Simply Supple

Hustlers, Bargains, and Lingerie. Love or a Plan Gone Horribly Wrong?

Key's POV

                This was more than amusing, this little bet. It was apparent Jonghyun was enjoying himself but the more he pushed her, the more she would despise him. However, the little green monster couldn't help but appear as I saw him run his hands over untouched territory. Areas every male in school had thought of exploring, but knew they never could. Jonghyun was living the dream, lucky bastard.

                Panic rose into (your name's) eyes, and she pleaded with worried glances for me to stop him. I wanted to help her, believe me. I didn't want his hands all over her, but as much as I hated to admit it, the shots were beautiful, pushing the envelope, but beautiful none the less. I didn't really even have to tell them what to do.

                The way black spandex adorned your supple skin was breath-taking. The way the dim light twinkled in your eyes.  I couldn't stop watching, admiring her through the camera lens. Pabo, he had no idea what he had in front of him. She was no toy, that was for sure. She was something more. She was a flower, beautiful on the outside, but tender, fragile, easily broken no matter how thorny they were. Gorgeous. She was simply a goddess that deserved so much more then whatever caused her to become so icy. No one just becomes that way. Something occurred. I will get to the bottom of this, I concluded without a second thought.

Jonghyun's POV

                Her skin was so soft, and that worried pout was... beyond relief. I felt heat rising between my legs. Damn it all to hell. Not yet!

                I let my chin rest on her shoulder, looking her dead in her (your color) irises, taking in their pigment as I ventured my arms around her waist, pulling her against my chest. The heat rising from her skin was intoxicating. I'd remember that later tonight. She tilted her chin up, catching the dim light on her soft features. Had she always been that beautiful? Jonghyun was puzzled by that though. Beautiful was not in his vocabulary when it came to describing women. y, lusty, able. Yes, these were most certainly in his vocabulary. Beautiful, gorgeous, these were words he used when he admired something, when he found something, beyond his own , so impressive.

                Jonghyun shook his head lightly, clearing his thoughts, focusing back on the camera...or rather trying to focus on the camera. But the scent of your skin made him think. What would the scent smell like mixed with the smells of sweat and linen sheets. What would your mouth taste like? And how good would your tight-


                My attention snapped back to Key. He looked unhappy. Uh-oh.

                "Since you can't seem to pay attention, why don't we have a wardrobe change?" he asked, tapping his boot clad foot.

                (Your name) ran without hesitation to go get changed. She could have been nice and not run away so fast. She could have at least acted like she enjoyed my company. Pout.

                I was ready for a second round of photographs in a matter of five minutes as I changed into navy briefs. These were shorter than the last pair, just covering my . Makeup artists sprayed my body once more with cool water as I waited for (your name) to come back out. I waited a good twenty minutes as they completely transformed her once again.

                This time around she had inky locks that tumbled in loose waves only to her collar bone. Her makeup was minimal and light, only soft pinks and white eye shadow. This complimented the pink lacy bra and thong that she wore. I felt like my eyes were going to burn out of my head. Oh. My. God.

                I looked over at Key. He had a discreet smile, but it was apparent he was having a similar reaction. Soft sunlight only shined over your s, casting shadow over everything else. Jesus, thank you for hearing my prayers!

                "Let's get this over with," She mumbled dragging me over to the window.

                I shuttered. Never in my entire life had I ever had such a reaction to skin on skin contact. Electricity sizzled in my veins, setting my nerves on fire. What the heck? That has never happened before. Then again, it was an extremely rare occasion that the ice princess touched anyone. Knowing this...I was so happy I could die.

                (Your name) placed me on the floor by the bay window and she sprawled herself, stomach first, along the length of the windowsill, calves up and crossed, her upper half perched up on her elbows. From this position her pressed closer together, creating greater cleavage for the camera, and furthermore, for my viewing pleasure. She was just too deliciously close to .


                I felt the sting of a palm hitting me upside the head. Key. Damn bastard.

                He returned back to his place and got in position.

                " (Your name), I want you to look down at Jonghyun like you're his lover. So look lusty, flirtatious. Jonghyun," He turned his head back to me. " I want you to look up at her like she is your everything. Like she is nothing you have ever seen before. Like you would do anything to have her."

                I took a second to grasp this concept. Most of this I could do without thinking. I wanted her. She was like nothing I had ever seen before and I would do anything her to have her. I would do anything to win.

                But by first glance, and many glances afterword, it was more than obvious that (Your name) didn't feel the same and would have a rather hard time displaying what Key was looking for.

