Day 5: Do you hear me?

A couple, just for seven days


Author's note: Hi peeps! Thanks for supporting my fic and reading it. I think the fic will be finished by today? I have already thought of the plot so please look forward to the upcoming changes in the fic! Oh and feel free to suggest different endings or continuation to the fic! Please enjoy the fic. :D


Time was running out soon. With the blink of an eye, 7 days were going to pass by very soon. However, Dongwoo and the rest can see by their interactions that Woohyun and Sunggyu were getting closer and closer each day.

Myungsoo had been wishing daily that the two of them would just forget about the 7 days already, however, the happiness that these 7 days will bring and the sadness that will come after 7 days remained deeply etched inside Sunggyu’s mind.

“Gyu-hyung! Here! For you,” To speed things up a little, Myungsoo handed Sunggyu a pair of concert tickets.

“For free?” Sunggyu’s eyes lighted up.

Myungsoo nodded and Sunggyu jumped up in excitement.

“Think of who to bring okay?” Myungsoo smiled knowingly at Sunggyu.


It didn’t take long for Sunggyu to spot Woohyun, even in the sea of people. It was easy to identify that muscular built, tall stature and irresistible face.

“Sunggyu-hyung!” Woohyun had recognized the incoming guy immediately and motioned the older guy to a quiet spot.

“Woohyun Woohyun!” Sunggyu eargely went up to the younger guy, both so excited to see one another.

“Look what I got!” Sunggyu proudly held out the tickets.

“Concert tickets?” Woohyun received the ticket from Sunggyu and scanned them.
“You’re inviting me?” Woohyun’s face lit up like a small kid.
“When is it?”

“I think next Sunday!” Sunggyu immediately replied.
The two of them stood under a tree and examined the ticket like it was some kind of treasure.

Then Woohyun paused.
“Next Sunday?” Woohyun questioned.

“Yup, look it’s written down here!” Sunggyu pointed to the date that was written on the back of the ticket.

It was really next Sunday.

Sunggyu looked up to see Woohyun’s expression turned to an unreadable one. Then, it suddenly clicked in his head.

The concert was next Sunday. It was after their 7 days. Next Sunday, they were no longer going to be a couple.

“Ahh. I’m such a forgetful person aren’t I?” Sunggyu started to laugh, his voice trembling.

“Here, you can have the tickets. Go with who you’re dating next week, okay?” With that, Sunggyu shoved the concert tickets into Woohyun’s hand and before Woohyun could react, Sunggyu had already taken off.

With the tickets in his hand, Woohyun’s heart fell.
‘That’s not what I meant Sunggyu you idiot’


Huff..Huff… Sunggyu had his hands on his knees and stopped running only until he was sure Woohyun was not chasing him.

‘I’m such an idiot!’ Sunggyu scolded him. Once again, he felt a sharp knife stabbing his heart and it made it so hard for him to breathe.

He leaned against the concrete wall. “2 more days left…” Sunggyu said that out loud, his voice filled with pain and anguish.


Woohyun went in search of Sunggyu. The older man was surely fast. But Sunggyu was all along like that. Always so headstrong and rash, and always not giving Woohyun a chance to explain himself.

“Sunggyu-hyung!” Woohyun appeared in Sunggyu’s classroom. It was already late so nobody was there.

“Woohyun-ssi?”Upon hearing his name being called, Woohyun spun around only to see Yoona.

“Looking for Sunggyu? I didn’t see him after he went off with the concert tickets so excitedly,” Yoona smiled at her ex-boyfriend.

“Ahh… Is that so?” Woohyun’s voice trailed off in disappointment.

“How’s it going with Sunggyu? He’s a tough cookie right?” Yoona motioned Woohyun into the classroom.

Woohyun smiled slightly at that.
“Yoona-ssi you know Sunggyu-hyung very well?” Woohyun asked.

“Well?” Yoona snorted. “Let’s just say that I’m one of the few who can actually handle Sunggyu’s weird character.”

Woohyun sniggered at that. Sunggyu did seem weird.

“Sunggyu-hyung. He’s not what he appears to be eh?” Woohyun tried.

Yoona waited for Woohyun to continue.

“I used to think that Sunggyu-hyung was some kind of prince that was popular with girls. Now, he just seems like a kid who does whatever he wants,” Woohyun smiled at the thought of Sunggyu.

“Sometimes he’s a bit selfish. At most times, he’s rash and never thinks before doing anything. And not to mention, he never sits and listens to what anybody is talking…” It seemed that Woohyun could go on talking about Sunggyu and his grin just gets wider every time he recalls about Sunggyu.

“Do you dislike that about him?” Yoona questioned.

“Dislike? Of course not. I find that part of him so irresistible and adorable,” Woohyun looked up at Yoona who was smiling at him.

“Myungsoo’s really right. If it’s you… if it’s you two, then maybe…” Yoona walked forward to Woohyun and accidentally tripped.

