Chapter 4 - Meeting Kai

Never the Same

The weekend that arrived was so packed that you didn't even have time to think about Kai or when you were going to see him. Baekhyun and Chanyeol kept you busy every minute, and you were starting to think it was on purpose to keep you away from what ever they thought was bothering you.

They had Luhan come over first thing Saturday morning. From then you guys traveled around the city all day. Luhan seemed overly fascinated with everything. By the afternoon you were all worn out and decided to sit at park while Chanyeol grabbed you all some ice cream cones.
A family passed by: a mother, father and a small boy.
For some reason your thoughts turned to Luhan and, sure enough when you looked at him, his face fell a little. You didn't say anything though and just accepted the cone Chanyeol handed over to you.
Luhan attempted to grab his cone but missed. Chanyeol shifted his hand and tried again, laughing.
"What are you thinking about, Luhan?" he asked.
"Nothing ahaha sorry I wasn't looking at the cone." Luhan replied simply.
"Oh! Guys!" you exclaimed, suddenly remembering Sehun from yesterday.
Everyone looked up at you.
"So you know how I got detention yesterday right. Well I came home later then I was supposed to because you know that guy Sehun from our class? He got in trouble too I was talking to him and omg he's really cool haha.."
Baekhyun and Chanyeol stared at you. Luhan poker-faced with his ice cream.
"Uh.. Sehun? What was he doing??" Baekhyun asked raising his eyebrows.
"He was like.. fixing the class with me. The teacher asked him to come to to my class and work with me."
"Um... really? Wow.. uh I would have never expected that..." Baekhyun said, looking at Chanyeol, who nodded.
"What? Why is that unexpected..." you frowned.
"Well.. Sehun's family is like filthy rich," Chanyeol started, "The only reason he even came to our school is because his parents are too busy and he needed a school close to his house... he doesn't go far by himself because he's.. you know.. kinda weird..."
Baekhyun slapped his arm. "He isn't weird. He's kind of shy and I guess since he was nurtured all the time he hasn't gotten used to being solo."
"But you said his parents are busy," you said.
"Yeah he had some other people looking over him before... now it's just him and his big house haha." Baekhyun looked at a confused Luhan. "You know that quiet kid who sits like two seats from you? Behind Chanyeol? That's Sehun." Luhan took a minute and then his brightened, "Oh, him!"
"Yeah. Well because of that it's weird the school is making him work.. and what would he get in trouble for anyway? For being too quiet?"
"Well.... anywaysss. He is pretty cool when you get to know him," you finished.
"Maybe we should invite him to hang with us," Luhan piped up, "Because.. you said he was alone and whatever..."
"YEAH! Emi, ask him if he wants to play with us okay?" Chanyeol beamed.
Everyone else beamed. Happy virus.
Monday came quick and you realized none of you did your homework. Neither did Luhan, for that matter.
"Oh whatever, I already have detention. Nothing to lose." you whispered. Chanyeol made a face Baekhyun and punched your arm. "That's not the attitude you should have!!" You flashed him a cheesy smile and he couldn't help but giggle.
"What happens in the school if you don't do your house work?" Luhan asked from the back.
"You.. it depends on how long you haven't done it. Or.. if you're in trouble for other things too, it all adds up..." you answered. "And it's homework, Luhan, not house work," you added.
Luhan's silence affirmed that he didn't understand a thing you just said.
Last period you weren't even sad for detention. You were going to see Sehun again.
You arrived at the same classroom your teacher had previously arranged for you. Sure enough you saw Sehun, already there, with a new pile of work to do.
You saw his face brighten when you entered the classroom. "Emi!"
"Heylooo," you chimed. "Omg we have mad work today..." You eyed the piles of papers and books on the table.
"Yeh! Maybe we did a good job last time so she's using us more," he unconsciously winked, and was immediately embarrassed thus his pale cheeks turned the shade of a rose.
He heard you crackle.
You guys talked for a while but your thought flow was disturbed by the conversation you had with Baekyeol about Sehun.
"Say Sehun... where do you live?" you asked.
"Not too far from here, just two blocks away."
"Oh.. who lives with you?"
"Uhm.. my parents own some hotels off the skirts of the city so they barely are home. It's just me..." he said slowly.
"Ohhh. Ah, Sehun. Would you like to hang out with me and my friends sometime?"
"I don't know how they would feel about tha-"
"No. They want you to. It'll be fun, yes?"
"Uh.. okay.. but I don't want to be awkward and-"
"It won't!" you nagged, cutting him off again, "My friends are welcoming haha you'll see."
On Thursday you had to decide on one of two things: take Sehun out or go try to meet Kai.
You were afraid Kai would forget about you if you took too long, since it already has been two weeks since his extremely inviting request (or joke) for you to see him again. Kai it is, you mentally settled.
Again you scurried off to the KAIFI cafe without telling Baekhyun or Chanyeol. Luhan was over so they were pretty occupied.
The second your eyes fell on the cafe you got those butterflies again. Oh here we go again...
The cafe looked quite beautiful that afternoon. The sun was setting and the rays bathed the slanted roof of the shop. You smiled a little and headed for the front door. You stepped inside.
Your heart almost stopped.
There he was.
Sitting on his usual seat with all his perfection that still has not eased in your mind.
He wasn't on the phone again, and there wasn't any food on his table either.
You stood dumbfounded in front of the door inside the shop, until he looked up and his eyes met yours. A lump caught your throat that preventing you from saying anything.
Kai coolly got up from his chair, slightly smirking. He knows what he's doing... you managed to admit.
He walked over to you and stood in front of you, grinning now.
"Look who actually decided to show up," he scoffed.
You didn't say anything. What could you have said?
"I'm just joking. Come sit," Kai accommodated you to the seat across from his.
"He.. hey.. Kai.." you said under your breathe.
"Hey, Emi"
You were quite shocked to find he remembered your name. Was he thinking about me like I was thinking about him?
"It didn't seem like you were busy.. were you doing something?" you asked noticing his blank table.
Kai suddenly looked awkward. "Uh.. no actually I was just... about to order." he said quickly. "Since you're here now, what would you like?"
You decided to get the churros you always see Kai order and he just got coffee.
As you talked to Kai you realized he was a mysterious person. You failed to determine if either he was pretending to be laid back or if he really was. He was somewhat funny, but his jokes were rather vicious.
He told you about his common interests and hobbies. He wouldn't say much and not enough.
"What school do you attend?" you asked.
Kai's face fell. He cutely squirmed around his chair and bit his lip. "I don't... go to school..."
Your eyes widened. "Why not?"
Kai sighed. "I have to work... to help my dad. It's not a big deal, I've always done that." He tried to lightly brush the subject off.
You understood.
An hour later you both decided to leave the shop.
Kai's personality was rash but he made you feel welcome.  You had exchanged cell phone numbers. He walked you to your house.
"Kai... thanks for today. I had a really good time..." you said shyly looking down.
He raised your chin with his fingertips and looked into your eyes.
"Does that mean we can meet again soon?"
You laughed and he smirked. "Goodnight.." you said softly.
He smiled and came in to give you a little hug. He smelled warm like the coffee shop. Then he turned his heels and walked off.
Honestly... I thought you were going to kiss me... lifting my chin like that haha. 
UGH what am I thinking!! Bad thoughts ... ughh
You turned happily to walk into your condo but was startled to find 3 pairs of eyes staring at you from the window...
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Sounds interesting, new reader here ! this sounds great ! kai <3