
Plastic Figures


|S I X|


“Where have you been?!”

“Well, ‘hello’ to you too.”

“I’ve been waiting for thirty minutes, you idiot!” you nagged at him. “Sorry.” He blankly stated as he takes his seat.

You knew there was something wrong, something he’s not telling you, something you should know.

“Is there something wrong? ‘Cause the way you talk…it’s definitely not you.” You asked with an uncaring voice, afraid he’s going to misunderstand your masked concern. “Nothing you should know.” He said plainly “Okay, if you say so.” You looked down, staring at your shoes.

You both sat in silence for five full minutes; no one wants to break the silence. The stillness consumed your time, and you’re not wasting any before he spills the beans. “I know there’s something you’re not telling me.” You stated, still looking down “There’s nothing, okay? goddamnit!” he shouted before storming out. “.” You cursed under your breath and followed him outside.

‘Where the hell did that person run off to?’ you thought in complete annoyance, you turned around to look for Jongin, but, nothing. You looked straight ahead again just to be faced by a hoard of photographers.

‘How did they know I’m here?”

You start to panic as soon as the first flash came, you tried to push them away, but your strength wasn’t enough against their determination to get a close shot of you. You tried screaming out loud in despair, “YAAAH!” again and again. No one stopped, people just stared and no one dared to come close to the paparazzis. No one dared to help. You were on the ground now, bruises on your shoulders are fairly perceptible and you have a slight cut on your thigh. You stood up in complete exasperation and kicked one of the photographer on the shin, you punched one on the nose and dropped ones’ camera on the floor. Everyone stopped to take a look. People were whispering now, things that were inaudible, but you hear their thoughts, loud and clear. Everyone was despised and surprised of what you just did. Knowing what you did, you ran away to a place only you and Jongin knows off.

“ing photographers.” You silently utter to yourself repeatedly while running to the park near the edge of Hongdae. After fifteen minutes of severe sprinting, you halted in the view of a familiar brightly-lit park. You sat down on the bench, in exhaust and resentment.

‘What if it ends up on the newspaper?’ you thought.

“AAAAHHHH!!!!” You shouted at the top of your lungs,

“Yah! You’re so embarrassing!” a familiar voice said from the back, you turned around and saw Jongin. “I’m so stupid…this is just two minutes away from the café.” You whispered to yourself while jogging to him, “You! Do you know what happened to me just looking for you, you idiot!” you started hitting his chest severely; angry tears started to form and in less than a minute, your teardrops fell. Your strength dropped, but you carry on, punching him. This went on for one long minute, when Jongin couldn’t take it anymore; he grabbed your wrists and pulled you into a tight hug.

“Jiyoung, just for now, don’t put on a tough act.” he whispers to your ear, you wanted  badly to answer ‘yes’ but your hard-hitting character got the best of you, “No!” you pushed him away with all your might, causing him to stagger back. “Right, I’m sorry.” he looked down, attempting to compose himself. You stared at him with worry, masked by a cold stare.

“You’re not supposed to be the one acting like this! I’m the one who got hurt looking for you!” you shouted at him,


“The photographers were pushing me to the ground! The ing crowd just stared! Jongin, it’s your fault!”


“I even have bruises because of you! god damn it, answer me!”

“I’m sorry.”

“S’ that all? After all that happened to me?! Jongin!”

“I’m sorry, okay?! I’m sorry for ing running away like a little girl! I’m sorry for being wrong all the time in your eyes! I’m sorry for being such a bad hyung to you! I’m sorry for being such a bastard! I’m sorry for not chasing you!”

“Me? Who?” you approached him out of pure curiosity, “Haeri, remember?” his tears fell with just the mention of her name.

“Haeri…Haeri…OMO! That ?!” you thought, “That ?! You’re still with her?”.

Was with her. She left, an hour ago. Canada- bound.” Jongin said in complete anguish. You awkwardly patted his back to comfort him, “Right…umm…I’m sorry for what happened.” you stammered,

“I chased after her, ran after her car, pounded the windows, but she never rolled it down.” Jongin said still moping

“Jongin-ah, you deserve better. Haeri’s not worth it, I have met her and her personality…UGH. But you, you’re an amazing person, with amazing talents and your personality and attitude, to be honest, one of the best I know. Jongin-ah, don’t be sad anymore and please remain to be my sunflower.” you consoled him. You were doing your best, for some people, your best isn’t good enough, but for Jongin who knew you well, your best was enough to erase at least one-fourth of the pain he’s feeling.

He forced a smile, trying to assure you he’s in a good state, but you knew better.

“Jongin-ah, come with me.”

Kai’s POV.

Jiyoung can understand me only to an extent, I acknowledge that.

Or maybe she doesn’t understand me at all.

Yet she comforted me, trying to fill in the holes Haeri left, but no one can, not even the most beautiful woman in the world. (A/N: Not even Jiyoung, Jongin? Just wait…JUST wait.)

“Jongin-oppa, meet me at Byeol Café in ten minutes, arraseo? If you’re not there, I’ll leave forever~” she sing songed through a voice mail sent five minutes ago, I laughed, admiring her humour. Though I know she’s not going to run off, I decided to run.

