Anger is ...y?

Hustlers, Bargains, and Lingerie. Love or a Plan Gone Horribly Wrong?

 School. The sanctum  of all boredom. Was it even legal to be this bored, you wondered. Just one more class and you could escape this hell hole. Su-dae gave you a questioning look after turning your gaze from the window. It was that "what are you thinking about" look. She had to have known something was bothering you. The only thing you had on your mind was the photograph you were staring at this morning. Tomorrow would officially be the five year anniversary of your parent's death. It felt so surreal.


            You felt a paper ball bounce off the surface of your head as well as a few snickers from Su-dae as well as Jonghyun and Taemin, who were seated behind you. Damn that math teacher. Damn him to the deepest pits of hell for sitting those two goons behind you.

             Slowly you picked up the ball of paper from the floor and unfolded it covertly on your desk.

              museun saeng-gaghaseyo? (what are you thinking about?)

             Without tearing your gaze from the teacher you scribbled back your reply(amugeosdo

 [nothing])and chucked the paper across the room. It landed perfectly on her desk.

               She gave you that typical 'yeah right' face and chuckled. You would have to talk to her after class.


              Annyeong stupid class!

             "(your name!)"

             Su-Dae rushed you your side, red hair bouncing. She was just too damn cute.

             "Want to hang out?"

             You bit your lip in contemplation...Well, you did have to make it up for missing that party over break. Plus you wouldn't be able to hang  out with her seeing as you were going to visit your parent's grave tomorrow...

 "Sure, let's go.

              Hanging your messenger bag over your shoulder, you and Su-dae started your journey to the subway, which you would

take to get to the cafe, you're usual hangout spot.

Jonghyun's POV

            She was on the move. I would have to talk to her some time. Two months? I would have to use every hour of every day carefully. But damn am I going to have to do some serious creeping on this girl. I made sure to take Onew with me just to make sure I didn't do anything too stupid, or just in case I got in trouble. God only knew what kind of trouble I could get into with this girl.

            I followed close behind her and her friend as they boarded the subway to downtown. She took a seat next to her friend, Su-dae if I was correct, and pulled out a catalogue. A lingerie catalogue. The reason I knew this? I had the same one. It was go time.

             Smoothly, I leaned against the bar and made it apparent that I was looking at the catalogue with her.

             "You would look y in that," I winked and pointed to a gossamer lavender thong and matching baby doll tank top.

            As soon as I said it I kind of figured I would regret it. That's when I saw it. Two (your color) eyes roll slowly to meet mine and burn thick fiery holes through them. Then, a sting as her hand made contact with the side of my face. She quickly retrieved it,bringing it back to her side. Onew put his hand over his mouth to hide silent laughter. I should have been mad, walked away from her, but as much as I hated to admit it, she looked damn hot when she was angry.

Your POV

                What. The. ? The nerve of some people truly astounded you sometimes. And yes, it had occurred to you that you had never been talked to that way and sometimes wished that someone did. But Jonghyun of all people?! This pabo oppa was asking for it! You thanked the gods as the subway jerked and opened its doors to allow you and Su-dae off of it. A cup of coffee from the cafe sounded damn good right about now.

Jonghyun's POV

                After (your name) left, Onew and I both knew this little adventure was over.  When we got to the next stop I let Onew leave. We all knew there was no point in making another action today. Strange thing was, this little incident just made this a little more interesting. I like a girl who's a little feisty...but there was something else about this girl... Something else in her eyes, like she was always thinking about something, something sad, sad beyond anyone else's knowledge. But it appeared to me she wasn't going to let anyone in on what pain she was feeling.

             When I got home I did the usual: strip, grab a shower, throw on fresh boxers, eat and read my mags while lying in bed. But tonight...this magazine just wasn't doing it.

              A mental image of (your name) instantly popped in my head. God, that little dimple in your brow, the heat of your eyes...I let my hand wonder past the elastic barrier of my boxers, feeling the warm, rising appendage beneath.  Making circular movements, I thought deeply, remembered her face, the sting of her hand against my face. She was a , a prude at that. But I could change that. I'd have to. And I will. I will bask in the ultimate glory the day I get under (your name's) skin and taste ever inch of  her.

Dear reader,

this is a little better no? Also, as determined and y as Jonghyun is I've descovered that Jonghyun does have a very awkward side of him (which comes out when he tries to be y). I know because I have seen proof. xD So I plan on using this in my story to add some humor.

But anyway, please excuse my blabber. How did you like this chapter?




PS. I am making a one shot book. Make requests?

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ShawolExotic01 #1
Chapter 5: Plz update more
LOL Just realized you last updated in 2011...I assume you won't be updating any sooner, huh? :(
Chapter 5: New reader here~!

I love your story so far. I honestly can't wait for the next update.
Jonghyun's already got some unidentified feelings for the girl, it'll be only a matter of time till he finally realizes this and accepts it. ;) I honestly feel bad for the girl. She's been through so much. Jonghyun, seems like you've got some competition ;) Looks like Key has more of a chance with her. Jonghyun, how'r you planning to steal her heart? (Not as easy as you stole mine hehe)
Omg, imagining Jjong and that photoshoot is just y *ㅂ*
omo omo omo i like like LOVE this xDDD luckily, i caught this story before you updated too many chapters xDD this photo shoot sounds xyyy~~ thinking of a hot muscular jong biting his lip and everything ;DDD OMG I'M A E. but i'm surprised she'd be willing to do something like this just to help her aunt o.O does the spread actually end up in a catalog? o.O well of COURSE it does -.- probably for the store though right? this is all based on a bet? hmm.... i'm still contemplating HOW he's going to get to her o.O ice princess doesn't seem all too keen to be so close to playboy kingka :P but looks like he's developing stronger feelings? or at least getting an idea of it for a first timer... :P <br />
<br />
update soon? ;____;
cordelialulu #6
update soon. I love this <3
Heeello there :D<br />
Guess what!<br />
Your poster is ready to be picked up!<br />
Hurry, grab it before it runs away :D<br />
KwonHyunYeon #8
Update, dammit.
anniekhun #9
i like this story so far, <br />
curious to see wha would happen next :DD
Anneliesey #10
i like this so far.<br />
Cant wait till jjong's ertedness ;P