

superdino34 is online

UmmaKey45 is online

DubuCondition22 is online

superdino34: Hello everyone! Your author here to tell you that I have decided to make this into more than a one shot. Yay!! 

UmmaKey45: Nobody cares

DubuCondition22: That's not very nice Key

UmmaKey45: Well, she's not very nice to me. She called me a b*tch

superdino34: Did not!

UmmaKey45: Yeah you did! Go to our last chat and you'll see!

superdino34: Anyways, I hope you're all happy that I've decided this-

UmmaKey45: Hey, don't change the subject!

superdino34: and can support me (unlike meanie Key over here)

UmmaKey45: You

superdino34: I'll delete you

UmmaKey45: Good! I would love that!!

superdino34: But then everyone would be sad

MyTaeminnieMint is online

MyTaeminnieMint: Hey, you two, stop fighting

UmmaKey45: She started it

superdino34: DID NOT!!

DubuCondition22: Well I don't care, I'm finishing it. Key go make me lunch

UmmaKey45: What? Whose side are you on?!?

DubuCondition22: I'm on the side of my stomach so get over it

UmmaKey45: Whatever. I'm out

UmmaKey45 is offline

DubuCondition22: Sorry author-ssi, he's a little cranky

superdino34: Why for?

MyTaeminnieMint: He's sore

superdino34: Sore? Sore from what?

MyTaeminnieMint: He and Jonghyun were-

DubuCondition22: Up late. Yeah, that's what Taemin meant to say. They're tired

superdino34: Suspicious 

DinoPup1 is online

DinoPup1: Man, me and Key had an awesome night last night

superdino34: Oh really? What were you doing?

DinoPup1: Uhh.........

FrogPrince20 is online

FrogPrince20: Hey, guys what's for dinner?

superdino34: Isn't it lunchtime?

FrogPrince20: Yeah, I just needed something to say in order to distract you from the subject of Key and Jonghyun

superdino34: Even more suspicious. Why would you need to do that?

FrogPrince20: Because the conversation was boring

superdino34: Not to me it wasn't

UmmaKey45 is online


superdino34: You're so mean. *goes to cry in a corner*

superdino34 is offline

MyTaeminnieMint: Key-hyung, you're so mean!

UmmaKey45: Whose side are you on?

MyTaeminnieMint: HERS!!

UmmaKey45: How could you?!?

MyTaeminnieMint: She's nice to me

UmmaKey45: She's barely talked to you!

MyTaeminnieMint: But I'm her's

UmmaKey45: Who says?

MyTaeminnieMint: Her

DinoPup1: Hey, I can hear Key screaming

FrogPrince20: Me too

DubuCondition22: Hey Key, where's my food?

FrogPrince20: Did you hear that Hyung?

DubuCondition22: No, what?

DinoPup1: He just screamed "IN THE KITCHEN! GET IT YOURSELF YOU LAZY !"

MyTaeminnieMint: How could you not hear that Hyung?

DubuCondtion22: I have my music up to drown out his screaming.

FrogPrince20: Good idea

MyTaeminnieMint: Let me guess. You just turned your music on

FrogPrince20: Yeah.

UmmaKey45: You are all mean. NO FOOD FOR YOU!

. . . 

DubuCondition22: My food!! What did you guys do?!?

FrogPrince20: What do you mean?

UmmaKey45: I ate his food

DubuCondtion22: How could you?!?

UmmaKey45: You all were being mean

DinoPup1: Key calm down. Go make Onew a new sandwich and get over it. You are kind of loud (especially at night)

UmmaKey45: JONGHYUN!!!

DinoPup1: What?

UmmaKey45: NO MORE FOR YOU!!

superdino34 is online

superdino34 : What’s this about ?

MyTaeminnieMint: Uh..I got to go pee. Bye!

FrogPrince20: Hey Onew, how about some food?

DubuCondition22: It’s like you read my mind.

MyTaeminnieMint is offline

FrogPrince20 is offline

DubuCondition22 is offline

superdino34: So what about ?

DinoPup1: Good going Key.

DinoPup1 is offline

superidno34: Is no one going to answer me?

UmmaKey45 is offline

superdino34: guys?

superdino34: Guys?

superdino34: Come on, not again! GUYS!!!

superdino34 is offline


- End Of Conversation - 



I bet you're all like this

not mine

not mine

UmmaKey45: probably not

Well guess what. I'm like this

not mine

not mine

not mine

not mine

Hope you liked it! Bye Bye and see you next time!

not mine

not mine

not mine

not mine

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DramaLuv #2
Lol!!! Update soon