Day 2: Maybe... Just maybe...

A couple, just for seven days


Ringg Ringg.. the alarm clock rang brightly.
An awakening Woohyun rubbed his brown orbs and scratched his slightly ruffled black hair. He grabbed his phone that was placed beside him and switched it on.

He typed a quick message on his phone and sent it.
‘it was the same thing every day.’ He thought. ‘Honestly, the best would be to send it to the same person everyday but…’

Then, an image of Sunggyu flew across Woohyun’s mind.
‘Maybe this time I’ll really fall in love?’

He can’t help but feel hopeful every beginning of the week. Maybe this time it was really the one. However, that didn’t happen for the past 2 years.

‘Seven days to see what is in my heart…’ Woohyun thought once again.

He didn’t have to wait long for the reply. Bored, he flipped the screen over and read the other’s reply.

Honestly, this is bothering me. I would prefer if you kept your morning calls to yourself.

Reading the reply, Woohyun didn’t know how to react. The girls will usually thank him for being so considerate or they were already up by now preparing. Woohyun chuckled.

‘Kim Sunggyu. A really weird creature…’

Woohyun couldn’t help but press the call button on the phone.

‘What will be his reaction?’ Woohyun couldn’t help but wonder.

Then, the call connected.

“You’re an idiot right?” The person on the other side said, his voice carried sleepiness and anger.

Woohyun paused at that. Was that a question?

“Didn’t you hear before a quote that goes: Deprive a person of money and luxuries, but never deprive him of sleep?’ ?” Sunggyu continued asking.

“Does that quote really exist?” It was now Woohyun’s turn to ask.

“Forget it,” Sunggyu’s voice tainted with irritation.

“Sunggyu-hyung, let’s go to school already. If we continue quarrelling, we’re going to be late,” Woohyun reasoned with the grumpy man.

Sunggyu scratched the back of his head and reluctantly crawled out of bed.

‘Might as well get going since he can’t sleep any longer,’ he thought. Still, that didn’t mean he forgave Woohyun.

Woohyun chuckled as he disconnected the call. He jumped out of bed and immediately went to prepare. He can’t wait even a second to see Sunggyu. It was the first time he was anticipating so much.


Sunggyu yawned for the umpteen times at the train station, not bothering to even use his hand to cover his mouth.

“Tsk,” Sunggyu heard somebody made a sound.

“That’s such a waste of your pretty face, Sunggyu-hyung,” Sunggyu felt something icy cold come into contact with cheeks and he flinched.

Woohyun appeared from behind Sunggyu and had pressed an icy cold coffee to his cheek.

“Shut up!” Sunggyu demanded as he yawned once again.

“Cappuccino or mocha?” Woohyun asked, holding two coffees to a sleepy Sunggyu.

Sunggyu just grabbed a random cup from Woohyun, not knowing what it is.

Woohyun grinned at the grumpy and sleepy Sunggyu. He looked so different. His locks of hair were a little out of place and his eyes looked even smaller than they did yesterday, as if he was closing it.
Still, nobody could say that he looked any less good-looking. Woohyun smiled at the different side of Sunggyu that he was seeing.

“What’s wrong with you?” Sunggyu noticed the overly-smiling Woohyun.

“Nothing,” Woohyun replied, still smiling.

Sunggyu frowned upon not receiving a proper answer. He scanned the train station and realized that many people were staring at them. The two handsome guys were like the centre of attraction.

“Feeling nervous?” Woohyun whispered, noticing Sunggyu’s sudden change of expression.

“Shut up, the train’s here,” Sunggyu elbowed Woohyun. They really stood out in the crowd and he could see many girls, from different schools eyeing them. That made him feel just a little, nervous.

Woohyun could feel Sunggyu’s expression tensing up and he didn’t like the look that Sunggyu had on his face. It made him worry and think what he could do for Sunggyu to loosen up a little.


The bell for lunch rang and woke Sunggyu up from his deep slumber.

“Why so tired Sunggyu?” Yoona spun around and glanced up at the day dreaming Sunggyu.
“How was yesterday?” She asked curiously.

In a flash of light, Myungsoo was beside her, both anxious about what happened between the two hot guys yesterday.
“We’re two guys. What do you expect us to do?” Sunggyu just rolled his eyes.

“No way, you guys already went that far?” Yoona covered with her hands, her eyes with disbelief and surprise.

Sunggyu almost choked on air.
“You seriously have some misconceptions about guys,” Sunggyu hurriedly explained.

Upon hearing that, Yoona calmed down a little and Myungsoo just stared at the both of them.

“Anyways, let’s go grab something to eat. I’m starving,” Sunggyu stood up from his desk.