                I supported myself up on one elbow, both feet and on the floor, knees up and brought my free hand to run my fingers into the locks of (your name's) wig, pulling just slightly to bring her  face closer to mine, so close I could smell rice on her breath. Her eyes widened in shock but softened, to get the shot, I figured.          

                Everything in my body felt fuzzy. Well, all except my private places, where tension was building. I clamped my legs together in hope to control the rising heat.

                God! I just wanted to bite her lower her lip. Taste the crevices of and touch the small amount of skin that was covered with lingerie.  Or better yet, run my hand down her folds, memorize the wetness of unexplored territory, feel her burn up around my ing fingers.

                Closer. I was flexing my arms, pulling her closer, only a centimeter away from . There was something burning in her eyes. Not anger. Not lust. Something else. Almost like that loneliness I saw back at the cemetery...but stronger. It was...utter despair.

Key's POV

                I got a good twenty of so frames of this shot and not one facial expression was the same for one picture. (Your name) was like a child's story book. Whenever she was conflicted with emotions it was written all over her face, in big print, and very easy to read. She wasn't uncomfortable. She was...upset. Well more than that but that was how I could put it in simple terms. I had to get her back into street clothes pronto.

                "Hey (your name), you've been a really good sport. Let's go get some coffee, on me," I smiled. She nodded, running back to hair to get the wig taken off. Afterward she disappeared to go get dressed.

                "Jonghyun," I called smirking. "You are not allowed to come."

                I saw his shoulders instantly slump. He was going to have a hard time getting the girl if I am going to win her over first.

                Just at that moment (your name) came padding through and joined me, not even giving Jonghyun the time of day.

                " Where are we going?" she asked as I escorted her out of the shop while everyone cleaned up their station.

                "I was thinking that little cafe by the subway station would be good. I can make sure you get home safely."

                She smiled. It was small, but there was a sweet little tug at the corner of .

                "That's actually the opposite way to my house but we can go there if you want."

                "No no no. Pick a place that's closer to your house. I insist."

                "No lets go there. Their coffee is really good," she insisted, pulling my arm not giving me time to insist once again. I was too focused on making sure my legs kept up with her long, speedy strides.

                I was going to be alone with (your name). Alone. Alone. I took this in as I caught up to her speed. Score! 


Dear Readers,

I am the sorrriest excuse for a writer ever and I am sorry for not updating this story in happens...depression happens...but this is no excuse and I honestly can't apologize enough. I missed you guys and AFF so terribly but I'm back and I promise to update this story at least once a week from now on. Please forgive me?

Also do you guys think it would be interesting to add a rivalry between Key and Jjong? and should this story go beyond just the bet? Like a longer period of time then two months (the time spand of the bet)? Let me know!

But haha I thought I should add some new perspectives in this story other than the readers....because I am a Key . I love him more than my own life haha. And I thought it would be interesting to write a chapter souly from the guys perspectives.

Plus, y time is always nice with Key, no? ;)

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ShawolExotic01 #1
Chapter 5: Plz update more
LOL Just realized you last updated in 2011...I assume you won't be updating any sooner, huh? :(
Chapter 5: New reader here~!

I love your story so far. I honestly can't wait for the next update.
Jonghyun's already got some unidentified feelings for the girl, it'll be only a matter of time till he finally realizes this and accepts it. ;) I honestly feel bad for the girl. She's been through so much. Jonghyun, seems like you've got some competition ;) Looks like Key has more of a chance with her. Jonghyun, how'r you planning to steal her heart? (Not as easy as you stole mine hehe)
Omg, imagining Jjong and that photoshoot is just y *ㅂ*
omo omo omo i like like LOVE this xDDD luckily, i caught this story before you updated too many chapters xDD this photo shoot sounds xyyy~~ thinking of a hot muscular jong biting his lip and everything ;DDD OMG I'M A E. but i'm surprised she'd be willing to do something like this just to help her aunt o.O does the spread actually end up in a catalog? o.O well of COURSE it does -.- probably for the store though right? this is all based on a bet? hmm.... i'm still contemplating HOW he's going to get to her o.O ice princess doesn't seem all too keen to be so close to playboy kingka :P but looks like he's developing stronger feelings? or at least getting an idea of it for a first timer... :P <br />
<br />
update soon? ;____;
cordelialulu #6
update soon. I love this <3
Heeello there :D<br />
Guess what!<br />
Your poster is ready to be picked up!<br />
Hurry, grab it before it runs away :D<br />
KwonHyunYeon #8
Update, dammit.
anniekhun #9
i like this story so far, <br />
curious to see wha would happen next :DD
Anneliesey #10
i like this so far.<br />
Cant wait till jjong's ertedness ;P