Day 7: Just you & me

A couple, just for seven days


Woohyun woke up to the sound of his handphone’s ringtone.

He didn’t know when he fell asleep yesterday. He just got home, all soaked and laid in bed, thinking about stuff that will never come true.

‘So today’s the last day huh…’ Woohyun thought.

Woohyun picked up his phone and was surprised to see a message. From Sunggyu.

Woohyun hurriedly opened the message and read it.

Woohyun, if you’re not angry, will you meet me at the train station at 10.30am? Sunggyu.

Woohyun grabbed the alarm clock, almost falling off the bed in the process.


“!” Woohyun jumped off his bed.


‘He’s really not coming huh?’ Sunggyu thought to himself.
The ice coffee he held in his hand were long melted.


Sunggyu never knew that this voice could bring him so much relief and happiness as he spun around immediately and greeted the panting Woohyun.

“I’m so sorry I’m late. I slept late last night so…” Woohyun tried to explain. The evidence was visible from his sunken face and swollen red eyes.

Sunggyu didn’t sleep well last night too. The two were both lost in their own thoughts last night.

“It’s fine,” Sunggyu smiled at Woohyun.
“It’s my fault for asking you to come and see me at such short notice.”

“No hyung! I was really glad to receive your text,” Woohyun hurriedly said. “I really wanted to meet you one more time…” Woohyun’s voice trailed off.

Sunggyu smiled once again.

“I was thinking about it last night and I realized that the two of us never went on an official date before. So this time, let’s do it right for once eh?” Sunggyu asked the younger man.

Woohyun smiled. He couldn’t have asked for something better. Just being able to spend time with Sunggyu, even if it’s just for a short day, was a dream come true.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Woohyun exclaimed.

The two went on, both not mentioning about the events that happened yesterday. It would have been such a waste if they had spent the last day dwelling on unhappy memories. For now, this last day was all that mattered. This moment, when the two were together was all that mattered.


Myungsoo checked his cellphone and smiled.

He brought the text message over to the sleeping Sungyeol and woke him up.

Sungyeol got up reluctantly and read the text message that Sunggyu sent Myungsoo. A smile crept up to his face.

“The both of them are going to be alright, won’t they?” Sungyeol asked Myungsoo and snuggled on his lover’s chest.

“Of course!” Myungsoo replied and his lover’s hair gently.

Myungsoo, I thought about what you said and I realized that you were right. It’s time I start to love someone seriously. Even if I get rejected or pushed away, I want to love him. I’m sure that I am definitely going to regret it if I just let him walk away now. I want to treasure this last chance that I have with him. Thanks so much for everything my friend.                      Kim Sunggyu.


“What would you like to order?” The person at the counter asked the couple politely.

“Sweet popcorn!” The couple answered at the same time.

They exchanged a smile. Sunggyu knew that Woohyun enjoyed sweet stuff.

“Any drinks?” Another question was posed.

“Sprite!” Once again, it was a simultaneous answer.

Woohyun knew that Sunggyu-hyung preferred sprite than coke whenever it came to soft drinks.

After they ordered, they went ahead to the theatre and started watching the movie that they both had been looking forward for a long time.

**Before, the only things that they knew about one another were how the both of them were especially good-looking and they were both in the same club. However, after the 7 days, they got to know each other better. They knew each other’s likes and dislikes, their hobbies and interests like the back of their hands**

“That was a great movie!” Sunggyu exclaimed.

“So where are we going next, boss?” Woohyun asked, delighted that Sunggyu was enjoying it so much.

“Just follow me,” Sunggyu smiled and entangled his fingers with Woohyun’s.

“Hyung! We’re in public,” Woohyun’s heart skipped a beat.

“If you don’t like it, I can let go immediately,” Sunggyu told Woohyun.

Now it didn’t matter what others thought of the two of them. As long as Woohyun didn’t mind, Sunggyu can’t be bothered to think of what others think.

“No!” Woohyun’s grip tightened. “Don’t let go…”

Sunggyu heaved a sigh of relief and continued holding Woohyun’s hand, leading him.


They went on to have lunch at a chic restaurant.

“Honestly, Woohyun. You shouldn’t be that obvious with your intentions,” Sunggyu chided the younger man.

Woohyun stared back, looking totally clueless.

“Why do girls always do that? Purposely putting cream on their faces and try to make it seem like an accident,” Sunggyu started a familiar scene from the drama Secret Garden.

“Cream?” Woohyun wiped his mouth on the left as pointed by Sunggyu. However, the cream stain wasn’t left on the napkin.

Sunggyu bent forward, across the table and Woohyun’s right cheek. The younger one immediately turned a bright red.

