Wow, They're Just as Noisy as Block B.

Such a Girly Aura.

"Hwa~ wake up, we're here." Jaehyo woke up his cousin after they finally arrived to the camp site. Block B had signed up early as well and all of them, along with Jaehyo's cousin, were able to come to camp this summer.

Block B let Jung-Hwa continue to sleep in the car while they got out and started to unload. As they were unloading, Kyung went towards the window Jung-Hwa's head was resting on and began tapping on it to disturb Jung-Hwa.

"Park Kyung!" Jaehyo saw what Kyung was trying to do. Without talking, Jaehyo fisted his knuckles and threathend to punch him if he continued.

Kyung pointed his finger at Jaehyo, fisted his knuckle upwards, and then pointed his finger back at himself. [You? Punch me?]. "Puahahaha!" Kyung laughed loudly. He wasnt scared of Jaehyo. Jaehyo's threats were jokes to Block B.

Jaehyo rolled his eyes and told him to stop and went back to unload the car.

When Jaehyo went back to work, Kyung turned his attention back to the car window and started tapping on it with his fingers again. Suddenly Kyung felt a light kick on his leg. He turned around. Zico quickly lifted up his fisted hand and punked Kyung causing Kyung to flinch. "Quit being annoying and help us unload." Zico gritted his teeth whispering to Kyung making sure that Kyung understood that he was serious yet quiet enough, making sure not to disturb Hwa.


THUMP** Hwa woke up from the noise of one of the Block B members closing the back trunk. Hwa's sight came into focus and she saw that she was in the car alone. She looked around and realized they've arrived and Block b has already unloaded.. She heard loud chattering from outside. Block B had left all the windows opened so she wouldn't suffocate from the heat napping in the car. She wondered if it was Block B since they were usually very loud and roudy. She decided to go outside to catch up with the boys.

As she was opening the door to go out, she heard the voices clearer. The tone of the voices sounded totally different from Block B's. She went out to see whole bunch of people begining to huddle in a tight circle a few cars down from theirs.

"Rock.. paper.. scissors!" The group of guys chanted.

"What are they doi-"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" The 6 guys cheered so loud it stopped her in between her thought process. Jung-Hwa went back inside to car to roll up the windows before heading in. Not even a minute passed yet and half of the boys she was looking at earlier ended up sprinting away from the parking lot in to the camp. Jung-Hwa finally closed all the windows and turned to see 4 more guys running into the camp after one of them forced keys into the a tall guys hand.

"Wow, there just as noisy as Block B." she thought.
"Do you know them?" Zico came back to get Jung-Hwa from the car to find that she was looking at the random guy who were parked a few cars down from them.

"Ah, no, they're just loud, and fun to watch. They're as noisy as Block B" Jung-Hwa replied with a smile.

"We already checked-in in the front office. Lets go. our cabin is on the west side of camp."

Jung-Hwa stood there looking in the direction of wherer the groups of guys were standing earlier to see if the tall man really was going to unload everything by himself as Zico talked. "He really is going to unload everything'',she thought to herself. "Alright" Jung-Hwa replied after Zico's sentence.

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ops ary i mean im still editing chapter 9. i saved it o aff already. i just have to reread a bit


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I like your story, it's really interesting please update again when you can :)
Doh!!! Seems she's as clumsy as I am!! I can't wait for the next update!!!
Please update soon~ :3
awww~ poor Chanyeollie~. I'll help you unpack!!!! :3
heehee~ sounds fun~ I can't wait for the next update~ :3