“Aren’t you meeting him for lunch?” Myungsoo pointed to outside of the classroom.

Sunggyu followed his finger and found himself looking at Woohyun, who was standing outside of the classroom.

Woohyun was waving to some girls who were talking to him. However, when he caught Sunggyu’s eye, he smiled and waved shyly at him.

‘What the hell is he doing?’ Sunggyu thought to himself.

Sunggyu walked towards the handsome tall guy and just as he was a few inches from him, he saw somebody who practically jumped on Woohyun.

“Woohyun!” Sunggyu watched a guy jumping onto Woohyun and he was surprised.

“Dongwoo-hyung!” Woohyun grinned at the new guy.

“Let’s go have lunch!” Dongwoo announced to Woohyun.

“Sorry, but today, I’m having lunch with this guy,” Woohyun declined Dongwoo’s offer and pointed to Sunggyu.

Dongwoo pouted. “I was still wondering why I didn’t see a girl hovering around you. So this time, it’s a guy, huh?” Dongwoo scanned Sunggyu from head to toe.

Sunggyu was starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

“Hyung, sorry,” Woohyun tried to shift Sunggyu behind him, away from Dongwoo.

“So protective!” Dongwoo frowned and continued, “We three can have lunch together!”

“Who said I was having lunch with you?” Sunggyu finaly found his voice and rebutted Woohyun. Woohyun’s expression turned to one of hurt.

“What are you saying gyu-hyung? Let’s all have lunch together!” Myungsoo appeared out of nowhere and slapped Sunggyu’s head down.

Ignoring Sunggyu’s protest, the group went up to the rooftop to enjoy their lunch.

Before Sunggyu knew it, he was dragged to the rooftop and was sitting beside Woohyun, surrounded by faces.

The group was busy talking to one another, Hoya with Dongwoo and Sungyeol with Myungsoo and Sungjong butting in from time to time.

“Excuse me…” Sunggyu finally asked. “How the hell do you guys know each other?”He was surprised that his two juniors and Myungsoo were actually friends with Woohyun’s friends.

“Hoya-hyung and Dongwoo-hyung knew each other from a long time, and Myungsoo-hyung is in the same club as Sungyeolie-hyung,” Sungjong explained.

“Wow… the world’s really small huh,” was the only thing Sunggyu could muster after hearing the explanation from Sungjong. How could he not notice after so long?

“I’m so sorry you had to be dragged here. It would have been better with just the two of us,” Woohyun whispered to Sunggyu.

Sunggyu turned to look at him weirdly. “Why? Isn’t it better to eat with a group?”

Sungjong overheard their conversation and said to Sunggyu, “Unless you don’t mind the cheesiness and overly intimate hands.”

Sunggyu looked at Sungjong with a question mark on his face and when he turned back to the rest, he finally understood.

Hoya was feeding Dongwoo and the latter was doing the same, while Myungsoo and Sungyeol were totally flirting with one another.

A light bulb shone in Sunggyu’s head.

“Oh my god, I didn’t know…” Sunggyu tried, now his face flushed pink.

Woohyun giggled at Sunggyu’s embarrassment.

“That’s why you should start thinking about others more Sunggyu-hyung,” Sungjong chided the embarrassed hyung.

“But I still can’t believe that Woohyun and Sunggyu are now together,” Dongwoo finally started paying attention to something else other than his Hoya.

A blush crept up to Sunggyu’s face.

“Very soon Sungjong you’re going to be the only loner,” Sungyeol teased the poor maknae, who pouted in response.

“but I’m quite curious about the woogyu couple’s progress,” Myungsoo started probing.

“I think Woohyun-hyung will be perfect for Sunggyu-hyung,” Hoya joined in the fun.

Sunggyu nervously clasped his hands together. He had no idea how to reply to any of the other’s teases.

“Sunggyu-hyung, don’t you have club practice today?” Woohyun started and Sunggyu immediately nodded in relief.

‘Did Woohyun just help him?’ Sunggyu thought.  

“Then, you better get going. Sorry guys, we’re off,” Woohyun stood up and took Sunggyu’s hand, pulling him up in a swift motion.

Ignoring the rest booing, Sunggyu followed Woohyun down the rooftop. Sunggyu felt Woohyun’s tight grip around his hand and had to admit, it gave him warmth and a sense of security.

‘Did Woohyun really knew what he was thinking or was he just lucky?’ Sunggyu thought to himself. In any way, Sunggyu was glad that Woohyun had brought them away.

“Sorry for grabbing you down like this,” Woohyun finally halted and turned around to face Sunggyu.

“It’s okay,” Sunggyu flatly said, looking down at his feet as he was unsure whether he was blushing.

“Well then, I guess, I should go now,” Woohyun smiled slightly at Sunggyu.

