Unit Test

My Everything

I heard the movement of a chair, and a body shifting followed by an “Ouch!” I snapped my head from the desk, and saw someone beside me. Luhan, who was now aiding his sore knee, flashed a weak smile. I eyed him curiously, “Uh hi?”

“Is this seat token?” He gestured to the desk adjacent to my own.

“No...But..” I was taken aback by his question.

“If you don’t want me sitting here, it’s totally fine. I can go sit somewhere...” Luhan stuttered.

“No no! Of course you can sit here!” I sat up. I realized how pleading that sounded, and flushed cherry.

“Thanks,” He grinned, and then sat in the seat, curtly swinging off his bag.

“How’s your knee?” I laughed.

He looked confused for a second, and then his eyes understood, “Oh right,” He said, placing his hand to his knee. “I’m so clumsy, but it’s fine.” But he didn’t sound too confident.

“Are you sure? There are still a few minutes until this class starts,” I touched where he supposedly hit it, genuinely concerned. “I can take you to the nurse if you’d like.”

He didn’t reply, but his gaze was set on his knee. Where my hand was resting on.

“Sorry,” I muttered quickly, taking my hand off his knee at once. Instead of freaking out at the skin ship I displayed, Luhan instead beamed.

“Thanks, for your concern.” He said authentically, not even bothered, “But really, it’s fine.” Now I didn’t know if he was referring to his knee. 

“What the hell...”

“Why her?!”

“Just look at her though! She’s all over him!”

“I don’t care about that, why the hell is he sitting with her instead of us?!”

Sharp voices echoed behind me, and my face dropped. Even I was asking the same question. Before I could realize it, I asked a loud “Why are you sitting next to me?”

“Oh I’m sorry if you don’t want me here-” Luhan began again. I looked back at the group of girls I never dared getting near to. “Oh, so that’s what it’s about.”

I whipped my head in his direction. “What?”

“A couple of those girls were in my first periods...” He commented. “If you’re asking why I’m sitting with you instead of them, the answer is that you’re real.” 

I hope that’s a good thing... Before I could reply to his comment though, the teacher walked to the front of the class.

“Unit test!” She exclaimed like it was the best thing in the world.

I groaned, turning my attention to the front. I had totally forgotten! Not that I study for this anyways...

 The teacher began passing out the sheets to the rows of two.

“Great way to start a Monday off, eh?” The teacher laughed. This time, it wasn’t just me groaning. I swear, teachers just love being evil. “Start when you’ve got the sheet!”

When the paper was passed to my desk, I stared at it blankly.

“Oh actually, scratch that!” The teacher said.

Were the Gods in my favor today? Was a Math test really going to be cancelled?

“Before you start, let’s introduce a new member of our class.” She nodded to Luhan, who was beside me. All heads turned to our desks in a second.

 Luhan stood up, bowing 45 degrees. “Hello, my name is Luhan.” He said, “Please take care of me.” He then smiled a charming grin; the teacher herself looked in awe.

When he sat down, the class broke into claps. What they were clapping for, I’m not sure, but from the looks of it I bet Luhan would fit in well.

“You don’t have to do the test Luhan.” The teacher said, “Since you weren’t here for the unit.”

“No it’s fine.” He smiled, “I think I’ll give it a try to see what level the class is in.”

“Very well.” The teacher mused, obviously impressed that a student actually wants to take a test for once. “Good luck then everybody!”

Once all that was out of the way, the class fell in silence. Nothing but scribbles of pencils and scratching of heads was heard.

Question 1: What is your name? I puffed at the paper, rolling my eyes. At least I know I’ll get one question correct.  The rest of the questions were all foreign to me, written in a language called “Math” I failed to understand.

Minutes passed and I managed to guess my way through a lot of questions. Beside me, Luhan looked concentrated before he finally put his pencil down. I stared after him as he got up to hand in his sheet. I looked back at my paper, and frowned at what I thought was progress. I was only on question 14...Leaving a good 22 left.

“10 more minutes!” The teacher chimed from her desk. I decided not to panic as I knew I’d do worse...if that was possible...and winged the last few questions. Just as I finished writing out a number, the teacher’s voice rang. “Time’s up!”

I exhaled, finally putting my pencil down. I looked around the room and everyone else looked to be finished minutes ago.

“Now let’s mark it.” The teacher, who goes by the name Mrs. Jung, smiled. Sometimes her cheerfulness bothered me...”Pass it to a friend, and get out a pen or two.”

I pulled out a red pen from my bag, prepared to mark my own when Luhan called my name. “Do you want to swap?” He asked.

“Uhh...” I stuttered, hesitating the slightest. “...okay.” His eyes curved up nicely, as we switched our sheets.

“Question one, what is your name.” Mrs. Jung read. “If the name written on the sheet matches the face of the person, mark it correct. If there is no name, it’s wrong. I’m tired of all the nameless tests.”

After drawing a red check beside the question, smiling at Luhan’s handwriting, the teacher continued.

“Question two...”

I was in shock the whole time as question after question I found myself drawing the same red checkmark.

“Okay, total up the score, give the sheet to its owner then hand it in on my desk.” Mrs. Jung instructed.

