Grumpy Teacher

My Everything

The next morning while I was eating breakfast, the door bell rang. Quickly scooping up the last spoonful of oats, I grabbed a napkin and went to answer it. As I was wipeing the remaining milk drops from my face, I opened the door and was met with a pretty doe-eyed boy.

“Luhan?” I said in surprise. I quickly threw the napkin to the side, straightening out my clothes. “What are you doing here?”

“Uh well I was on my way to school, but I kinda got lost...Luckily I recognized you’re house.” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

“Why didn’t you go with Sehun?” I asked.

“He had to go early for some dance club thing,” He explained.

“Right!” I remembered, "Kai's there too."

“Ya, sorry for just showing up at your door like this,” Luhan said nervously. “I’ll just call home and get my Mum to drive me or something...”

“Don’t do that silly! You can walk with me,” I offered.

“Really?” His eyes lit up, “Thanks!”

“Wait here, I’ll be back in a sec.” I said. I then searched around the house for my things; I kicked off my slippers, replacing them with some joggers and then went back to the door. I locked it as Luhan and I started walking. Pulling up my socks and straightening out my uniform again, I suddenly grew insecure. Wait, why was I insecure again?

“Do you usually walk to school alone?” Luhan asked.

“No, Chanyeol’s just around the corner; I go with him since Kai can’t have the least patience,” I rolled my eyes at the thought of my brother.

“Is Chanyeol sick today then?” He said.

“! I forgot about him!” I stopped walking.

“We can go back?” Luhan suggested.

I pursed my lips, “Well we're almost at school...I think he’ll manage.”


After making sure Luhan got to his first class alright, I sauntered to my own. I was only helping him because he was new, that’s all. I only walked with him to school because he got lost, that’s all. I only blush every time we make eye contact because he has a stareable face, that’s a-

Who am I kidding?

My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher walking in the room, his eyebrows low and his back hitched like usual. Oh how I hated this class. It was not like I was bad at it, Language Arts was actually my best subject; it was the fact that the teacher paid no acknowledgement what so ever to my hard work, instead he chose to criticize it. I was thankful I didn’t have him, Mr. Chou he went by, for Maths. Now that would be a disaster.

The class started typically, consisting of page numbers written on the board for us to read, and then Mr. Chou going back at his desk until bothered to say the next portion of the assignment.

Except today was different, it took me a few seconds to place why.

I quickly turned myself around to look at the seat behind mine and found it empty. Where was Chanyeol? He couldn’t be sick, he was fine yesterday. Then why wasn’t he here? Unless...

I put all thoughts aside and read the prompts we were assigned instead, clearing any hints of guilt.

 While I was writing my response, the door to the classroom whizzed open and a panting Chanyeol stood. His eyes immediately met mine and I quickly looked down, ignoring his gawk that was piercing in through me.

“28 minutes in the lesson, you decide to show up Mr. Park?” I heard Mr. Chou say from his desk, though he hadn’t looked up from his laptop at all.

What a lesson, I scoffed mentally.

“I’m sorry sir, won’t happen again,” Chanyeol bowed.

“Now bring over your late slip and begin your work.” The teacher ended the conversation.

I heard Chanyeol shuffle to his seat, I refused to look up from my paper though. I felt a light poke in my back but chose to ignore it. The pokes only got worse from there, as a finger repeatedly jabbed into my back.

“What?!” I hissed to Chanyeol, very frustrated.

“Mayumi, do you need to be moved? Stop distracting hard working students.” Mr. Chou said, how he acknowledged this all without even glancing up, I don’t know.

“No sir,” I contrived through gritted teeth. “It shouldn’t be a problem anymore," I appologized. I then glared at Chanyeol before turning back around.   

Just then a paper airplane flew on my desk, taking me by surprise. I opened it and it was written with Chanyeol’s sloppy writing.

‘Where were you?! I was worried sick when you didn’t show up at my door, I even went as far and going to your house in search for you!’ It read. I flipped the creased paper and quickly wrote out a reply on the back.

‘Apologize for getting me in trouble first!’ I scrunched the paper in my fist then plopped it on Chanyeol’s desk.

I sighed and tried to focus back on my work when another piece of paper flew on my desk, only not made into an airplane this time.

‘You should be apologizing for making me late!’

‘Okay fine, I’m sorry! But anyways, no need to worry about me; Luhan and I made it to school alive.’ I passed him the piece of paper in a quick movement, before the teacher could scold me any further for turning around.

But this time I didn’t receive a note. I turned around to see if Chanyeol was writing one, but instead I saw his hands buried in his hair with a look of aggravation.

Why was Chanyeol so suddenly upset? Was it because I told him to not worry or was he still not over why I didn’t show up at his house?

~**~ You guys are amazing! Thanks so much for all the lovely comments and subscribtions and just asjdghashdjashdkasjdhkasjdh

I hope I can live up to all your expectations, please continue to show the love <3

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im thinking about abandoning this story..:/


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Chapter 9: i liked this chapter!
ThehunxLuhan #3
this story is really cute :) i hope chanyeol doesnt stay upset too long <3
oooooh tutoring! ;3
LexyChan #5
UPDATE! :D cant wait to see what happens next
marla245channie #6
oh goodness i love this <3
Update soon! :3
this story is very good! it makes me laugh :)
ThehunxLuhan #9
Yaa the site being down was frustrating :3 Ohh I think Luhan'll sit with her instead :)
Plmokn #10
Super story