KPOP cinderella?

You are my salvation

Carmen POV

While in the taxi, Sarah kept silent. She knows me, and knows all I need before important things is silence so that I can concentrate. Nothing benefits me more than releasing my thoughts and just thinking about this and that, keeping my mind busy while thinking about what I had to do next. I decided to break the silence:

_ Did you bring your press badge? You know the VIP place I got you still hold?

_ Nah, the VIP place is such a boring place. Press people are full of gossip and infos. I wanna get juicy news. By the way, why didn't you go in the limo, seriously, that woul've been much more impressive!

_ I need to see my people working without knowing I'm there. I don't want them telling each other that I'm on my way. I need to see if I'm respected enough so that my words are taken into account.

_ Mhhm, clever. Wicked, but clever. Oh look we're there!

Yes,we were there. We both got of the taxi, Sarah went to the press entrance, and I proceeded to the staff entrance. Once I got there, I was pleased to see that everything was set. I went to see the final state of the stage, then proceeded to the visits to idols' dressing rooms to greet them, thank them, and make sure they had everything they needed. It would take a great amount of time, but I thought it would show a level of professionalism and how much I cared. I started visiting the idols one by one. The first one was EXO M's. I knocked and as soon as I was told so, I cam in:

_ Annyeonghaseyo!! I am Carmen, the manager. 

They were sitting with their manager, probably going over some last minute matters.

_ Annyeonghaseyo!! We're EXO-M immida!! 

Then theyr proceeded to presenting themselves one by one. They were so cute and adorable!! and respectful!

_ It is so nice to meet you!! I was just checking if you needed anything!

_ You have thought of everything Carmen sii, You worked hard!! - That was Kris speaking.

Then they all shouted:

_ Kamsahmnida Carmen ssi!!

I smiled at them and let out a HWAITING!! before I got out. The rest of the visits to Idols' dressing rooms went as smoothly. I specially liked meeting EXO-M and EXO-k, SNSD who were stretching and practicing, 2NE1 who seemed quite confident and SUPER JUNIOR who welcomed me as if I were an honnor guest! Who knew idols could be so caring! SISTAR members were glowing and the WONDER GIRLS seemed they would own the stage! So much sparkle in this world!! When I met with B2ST members, I thought they were  much more handsome in reality. MBLAQ made a very energetic greeting and Lee Joon seemed  bit flirty. T-ARA members were lovely as usual and they seemed very glad to meet me. I loved meeting with Davichi as I always thought they were super talented. There was also 4MEN, B1A4, Miss A, After School, Teen TOP...I was going  to explode of hapiness to see they all answered positivey to our inivitation. Before I opened BIGBANG's dressing room, I had to contain myself not to have a fangirl reaction. I have always been impressed by their talent, and sticking together after everything they went through...The always seemed to be on another level...I got in and...All I could think of was : "OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!" I looked at 5 boys goofing around, playing tricks on each other! That is THE SPIRIT!! They really knew how to have a good time, on stage and out of it!! I welcomed them and they greeted me in a very professional way. I had a feeling GD was giving me a bit of a erse look but I decided to think of something else and blame it on the dress.  There were also SOLO artists, such as GNA and Tablo, and I felt like I was in some sort of dream, meeting all of these people....Maybe I am the KPOP cinderella today!

I got to the last dressing room and knew what was awaiting me. I knocked once, twice, three times...An employee was passing by so I asked him:

_ Excuse me? Are 2PM members not here yet? I'm pretty sure we got the confirmation of all invited idols?

_ Oh manager they did come, but then we saw them running outside and since they were with their manager, we could not interfer. All they said was: "We'll be back"

_ I see, thank you. 

The sentence the employee said reminded me of their song, "I'll be back", that I started humming. I suddenly noticed flowers next to the group's dressing room. I am pretty sure I asked flowers to be delivered to all dressing rooms, why weren't these ones in? I called Joe to check.

_ Yo Joe, who's in charge of flower delivery?

_ Um, a girl  named Wendy, why? I checked earlier and they said they arrived.

_ Yes well, 2PM's flowers are still in front of the dressing room, not IN the dressing room.

_ Carmen calm down, I think it's because she doesn't like them and din't wanna run into them, so she decided to put them outside. They'd ...

_ DECIDED? DECIDED? I MAKE THE DECISIONS HERE!!! THAT IS SO UNPROFESSIONAL!! I will have to talk to that girl later on, bye Joe.

_Wait Carmen!

I didn't let him finish. I knew a majority of people thought I had to seduce the manager, or whomever to get this project to work and be the manager, so I was sensitive as to seeing my words applied. I had to make sure everyone sees that every single thing is perfect! no one will have to complain about ANYTHING!

I took a look at the flowers and decided I have to take them in myself. I bend down to pick the bouquet and worried about the dress. Luckily no one was in the corridor, nor in the dressing room, so I did not think much of the position the weight of the bouquet made me take. I came into the dressing room, put the bouquet down, and bent down to make sure the flowers were set right, while humming "I'll be back", that I still had in mind.

_ Wow! That is quite a show you're putting on there!

Caught  by surprise, I was about to fall but retained myself, and stood up, to be face to face with....a half Taecyeon. My head was all "OMO OMO OMO you're meeting your all times bias, calm down Carmen, calm down, be professional, remember...SPEAK! SAY SOMETHING!!!

