Chapter 17

Only You




 The next day after school when you arrived home you went upstairs and changed your clothes. After you changed you checked you phone for any messages


You have 1 new voicemail:


Hey MinAh, it's Hana. Im going to be visiting for a couple days. Sorry for this too happen all of a sudden but i could only get a plane ticket today. Also, i have someone i really want you to meet coming along with me. So could you meet me at the airport at 3:30 to pick me up? Plus, do you have any extra rooms we can stay in? Its okay if you don't. I don't want to burden you. So uh...yeah, So you there...i hope ^^;;



You glanced over at the clock and it read 3 o'clock. You quickly ran downstairs and ran towards Lina.

"Lina, um, how many spare rooms do you have?" You put your hands on your knees and started panting

"We have 3" She continued

"Good, can i have some friends stay over for a couple days? I have to go to the airport to go pick them up now"

"Oh yeah sure, I'll be glad to have some of you're friends over. Kris will drive you to the airport, he knows how to deal with the traffic." She smiled and looked at you "Kris! Drive MinAh to the airport!" Kris ran downstairs and grabbed the car keys off the wall

"Lets go" He headed straight to the door as you followed him. By the time you got to the airport it was already 3:30. You got out the car and looked for Hana. You both spotted each other and you walked towards her. Next to her was a guy with blonde brown hair wearing a white v-neck t-shirt with black skinny jeans.

"MinAh" Hana drop her suitcase and ran towards you to hug you. "You have no idea how much i missed you. How much i missed Korea" You just nodded silently and smiled as the guy with the blonde brown hair picked up her suitcase off the ground and walked towards you. "Oh, MinAh this is Luhan. He is my boyfriend" She gave a eye smile and looked at Luhan who was towering over her.

"Hello" He bowed and smiled

"Hello" You bowed back

"Come on! Im getting hungry" You turned around and saw Kris leaning on the car

"Huh, Who's that?" Hana pointed towards Kris

You sigh "I'll explain later" You lead them to the car and put there luggage in the trunk. Once finally seated in the car, you decided to sit next to Hana to catch up on lost time while Luhan and Kris got to sit and chat together.

"So MinAh, have you found a boyfriend yet?" Hana tilted her head

"Actually...." You tilted you head down. Little did you know Kris saw you're reaction and he pitied you

"Actually, im her boyfriend" Kris looked up at the mirror

"Really!?" Both you and Hana widened your eyes

"Tush" You crossed you arms and rolled your eyes at him

"He, sorry for her attitude we got in a little argument before we got here. But yes, we are dating....and were living together" He continued to focus on driving while your widened your eyes and glared at him

"Wow, so i guess you guys are pretty serious then" Luhan put his index finger on his chin and nodded while Kris nodded. You leaned against the window and shut your eyes tight.


Please let this hell end



Once all of you guys returned home you took their luggage from the trunk and dragged it inside. You set the luggage near the stairs and went out to find Lina to introduce her to Hana and Luhan

"Lina? Oh Lina" You found her in the kitchen still cooking "I have some people i want you to meet. Um...why are you still cooking?"

"Huh? Oh, since we have guest im making more food and dessert. I even brought out some Soju. Oh Okay ill be there in a while"

"Okay thanks" You started to walk out  but you quickly turned around and your heels and glared at her "D-Did you just say you bought.......Soju?" She nodded

"Lina, these people are minors" She made a 'O' face and put her index finder on her chin and tilted her head

"How about non-alcoholic wine?"

"Ehh....sure. Just make sure it doesn't have any alcohol in it" She nodded as she took off her cooking apron and headed out to meet the guest


"Wow! This house is huge" Hana spinned around enjoying the space

"Is this all yours?" Luhan pointed at Kris

"No, it's my parents. They bought it to make sure me and my sister have a home while there away" He stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Everyone this is Lina, Kris's sister" You pointed at Lina

"Hello" Lina gave off a eye smile and a small wave

"Hi, my name is Hana and this is my boyfriend Luhan" She pointed at Luhan. "Nice to meet you" They both bowed and said in unison

"Oh, you're guy's rooms are right down the hall and there is also a bathroom in there as well" She pointed down the hall

"Thank you for your hospitality" Hana smiled

"Ahh, you're welcome. Please make yourselves at home. You are friends here not guests" Lina smiled

"Really?! Ok" Hana gave a thumbs up and smiled "MinAh, you're soon to be sister-in-law is awesome" Kris's eyes widened

"Sister-in-la-" Kris covered Lina's mouth

"Ahh, Lina I'll go help get the plates for dinner. So Hana, Luhan please get settled in and come to eat. The dining hall is across the hall and on you're right" He pointed towards the hall and went to the kitchen still holding Lina's mouth shut.

" i guess I'll see you guys for dinner" You rubbed the back of you're head while Hana and Luhan nodded



                                                                                                        KRIS POV


I dragged Lina into the kitchen and sat her down at the table. While sitting her down she bit my finger and I quickly removed my hand from


"I-I kinda told them i was her boyfriend" I rubbed the back of my head

"Kris, if you keep doing this to her, she's going to get hurt."

"I know, but i felt sorry for her"

"So you did this out of pity? No wonder father gave the inheritance to you, you're just like him." Lina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms and legs. "What is you're plan to do with her next? Are you going to marry her out of pity just like what father did to mom?"


"Then fix it, now" She got up to go prepare the dishes on the table



                                                                           YOUR POV



After 30 minutes, you went to go get Luhan and Hana to come and eat. All of you made your way to the dining hall and saw piles of different dishes on the table. Hana sat next to Luhan while you sat in between Lina and Kris. While you were eating you saw Lina glaring her eyes at Kris.

"Lina, is there anything wrong?" You leaned more towards her

"Huh? Oh no, nothing. Please continue eating, i will need to excuse myself for the rest of the evening" She stood up, bowed, then left.

I wonder what's wrong?

You tilted you head and continued eating. After eating all of you guys went to the living room to watch T.V. You saw Hana and Luhan cuddling together near the edge of the sofa and you let out a sigh, just then you heard the door bell rang and you went up to go get it.




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Chapter 17: Loving you're story! ^.^ Update soon please.
ayemwhyyyy #2
Jungwoo? Who is he? Dun Dun Dun Dun. Can't wait to find out!
Jungwoo?? Update again soon authornim!!
Lol,Lina tricked them? ._. haha
So sweet when Minah hugs Kris XD
0----0 no I don't want Lina to die :((( ㅠ_ㅠ
O_O holy krisus
Omo update soon please!'
lliezxc #9
Update pls pls pls pls pls ♥♥