

DubuCondition22 is online

Key-to-my-Heart is online

DubuCondition22: Hello everyone!! I'm SHINee's Onew

Key-to-my-Heart: You're the only one here. You don't have to introduce yourself

DubuCondition22But you're here

Key-to-my-HeartWell, I already know who you are

DubuCondition22How do you know who I am?! Are you a stalker?

Key-to-my-Heart: No. I'm Key you idiot.

DubuCondition22Oh, well, if that's you then you're username

Key-to-my-HeartYou really think I would choose it for myself?

FrogPrince20 is online 

Lock-to-my-Key is online

MyHubbieTae is online

Lock-to-my-Key: Whatcha talkin about?

DubuCondition22Key's dumb username

Key-to-my-HeartWhy do Jonghyun and I have matching usernames?

MyHubbieTaeHow or should I say why would we know?

superdino34 is online

superdino34Hello everyone!! I'm superdino34 or Morgan! Please look after me!

FrogPrince20Ask her

superdino34: Ask me what?

Key-to-my-HeartWhy is my username so lame?

superdino34: Really? I thought it was cute.

Lock-to-my-KeyWhy does mine and Key's match?

sueprdino34: Because of JongKey

Key-to-my-HeartSo you're one of those crazy fans

superdino34: No I'm not.

MyHubbieTaeThen why does mine say 'MyHubbieTae'?


Key-to-my-HeartWell, you going to explain?

superdino34: Fine, if you all hate them so much I'll change them

Key-to-my-Heart has changed username to UmmaKey45

Lock-to-my-Key has changed username to DinoPup1

MyHubbieTae has changed username to MyTaeminnieMint

superdino34: Ya'll happy now?


superdino34Too bad.

MyTaeminnieMintWhy does mine still have 'my' in it?

superdino34: cause you're mine


superdino34: Nothing~

superdino34So are you all done complaining about usernames?



UmmaKey45: No!


DubuCondition22I never complained about mine

UmmaKey45Don't be a up

superdino34: Key stop being a b*tch

UmmaKey45What'd you just call me?!?

superdino34: You read me

FrogPrince20*Facepalms* You all are weird. I'm out.

FrogPrince20 is offline

DubuCondition22I'm hungry. Who wants chicken?!?

MyTaeminnieMintWait for me Hyung! 

DubuCondition22 is offline

MyTaeminnieMint is offline

UmmaKey45Since they're getting food what to go to the movies?

DinoPup1Sure! Can we do 'that'?

UmmaKey45Fine. *rolls eyes*

UmmaKey45 is offline

DinoPup1 is offline

superdino34Wait, do what?


superdino34: DO WHAT?!? 0.O

superdino34Nobody listens to me T.T

superdino34 is offline


- End of conversation -


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DramaLuv #2
Lol!!! Update soon