Woohyun, alarmed, didn’t think about anything else and went forward to grab Yoona so that she could steady herself.

The sound of books dropping onto the ground reverberated throughout the classroom.

Woohyun and Yoona who were in extremely close proximity now turned to the door of the classroom and saw a really shocked Sunggyu.

“Sunggyu-hyung?” Woohyun watched as Sunggyu’s eyes started to dilate and water.

“You… you two…” Sunggyu’s voice trembled as he watched the two accusingly.

Woohyun who finally realized their awkward situation released his grip on Yoona’s waist.

“Kim Sunggyu, calm down wait. Don’t misunderstand this situation,” Yoona hurriedly tried to explain.

But it was already too late. Sunggyu had already dashed off.

“What’s his problem?” Yoona almost shouted.
Before she knew it, Woohyun was already off chasing after Sunggyu. This time, it didn’t seem like Woohyun was going to let Sunggyu outrun him.

“What’s wrong with the two of them?” asked a curious Myungsoo who suddenly stepped into the scene and watching the two of them running off.

“I honestly pity Woohyun. Why wouldn’t Sunggyu just give him some time to speak and stop running away?” Yoona asked.

“Well, they’re both idiots in some way. They’re both obviously, so in love with one another, and yet, nobody is doing anything to the situation,” Myungsoo commented.

“Anyways, I hope Woohyun can catch up to Sunggyu…”Yoona prayed.


“Sunggyu-hyung!” Woohyun’s shouts were starting to get to Sunggyu who was dashing straight ahead. The tears that formed were now clouding his eyes and he didn’t know what else to do rather than to continue running.

“Shut up! Go away!” Sunggyu shouted, his head not turning back and speed not decreasing.

“Sunggyu!” Woohyun wasn’t going to give up and obey Sunggyu. This time, he was definitely going to get Kim Sunggyu to listen to him.

“Idiot!” Sunggyu shouted and accidentally missed a step on the staircase that he was running down on.

Before he knew it, Sunggyu could feel himself falling down the flight of stairs.

“!” Woohyun dashed ahead at full speed.


“Look who’s the idiot now? Calling somebody else an idiot while falling down a flight of stairs. Kim Sunggyu you’re are the idiot,” Woohyun chided the older guy.

“Well, for catching an idiot, Nam Woohyun, you’re the idiot!” Sunggyu rebutted the younger one.

Before Sunggyu had reached the ground and end up in the hospital with a broken head, Woohyun had cushioned the other from the fall and caught Sunggyu before he hit the hard, cold floor.

Sunggyu tried to pick himself up but Woohyun wouldn’t let Sunggyu go. He held Sunggyu tight in his arms and said, “I’m not letting you go unless you listen to what I say.”

“What’s there to say?” Sunggyu questioned.

“A lot so shut up for now!” Woohyun immediately shouted, scaring Sunggyu who just looked at Woohyun with wide eyes.

“Things are not like that,” Woohyun started.

“I didn’t know you guys were that close,” Sunggyu still insisted.

“Stop being so freaking stubborn, Kim Sunggyu! Listen to me!” Woohyun scolded once again.
“please…” it came out so soft like a whisper that rendered Sunggyu silent.

“It was an accident. She was about to fall and so I just grabbed her to steady her. You just came in at the wrong time. And besides, I only came into the classroom to look for you,” Woohyun explained.

“Do you understand now?” Woohyun placed his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder and speaked softly into Sunggyu’s ears.

Sunggyu’s face turned bright red and he could only nod after feeling the hot breath on his ears.

“Anyway, I’m really glad you got jealous,” Woohyun nuzzling Sunggyu’s neck.

Sunggyu now got even redder.

“Sunggyu-hyung. You really cute when you get jealous but the next time you get jealous; don’t ever run away from me okay? And definitely don’t run down stairs!” Woohyun had chided, leaning his head now on Sunggyu’s back.

‘This position was really nice,’ Woohyun thought.

 When they’re like this, Sunggyu wouldn’t be able to run away from Woohyun and they can finally talk without caring about anyone else. Woohyun felt extremely calm holding Sunggyu like this, as if finally this unpredictable person was finally in his grasp.

“Hyung…” Woohyun started.

‘Why he’s so talkative today?’ Sunggyu thought to himself but he didn’t mind being grabbed down like this by Woohyun. At least in this position, Woohyun couldn’t see Sunggyu’s face which became as red as a beetroot.

“You know… you’re really unreasonable. Childish, selfish and rash,” Woohyun continued, and Sunggyu tensed up.

This was always how it started. Their words before they break up with him.

I’m sorry. You were not who I thought you were…

I’m so disappointed in you…

Those cold words before they break up with him. So now, it was time to hear it from Woohyun. He had been through this so many times so why? Why was did this time seem to hurt a lot more?

“You’re not who I thought you were before…” Sunggyu braced himself for the following words.

