Chapter 5

Never the Same

"ARGH!" you exclaimed, fear struck.

Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Luhan were looking at your from their side of the condo. You walked over to the window. Heh.. shameless. Doesn't even try to hide the fact they were spying on me...
You banged the window. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
Chanyeol blinked and Luhan backed away. Baekhyun went over to open the door.
When you came inside all of them were staring at you.
"So... Emi..." Baekhyun started, folding his arms. "Was there something... important you forgot to mention to us during every single conversation we had in the past two weeks?"
You didn't have any excuses.
"Yeah... sorry about that.. I met this guy and that KAIFI cafe and uh.. today was our first legit meeting I swear. I was confused about it so I couldn't mention anything.. sorry... " you confessed.
Chanyeol's face gave in, that softy.
Baekhyun looked deep in thought. "So... that's why you were acting weird lately and whatever?"
You blinked. "Uh.. I was? Well yah I guess that could be why..."
"AWWW!! Emi! You found a boyfriend!!" Chanyeol squeaked, galloping over to embrace you.
You pushed him off. "He isn't my boyfriend!! ... Yet," a smiled escaped your lips. "He didn't ask me out yet..."
Luhan was sitting on the sofa, soaking in this amusing moment.
The next few minutes were filled with questions about your "boyfriend", most of which you could not answer.
"He didn't tell me much... he is very conservative." you asserted.
"Did you get his name at least?" Baekhyun asked.
"Yeah. His name is Kai." you said, happy you knew something.
There was a moment of silence.
"Kai... Kai like in KAIFI?" Chanyeol observed.
"Yeah.. what a coincidence, right?"
You felt better now that your friends knew about Kai. You didn't feel guilty or the need to hide or anything.
The next day after school you did not find Sehun in the detention classroom. You already told Baekhyun and Chanyeol that you were going to bring him over after the work was done.
You searched all over the school. He was in class the entire day... I can't even talk to him in class because he's too shy to converse in front of the other people...
You finally gave up and decided to finished the work by yourself. When you were done you picked up your things and stepped out the classroom. You locked the door and turned around to see your teacher, still in school.
"Miss! What are you still doing here?" you asked, walking over to her.
"The teachers had a meeting today. Are you finished up there? Get home safely then."
"Uh yes Miss but you do you know where Sehun went today?" you asked.
The teacher gave you a blank look. "Sehun? You mean Oh Sehun? What happened to him?"
"He.. I mean.. I didn't see him today. Did you assign him another place to work?"
You teacher looked flabbergasted. "What are you talking about, Emi?"
You looked at her in disbelief. "Sehun! The guy you assigned to work with me on Monday. You sent him to me! Do you know where he is?"
"... I didn't send anyone to you, Emi..." you teacher's eyebrows furrowed. "Why would I send Oh Sehun to you? Did he get detention?"
You couldn't believe this. Either your teacher was being a total wacko or...
Sehun lied to you.
You mind was filled with questions as you stomped home. Why would he do that? Why would he purposely get into detention with you?
"UGH!" you yelled, throwing open the doors of Baekyeol's condo.
Baekhyun and Chanyeol, who were watching TV, were startled.
"Emi... did Sehun come?" Chanyeol asked, peering behind you.
"Yah.. Baekhyun ah. Sehun... I didn't even see him today." you complaied, sitting next to Baekhyun on the couch.
"Why? Where did he go?" Baekhyun asked.
"I asked my teacher that question and you know what she said? She said she never even sent Sehun to work with me and he never got detention." you gritted your teeth. "You were right, they wouldn't make him work. She was calling him by his full name and whatever."
Chanyeol and Baekhyun gave eachother looks. "So... you mean to say..." Baekhyun started.
"Sehun faked everything and used that excuse to be with you during detention. He loves you." Chanyeol stated in one breathe, eyes wide. Baekhyun shot him a look.
You shook your head. "Whatever. How could he be so weird? If he wanted to talk he could have just talked. And he knows he was supposed to come hang with us today, where did he run off to?"
Your deep musing was disturbed by a soft knocking on the door.
You looked at Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who both mouthed 'Sehun?'. You shrugged and went to the door.
"Who is it?" you called.
"Uhm.. Emi. It's Kai." Kai's voice was so hot and refreshing at that moment that you forgot to be surprised about the fact he actually came to your house to see you.
You turned around and eyed Baekyeol nervously while they whispered 'who is it?'.
"Hey!" you said as casually as possible when you opened the door to a flawless figure standing on your door way sporting a y cap.
"Hey... sorry if I startled you. I just... I missed you." he admitted smiling.
You grinned stupidly. "It's okay. I guess I didn't expect to see you again so soon... Come in!"
Kai walked in to see Baekhyun and Chanyeol sitting up right on the couch. They were eyeing him head to toe.
"These... are your friends?" Kai asked.
"Uh yeah! This is Baekhyun and that's Chanyeol, guys this is.. Kai." you winked at them.
"Oh Kai! Hello. Nice to meet you!" Chanyeol got up beaming and shook his Kai's hand vigorously.
"Nice to finally see you Kai... Emi has been quite frantic lately about you and-"
"Why don't you come to my room?" you in quickly cutting Baekhyun off. You snarled at him behind Kai's back while you pushed Kai out the door.
"So.. you live here and they live there?" Kai asked when he walked in to your living room.
"Yeah.. it's a condo. Kinda like.. two apartments next to each other." you took him to your sofa.
"You guys must be really close then..." he said quietly.
You smiled. "Mhmm. Want anything to eat??"
"Nah. I just wanted to-"
Ring ring
Kai's phone rang. 
"Excuse me.." He picked up and glanced at you before turning away.
"Uh.. yeah. Ok not now.. I'm busy! ... Alright. Bye then."
"Sorry," he said facing you again.
"No it's fine. So what were you saying?"
Kai wasn't able to answer because of the loud knocking heard from the front door.
Kai and you exchanged looks before you headed to see who it was.
"Who is it?"
"Emi!! It's me, Sehun!"
Sehun?? What in the world.. where did he.. how did he.. HOW DOES HE KNOW WHERE I LIVE?
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Sounds interesting, new reader here ! this sounds great ! kai <3