I scribbled a big 100% at the top, (along with a smiley and a good job) then kindly passed the paper back to Luhan. He finished tallying up my page, before giving it to me as well. He gave two thumbs up smiling at me encouragingly. I almost thought I did well, until I saw the total percent. 46%

I winced at the number, knowing I hadn’t even passed. But what upset me more than the exact mark was the fact that Luhan had seen it. He probably thinks I’m so dumb now...

I sighed and got up to hand in my failure. The bell rang when I made it back to my stuff. “Have a great lunch, good job on the tests!” The teacher smiled as students began filing out one by one.

Luhan was standing beside my desk now, “Ready?” He said casually.

“Uh sure.” I replied, picking up my bag, still feeling bad. “Lunch right?”

“Well yes, unless you’re planning on having dinner right now.” He laughed. I blushed at my words; I’m only making this worse for myself!

“So Luhan, right?” A tall girl said, sass dripping in her words. She and two other girls, stride over to us, heels clacking the ground.

“Yes, that’s my name.” Luhan nodded innocently, “What’s yours?”

“Hwang Karun.” She said matter-of-factly.  

“I’m Ji-” One of the girls was going to say, but ‘Karun’ stepped on her foot shutting her up.

 “You’re going to sit with us in lunch, yeah?” Karun said. It sounded more like a demand than a question.

I ducked my head down, ready to face rejection.

“Actually, I’m sitting with Mayumi.” He said, smiling in my direction.

“Why?” The third girl asked. Before Karun could make a snarky comment, Mrs. Jung called my name.

“Mayumi, can I talk to you please?” She said.

“Yes, Teacher-nim.” I nodded, escaping from the menacing stares of the group of girls. 

“I’ll wait for you.” Luhan mouthed.  

“It’s about your mark..” Mrs. Jung said when I arrived by her desk. I didn’t know if it was me but it seemed like the whole classroom had gone silent.

“Oh yes...” I shuffled my feet. “I promise I’ll work harder.”

“Yes, I know you will.” She said, stacking up a pile of papers. “I’ve already seen the improvement.”

“Thank you.” I said.

“But,” My eyes stared at her uncomfortably. “It’s not enough...” She was going through some papers, when her attention got caught on one in particular. “Say,” She said, changing the subject for a mere second, her head looking around the room. “Is Luhan still here?”

“Yes, I’m here.” Luhan’s voice said and before I knew it, he was standing right next to me.

“I just want to congratulate you on your amazing mark!” The teacher smiled, “You weren’t here for all the lessons, yet you’re the only one in the class to get 100%!”

“Thank you.” He bowed with a smile.

“Hey, I have an idea!” Mrs. Jung exclaimed. “Would it be fine if you tutor Mayumi?”

“Me?” Luhan said.

“Yes, it will help her a lot.” The teacher nodded, and then she faced me. “Wouldn’t it?”

“Okay.” Luhan agreed before I could state my opinion on the matter.

“Hey, I’m falling behind in Math too!” Karun said, tripping on her way over to us. “Why doesn’t Luhan tutor me instead?”

“Uh...” Luhan bit his lip hesitantly.

“Well this is only because Mayumi is doing so well in her other subjects; I don’t want Math to bring her down.” The teacher stated, “If you showed you actually wanted to improve in all subjects for that matter, I would’ve considered it.”

I could feel Karun’s blood boil, yet she looked embarrassed at the same time.

“Well okay.” Mrs. Jung dismissed, “Lunch had started a couple minutes ago, and you kids should be off. Luhan and Mayumi, discuss when you can meet up.”

We left the room together, Luhan and I, avoiding Karun and her group’s menacing glares.

“So what days are okay for you?” Luhan asked me.

I thought of my schedule, “Hmm, I think Tuesdays are fine because no one’s at home.”

“Tuesdays, huh? That’s cool with me,” Luhan said. “How about Thursdays or maybe Fridays for my house?”

“Oh I can’t Friday.” I remembered, “It’s when Chanyeol, Baekhyun and I hang out. Can we stick to Thursdays?”

“That’s fine.” Luhan smiled, “Tuesdays and Thursdays then?”

“Perfect.” I commented. I looked up from the ground, to see Chanyeol staring at us. I waved at him, but he only turned around and walked in the opposite direction. I sighed, “Luhan, is it okay if you go to the cafeteria yourself? You’ll find Sehun or one of the others...I just got something to take care of.”


Thank you for reading! This chapter is a bit longer than the rest, hope it makes up for the wait ^^

Please continue to show your love <3 THANK YOU!!


And if I don't mention this enough...I know I messed up on how school works D: Its just It's so different than how it is in England and so I appolagize ._. I can't change it now but like....Hope you guys don't  mind?

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im thinking about abandoning this story..:/


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Chapter 9: i liked this chapter!
ThehunxLuhan #3
this story is really cute :) i hope chanyeol doesnt stay upset too long <3
oooooh tutoring! ;3
LexyChan #5
UPDATE! :D cant wait to see what happens next
marla245channie #6
oh goodness i love this <3
Update soon! :3
this story is very good! it makes me laugh :)
ThehunxLuhan #9
Yaa the site being down was frustrating :3 Ohh I think Luhan'll sit with her instead :)
Plmokn #10
Super story