I’m so disappointed…

“but… I really like the you I’m seeing now…”

‘What?’ Sunggyu thought and turned to Woohyun who was smiling gently at Sunggyu.

“I’m not hearing things am i? Did you just say that ‘you like me’?” Sunggyu had asked once again.

A blush crept up to Woohyun’s face after hearing Sunggyu repeat it and he could only nod.

‘So… it’s fine to be the way I am now? Even if I’m imperfect and full of flaws, there will still be ‘somebody who likes me just the way I am?’ Sunggyu thought to himself, jumping up and away from Woohyun.

“Woohyun… I…” Sunggyu was just about to say something when somebody interrupted him.

“Oppa, can I talk to you for a second?”

Sunggyu spun around to see an unfamiliar girl.

“Me?” Sunggyu pointed to himself and the girl nod.

“Er… okay…” Sunggyu replied and turned to Woohyun who was still on the floor, stunned.

“You can go first Woohyun… I…” Sunggyu told the younger one.

“No hyung, I’ll wait here for you,” Woohyun insisted sternly, leaving the older one with nothing to say.

“I’ll be right back,” Sunggyu said before leaving with the girl.


‘. I should be going back soon. Woohyun looked like he’s in pain from the fall,’ Sunggyu thought to himself.

“Oppa?” The girl tried to capture Sunggyu’s attention.

“Yeah? Oh, I’m sorry. What did you say again?” Sunggyu tried to focus on the girl.

She had plucked up much courage to confess to him so he ought to be paying more attention.

“I really like you oppa!” The girl finally confessed.

Sunggyu smiled and asked her, “Which part of me do you like?”

The girl became all flustered and red. Sunggyu used to think this was cute but now, someone was even cuter whenever he pouts. Sunggyu smiled at the thought of that.

“I like you whenever you smile, brush your bangs… And oppa you’re so good-looking,” The girl continued.

“Mei-ssi?” Sunggyu remembered her name.
“I think I won’t be able to live up to your expectations,” Sunggyu explained to her.

“What are you saying oppa?” Mei immediately asked.

“Well, you see. Actually, I’m seeing someone now. And that person just told me he likes me the way I am. I don’t have to change. When I’m with him, I feel so free and comfortable,” Sunggyu smiled, remembering Woohyun’s words to him.


“I’m sorry. I appreciate your feelings but I’ve got to be going now. Thank you,” Sunggyu thanked her politely before sprinting off.

‘He… will still be waiting right?’ Sunggyu had thought to himself.

A familiar figure greeted him at the entrance of the school gate.

“You’re late!” That familiar, warm voice chided him.

“Sorry!” Sunggyu had smiled.

That’s right. This was where he could feel the most comfortable: beside him.

“Hey! The train’s station’s that way!” Woohyun shouted at his nonchalant hyung.

“I know! But before that, we’re going to get you to the doctor and fix your injured hand!” Sunggyu replied.


“Wow. Your hand’s fractured really badly. You must have applied a whole lot of pressure on it. What the hell were you doing?” the doctor had asked.

“I was catching an idiot who fell down the stairs,” Woohyun had answered truthfully and the earned him a smack from his head.

“That sounds really dumb,” the doctor had commented to which Woohyun readily agreed.

‘I really became stupid. Because I didn’t mind that a single bit,’ Woohyun had thought to himself with a smile.

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695 streak #1
re-reading this again 🥰
I just found this story after so many years, for the first time!!!! I watched the movie and it was amazing~~ And now I'm really excited to read it in Woogyu version!!!!><
Chapter 9: Do your best Gyu ♡
Chapter 11: I teared at the epilogue, this story was beautifully written! Thank you so much for writing this woogyu story, I really love it <3
kimgyugyu #5
Chapter 11: This is so cute :--( ❤❤
Chapter 11: I love how you make this story slightly different from the original one. It reminds me of the seven days movie version. Hahahaha i kept imagining both actors ;;
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaa i am squealing so hard noowww.. Ahahaha

And i bit my hand bcoz all of this fluffyness and cheesiness ahaaha

It was the best author-niimmmm.. Ten tumb isnt enough...
Thank you so mucchh /deep bow/
Chapter 10: I was read it. From the day 1 till day 7. Oh sorry, you are read mangas too. I saw you wrote it down in your foreword..

Here all of the scene before, archery club, the cheering from fangirl for gyu and hyun. Their exchange phone number. When they are stood in the peron, the train. All of this remembering me to the manga.. Thank you so much, author-nim. Thank you..

Your cheesy script too. It was nice, so nice..

And in this chapter. I can feel it.. Yes i can..
Im touched :')
Your naration too.. Thank you ^^
Chapter 3: /squealing so hard/

Did you read mangas ?
Oooh gyu oppa in archery club o>,<o
Wooww its so manga-iisshh.. And myungsoo so talkactive hereee kkkk

Really, i felt that i read a mangaa.. Huwaah hopely i wont lost this feeling in the next chapter..

Hello, i am new reader hereee /salute