Chapter 3 - Meeting Sehun

Never the Same


Oh shoot...
"Nah don't worry about it. I wasn't looking either." he said
You nervously looked around instead of bowing and walking away.
"I think I saw you before... You eat here a lot right?" he conversed.
"Uh.. uhm yah! I come here a lot. I think I saw you here too..." you tried to play it cool but your hands were shaking from him staring into your face.
"Don't take it wrong but I think you're really cute. Next time we both come here will we be able to talk again?" he smiled with the corner of his mouth. The butterflies in your stomach were replaced by a flock of birds.
"Yes! Of course! I mean... uh.. sure.." you turned the color of a radish.
He let out a low, y laugh that made you blink uncontrollably.
"Awesome," he said, starting to open the door of the cafe, "... by the way, I go by Kai."
You nodded and tried to smile. "I'm Emi."
After he disappeared into the shop you didn't move from your spot.
Kai... that's a cute name... but why does it sound so...
Your head shot up to see the words KAIFI at the top of the shop in yellow lasers.
Wow... what a coincidence. Maybe that's why he always comes here? Ehehe... funny guy.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Chanyeol calling your name.
"Emi! What the hell are you doing?" him, Baekhyun and Luhan were standing at the corner of the street. They didn't see anything that happened with Kai, thankfully.
You realized you looked pretty stupid standing in the middle of the sidewalk staring blankly into space.
"Ahahaha... just looking at the designs here..." you quickly walked back to them.
Chanyeol gave you a weird look and Baekhyun stared at you with concern. Luhan smiled and beckoned everyone to start moving again.
You were too skeptical about visiting the shop again the entire week. You didn't tell Chanyeol or Baekhyun about this because you didn't really know what it was yourself. So what if he wanted to talk again? Maybe he just said it to be nice? You didn't want to look dumb if you went to talk to him to find out he was only joking. He would think you're desperate. Millions of thought were running through your head and you couldn't concentrate on anything in school.
You got into trouble many times for wandering off. You couldn't even do your classwork right. Chanyeol and Baekhyun constantly eyed each other.
On Thursday last period you excused yourself to use the washroom.
Chanyeol sat on your seat to talk to Baekhyun.
"Baekhyun ah... what do you think is happening?" Chanyeol whispered.
"Not sure Channie... but she will tell us when she is ready. So don't worry."
Chanyeol pursed his lips and nodded. "Yeh but what if it's something bad and by the time we know about it it's too late?"
"Emi is a strong girl. We can trust her to take care of herself and seek help if she needed it." Baekhyun's words were effective but Chanyeol was still worried. "Quick, go back now. She might come back any second."
You walked into the classroom and noticed Chanyeol eyeing his empty desk and Baekhyun playing with his fingers. Why is he nervous? you thought. Baekhyun was either scared, worried or nervous when he played with his fingers.
"Baek, what's wrong?" you asked, sitting down.
He looked up. "N.. Nothing. I seriously don't understand these problems today. Can you help me with them tonight?"
You nodded and fake smiled. You knew something was wrong.
On friday you finally planned to visit the shop after school.
School was a mess because of the horrible incidents that constantly popped into your head about Kai.
"EMI!" your teacher shrieked across the classroom.
"Yah! Are you deaf? I've been calling your name so many times!" you heard Baekhyun whisper.
"Emi. That's enough. You did not pick up your slack the entire week. Do you not hear me telling you to read?"
You blinked and slowly shook your head.
"Yes. Because you were daydreaming AGAIN. That's it, Emi. You have detention after school for week. Including today."
You heard some people snicker but you didn't care about that.
What?! NO! I wanted to go see Kai today! Ughhhh
"Uhm.. actually Miss. I have something urgent tonight and-"
"No excuses. You must stay. Meet me in the English literacy room straight after school."
When last period ended you were bummed.
"What time will you be home?" Baekhyun asked putting his stuff into his bag.
"Not sure how long she wants me to stay..." you answered, frowning. "I'm really sorry guys.. I really didn't really hear-"
"It's okay, Emi," Chanyeol assured you, smiling. "We'll be home today, okay? When you're back we'll go out for dinner. My treat." You grinned and gave him a hug.
"See you guys later" you said and watched them stroll out the classroom.
You arrived at the English class your teacher told you to go. But there was a class going on with another teacher and a few students.
You yelled for teacher through the halls until finally you saw her coming out of the women's washroom.
"Miss I've been looking all over for you..." you said, a little angry.
"Sorry. I'm meeting someone so I needed to fix up." Probably because of that she was smiling for once.
"Come this way. I'll show you what to do."
She walked you back to the English room you started at. "Oh.. there's a class. It's almost finished so just wait a little."
A few minutes later the teacher opened the door and students emptied the classroom. You noticed the last one to leave was that weird rich kid from your class, Sehun. He saw you looking at him and hurried past you.
"Okay come inside." your teacher said.
She assigned you to organize the books in the classroom in sections A, B, and C. She also gave you a few paper work and allowed you to leave anytime you were finished.
"Ugh..." you sighed when she finally left the class after her yapping.
You started with the books on the shelves and was happy you were actually good at organizing things.
A few minutes had not passed before you hear footsteps near the door. You looked over to see who it was and saw Sehun standing there awkwardly.
"Um.. hello?" you got up.
"Uh... that teacher asked me to help you with the classroom.." he looked down the entire time.
"Oh.. really? Why ahah are you in trouble, too?"
"No.. not really. I just owe her some favor.. you could say..."
"I see. Well come inside then."
You gave Sehun a section to fix. After a while you watched him swiftly put everything in place. He's pretty good at this... you admitted.
"Do you do this a lot?" you asked when he slowed his work down a little.
He turned and looked at you for the first time. "Eheh.. no. I just always worked fast I guess..."
"Oh I see. Well I never really practiced this type of work. Since I was an only child there was not much labor to work on."
Sehun winced a little at the sound of "only child" and he suddenly looked extremely uncomfortable. He looked down at the floor and stood silent.
"Is uh.. everything okay?" you walked over to him.
He inched away a little. "Uh yah! I'm okay haha just thought of something..."
He inclined over the books and started working again.
You wanted to let it go but for some reason you were really curious.
You asked again if anything was wrong and he said no. Eventually the subject was changed and you were both talking  about random things. 
The work was all done but you didn't notice the time passing by. Sehun was soft and quite strange, but you liked it. You noticed he sped away from any topic about family matters, so you didn't persist in talking about that either.
You remembered Chanyeol and Baekhyun waiting for you back home.
"Ah! Sehun. I have to go now."
"Oh okay. Yeah me too."
"I actually have detention for the entire week next week ugh. How long are you doing that favor for the teacher?" you asked.
"Not sure how long, but definitely next week or so."
"Oh! So maybe you can come here again?"
"Yeh sure." Sehun smiled shyly and you both left the class.
Sorry to keep you waiting Baekhyun, Chanyeol, but I met someone cool today. Maybe this is going to turn out pretty well.
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Sounds interesting, new reader here ! this sounds great ! kai <3