“Sunggyu-hyung!” Woohyun stared at Sunggyu accusingly.

Sunggyu just grinned and withdrew back to his seat.

Woohyun suddenly burst into laughter, totally not giving Sunggyu the shy reaction that he was expecting.

“You’re really an idiot, you know that Kim Sunggyu?” With that, Woohyun pointed to Sunggyu’s hair which was stained with ice cream.

When he tried to return to his seat before, some strawberry ice-cream got stuck onto his hair.

Woohyun couldn’t help but break out into fits of giggles. Somehow even though he tries to act cool and all, Kim Sunggyu will forever be an idiot in front of Nam Woohyun.

“Stop laughing!” Sunggyu tried to stop Woohyun from laughing but that seemed to have the reverse effect, as the latter laughed so hard he almost fell of the chair.

“Take that!” The fed-up Sunggyu use his finger to wipe cream on Woohyun’s pretty face.

That stopped the younger one’s laughing fits.

“You’re such a kid, Kim Sunggyu!” Woohyun scolded the older one.

“Haha. Who’s the kid here eh?” Sunggyu rebutted and the two started arguing again.


**From the beginning to now, the two had always argued. They quarreled about everything, making a mountain out of a molehill. In the end, nobody won, but after every argument, the both were always able to make-up and their relationship becomes stronger than before. Through all these small arguments that make up their memories, both were able to experience such small bliss.

Others won’t be able to understand the happiness they get from those small, minute quarrels. It seemed that the more they quarrel and argue, the more they were able to understand each other and finally realize how they’re actually really similar. At the end of everything, the only thought passing through their minds was ‘I really love this guy.’ And they would both smile and laugh about how stupid their quarrels were**


They went to a lot of places after that. They went shopping for clothes, books and a whole lot of stuff. Then, they went to the arcade and fought it out in the car battles.

It didn’t really matter they went. Laughter and smiles followed them everywhere they went. The two were totally in their own world. They didn’t care about the weird looks that followed them. They didn’t care about the fangirls who recognized them and screamed their names. They didn’t care about the ridiculous 7 day plan. They didn’t care about anybody else or anything else, except each other.

As long as the two were smiling and together, nothing else seemed to matter.

It wasn’t the place or the time that was important. The most important was that in that particular place and time, the two were there and their hearts were together. And that was more than enough.

The smiles and memories that they made that day and throughout the 7 days will never fade away.

The sun has finally set and the day was nearing its end. There are no banquets that will continue forever and time will never wait for anyone.

Their last destination was at a park, where they could lean over the fencing and see the sunset. They both knew that the day was going to end. The last day was really going to end now.


Author's note: Sorry!! THis chap is when i get really naggy. hahahs. Dunno if i expressed their feelings well enough & sorry if it wasn't the kind of ending that you guys were expecting. but anyways check out my epilogue. it's gonna get uploaded simultaneously! Please tell me if u guys really dun like such naggy writing. ><



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695 streak #1
re-reading this again 🥰
I just found this story after so many years, for the first time!!!! I watched the movie and it was amazing~~ And now I'm really excited to read it in Woogyu version!!!!><
Chapter 9: Do your best Gyu ♡
Chapter 11: I teared at the epilogue, this story was beautifully written! Thank you so much for writing this woogyu story, I really love it <3
kimgyugyu #5
Chapter 11: This is so cute :--( ❤❤
Chapter 11: I love how you make this story slightly different from the original one. It reminds me of the seven days movie version. Hahahaha i kept imagining both actors ;;
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaa i am squealing so hard noowww.. Ahahaha

And i bit my hand bcoz all of this fluffyness and cheesiness ahaaha

It was the best author-niimmmm.. Ten tumb isnt enough...
Thank you so mucchh /deep bow/
Chapter 10: I was read it. From the day 1 till day 7. Oh sorry, you are read mangas too. I saw you wrote it down in your foreword..

Here all of the scene before, archery club, the cheering from fangirl for gyu and hyun. Their exchange phone number. When they are stood in the peron, the train. All of this remembering me to the manga.. Thank you so much, author-nim. Thank you..

Your cheesy script too. It was nice, so nice..

And in this chapter. I can feel it.. Yes i can..
Im touched :')
Your naration too.. Thank you ^^
Chapter 3: /squealing so hard/

Did you read mangas ?
Oooh gyu oppa in archery club o>,<o
Wooww its so manga-iisshh.. And myungsoo so talkactive hereee kkkk

Really, i felt that i read a mangaa.. Huwaah hopely i wont lost this feeling in the next chapter..

Hello, i am new reader hereee /salute