Chapter 1

Never the Same



A hard thumping was vibrating the walls of the condominium you shared with Baekyeol. You lived alone in the left side and they lived on right. 
It was 7AM and naturally they were sleeping still and you were ready to walk out the door.
Even when I set the alarm for them oh my god...
You walked over their door and turned the knob to find it locked so you searched your bag for the pair of keys they gave you and went inside.
What the... did we do this? Remains from the sunday night snackout you had a few hours ago were scattered on the floors and sofa. You shoved Baekhyun and sent him to the bathroom and calmly tried to awaken a half dead Chanyeol on the floor.
"Ugh... what time is it?" Chanyeol asked with his eyes still closed. 
"Time for you to get up idiot. Class starts in an half an hour." 
Baekhyun left to dress and Chanyeol staggered in the washroom to freshen up.
You grabbed your bookbag along with Chanyeol's (after putting in his text book and his half done homework) and headed outside to wait for them by the sidewalk.
It was a month in of your junior year in high school. You have been psyced to finish up and start college with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. You three had made an oath to strive to get into the same college and take on your futures together. High school was okay but the last three years soaked up all the excitement.
You entered your class room and slumped on the chair between Chanyeol and Baekhyun. This was second year you three were put in the same class. First was at freshmen year, and even though you were friends from before, being together made you guys even closer.
The guy in front of you, Kyungsoo, turned around.
"Did you guys hear we are having a foreign exchange student next week!" he said excitedly.
"For real? From where?" Chanyeol asked.
"I heard he was from China. You know how Chen always wanted to study there? Well they are sending him out and we are getting a new student."
"Aww that's awesome." you said and beamed back at Chanyeol. Baekhyun smiled too but he wasn't affected by this as you guys were.
The rest of the day went on as usual. At lunch you and Baekyeol were joking and laughing so much that by the end of the day you grew a small headache. You decided to get coffee after school, taking a mental note to try to sleep a little earlier on sunday snackout nights.
For some reason you didn't feel like having Chanyeol and Baekhyun tag along with you for coffee, maybe because of your headache, so you said your farewell and head out to the coffee shop down the block of your home.
The place was called KAIFI and you always thought it was some misspelling they made and never got around to fix. It was a cozy little shop with marble floors and red velvet rounded chairs. You been there many times more than necessary because of extremely hot guy you often see come here. 
The man working at the counter was warm, old and rather suspicious looking at some times. He welcomed you heartfully everytime you came. 
You took your coffee and took a seat at the corner right side of the shop, this giving you a view of the entire area. Pretty soon you saw the hot guy coming in, ordering his usual churros and latte, and sitting at the furthest open seat from the counter. All this may make you seem like a stalker but you never did anything to him or tried to follow him. You just watched his beautiful self eating and talking on the phone. His smile would send tingles up your arms and they weren't even directed towards you. When Chanyeol and Baekhyun would come with you you tried your best not to let them notice. The hot guy was like a secret pleasure you had and was too embrassed to admit.
The next day you felt much better despite Baekhyun making you stay up and helping him with his calculus. 
"It's your fault really," Baekhyun said when you were about to fall asleep on the desk. "You left after school and never told us when you got back." You remembered seeing the hot guy in the shop and let out a slight smile. Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. You quickly set your eyes on Chanyeol sleeping in the couch behind Baekhyun. "He looks so adorable when he sleeps..." you tried to cover up. Baekhyun let it pass for the time being but he knew you better and kept this at the back of his mind.
Your calculus test was pretty easy compared to the hype your teacher made. It was the first chapter and it was really basic material. Your teacher switched random people before every test. You got send to the last row last seat on the right corner. You were glad for the easy test but could not concentrate because you felt the guy sitting next to you glancing your direction whatever chance he got. You wanted to say something but when ever you looked at him he was looking at his test. Isn't his name... Sehun? That kid really rich kid everyone talks about with a weird personality...
Class ended and you got sent back to your normal seating order. You felt like going to see Sehun because you were sure he was looking at you during the test. You made your way to the back row and stood in front of him. His eyes was fixed on his desk but you could see he was nervous by your presence. 
"Hey uh... you're Sehun right?" you tried to sound as unannoyed as possible. 
He looked up sheepishly and nodded, looking down again. 
"Did you like.. need something from me during the test? I felt like you kept looking at me and-"
"N.. NO.. I didn't need anything. I just.. I didn't need anything!" a quivered shout escaped his lips and Sehun got up and walked out of class. 
You watched him leave, astonished. Chanyeol and Baekhyun turned back to look at you but you just shrugged.
You soon thought that only watching the hot guy and not saying anything is time being wasted. You wanted to talk to him, get to know him. But you had not a single gut to help you do it.
On friday that week Baekhyun and Chanyeol wanted to hang out but was quite angered by your declaration of passing it. Baekhyun's suspicion grew even more but he was an amazing friend and he didn't want to push you into discussing topics which you were comfortable with. He knew when you were ready you will tell them what was going on. Chanyeol on the other hand grew impatient with you. "Why won't you come? This whole week you left us and went off on your own. How much longer are you going to keep this up?" you just laughed and shooed away the oppurtunity for you to answer back.
Mustering up all the courage you had you decided to introduce yourself to the hot guy.
After school you went home and changed and tried to slightly touch up your face. You weren't a fan of covering up your face with make up because you just felt good being natural. Baekhyun and Chanyeol also gave you a lot of confidence in yourself, and you could never thank them enough for that.
You walked in the cafe and sat at your usual spot with your iced latte and donut. A few minutes later the hot guy walked in and you creeped yourself out when you realized you knew around what time he usually came in. He sat and started eating.

You felt your diaphragm constrict as you got up and walked towards him. You took small steps and tried to be looking around while approaching his direction.

Oh god.. what am I doing ohmygod...

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Sounds interesting, new reader here ! this sounds great ! kai <3