Chapter 2 - Meeting Luhan

Never the Same


You were a few feet from his table before you stopped and realized you didn't know what to say. Not thinking you stepped closer and opened your mouth to say hey but right then his phone rang.

Damn it!! He picked it up and smiled. You swiftly walked back to your seat, flushed with disappointment and relief. 

Even if I did get to talk to him, what would I say? Hi I'm Emi and I like watch you while you eat O_O" Thinking of it now you appreciated being saved by the ringing.


Monday came fast. You entered the school with your two friends and headed for your classroom. Everyone was talking about the foreign exchange student from China who was supposed to come today.

Two seconds after you took your seat Kyungsoo turned around and was going off about how excited he was. 

"Why are you so hyped about it...?" Baekhyun asked him.
"I really don't know. I like new people I guess."
"Wrong." Xiumin piped up. He was sitting right of Kyungsoo in front of Baekhyun. "Kyungsoo has had a weird Chinese fettish every since he started watching those Mandarin dramas."
Kyungsoo's eyeballs widened. "Xiu.. Xiumin ah!! What are you saying ugh!"

We all cracked up but was silenced when the teacher walked in. Behind her was a skinny, baby faced boy with medium brown hair.

"Good morning class. I know you all have been anticipating to meet the new addition to our class. Everyone meet Luhan. He is from China but he studied Korean so don't underestimate him. Please make from feel welcome here!"

Luhan was appointed to sit at the empty seat behind Baekhyun so he was sitting one seat back and right from you. You stared at his face while he walked passed you. He was so painfully adorable you couldn't take your eyes off. Everyone did the same. It was pin drop silent until the teacher finally decided to give the morning assignment.

When the classroom was runny and everyone was doing work Kyungsoo turned around again. He covered the left side of his face with one hand and spoke softly.

"He's cute right? My excitement payed off." He winked and turned back. I turned to Chanyeol who looked at me and chuckled.

By the end of the day everyone got a to talk to Luhan. His Korean was very understandable but his was so nervous he would stutter. Despite Kyungsoo being the most psyched about Luhan, he uttered a few words before just blankly staring at him. Xiumin came in and thankfully helped him out. Xiumin took Chinese as a second language (but most people took English) so he interacted with Luhan well.

You, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and a few other kids were left in class. You decided to take your turn in talking to him.
"Ni hao~" Chanyeol flashed his happy virus grin at Luhan who was almost ready to go.
"Ah! Ni hao haha" Luhan smiled cutely and slightly bowed.
"We haven't got a chance to introduce ourselves yet so I'm Emi, this is Chanyeol, and this is Baekhyun." Luhan greeted us shyly and kept scratching the back of his head and looking down while we talked some more.

"Want us to show you around? You should get to know the area since you're going to be living here," Baekhyun asked. You sensed that Baekhyun had a good vibe from Luhan.
"Oh! You guys don't really have to-"
"No. We want to. It'll be fun!" I said, cutting Luhan off. Chanyeol grabbed his hand and the four of you rushed out.


Luhan became very friendly with you guys quickly. He was already making jokes and poking fun at everything. He was refreshing and humorous so it was really nice to be around him.
You guys showed him the best places to eat, hang out, the park, the lake, and everything entertaining that could be reached by foot. The sun was about to set so you guys decided to head home and finish school work, since it would be Tuesday tomorrow. Before leaving however Chanyeol suggested showing Luhan where you lived. You guys decided this could be the last stop.

You all were walking down the block to your condo.
"Emi. Why don't you live with your parents?" Luhan asked.
"Oh haha they had a business in Incheon when I started high school so they left. I never wanted to leave Seoul and neither did they want me to. They pay for all my expenses though, they set up a bank account for me." 
"Oh I see." Luhan stopped walking when you guys did. You reached your condo.
"This is such a nice place," Luhan smiled. Baekhyun took his arm and walked in Baekyeol's division first. 


You guys totally forgot about the mess from last nights snackout. The floor and tables were filthy. Chanyeol's never moving smile disappeared and Baekhyun's face was washed with embarrassment. You stood behind them and face palmed.

Luhan noticed everyone's expressions and giggled. 
"You guys think I mind any of this? I get really messy sometimes too." 
You guys quickly moved Luhan away from Baekyeol's sub and let him sit in yours. Your place was much cleaner (due to the fact that you barely spend anytime in it). 

"Wow you must be a really clean person..." Luhan scanned the room and saw everything looking untouched and new.
"Hehe well I barely stay here. I just sleep and get ready. Most of the time I'm out with Baekhyun and Chanyeol or at their division."
"They don't come here?"
You and Baekyeol cracked up, all remembering the incident a while back.
You were away for a day and Baekyeol trashed the place so badly, forgetting your parents were going to visit the next day. Your parents flipped out and since then they only came in when you did and never stayed too long because they weren't used to putting things back in place and all.
Luhan laughed and stared at the kitchen table. 

"Back home my mum always told me to clean up after myself. She knew I wanted to study abroad and all. I got way better from before. My house condition is like in the middle of this room and the other room. I really tried hard to please my mum." Luhan's smile softened and the light humor in his voice was not there. There was a deep silence.
"Did... something happen to her?" Baekhyun asked.
"She always invited over a man after my dad left the house. We never got along too well, the man and I. I thought that when I leave for Korea they would be happy together by themselves, and maybe that's what my mum wanted. But my mum didn't wait. A year ago she left the house and I was alone. I needed one more year of studying before I could come aboard, so I lived heart broken and lonely a whole year."
"Luhan... oh my God. It must have been hard. But you're here now and we're here with you. You won't be lonely and sad anymore, okay?" you held his hand.
Chanyeol's eyes were teary. "You're mum still loves you Luhan. Never forget that."
You all gave Luhan a group hug and by the end you guys were laughing again.

It was getting really late so you all wanted to walk Luhan home. Going back up the block you realized there was one place you still haven't shown Luhan: the coffee shop!

"Luhan wait! There's one more place we want to you to see." Baekyeol realized what you were talking about and you all headed that way.
The coffee shop was quiet and almost empty. You introduced Luhan to the old man and told him some interesting stuff about the place.
You four were laughing about something while you exited the shop. You were the last one to come out of the door. You were too distracted to notice a figure in front of you and bumped into it. The others kept walking and didn't notice the incident.

"Oh. So sorry. I wasn't looking," you said, looking up to see the person's face. 

Oh god. No...

It's you.

The hot guy.




Just for visioning your seat arrangement at the right corner of the class looks like this:

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Sounds interesting, new reader here ! this sounds great ! kai <3