All the Way Here? For Ice? PFFT!

Such a Girly Aura.

Chanyeol locked both the cars and began pushing the luggage cart."This isn't so bad, I'll quickly push this to our cabin and go play."  Chanyeol looked at the key that had a little placard attached to it. "Cabin 4, east side." Chanyeol went walking until he came to a pool. "Wah! we have a pool in front of our cabin." Chanyeol was so excited, he couldn't wait to explore to see all the fun things that camp provided. Chanyeol opened the door and went inside the cabin. He pulled in the luggage cart and pushed off all the luggage carelessly, letting it all fall into a pile upon the floor. He then returned the cart and went to play.

The sun began to set after a whole day of playing. Exo had dinner and returned to their cabin.  Exo had little side talks amongst one another coming into the cabin. One by one, they searched and picked up their luggage from the floor. It was expected from everyone that Chanyeol would have thrown their stuff on the floor instead of placing them nicely. They all went to the rooms and settled in, 4 to a room.

After putting their things in their rooms, they all came to watch tv. Kai came into the living room where most of them were sitting. "Theres another camp over there. Earlier when we were playing, I saw a map saying that right now its ballet camp." Kai said sitting down. "We should go over there while we're here."

"What do you expect to get from going over there?" Luhan asked.

"Meet pretty girls, and exchange contact information." Kai said.

"I don't think we can go over there. Do you see any girls here at soccer camp? I'm pretty sure this camp isn't co-ed cause there aren't any girls here except boys. It probably goes the same for ballet camp too." Suho said.

"Well, were here for 3 more days 'til we have to head home. I'll figure out a way to go and talk to them" Kai responded.

"Hyung, I want to go too" Sehun replied.



"Hwa, sit, its getting dark, I'll go instead" Jaehyo said.

"No I'll just go, I haven't done anything helpful today yet" Jung-Hwa protested.

"But its late, its not safe" Jaehyo said trying to take the bucket away.

"The ice machine is 20 steps away, I'll be quick. I'm a big girl now." Jung-Hwa said with a smile. "Stay here, have fun with the others." Jung-Hwa left the cabin and went on her way to the ice machine. Jung-Hwa went to press the button of the Ice machine to see that it wouldn't turn on. "The cafeteria. There must be some ice there."



 Chanyeol went into the small fridge to get a beverage to drink, he wanted ice but the fridge was so small it didn't even have a freezer. He looked around and saw something on the counter. Ice container. He took the container and went outside for he remembered seeing an ice machine earlier when he was bringing in the luggage.  He placed the container under the opening and pressed the button only to discover that it didn't work. Chanyeol remembered seeing and ice machine near cafeteria by the lake and walked there instead.

It was really dark outside now. Dim lights gently graced the paved path from the small light posts along it showing the way. It got darker as Chanyeol stopped walking under the light posts to walk on the main path to get to the cafeteria. Chanyeol kept walking and was about to turn the corner to where the ice machine was and bumped into someone making the other person fall. It was dark but he could still make out the others persons silhouette. He could smell the fresh flowery scent from her hair when they bumped into each other. It was a girl, he was certain of it even though it was dark.

"Sorry." she said.

"Its ok." she heard a very low voice said.

After falling, she reached out to the ice container "Ah~ good thing it didn't spill" she said in relief.

Chanyeol reached his hand out to help her up. She grabbed onto his hand with her other arm wrapped around the ice container. "So what is a girl doing here on this side of camp?" Chanyeol asked.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"What are you doing here on this side of the camp?"

"Ah, our ice machine, it didn't work so I came here to get some ice."

"All the way here? Just for ice?" Chanyeol smiled. He couldn't believe that some girl would cross the giant grass field and come all the way here just for ice.

"I have to get going now." she said. With that she left and Chanyeol went to get ice.

Chanyeol went to turn on the ice machine to get ice. "Oppa?~" Chanyeol heard a girl's voice happily call. He looked back at the path lit by light posts. He saw the back of the girl running towards a guy. He watched her hand the container over to him and Chanyeol turned his head around. "Wow I cant believe she'd sneak out on to camp this late at night just to see her boyfriend. Ice? Pfft." chanyeol snorted in dis belief.

Chanyeol got back to the cabin and was approached by Kai and Sehun. "Hyung were planning to go play soccer near Ballet Camp tomorrow, wanna come?" Kai asked.

"If you really want to meet girls, just go get ice at night, I'm sure you'll bump into one." Chanyeol said walking up to his room.

"Did you want to play or not?!" Sehun asked after him.

"Oh well" Kai said, and went to watch tv.



Jung-Hwa saw a outline of a man walking towards her. He became more and more familiar to her as he came closer. "Oppa?", she called with a smile. "I thought I told you to go and have fun with the others, you didn't need to come find me."

"You also said you'll be quick since the ice machine was nearby. But here you are, this is so far away from our cabin Hwa." Jaehyo said after taking the ice container from his cousin arms.

"What can go wrong I'm a b.."

"Big girl now." Jaehyo interrupted her. "But remember who helped you convince your mom and dad to let you come here. I promised your parents I'll take care of you, Aunty wouldn't hesitate to kill me if the smallest thing ever happen to you. Then my dad would would add to the torture if i didnt protect his favorite niece."

"What happened?" Zico asked looking Jung-Hwa up and down when they finally came back.

Jaehyo stopped to look at Jung-Hwa and saw that she was all dusty. "Whao what did you do beside going to get ice?"

"Ah- earlier I accidentally bumped into someone and fell while getting ice." Jung-Hwa said trying to hit the dust of her pants.

Ukwon and Kyung walked over to see. Kyung started to pat off the dust on her clothes. Without realizing it, he started to pat the back of her legs upwards. Before he got up any higher, Ukwon pulled him away. "Yah! Where do you think you're hitting??!" Jaehyo screamed quickly afterwards.

"What I was just trying to be helpful" Kyung said sincerely.

Jaehyo didn't buy it. "Jung-Hwa go change, get ready for bed." Kyung was a prankster and he loved to annoy people.

"Alright" Jung-Hwa went into her room.

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ops ary i mean im still editing chapter 9. i saved it o aff already. i just have to reread a bit


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I like your story, it's really interesting please update again when you can :)
Doh!!! Seems she's as clumsy as I am!! I can't wait for the next update!!!
Please update soon~ :3
awww~ poor Chanyeollie~. I'll help you unpack!!!! :3
heehee~ sounds fun~ I can't wait for the next update~ :3