chapter 11: I love how you make this story slightly different from the original one. It reminds me of the seven days movie version. Hahahaha i kept imagining both actors ;;
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaa i am squealing so hard noowww.. Ahahaha

And i bit my hand bcoz all of this fluffyness and cheesiness ahaaha

It was the best author-niimmmm.. Ten tumb isnt enough...
Thank you so mucchh /deep bow/
Chapter 10: I was read it. From the day 1 till day 7. Oh sorry, you are read mangas too. I saw you wrote it down in your foreword..

Here all of the scene before, archery club, the cheering from fangirl for gyu and hyun. Their exchange phone number. When they are stood in the peron, the train. All of this remembering me to the manga.. Thank you so much, author-nim. Thank you..

Your cheesy script too. It was nice, so nice..

And in this chapter. I can feel it.. Yes i can..
Im touched :')
Your naration too.. Thank you ^^
Chapter 3: /squealing so hard/

Did you read mangas ?
Oooh gyu oppa in archery club o>,<o
Wooww its so manga-iisshh.. And myungsoo so talkactive hereee kkkk

Really, i felt that i read a mangaa.. Huwaah hopely i wont lost this feeling in the next chapter..

Hello, i am new reader hereee /salute