The essay

The suicidal love triangle

After 3 hours of studying, it was already 10 o'clock, though, Ji Eun still wasn't done studying. That because her concentration was badly damaged by the singing, dancing and random jokes of the boys. While realizing the next day was Monday and since the time the boys went to bed, which was twelve o'clock, Ricky and Changjo were amazed by the fact Ji Eun was still studying. Half an hour after the boys went to bed, Ji Eun took an apple and still continued making her essay. The essay she had to make should be finished Monday, but due to her busy 'schedule' Ji Eun hadn't even typed half of it. Knowing it would count much on her end list of school, she would have to make night work of it.

At two o'clock, Ji Eun had fallen asleep while Niel woke up. Wanting a night drink. On his way to the kitchen, he found Ji Eun's laptop still . Not aware of the importancy nor even caring about what the essay was, Niel erased it. Softly chuckling as he took a banana-milk out of the fridge. When he drank it, he went back to sleep. After he went to bed again, L.Joe came out of his room, to concerned to sleep. He sighed relieved as he found Ji Eun sleeping, he picked a blanket of the couch and laid it over her shoulders. L.Joe softly smiled as he saw his old studymate sleeping peacefully. Rather than sleeping peacefully, she had a nightmare. She snaped out of her nightmare, fully awake, looking at her laptop. Letting out a cry because of what she saw on it's screen. L.Joe, CAP, Ricky and the others rushed to the livingroom, woken up due Ji Eun's high cry at only 5 am.

"Museun iliya?" L.Joe asked, again worried about Ji Eun. Ji Eun turned around making the boys able to see her tears.

"Who erased it? Who did it?!"

"Who erased what?" CAP asked, frowning, trying to understand why that girl woke him up.

"Don't act like you don't know! My essay!" Ji Eun yelled at CAP. Niel chuckled. If looks were able to kill, Niel would've been dead. Ji Eun was furious.

"What's so important? It's just an essay. You can re-write it." Ricky shrugged. It was a good thing L.Joe stood next to Ji Eun, otherwise she would've hit one of the boys once again.

"Just an essay?! It's the most important essay of my entire school-career! And I have to hand it over today!" Ji Eun yelled at Ricky, who now glanced at Niel with a what-have-you-done face. "Well, never mind. Go back to sleep or whatever. I have an essay to make." That was the last thing Ji Eun said. She made herself coffee and quickly changed into her uniform. After that, the only things she did were typing, reading and drinking coffee. L.Joe was amazed by her confident in finishing her essay in time. Meanwhile he and the other boys were in one of their bedrooms.

"I'll give you 10 bucks if she finishes that thing in time." Changjo said to Chunji after they had a short discussion wether she would make it or not. L.Joe looked at Niel, curious. Knowing Niel had erased Ji Eun's essay, not understanding why though. L.Joe thought Niel could mess with Ji Eun's social life, but not her school life. He just found that wrong. He was still looking at his hyung, trying to figure out how he would ask it.

"Niel hyung~ Why did you erase her essay thingy?" L.Joe asked, now getting all the boys their attention.

"Because it's funny of course. Why wouldn't I? She has to do what we say. We are her seniors you know." Niel shrugged. Both Ricky and L.Joe couldn't believe their ears. They had never thought of Niel being that egoistic.

"Niel's right, Byun-Hun. That girl needs to learn she has to show respect to her seniors and do as they tell her." CAP said as he got up from his bed. It was only 5.30 yet CAP had already decided to go to the gym. He changed into his sportswear and went to the livingroom, where Ji Eun was still concentrated on working. L.Joe and Ricky also came out only they went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Changing his plans CAP sat down next to Ji Eun, turning on the TV. Loud enough to think Ji Eun would be distracted. Ji Eun kept typing but after a few seconds her eyes moved towards CAP.

"Wae? Why did you have t do the things you did?" Ji Eun's eyes moved back towards the screen of her laptop, getting slightly dizzy by all the words and coffee she had already drunk. "You have no idea how much effort I put in everything I do in my life, you know that? Now I have your fans who hate me, probably including my best friend... Do you want everyone to hate me?" Ji Eun asked again. Without receiving an answer from CAP. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

After three hours, when she actually had to go to school, her chuckle was hearable. She had made it. She had finished her essay in time! She printed it and held it close to her as she took her bag. She put the essay in it, as well as her other books she needed that day. She put on her shoes and left without having breakfast. She had to hurry if she wanted to be in time for school.


A/N I'm really really sorry for this late upload! I'm trying to upload as much as possible but I have to concentrate on my studies as well. I'll try and upload this and my other stories ASAP!!
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Hiyeppi #1
Plz update soon
Chapter 9: I like your story very much. I hope you'll continue it ^^
Annyeonng^~^ I'm a new writer;) Do subscribe my story tooxD
kpop_luv #4
Wow I like it
Niel you meannie!!! Why cant L.Joe protect JiEun just once?!?!?! Please update more <br />
I loved this story!!
Oh, You finally updated~ xD <br />
Ahh, Niel, You Jerk!
niel is so mean=.=<br />
i'll be waiting for your next update^^
This is really one of my favorite stories in AFF ^^<br />
I really hope you update soon! <br />
I'm anticipating for every chapter you update! X)