
Plastic Figures

 |F I V E|



Kris’ POV.

Ji Young, why do you have to sleep beside me in a two-seater bus? WAE?! Don’t you know how gorgeous you are?  Are you crazy?! Sometimes, I just want to shout at Ji Young for being too innocent towards the fact she’s really pretty, she usually hides it by scoring boyish clothes and short hair. But, damn. No one can resist her beauty. It’s so pure, free of one hundred layers of make-up and skin products even I use. I am really dense in this kind of situation so I decided to call the first person in my contacts: Ace of Dancing. *Part of the List, Things that I Miss*

“Yoboseyo?” a sleepy Jong In asks,

(Kai=Red; Kris= Orange)

“Jong In! Help me, please!” I whispered to the phone with desperation.

“Woah! Woah! Calm yo’ , bro!” Well, that was awkward…

“I don’t have , . A girl is sleeping beside me.”

“Why are you telling me this?!” . . That came out so ing wrong.

“No! I meant her head is resting on my shoulders inside a bus.”

“Like the dramas we watch together?”

“I suppose, yes.”

“Do you like her?”

“I honestly don’t know.”



Long Silence.


“Then you like her. Don’t make her get away. Take it from me, who just realized the biggest mistake I have EVER done, tonight.”

“Why are you talking like something similar happened to you?”

“Because something like that just happened to me. She’s now happy with another guy.  I have known her for five years. I let her slip through my fingers.”

“I’m sorry, Jong In. But if it makes you feel any better, you made a clueless person make an amazing choice.”

“That made me happy even for a bit. Good night, ge. See you tomorrow at the company.” *beeeeep*

I don’t know why, but I feel very protective of Ji Young. Even if I have personally know her just now after two years of secretly watching her dance. I feel like I have to protect her from that Taemin. I don’t want to see her cry or sad. I don’t even know if I really like her, this really confusing me so much. But if I really like her what’s the one thing that’s stopping me from admitting the fact I like her? I contemplated on the thought, long and hard. After two minutes of endless views, I came up with a conclusion. I will stay by her side until the world’s apocalypse.

*End of Kris’ POV*

You twitch to the left.

You twitch to the right.

You sit up.

You lie down.

It’s been an hour of staring into the empty space in front of you, an hour of confusion and guilt. “I will protect you, Ji Young. Even if I barely know you. I’m the stranger you can telepath with.” Kris’ gorgeous deep voice rang inside your head.

 ‘Yeah. Right. How could you be there if I don’t have your number, .’ You thought in a cynical voice.

But of course, your awkward self got the best of you, after he said this all you manage to say was “Yeah.Sure…”. Pretty damn good, right? “, Kris.” You whispered to him, expecting someone to answer back because of his promise a while ago. You shut your eyes for the nth time, trying to get some sleep and like the previous attempts, you failed. “.” You muttered under your breath and reluctantly got your phone out *Part of the List, Things that I Miss*

(Kai=Red; Ji Young=Black)

“Yobeseyo?” Jong In said in a half-sleep voice,

“Jong In.” you “greeted” him.

“Ugh. . Everyone calls me when they have problems! It gets tiring sometimes. Don’t you guys know I have problems too? Just….”

“Jong In, you have a problem?! How come you’re not telling me?! Let’s meet up. You got thirty minutes.” You ended the call, expecting a positive affirmation. You headed out not caring if those stupid netizens capture an idol in her pajamas.

Ji Young’s POV.

11:30. Really, Jong in?! Go have an with yourself, will you, you ! I grunted loud, attracting two couples who were old enough to be my parents. I smiled at them, in a shy manner and gazed outside the huge glass walls of the coffee shop. I stared at the river bank, focusing on the happy couples walking side by side at the Han River. I also took notice of the “couple” sitting in a dark place near the river bank, a girl with fiery red hair sitting on the lap of another red hair b- HOLY CRAP! IS THAT TAEMIN?!! I took out my phone, and faced Taemin (who was the only one looking) with a smirk, his eyes widened in shock of my action, I pressed the camera icon and took A HOARD of pictures away. Whenever Taemin tries to pull away, the stupid girl mistakes his action and goes you know, deeper. (A/N: This is awkward. But, yeah. It’s another word for French krissing kissing).

“Ehem.” A deep voice said.



Keep hanging.

(A/N: So…yeah…. I know. This is what you call a filler chapter. A BULL CHAPTER. Love you, my subs! Tell me what you guys think and I’ll let you know what I think…LOLWHAT?! What should happen next??? I really don't have any idea T____T Ideas, please! I'll credit you~~ )

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LovelyBananaMilk #1
Chapter 8: Angst and somehow fluffy at the same time :')
I love the way you write ;u; Lol, I only read this now :(( I forgot to subscribe OTL
TheJuliette #2
@LovelyBananaMilk You have a new fic? :)) LOL. Updated ^^
LovelyBananaMilk #3
This is so awesome, can't wait for the next chapter~
TheJuliette #4
@bananapotato I'll be updating SOON ^^ Don't ya worry, rival :)
I THOUGHT IT WAS AN UPDATE. T____T Oh well, I'll be waiting patiently~
TheJuliette #6
@blueberrycheesecake your username makes me hungry...:(( My fic is funny??? OEHMGEE~~ I miss the hula hoops blah na talaga T____T
(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)
^ Err-... I see you portrayed Jiyoung as a not so innocent person =)) Haha OMG The Hula Hoops Blah :"""""> Oct 05, 2011 Wed - The day we became Hello Baby :""""""> I MISS TT TT Your fic is soooo funny =))))) I keep laughing just like @bananapotato =)))))))))))))
(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)
^ Err-... I see you portrayed Jiyoung as a not so innocent person =)) Haha OMG The Hula Hoops Blah :"""""> Oct 05, 2011 Wed - The day we became Hello Baby :""""""> I MISS TT TT Your fic is soooo funny =))))) I keep laughing just like @bananapotato =)))))))))))))
TheJuliette #9
@bananapotato *on not is
TheJuliette #10
@bananapotato I personally find that corny XD I miss the hula hoops blah.^___^ Remember? Kekeke~~ @lovelybananamilk hasn't even read this fic yet...:(( the replay button on YT because of SHINee is Shinhwa broadcast...You should watch it :)