Worried Bacon

My Everything

The whole class felt strange with no exchange of words with Chanyeol. Word, notes, pokes in the back...nothing.

I turned around a few times consciously to see he was focused on his work. This was strange because Chanyeol never focused on anything, much less school.

Resulting to a painfully long two periods trapped in Mr. Chou’s class.

When the next period bell rung, I nearly jumped out of my seat. Never have I been so relieved to leave Language Arts despite how awful I put it as. But the tension in the room was killing me.

I grabbed my stuff then turned to speak to Chanyeol only to see he was gone. I looked around the room and didn’t see him anywhere.

Baffled, I took a stride out the hellhole. I went to my locker to change my books, in hope to see Chanyeol on the way. Instead a short boy wearing eyeliner stood by my locker.

“Mayumi!” Baekhyun cheered.

“Hey, Baekhyunnie.” I greeted, opening my locker. “What’s up?”

“Nothing...” His voice faltered.

“Then why were you waiting by my locker?” I asked him suspiciously, locking my locker for both our sakes.

“Well I was waiting for Yeollie but he stormed off before I could even say hi,” Baekhyun rubbed the back of his head.

“Don’t worry about it Baekhyun, I’ll talk to him okay?” I assured him.

“Thanks...It’s just he’s been quite distant since yesterday.” Baekhyun said, and then his voice lowered. “I think he’s mad at me...” Baekhyun looked serious, with hurt in his eyes.

“That’s not it Baekhyun, I promise,” I said, and then held my arms out. He accepted the embrace in seconds.

"If you're ever mad at me...please tell me why," He said quietly. “Promise to never leave me."

“Awh Baekhyun, I promise.” I said and he squeezed me tightly. Even if Sehun was the youngest next to me in our friends group, Baekhyun had the most fragile heart. “Chanyeol hasn’t left either, silly. He probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

“Ya I know but just don’t okay.” He confirmed. “Even for Luhan...”

“What do you mean Baekhyun? I only met him yesterday?” I said, untangling our hug.

His soft eyes suddenly turned to a mischievous tone, his voice dripped with tomfoolery. “Yes and you’ve been getting along quite well with him, yeah?”

“That’s...” I was about to speak when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around in surprise to see the boy himself.

“Um hi.” Luhan said quietly.

“Hey.” I smiled contentedly. I heard Baekhyun snicker behind me for whatever reason.

“Sorry if I’m a bother, but I was wondering if you could help me get to my next class?” He said with nervousness in his voice again.

Wait, why was he nervous? Was I scary? Oh God, it’s probably because I didn’t put makeup on again today! If I hadn’t been in such a rush... But it was Luhan showing up on my doorstep that made me rush. Now I didn’t know if I regretted it so much.

My thoughts were interrupted when Luhan spoke again.

“It’s fine if you can’t, I mean...”

“Sure!” I said, probably too willingly because I heard Baekhyun laugh again.

“Thanks,” Luhan smiled warmly, then he handed me his schedule.

“Okay well I’m going to go now, don’t want to bother you two love birds.” Baekhyun winked.

I turned around and glared at him. I swear; you can go from wanting to give that boy a hug to wanting to crush his bones in the clinch.

“Bye.” Luhan said nicely, probably not catching the last bit of his sentence.

“See you at lunch,” I said. “I’ll talk to Chanyeol when I see him okay?”

“Bye~” He sang as he skipped away. I rolled my eyes at his childishness then looked down at the sheet of paper in my hands.

“You know if your next class is too far, I could ask someone else.” Luhan said timidly.

“Oh wow, I actually already have this class with you.” I said, remembering my own schedule.

“Really?” His eyes dazzled vibrantly.


“I need to talk to the teacher, ‘cause I’m new and all.” Luhan told me when we arrived in front of Maths. “To catch up on some of the stuff you guys learned earlier.”

“Sounds good to me.” I replied, smiling back at Luhan. I then walked over to my seat in the class. I started getting out my books from my bag, arranging them neatly on my desk.

 From a couple of seats behind me I could hear a group of girls giggling. Well, it wasn’t just a group, it was the group.

“Oh my God, is that the new guy everyone’s talking about?”

“He’s so cute!”

“He’s coming here! He’s coming here!”

“Shh! I’m gonna ask him to sit with me!”

“Hey, I was the one who pointed him out!”

“Ya, well-”

I groaned in frustration, but then looked up and saw Luhan was really walking over. I shrugged and went back to arranging my stuff; he’ll sit with the queenka’s for all I care.


This would've been up earlier but you know all the problems this site was having so ya~

Please please please comment if you read this <3 (Thank you to you lovelies you do! ^^*)

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im thinking about abandoning this story..:/


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Chapter 9: i liked this chapter!
ThehunxLuhan #3
this story is really cute :) i hope chanyeol doesnt stay upset too long <3
oooooh tutoring! ;3
LexyChan #5
UPDATE! :D cant wait to see what happens next
marla245channie #6
oh goodness i love this <3
Update soon! :3
this story is very good! it makes me laugh :)
ThehunxLuhan #9
Yaa the site being down was frustrating :3 Ohh I think Luhan'll sit with her instead :)
Plmokn #10
Super story