
Plastic Figures


|T W O|

(A/N: Momentous.)


“You and Taemin seem to work well together!” the camera man exclaimed. You would’ve replied, “Of course! We are maknaes after all!” instead you said, “Yeah.” With a blank face. Jerkmin can sense where the camera is, no surprise, he doesn’t care about anything except for acquiring a bigger screen time compared to the other SHINee members altogether. Can he read minds too? There he is, arms around you with a huge grin on his “naive” visage. You stared at him with a look that silently screams what-the-heck-are-you-doing? “Uhh…” you stupidly said “Why? Are you falling in love with me?” Jerkmin asked jokingly “Nope.Never.” you stated with a forged beam. “Omo! Are we sensing a ‘couple’?” the camera man cried out, you tried to stay as calm as possible but it’s pretty unachievable when you’re beside Taemin.

‘There’s just something about his presence that makes me want to punch a person.’ You thought.

“Ji Young, are we a couple?” Taemin enquired with a huge, mischievous grin “Nope.I don’t think I have dated you!” You faked a laugh at the camera and jokingly pushed Taemin hard enough that he lands on the wooden floor. He glared at you and said, “Kim Ji Young! YAH! YAH!” He ran after you but you were fast enough to have five-second head start. “Not gonna catch me, pabo.” You whispered under your breath while running to the stairs to go up. You ran with your head turning from front to back just to check if he was still trying to catch you. When you looked back for the nth time, you couldn’t see Taemin or anyone after you so you decided to stop running. You looked abut and suddenly came face to face with Taemin,

‘Just my luck’ you silently hoped he would be the Taemin in front of the cameras because now he’s…Jerkmin. Just him smirking and coming closer to you, you felt like you wanted to vomit on his head again and againand again.... “What do you want?” you faked your confidence “You’re faking it, aren’t you?” Taemin smirked more and grabbed your arm so hard it started to red “You as-” he cuts you off “You may be tall for a girl but you’re the insecure and apprehensive of all the girls I know.” He said. ‘Okay. That did it.’ You thought, this guy is far beyond anyone’s limit.

“You don’t know half of the crap I did just to get here! Don’t stand in front of the camera faking! Or maybe that’s what you are in every respect, a forge!”

“Then what are you? Don’t we do the same thing?! Pretending to be good and angel-like? You are such a hypocrite.”

“I don’t sleep around.”

This line struck Taemin, coming from you, who he thought would understand him, but he knew he was wrong to think of the stupid idea you two would understand each other. You pushed his buttons. He was mad. His vision started to dim. Taemin, grabbing both of your arms started pressing his lips on yours, you tried to shove him away, but he was tough. You did the one thing that came to your mind, you bit his lip, hard. Taemin thought you must’ve liked it because he started to push your body towards him more, giving you more angry and intense kisses. You can taste blood from his lips, you thought you were successful, but “brainless” Taemin misunderstood. You just stood there, not knowing what to do. Praying he would stop. Hoping he would go to hell.

Six hazy minutes passed and he started loosening his grip and your anger was not subduing. He panted and stepped back , knowing you’re gonna vent your anger out on him “You done?” you asked while squinting your eyes at him. “Pretty much.” He smirked while looking down. You tilted your head and in a second, you punched him.

He fell down, blood gushing from the corners of his mouth. You scoffed at him and he advanced “Hitting a girl? How manly of you.” You mockingly said, he stood up and grabbed your wrist. You stared at him with overwhelming anger “You won’t get away with this.” he dragged you to the men’s rest room and into the smallest cubicle. “T-Taemin.” You stuttered “So scared, right now, aren’t you?” he smirked as he placed his palms on either side of you, he leaned forward and started grabbing hold of your shoulders “Y-yah!” you squirmed in his heavy hands, just then the door busted open.

Jong In.

“What are you doing?!” Jong In yelled to Taemin. He grabbed Taemin’s collar and hauled Taemin outside the cubicle “Yah!” Jong In got ready to punch, but Taemin grabbed hold of Jong In’s wrist and twisted it “This is your first warning and if you’re smart you won’t cross me again.” Jong In tried to keep a confident face until Taemin was gone. “What do you think you’re doing?!” You shouted angrily at Jong In who was writhing in pain “Is that how you thank me?” he jokingly said. “Aish. Let me see your hand.” You examined his wrist where black spots started to form, you suddenly felt guilty “I’m seriously gonna kill him.” You said under your breath “Huh?” Jong In asked “Nothing. There’s nothing major going on with your hand.” You said with an professional tone “That’s great.” He plainly stated “I still got practice, bye.” You walked away, but “Ji Young-ah, I’m set to debut.”. Once he said this, you can’t help but feel proud and smile “Good job.” You continued to walk straight, you didn’t want him to see you smiling because it’s reserved for the mirror only (meaning ‘you’) “Ji Young-ah, let’s celebrate!” he exclaimed “I don’t want to! I still have practice with that pabo.” You said then Jong In said, “I’m hurting because of you.”

‘Ugh.’ You thought.

“Fine. Just tonight.” You replied.


"Introduction of Wu Fan" chapter, up next!

 (A/N: I know, short chapter. Short but “earth-shattering” chapter is always better than a long, nonsense chapter. Please do tell me if you find the font format hard to read, I just thought the fic looks clean with this format. Anticipate the next chapter! Anyone who can give me a link for amazing Taemin, Kai or Kris fic? Thank you so much!)

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LovelyBananaMilk #1
Chapter 8: Angst and somehow fluffy at the same time :')
I love the way you write ;u; Lol, I only read this now :(( I forgot to subscribe OTL
TheJuliette #2
@LovelyBananaMilk You have a new fic? :)) LOL. Updated ^^
LovelyBananaMilk #3
This is so awesome, can't wait for the next chapter~
TheJuliette #4
@bananapotato I'll be updating SOON ^^ Don't ya worry, rival :)
I THOUGHT IT WAS AN UPDATE. T____T Oh well, I'll be waiting patiently~
TheJuliette #6
@blueberrycheesecake your username makes me hungry...:(( My fic is funny??? OEHMGEE~~ I miss the hula hoops blah na talaga T____T
(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)
^ Err-... I see you portrayed Jiyoung as a not so innocent person =)) Haha OMG The Hula Hoops Blah :"""""> Oct 05, 2011 Wed - The day we became Hello Baby :""""""> I MISS TT TT Your fic is soooo funny =))))) I keep laughing just like @bananapotato =)))))))))))))
(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)
^ Err-... I see you portrayed Jiyoung as a not so innocent person =)) Haha OMG The Hula Hoops Blah :"""""> Oct 05, 2011 Wed - The day we became Hello Baby :""""""> I MISS TT TT Your fic is soooo funny =))))) I keep laughing just like @bananapotato =)))))))))))))
TheJuliette #9
@bananapotato *on not is
TheJuliette #10
@bananapotato I personally find that corny XD I miss the hula hoops blah.^___^ Remember? Kekeke~~ @lovelybananamilk hasn't even read this fic yet...:(( the replay button on YT because of SHINee is Shinhwa broadcast...You should watch it :)