
Plastic Figures


|F O U R|

(A/N: Saviour.)


Kris’ POV.





This is not good. AT ALL. Maybe it is, a bittersweet experience perhaps? She stared at me with two big eyes, shocked of what just happened. I looked at her in awe since this is the closest I have ever been with Ji Young, her features are perfect her slightly red hair glistens against the moonlight. Why does she have to be so beautiful? I can’t even move a millimetre in awe of just what happened, our noses touching. Her chest on mine, I can almost feel her rapid heartbeats. Her hair falling on either of my shoulders and Ji Young’s scarred, bleeding hand on the ground. “OMO! You’re bleeding!” I shouted as I got up on my feet, offering my hand to her when I stood up. She nudged it aside. “Never mind.” She started walking away, afraid I wasn’t gonna get any chance like this, I grabbed her arm “Ji Young-ah,” No turning back now. But what to say? Suddenly, “Ji Young!” a familiar voice shouted from the back. I looked around, annoyed of the person. He’s famous, alright. SHINee’s Taemin. SME’s resident playboy, party boy and rude boy. Taemin ran to us, afraid he would misunderstand me, I let go of Ji Young’s arm. Ji Young walked towards my front and crossed her arms “Ji Young,” Taemin panted as he reached us.“I thought we were gonna meet at Coffee Bene?” he asked her between breaths “You said I had a choice, you idiot.” Ji Young glared at Taemin and Taemin did the same. I felt like I’m not supposed to be here, interrupting whatever business they have with each other, but stillI felt like I need to protect her from this . I personally feel that she’s too strong for a girl, Ji Young looks like she would do fine alone, but there was still this evident trace of loneliness showing on her beautiful almond eyes. I still decided to walk away, “Kyung Soo-ah!” she called out, her voice directed to my course, I looked around, Ji Young was gazing at me. I looked at her with questioning face, instead of explaining she yelled to me, “My boy friend! I love you!”. Is she secretly telling me to pretend to be her boyfriend and pretend to be Kyung Soo? Who by the why is my friend… This girl is making me really crazy! I walked frustratingly to her when she gestured to me to come to her side, “Taemin-ah, this is my boy friend Park Kyung Soo.” Ji Young introduced with a naughty smile, “You look familiar. Why is your name Park Kyung Soo? You look really…Chinese?” What to do?! “Uhhh…I’m Park Kyung Soo and I’m sure that’s my name, I’m Korean. I’m positive I’m Korean, you idiot.” I answered sharply, but I knew he wasn’t buying it. Taemin glared at Ji Young and Ji Young did too “Go and die on your date.” Taemin coldly said and walked away. As Taemin strided away, Ji Young did too, leaving me without any explanation. Why is this girl so passive, cold and naïve? I can’t help but run after her, “Hey! Why did you pretend I was your boy friend?” she stopped walking to face me, “I don’t know. I hate him.” I wanted to reply, ‘Same here.” But I knew better than to say that.

Her eyes were red. Has she been crying all this time while she was walking away? I’m so stupid. I paced to her, not knowing what to do. The first thing that came out of my mouth was, “Are you okay?” URGH. This is frustrating. “I honestly don’t know. I don’t know anything but to hurt others. I’m such a . I don’t know it when I have hurt someone unless they tell me. Why am I so naïve and passive?” she wiped her tears away with her leather jacket and continued, “Nothing happened tonight, okay?              You didn’t see the Kim Ji Young who cried to a stranger, arasseo? Bye.” She bows and prepares to leave but I stopped her by saying, “It’s always better to be good to people. Even if they’re not good to you…Ji Young, I know you think you’re a bad person...I mean by the way you talk about yourself. Believe me when I say you’re amazing and good-hearted.” a huge grin spreads across her face as she continues walking to nowhere. I decided to follow her, afraid I’d miss the chance.

(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)

Ji Young’s POV.

Crying to a stranger, called a stranger “Kyung Soo” and asking stranger to pretend as boyfriend . All in one night. Real cool, Ji Young.  Real cool. I boarded the bus to Jong In’s house and noticed a black-haired man beside me whose face was covered with an “inspirational” book. I gave a diminutive laughthat couldn’t erase even three-fourths of my sadness.I looked ahead, mindlessly glancing at the black-haired man beside me, I wonder what he looks like when his book is removed. He has the aura of a quiet and powerful person. OMO! Is a CIA agent beside me?! Why did the Little Mermaid receive a happy ending? The prince sacrificed. It’s always the prince who does. How does it feel like to be saved by your own prince? Is he willing to die for me? Is there a guy that exists like that in this modern world? So many question left unanswered, I imagined what a guy would say to the beautiful mermaid. I continued to write the song,              filling in the gapson the music sheet.

