Barging Through

Until We Meet Again

            The cold wind from the morning had completely gone now and the sun shone a blindingly bright orange over the rooftops of the run-down apartment complexes and grimy shops. The three boys walked quickly, weaving through the bustling crowds with a determination they’d never had before. They were going to find this boy, Lay was going to make sure of that.

            They finally stopped in an abandoned lot and Lay immediately turned to Kris. “Where is it?”

            “Where’s what?” Kris asked, dazed.

            Lay rolled his eyes, “Suho’s office, of course. What else?”

            Kris ignored his snide remarks, “Oh yeah, that. Well the address is 254A Baker Street.”

            “I know where that is.” Chen said, taking his hands out of his pockets and pointing off to the left, “It’s that way.”

“Alright good. What time is it?”

“1:48.” Kris said, checking his phone time.

“Almost two…we’ll probably be there by 2:30 to 3:00 then.” Lay said matter-of-factly.

“But what if we can’t see him??” Chen asked, folding his arms.

“Oh, we’ll see him.” Lay smirked, “Trust me.” And with that, he was off. The three of them walked silently, all anticipating what was to come.

How was Lay going to get Suho to see them? What was he going to do once they got there? And most of all, will Suho know where Tao is? These questions rang through Kris’s head, refusing to leave his abused consciousness alone.


            The well-kept building towered in front of them. This was it. “Let’s do this.” Lay said. Kris just silently walked behind him, not bothering to ask what he was going to do.

            They casually strode up to the front desk where a middle-aged woman with thick rimmed glasses and bright red lips was sitting at a computer. “May I help you?” She asked with her annoying voice. Kris recognized her voice from the woman on the phone.

            “We’re here to see Suho.” Kris said.

            “Do you have an appointment sir?”

            “Uhh…not really…”

            The woman looked at him with a look that accused him of being stupid, “Then I’m sorry, you need an appointment to see the professor. Would you like to book one?”

            “Uhh…no thanks.” Kris said awkwardly, turning to Lay whom was glaring at the woman.

            “Out of my way.” He mumbled, pushing to the front and slamming his hands onto the desk. “Look woman. I don’t know who you think you are, but this is important.” The woman looked taken aback.

            “Sir please step away from the desk, the professor already has a client booked for this timeslot.” She said monotonously, her beady eyes trying to stare him down.

            Lay, unaffected by her stare, just got angrier. “We. Need. To. See. Suho.” He said through gritted teeth.

            “Sir if you don’t back away I’m going to have to call security.”

            “Just get us Suho and this’ll all be resolved.” Chen said, pulling Lay back a little.

            “Now!!” Lay screamed in rage.

            The woman jolted, “That’s it, I’m calling security.” She picked up the phone and began to dial a number quickly.

            “Please.” Kris said quietly, desperate. “We need to talk about a boy named Tao.”

            Suddenly someone poked their head out the door of an office. “Tao?” he said. “You know Tao?” Kris nodded slowly. “Alright, one moment. Liya, leave them alone.” And with that, he disappeared into the office again. The three boys stood there awkwardly for a moment before the man looked out again, gesturing for them to come in.

            They filed into the room, passing a honey-haired boy whom was leaving with a stack of what looked like drawings. The three of them sat across from the man at a wooden table. “Hello, I’m Suho.” The man, apparently Suho, said.

            “I’m Kris…” Kris mumbled.

            Lay gave a weak smile. “Lay.”


            “Alright, so you said that you know ZiTao?”



            “Well….that’s a long story.”

            And so Kris told Suho the story of how he met Tao on the dare, how they’d taken the photo, how he’d met Xiumin and gone to Baekhyun, how he’s fought with Lay and right up to sitting in the room explaining. Suho just silently nodded from time to time and when Kris was done he sat forward.

            “Well…It seems like you really care about him.” He said, smiling slightly.

            “I do….” Kris began, “Do you know anything about him? Like where he went? Or why he won’t talk??”

            Suho’s smile faded, “I’m sorry, patient-therapist confidentiality. I can’t tell you.”

            Kris felt his heart beating in his chest hard, “Please, anything you could say. I’m begging you, please. I have…” His voice broke, “I have to find him.”

            Suho smiled again, “Well, let’s see what we can do.”

Omg omg omg this took so long to update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sorry subbies!!!!! Omg!!!

Anyway, was it good?

Tell me in the comments!

I hope you liked it and sorry for being so late >.<

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Chapter 9: Ahhhh. How you can you stop right there? Please update
baekhyunmybaby #2
Chapter 9: XD lol how did lay think he was going to help them see Suho? please update more often I nearly forgot what this story was about :)
Chapter 9: finally you update and finally they meet suho :D
waiting for the next chapter :3
Chapter 9: OMG, they finally met with Suho! Thank you so much for updating!! *bowing 180 degrees* I'm so eager for the next chapter!
-sleepless #5
Chapter 9: Horray great update! I was actually a little worried the wouldt be able to see Suho. I hope Suho knows where Tao is and I really love Kris's determination to find Tao. Its really sweet. Im eager for the next update!
Galdy42 #6
Chapter 9: You updated! And things are moving forward! Suho was lovely :) Thank you for the update!
Hi! Okay, so I came across your fic cuz I was googling some pictures of Taoris and I saw the cover. So I read it all in one night, and man, is it good! I love it!

Omg, so Lay is like my EXO bias (yea, i know, how did i manage to choose one? but i still have like 3 more. lol) and man, I love the way you made his character. I was really worried about him but aww!

And Kris looking for Tao. Omo! I just want to talk about everything! Baek and his ghetto language. Haha. Gosh. I love it. So worried about Tao though, but okay okay, I'll stop. Haha, Fighting! Will be waiting for your update! (p.s. sorry for the long comment!)
ShaZam #8
While i was reading the story, I seriously thought Lay was a jerk.
Until the this chapter, i see how much he cares.
That's very sweet of him to help out Kris!
-sleepless #9
I really liked the fight. The ending was unexpected but it was about time Lay and Chen helped Kris out! Now I hope they can get him to see Suho. I really like how you incorporate all the members without making them seem useless otr have it get too confusing.