

MyTaeminnieMint is online

UmmaKey45 is online

MyTaeminnieMint: Hey Key what's up?

UmmaKey45: Not much. How was your holiday?

MyTaeminnieMint: Not bad. I didn't go anywhere special like you guys.

UmmaKey45: Well, maybe you should look after your health better and then you can go places with us.

MyTaeminnieMint: You think I want to be sick while you guys go to Japan without me? I mean I have been stuck at home with nothing to do but talk to Morgan.

UmmaKey45: Why are you talking to her?!? She's no good. Stop talking to her.

MyTaeminnieMint: Well, it's not like I had anyone else to talk to. You guys were to busy with promotions and couldn't talk to me. What else was I supposed to do?

UmmaKey45: Go to a friend's house?

MyTaeminnieMint: I'm sick.

UmmaKey45: Right. Talk to someone else.

MyTaeminnieMint: She doesn't let anyone else in the chat room.

UmmaKey45: Find a different chat room.

MyTaeminnieMint: Hey, I just heard something like breaking glass.

UmmaKey45: Are your parents home?

MyTaeminnieMint: No. They all went somewhere. I didn't listen to where to. Should I go check on it?

UmmaKey45: No don't do that. Lock your door and if you can get out the window.


UmmmaKey45: Taemin? TAEMIN?!?

MyTaeminnieMint: He can't come to the room right now. If you'll please leave a message after the beep. BEEP

MyTaeminnieMint is offline

UmmaKey45: TAEMIN!!!!!!

DubuCondition22 is online

UmmaKey45: Onew, you're the leader! Do Something!!

DubuCondition22: What's the matter?

UmmaKey45: Taemin's been kidnapped!!!

DubuCondition22: What do you expect me to do? We're in Japan. He's in Korea. See the problem?

UmmaKey45: Fine so I panicked. What are we going to do?

FrogPrince20 is online

FrogPrince20: About what?

DubuCondition22: Taemins been kidnapped.

FrogPrince20: WHAT?!?

DinoPup1 is online

DinoPup1: So Taemin was kidnapped? What are we going to do.

UmmaKey45: How did you know?

DinoPup1: I can read.

DubuCondition22: Anyone have any ideas?


superdino34 is online

superdino34: Just wanted you all to know that Taemin is ok.

UmmaKey45: How do you know?

superdino34: I kidnapped him. How else?

FrogPrince20: Why?

superdino34: He's mine.

UmmaKey45: SAYS WHO?!?

superdino34: ME! I am the author and what I say goes!!

DubuCondition22: And why do you think he belongs to you?

superdino34: Because he does. And anyway Soo Man said I could have him.

DinoPuo1: What? 

superdino34: Yeah, I've been talking to Soo Man and he said I could have Taemin.

FrogPrince20: Are you serious?

UmmaKey45: If you're for real how did you meet him?

superdino34: Cafe in the US

FrogPrince20: You have got to be kidding me.

superdino34: Nope. Here I'll even get him onto the chat.

TheSooManE is online

superdino34: Afternoon Soo Man oppa.

TheSooManE: Afternoon Morgan.

DinoPup1: How do we know that's really him?

superdino34: Call him. You would have to tell him you think Taemin had been kidnapped anyway right?

DubuCondition22: Key you call.

UmmaKey45: Roger.

superdino34: So while he's doing that what has everyone been up to lately?

DubuCondition22: Not much.

DinoPup1: Onew how can you talk to me when she might have kidnapped Taemin?!?

DubuCondition22: Well, it's not like we know for sure right?

TheSooManE: Don't worry Taemin is safe with Morgan.

FrogPrince20: Can you just not talk since we don't know if you're really Soo Man? 

TheSooManE: How dare you speak informal to me?!?

UmmaKey45: Just got off the phone with the big man and he said he had no idea who Morgan is.

superdino34: Uhhh....How dare you trick me into thinking you are Soo Man?!?

TheSooManE: Bye bye.

TheSooManE is offline

MyTaeminnieMint is online

MyTaeminnieMint: So apparently my cat knocked over a bottle while she was on the counter.

UmmaKey45: Taemin? Is that really you?

MyTaeminnieMint: Yeah who else would it be?

DinoPup1: We thought you had been kidnappecd.

FrogPrince20: So you're ok?

MyTaeminnieMint: Yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you think I had been kidnapped?

DubuCondition22: Morgan said she kidnapped you.

MyTaeminnieMint: Oh, that was our plan.

UmmaKey45: What

MyTaeminnieMint: Well, while you guys where away we were talking and I was sad because you guys hadn't called at all so she came up with the idea to pretend that she kidnapped me and see what your reactions would be.

UmmaKey45: The how do you explain her saying those things with your account/

superdino34: I think you just answered your own question.

UmmaKey45: What?

FrogPrince20: Meaning Taemin wrote that.

superdino34: Idiot.

UmmaKey45: What did you just say?

superdino34: Wow, even though it's right there you need me to repeat it? You really are an idiot.

UmmaKey45: SHUT UP!!!

UmmaKey45 is offline

DinoPup1: Now look what you did?

DinoPup1 is offline

FrogPrince20: Well, sorry I can't stay and chat but I have a schedule. See you late Taemin.

MyTaeminnieMint: Bye hyung.

FrogPrince20 is offline

DubuCondition22: Me too. Sorry Taemin.

MyTaeminnieMint: That's ok hyung.

Dubucondition22: I call you late hows that?

MyTaeminnieMint: Call!!

Dubucondtion22: Bye!

DubuCondition22 is offline

MyTaeminnieMint: Sorry Morgan but I'm not feeling all the good at the moment so I'm going to bed.

superdino34: Ok talk to you later. Get better soon!

MyTaeminnieMint is offline.

sueprdino34: Damn, left alone again.

superdino34 is offline


- End Of Conversation - 

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DramaLuv #2
Lol!!! Update soon