Chapter 6 - Sehun's Secret

Never the Same

"Emi! It's Sehun!!"

You quickly opened the door without thinking to find a huffing, tired looking Sehun on front of your door.
"Sehun ah... are you alright?!?"
"Yeah.. I just.. I.." he was panting and he couldn't speak up.
You brought Sehun in and he sat across from Kai, who was staring at him curiously.
"Emi. I'm sorry for disappearing after school today. There's.. actually something I need to tell you."
You brought Sehun water and watched him drink, sitting next to him. Kai sat silent on the second sofa.
Sehun opened his mouth to begin but closed it again, eyeing Kai.
Kai understood.
"Emi, we'll just continue this later, okay? See you." Kai got up. You looked at him apologetically but he just smiled and let himself out. You turned your attention back to Sehun.
"You might think I am weird so I never wanted to tell you. But now I think I can. Because I am ready. And I trust you. Plus... I guess you're fuming about my uninformed absence."
You nodded, curiosity pouring.
"I often have these dreams where... I wasn't an only child. I have a brother. At first I thought they are just random dreams, but I have then often... and it is the same face I see everytime."
You stared.
"He... I would have initially dismissed the concern, knowing how ridiculous this is. But I have flakes of memory, Emi. From my past... I slightly remember a face, same as the brother in my dream, I remember him and me... together. What ever memories I have of him... we were together. But it must have been when I was really young, for I remember nothing else."
Sehun's eyes dropped down to his lap.
"Unless... they aren't memories at all. Maybe I am just imagining things..."
You really didn't know how to react to this abrupt intrusion of secrets. Nothing really filled your mind, because you knew Sehun was just taking small things and creating a whole story.
"It's just dreams... don't worry about them. And those memories are probably just memories of old dreams. If you had a brother where is he? Wouldn't your parents tell you about him, haha."
"No well... I guess. My parent's never say much but they would've at least mentioned if I had a brother or not..." he was trying to reassure himself, but it didn't seem to fully work.
"Mhmm. So where did you go today?"
He looked back up at you and gave a tiny sheepish smile. "It's kind of embarrassing... I uh... I thought I saw him.. well someone who looked like him, my brother."
"Really? Where?"
"I passed by the administration office while coming to our room after school, and I saw a tall figure from the left side. I blinked and looked again at the familiar image... it was like those dreams coming true."
You raised an eyebrow.
"I was so confused with myself... I stood outside the door for a while waiting for him to come out. When he didn't after like five minutes I peaked back inside and he was gone." Sehun shifted awkwardly on his seat. "So I became.. scared for some reason. As if I lost something I finally found after so long. I ran outside and looked around for him... I ran everywhere. I just kept... feeling like it was my brother from my dream, but when I couldn't find him doubt crept into me slowly... Then I ran here to tell you..."
Many thoughts ran through your head but scurried off quickly when you realized how ridiculous he sounded.
"You know, everything and everyone you see in your dreams are things you've seen in real life. All the faces you don't recognize in a dream are real people you saw in public. Your mind stores these peoples faces and uses them in dreams. You probably saw that guy somewhere else and your mind is using his face."
"You could be right... but..."
"You're thinking too much Sehun! Let's go see Chanyeol and Baekhyun now, okay? They were eager to meet you."
You dragged Sehun off the couch and off to the next room.
Sehun's thoughts were still racing.
Even so... why would I keep having those dreams over and over again? If he is stranger why is it only him I see when I sleep...
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Sounds interesting, new reader here ! this sounds great ! kai <3