I'm Sorry

Hustlers, Bargains, and Lingerie. Love or a Plan Gone Horribly Wrong?

                Your aunt could always tell when something was bothering you. She never said anything but she always had those knowing eyes, the eyes that saw all, knew all, knew pain and sadness. She didn't say a word to you as you stormed through your bedroom door, she simply left a glass of water and closed your door silently.

                Collapsing on your bed you unburied your journal from the plethora of pillows and catalogues for your aunt's lingerie shop.

                Dear diary,

                I have no words for what just happened...or maybe I do, but I can't say you're going to like the amount of profanity I am about to write in you.


                Okay, that feels a little better. I guess I should explain what the hell I am talking about. So today, Su-dae and I were on our way to our usual spot and Kim Jonghyun had the balls to hit on me, the freaking ice princess. Something is up. I can smell this scam from miles away. I should feel at least a little nervous but I have other things on my mind...

                I'm going to go see Mom and Dad tomorrow. Aunt and Uncle are going to call me in sick tomorrow so I'm not going to have to deal with Jonghyun and his little gang at school tomorrow, thank god. Sigh. Why has my life come to misery and a strange boy trying to get into my pants all of a sudden? I'd honestly love to know.

                I guess I have nothing more to say.


                -(your name)

                Sliding the journal back under your pillow, you felt a little more contented. After this little venting session, you let the relief take you into a blank slate of a dream land, lifeless, black, a barren land of complete sedation.

                When you awoke the next morning you felt well rested and slipped on your black slacks, a black sweater and black high heel boots. You left your face bare of any makeup, you would cry it off anyway, and pulled your hair into a tight, neat bun at the top on your head. This took you a matter of five minutes, leaving you plenty of time to pick things up on your way to the cemetery.

                Your first stop was a flower shop and you picked up a bouquet of lilies and two white candles. Afterward you stopped by the market and grabbed some fresh gimbop (similar to sushi)  and kimchi to put on a fresh bed of rice.

                Once you arrived at the cemetery you lit the candles, one on each grave, and set the flowers in between your mother and father. Next was the setting up of the breakfast you had prepared. Taking out plastic wear you set a dish on each grave.

                As a child, you remembered simple food like this was a cheap, staple meal for your family. You didn't have a lot of money back them, but family was always more important than money.

                Slowly you brought a clump of rice and kimchi to your mouth, chewing slowly, thoughtfully, as you realized you would never get to eat a meal with your parents in the flesh ever again.   

Jonghyun's POV

                Damnit I was going to be late for school. But...If I cut through the cemetery I might just make it. I nearly sprinted through the entire plot of land when I noticed a familiar figure off to the furthest corner. That's when it finally sunk in. It was (your name). Shouldn't she be at school already? She had to have been there for a reason. I'd have to go by her anyway...I could just take a little peak.

                I crept slowly, silently, making sure she didn't hear me. I'm sure I'm the last person she wanted to see right now. I scanned the area. She sat idly between two graves eating gimbop by herself, yet she had two plates, one on either grave...like she was eating with them. I also took in the sight or two lit candles as well as a work picture frame, worn with weather conditions and time I guessed. Inside the frame were a young couple and a little girl...well not too little but about a pre teen, twelve years old or so.

                It was her. It was (your name) as a little girl I realized. It had to have been her parent she was visiting. God, maybe this was why she didn't like to be around anyone. I could understand that. I wouldn't know how to be without my parents either.

                "I'm sorry."

                Her head turned slowly, as if she were an owl. Had I said that aloud? . I was screwed. I wanted to run. But my legs felt paralyzed. I was ed.

Your POV

                Of all people to find you there, you never expected Jonghyun. And for him to say he was sorry...It was like he had pieced it all together... he could spread any amount of rumors for seeing you here...

                "I sorry," he repeated. "I have to go." He looked down and ran as fast as he could to the back entrance.

                "Come back!" It was an order, not a request and you felt the bite in the tone of your words. But he refused you orders. No sense in chasing after him, today was your day to be with your parents...but it was odd... You had never expected Jonghyun to be the empathetic type. Maybe there was more to this skinship playboy then you thought...but then again he almost always proved people wrong.


                I could use this time in school to take advantage of what I just saw, or store it away for the next time I see her. I'm pretty sure she is not the damsel in distress type of girl but even I know this girl needs some saving from her own misery. Could I be the one to wipe away her tears? Or would she just hit me again ... I really hope it isn't the latter. . .that way it'll be  a little easier to get into her pants.

Dear reader,

I'm sorry if this was a little boring for you. I do have to have a few filler chapters though...but at least you get to see a slightly romantic side of Jong...right? ;D Anyway thank you for sticking with my story this far and I can't wait for more subscribers and comments. Keep 'em coming. I haven't had much support in a while but I have faith in you guys and in this story.

Please comment/critique/ give me ideas?

Kamsahamnida! <3


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ShawolExotic01 #1
Chapter 5: Plz update more
LOL Just realized you last updated in 2011...I assume you won't be updating any sooner, huh? :(
Chapter 5: New reader here~!

I love your story so far. I honestly can't wait for the next update.
Jonghyun's already got some unidentified feelings for the girl, it'll be only a matter of time till he finally realizes this and accepts it. ;) I honestly feel bad for the girl. She's been through so much. Jonghyun, seems like you've got some competition ;) Looks like Key has more of a chance with her. Jonghyun, how'r you planning to steal her heart? (Not as easy as you stole mine hehe)
Omg, imagining Jjong and that photoshoot is just y *ㅂ*
omo omo omo i like like LOVE this xDDD luckily, i caught this story before you updated too many chapters xDD this photo shoot sounds xyyy~~ thinking of a hot muscular jong biting his lip and everything ;DDD OMG I'M A E. but i'm surprised she'd be willing to do something like this just to help her aunt o.O does the spread actually end up in a catalog? o.O well of COURSE it does -.- probably for the store though right? this is all based on a bet? hmm.... i'm still contemplating HOW he's going to get to her o.O ice princess doesn't seem all too keen to be so close to playboy kingka :P but looks like he's developing stronger feelings? or at least getting an idea of it for a first timer... :P <br />
<br />
update soon? ;____;
cordelialulu #6
update soon. I love this <3
Heeello there :D<br />
Guess what!<br />
Your poster is ready to be picked up!<br />
Hurry, grab it before it runs away :D<br />
KwonHyunYeon #8
Update, dammit.
anniekhun #9
i like this story so far, <br />
curious to see wha would happen next :DD
Anneliesey #10
i like this so far.<br />
Cant wait till jjong's ertedness ;P