It’s been thirty minutes, I was so into writing the song that I missed my stop, “.” you gathered your notebook and bag and prepared to leave. You stood up and gave one good look at the stranger, “There’s no point. You missed your stop already.” A reeaaally deep voice stated, I looked at the stranger who I assumed owned the voice. Turns out he was the “Kyung Soo” stranger.

“Omo! You’re here too?” I shouted making the people inside the bus take a look.

“Yes. I’m Kris. Nice to meet you.” he held out his hand and you shook it.


“Kim Ji Young. Of course I know you. You were writing a song, I suppose? I want to hear it I might help…” that made me sit down.

“Uhh…Okay. Umm…I’m trying to make this song unique. I couldn’t find a way. The only individualistic thing here is the inspiration, Little Mermaid.”


*Munjja Wassyong. Munjja Wassyong*I checked my phone, but no one was calling. Is is Kris? He turned really red when his phone rang. Kris reluctantly got out his phone and spoke in fluent Mandarin.

*Dialogues in Mandarin*


“Yes. I’m doing fine.”

“None. I don’t think North Korea is bombing South. Why are you asking that?”

“You’re embarrassing.”

“Okay, I love you too, mom. I miss you and your dumplings.”

Wait… I speak in Mandarin, don’t I? Can’t I make this song a mix of Korean and Mandarin. I smiled, knowing that I’m a genius. I took out the music sheet and copied the notes of the first stanza, adding a 15 – second piano instrumental between the chorus and the Mandarin verse. “What are you doing?” Kris enquired “Writing a song wherein it’s a mix of Korean and Mandarin. Thank you. Now, shut up. I’m composing.”. You heard him say “You’re welcome” and smiled as he continues to read his “inspirational” book.

This is what I came up with, with Kris’ help (who could surprisingly speak English as well, so we converse in English and Mandarin most of the time.) :

Ni jiu bie zai you yu le hao ma

Jiu jin na zhu wo de xin zang

Ai shi yi dao hen ci yan de guang mang

Lin lie de yue guang, ba yan jing guan shang

Ru guo bu shi wo shi bie de nan ren

Ru guo zhe shi xi ju li mian de yi ju hua

Shao gan le jiu ba

Wo hui he ni de ai jiao huan shang hen

Baby don’t cry tonight

Dang hei ye zai ci liang qi lai

Baby don’t cry tonight

Jiu dang zuo mei fa sheng guo yi yang

Ni yong yuan dou bu hui hua shang xiang pao mo yi yang

Nan dao ni bu zhi dao ma

So baby don’t cry, cry

Wo de ai shou hu ni bu fang kai

Pretty amazing, huh? I still don’t know where I got this knowledge to write. My eyes felt heavy and before I know it, I’m falling into a deep sleep beside Kris.


Mellow chapter up next.

 (A/N: What do you think should I do next? Taemin, Kai or Kris chapter? In the previous chapter I wrote Kris and Ji Young has the same birthday. That part is inspired by me and Kris' similarity...LOL. We Have The Same Freaking Birthday. I was like O____O =)) By the way, Thank you so much, subscribers! )

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LovelyBananaMilk #1
Chapter 8: Angst and somehow fluffy at the same time :')
I love the way you write ;u; Lol, I only read this now :(( I forgot to subscribe OTL
TheJuliette #2
@LovelyBananaMilk You have a new fic? :)) LOL. Updated ^^
LovelyBananaMilk #3
This is so awesome, can't wait for the next chapter~
TheJuliette #4
@bananapotato I'll be updating SOON ^^ Don't ya worry, rival :)
I THOUGHT IT WAS AN UPDATE. T____T Oh well, I'll be waiting patiently~
TheJuliette #6
@blueberrycheesecake your username makes me hungry...:(( My fic is funny??? OEHMGEE~~ I miss the hula hoops blah na talaga T____T
(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)
^ Err-... I see you portrayed Jiyoung as a not so innocent person =)) Haha OMG The Hula Hoops Blah :"""""> Oct 05, 2011 Wed - The day we became Hello Baby :""""""> I MISS TT TT Your fic is soooo funny =))))) I keep laughing just like @bananapotato =)))))))))))))
(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)
^ Err-... I see you portrayed Jiyoung as a not so innocent person =)) Haha OMG The Hula Hoops Blah :"""""> Oct 05, 2011 Wed - The day we became Hello Baby :""""""> I MISS TT TT Your fic is soooo funny =))))) I keep laughing just like @bananapotato =)))))))))))))
TheJuliette #9
@bananapotato *on not is
TheJuliette #10
@bananapotato I personally find that corny XD I miss the hula hoops blah.^___^ Remember? Kekeke~~ @lovelybananamilk hasn't even read this fic yet...:(( the replay button on YT because of SHINee is Shinhwa broadcast...You should watch it :)