“Wait, what? Go?” The moment was destroyed when Sunggyu finally realized something.

“Nam Woohyun! You have club practice too! Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Sunggyu started scolding Woohyun who now was totally blank.

An ‘Oh,right!’ expression was plastered on Woohyun’s face as he continued getting scolded by Sunggyu.

“Don’t give me an ‘oh right!’ face. You’re not skipping today!” It was Sunggyu’s turn to drag the younger man to the archery clubroom.

“And to think I even reminded you and bought you a bow. What the hell are you thinking? Seriously Nam Woohyun, do you ever….” And Sunggyu’s nagging continued.

However, Woohyun wasn’t listening. He just smiled at Sunggyu’s continuous nagging and Sunggyu’s tight grip around his hand.

‘Kim Sunggyu. You’re really a weird creature…’ Woohyun thought as his grin widened.


Woohyun watched as Sunggyu pulled his bow and that feeling came back to him.

‘What an elegant stance and such focused eyes,’ Woohyun thought as he watch Sunggyu aimed for the target.

Chuuu. The arrow flew and bullseye.

Fangirls screamed and applause rang out.

Woohyun’s eyes never left Sunggyu to follow the arrow. He knew that Sunggyu would hit the bullseye and he couldn’t take his eyes off the older one who smiled slightly after releasing the arrow. That happiness and pride made Woohyun smile along with him.

“Woohyun Woohyun, did you see that?” After shooting three shots, Sunggyu ran up to Woohyun, sweat dripping profusely form his face, but it didn’t cover the bright smile that Sunggyu had.

Woohyun had always thought Sunggyu looked the prettiest when drawing the bow, until this moment at least.

“As expected from my boyfriend,” Woohyun winked to Sunggyu who immediately blushed.

‘Oh my god,’ Sunggyu thought in his head. ‘He’s really handsome’

It was Woohyun’s turn now.

The fangirls were already out of control and screaming their heads off.

Woohyun positioned himself at the shooting line.

“This Nam Woohyun really thinks he’s awesome.”
He heard voices behind him said.

“Every time he comes, he makes our field become some fish market.”
More voices joined in.

“Just because he’s good, he thinks he needn’t even show his face in practice.”
Those voices were getting to him and messing up with his concentration.

“We’re not some host club…”

“Quiet!” A familiar voice cleared all the horrible voices in the background.

Woohyun smiled as he recognized that voice immediately.

‘Kim Sunggyu,’ Woohyun thought as he positioned the bow that he held tightly. He should treasure this bow that was given to him.

‘You’re really….’ Woohyun pulled the bow with much strength and concentrated on the target.

‘Amazing…’ Woohyun released the bow and the arrow flew, as swift as lightning, and planted itself deeply on the bullseye.

Cheers filled the field but that didn’t matter to Woohyun.

He spun around and saw the face he wanted to see the most. That special person was standing behind him and smiled.

“Thank you,” Woohyun grinned back to the beaming Sunggyu.

The two just stood there for a while, smiling at one another.

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695 streak #1
re-reading this again 🥰
I just found this story after so many years, for the first time!!!! I watched the movie and it was amazing~~ And now I'm really excited to read it in Woogyu version!!!!><
Chapter 9: Do your best Gyu ♡
Chapter 11: I teared at the epilogue, this story was beautifully written! Thank you so much for writing this woogyu story, I really love it <3
kimgyugyu #5
Chapter 11: This is so cute :--( ❤❤
Chapter 11: I love how you make this story slightly different from the original one. It reminds me of the seven days movie version. Hahahaha i kept imagining both actors ;;
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaa i am squealing so hard noowww.. Ahahaha

And i bit my hand bcoz all of this fluffyness and cheesiness ahaaha

It was the best author-niimmmm.. Ten tumb isnt enough...
Thank you so mucchh /deep bow/
Chapter 10: I was read it. From the day 1 till day 7. Oh sorry, you are read mangas too. I saw you wrote it down in your foreword..

Here all of the scene before, archery club, the cheering from fangirl for gyu and hyun. Their exchange phone number. When they are stood in the peron, the train. All of this remembering me to the manga.. Thank you so much, author-nim. Thank you..

Your cheesy script too. It was nice, so nice..

And in this chapter. I can feel it.. Yes i can..
Im touched :')
Your naration too.. Thank you ^^
Chapter 3: /squealing so hard/

Did you read mangas ?
Oooh gyu oppa in archery club o>,<o
Wooww its so manga-iisshh.. And myungsoo so talkactive hereee kkkk

Really, i felt that i read a mangaa.. Huwaah hopely i wont lost this feeling in the next chapter..

Hello, i am new reader hereee /salute