Chapter 6

Only You

"What the Hell is going on?!" You turned around and put your hand on you head

"Just deal with it for today, my fiance.....just for today" Kris sighed and looked down to the ground embarrassed. You looked into his pleading eyes and put your hand on his shoulder and sighed.

"No! I have somewhere to go now, so deal with it on your own" You looked at your watch.

*4:30, damn, i have to go*

You left Kris and went up stairs to go get a bag to put your extra clothes in. You quickly headed to Syungdo Dance Studio and texted Kai that you were on your way. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, you took your phone out and read a text from Kai.


From : Kai

I went to Syungdo Dance Studio and they were full. So just come to Baozi Dance Studio

The address 1283 Solodung kyun-soo

Meet you there ;)


You quickly found the new place. When you entered the building you Kai sitting on the floor.

"Hey" Kai waved his hand

"Hey, is there a changing room around here?" You pointed all over the room

"Actually.....there isn't one" Your face fell

"Did you chose this place on purpose?" You pointed at him

"No, it was the only other dance studio that i knew, i swear, why would i do that?

"You know why" You squinted your eyes at him and both of you laughed. "Ok, ill just dance in this, Lets go" You clapped

Both of you started dancing, and you totally forgot were you were. The only thing you knew was you dancing. Once you were finished dancing you both said your goodbyes and you started walking home.


Once you were home you noticed Kris was still up.

"How did it go with them" you took off you shoes

"It's none of your business"

"Kris, are you going to school tomorrow, it's late"

"No, stop bothering me and leave"

"Fine" You went upstairs and went to bed. "Jerk" you mummered under your breath

The next morning you got up and got ready. You went downstairs to go eat breakfast with Lina.

"Good morning Minah"

"Good morning" You looked at Kris hoping he would say something to you, but he didn't even lift his eyes away from his phone

*arrogant jerk*

Lina saw the way you were looking at Kris and she tapped her chin with her index finger. "Kris, say good morning" She politely smiled


"You little brat, do you want to get slapped?!" She made a threatening punch towards him.

"Hello Minah" He didn't even bother to look at you. Lina got out of her seat and grabbed a magazine and slapped him in the back of his head with it and left. You hid your giggle under the sleeve of your shirt, but Kris saw you laugh.

"What are you laughing about?!" He got up and left

"Awww.....looks like I'll be eating alone. Oh well more for me" You smiled and started eating,



After you finished eating you went up to Lina's room to go ask her a question. You knocked on her door.

"Come in" You slowly opened the door and entered her room

"Lina i was wondering, if you wanted to go swimming with me" You hesitantly asked


"Ok ill meet you outside at the pool" You were getting ready to leave

"Wait! Can we go to a public pool? Public pools are more fun since they have more guys. Plus i think we have some pool noodles we can play with" She smiled


"Ok, ill be ready in 10 minutes. Let me tell Kris"

"Ok, i will go get ready as well" You left Lina's room and went to you room to go get ready



                                                                           ~Lina's POV~

As soon as I was ready, i went to go convince Kris to come with us.

"Kris!" I entered his room, he was laying down on his couch reading a magazine. "You, me, and Minah are going to the public swimming pool, Now"

"No, thanks" I walked over towards him and slapped him on the legs

"Do you want me to get rid of all your beauty products?" I headed to his bathroom and started to dump all his beauty products in a bag

"NO! Fine, Fine, I'll go, give me 10 minutes"



                                                                         ~Your POV~            


Once you guys were at the swimming pool you quickly found a table and dumped you bag there. You and Lina started to undress while Kris went to a lounging chair and layed down and started reading his magazine.

"Really?!" Lina put her hands on her hips

"I said i would go with you, but i never said i would actually swim with you guys. Plus i don't feel like taking off my shirt" He returned to reading his magazine. Lina ignored Kris and grabbed a pool noodle.You and Lina dipped into the pool squealing at how cold the water felt. Once both of you were fully emerged into the pool Lina called you over.


"Hey Minah, do you want to pull a prank on Kris?" She had a wide smile on her face

"Ok, what kind of prank?" Lina whispered her devious plan to you.

You and Lina filled the pool noodle with water and got out the water while both of you were carrying the water noodle and went over to Kris.

"Why don't you guys go swim and stop bothering me" He didn't even to bother look up from his magazine.

Then you and Lina tilted the water noodle over Kris's head.

"Yahh!" Kris immediately stood up and started chasing you and Lina. You quickly ran away, but you weren't fast enough. Kris grabbed your waist and threw you into the pool. Lina,still running, came by Kris and pushed him in the pool with you. You and Kris started splashing each other and he smiled.

"HEY! Did you just smile?" You pointed towards Kris

"No, i never smile" He said with a straight face. You squinted your eyes at him

"Liar, you did just smile" Kris smiled again at how cute you acted. "SEE! you did just smile!"

"Fine i admit it, i smiled" Lina came swimming towards you guys.

"Hey guys, do you want to play chicken?"

"But we don't have enough people" You scratched your head

"Yes we do" Lina smiled and pointed towards a rather young man coming this way.


A/N:   25 Subscribers YAY~! Thank you guys so much ^----^

           Awkward hearts for all of you~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ♥*♥*♥*


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Chapter 17: Loving you're story! ^.^ Update soon please.
ayemwhyyyy #2
Jungwoo? Who is he? Dun Dun Dun Dun. Can't wait to find out!
Jungwoo?? Update again soon authornim!!
Lol,Lina tricked them? ._. haha
So sweet when Minah hugs Kris XD
0----0 no I don't want Lina to die :((( ㅠ_ㅠ
O_O holy krisus
Omo update soon please!'
lliezxc #9
Update pls pls pls pls pls ♥♥