_ ehem, um I was told the members have left, I did not know someone would be in the room.

_ Yeah Yeah that's what they all say, so what do you want on the autograph? 

I stared at him with wide eyes, not understanding a thing!

_ I've seen pretty fans but I have to say you have great big eyes...not to mention.. he said while checking me out.

_ Sir, I beleive you misunderstood, I am a member of staff and I am here only to...

_ hahahah what did you call me? Sir? girl I know you're only 18 under that make up but come on, oppa will do.

He was getting on my nerves, telling me I looked like an 18 years fangirl, while I was doing my best to keep everything professional. I took my badge and showed it to him, ignoring his remark.

_ I am part of the organizing comittee, as you can see. I apologize for coming into your room. I thought the members had left and I had to bring in the flowers. I will let you finish getting dressed and stop bothering you.

_ Wow wow wow, slow down beauty, why so mad? c'mon let us do things straight, I'm Taecyeon, member of 2PM, and you are?


_ Carmen, the manager of the event. 

He let out a laugh as I raised a questionning eyebrow.

_ I'm sorry but I tried to believe you were part of the staff. Don't you think claiming the manager is a bit too much?

_ Do you have some criteria of a manager that I don't fulfill, sir? 

_ 'nough with the sir, well for once, managers are not 18, and they do not go around wearing y dresses that make men want to jum all over them, even in events like these.

Ugh, the dress, Sarah you are sooo gonna die!!!

_ I'm 22, sir, and the dress was chosen by my stylist, as I did  not have enough time to pick one, being busy with more important matter, such as your comfort.    Which is why I am here, do you need anything?

Okay the lie, I had to do it...I mean come on, what was I supposed to say? I had to wear it because my best friend thinks being 22 and not having a boyfriend means I'm gonna end up as an old lady who only knows how to work, read books, listen to music and write poetry? I didn't wanna sound pathetic.... He took me by surprise when he grabbed my waist and said while getting closer to me:

_ Well I have all I need, but not ALL I want... 

As he leaned in and got closer to my face, I heard from my talkie walkie:

_ Yo manager! I got here! calm down about the flowers! I'm sure the band won't mind!!

Joe!! My savior!! Taken by surprise, Taecyeon had loosened up his embrace and so I got out and answered Joe:

_ It's okay Joe, I'll have a calm talk with the girl afterwards, no big deal.

_ Yeah, please, just...don't fire her.


_ What? I never said I dated...okay okay you always know everything, anyways, I like this one, pleaaase

_ Yeah sure, but the talk stands

_ yeah boss, whatever you need

_ Go make sure the sounds are good, we're starting in two hours.

_ Yes ma'm...I mean, future general manager

_ shut up Joe

I turned around when I was done and looked at a petrified taecyeon:

_ So, you actually are the manager!

_ Yes.

_ So what are you, the big boss's daughter or something?

_ No

_ Well if you aren't his daughter, you're something naughtier, he said with a wicked smile

A slap went directly to one of Korea's hottest men...

Hey guys sorry I had a busy day and couldn't write the update till now. Please read it and let me know what you think!! It's a bit long of a chapter, I thought of splitting it but I still have so much to tell that I wanna keep the rest to the coming chapter. I'll get soe rest and update tomorrow again! Don't forget to comment and subscribe! I really appreciate your opinions! Thank you guys!!!



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Chapter 9: Oh my O.o Why do I feel like those Taec lines would be something he would totally say in real life ??? Great work ! WE WANT MOORE XD
OhHai_Channie #2
I would of made sleep on the floor. Having him in the same bed would have killed me. Too much temptation right there. LOL.

We he said "I've seen better." it pissed me off but later I was able to see what he was trying to do there. Even if it was a bit harsh. You go put him in his place.
Niobee #3
@anakyim thank youuuu! I'm still changin the course of the story at each time! This is not where it was going at first XD

@OhHai_Channie I sooo agree!!! Taec is definitely aksjdkskals!! haahahaha
OhHai_Channie #4
This story is addicting. Lol. I want to know who was the person standing there!
Taecyeon is so aksjdkskals... Lol.
MangoKittyCat #5
I look forward to this story the most now
Niobee #6
@bigbangisawsome6 You're most welcome! I'm doing my best to update on a daily basis, but I'm so sleepy now haha

@anakyim oh great! 'cause once I start writing, I just can't seem to stop XD

@OhHai_Channie, more Carmen POV :b!!! hahaha I always see GD as a player and some sort of cute ert, thought it would be nice to include that!! :D

Enjoy the chapter ^^
OhHai_Channie #7
Omg! This chapter killed. The ending was epic. I need more! Lol. Haha... GD caught checking her out.
I can't imagine what it would be like to meet all those idols.
Oh, Taecyeon you are such a bad boy.

You thought of me? Yay! I feel special. Hahaha... :D
MangoKittyCat #8
The longer the better
bigbangisawesome6 #9
Thnxs for the update ~"!!!"""
Niobee #10
@anakyim thank you for your feedback!! Please keep giving me your opinion!

@bigbangisawsome6 thank you! I hope you like the new update!!

@OhHai_Channie I wrote the whole chapter as carmen's POV while having you in mind :D. Seems like I hit a few right infos while writing the fictional Carmen :b