“Oppa~ You were too late. Such a pity, I really want to spend much time with you in Korea, but my schedule’s hectic, you know? I’ll see you around~Pay for this, consider is as your last gift to me.” She said, with a voice so honey-like, but at the same time, it contains acid to kill a person, just like what she did to me. “Y-yeah.” I stammered, too stunned of Haeri’s sudden and harsh words, she stood up and walked out of the café and out of mylife.

We’re in a secluded area of Hongdae now, white and light brown wood dominated the town, Christmas lights were hung as if it’s anywhere near Christmas, the pavement wet, fresh from the rain a while ago and sweet freshly-baked bread aroma filled the air. Jiyoung motions me in a store, the door to small for her height and mine, but we manage to enter.

It’s Jiyoung’s kind of store.

When we go out, this is what she’ll discover first, disregarding the presence of all the designer stores. This is what made her different, her androgynous persona and her innocence. I mean, not really, because she curses ten thousand times a day, but yeah, you know what I mean.

Jiyoung led me to a white piano, looking at it like the first time a baby saw sunlight.

“Jongin-hyung,” she started, Jiyoung never called me ‘oppa’ or anyone ‘oppa’ instead, she uses ‘hyung’.

“I have been composing a song, I want you to hear it first. Please listen.” she sits down on the white stool, looking very eager to play.

She starts.

As usual, magic was made.

She has  Midas’ touch, whatever she touches turns to  invaluable art, a song or a routine for an example.

When she does something, the whole world stops to take a look and listen. Jiyoung sings with a blank face, but her voice holds all the emotions, things she wanted to tell me, to make me feel better.

I stood there in awe of her.

No. No. The song, in awe of the song. Right, right.

“How was it?” she asks in an unknown tone “Good.” I replied. She shook her head and I know exactly what she’s thinking about, the blunders of her song. “Only ‘good’?”. I decide to .

“Only ‘good’.” I say to her with a teasing voice, “I’ll do better.” She states with a resolute face.

“You do that.” I laugh quietly to myself, praising myself for successfully teasing her. Jiyoung may look tough, but as much as she tries to cover it up with ice and a badass attitude, she just reveals her vulnerable side. Ever since we met, I felt the need to protect her, only her, but then Haeri came and I disregarded Jiyoung. Funny how the person I vowed to take care of got simply forgotten because of a , but I loved her. I love her.

“Jiyoung-ah, promise me you’ll be here beside me forever, hm?” I abruptly said, with no restrictions, whatsoever.

“Eh?” Jiyoung dumbly said, face painted with plain curiosity. I stare at her, not being able to control myself


























I hug her tight. Caressing her hair. Jiyoung stood there, motionless. Her arms slowly reciprocating my action.

She rests her chin on my shoulder, hugging me tight.

“I promise, I won’t.” and I believe her.


 (A/N: Updated in 110694 weeks. Hahaha! I was in {H I A T U S} mode… I’m sorry, I wasn’t able to tell you guys. And btw, sorry for trolling you guys. EXO will debut soon, say about 2-3 chapters more ^^ Subbies, thank you very much! Comments are very well-appreciated. Silent readers, I love you guys as much as I love my subbies.) 


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LovelyBananaMilk #1
Chapter 8: Angst and somehow fluffy at the same time :')
I love the way you write ;u; Lol, I only read this now :(( I forgot to subscribe OTL
TheJuliette #2
@LovelyBananaMilk You have a new fic? :)) LOL. Updated ^^
LovelyBananaMilk #3
This is so awesome, can't wait for the next chapter~
TheJuliette #4
@bananapotato I'll be updating SOON ^^ Don't ya worry, rival :)
I THOUGHT IT WAS AN UPDATE. T____T Oh well, I'll be waiting patiently~
TheJuliette #6
@blueberrycheesecake your username makes me hungry...:(( My fic is funny??? OEHMGEE~~ I miss the hula hoops blah na talaga T____T
(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)
^ Err-... I see you portrayed Jiyoung as a not so innocent person =)) Haha OMG The Hula Hoops Blah :"""""> Oct 05, 2011 Wed - The day we became Hello Baby :""""""> I MISS TT TT Your fic is soooo funny =))))) I keep laughing just like @bananapotato =)))))))))))))
(A/N: They bumped into each other and Ji Young fell on top of Kris.)
^ Err-... I see you portrayed Jiyoung as a not so innocent person =)) Haha OMG The Hula Hoops Blah :"""""> Oct 05, 2011 Wed - The day we became Hello Baby :""""""> I MISS TT TT Your fic is soooo funny =))))) I keep laughing just like @bananapotato =)))))))))))))
TheJuliette #9
@bananapotato *on not is
TheJuliette #10
@bananapotato I personally find that corny XD I miss the hula hoops blah.^___^ Remember? Kekeke~~ @lovelybananamilk hasn't even read this fic yet...:(( the replay button on YT because of SHINee is Shinhwa broadcast...You should watch it :)