Writing the Numbers...

Until We Meet Again


“Must I repeat myself?” the man eyed him, “You look shocked.”

“W-why? Why d-did he l-leave?” Kris stammered out, his whole body overwhelmed. Was this guy toying with him? Why would Tao just get up and run away like that?

“I don’t know why. He just decided to leave.” The man said calmly. He noticed how distraught Kris seemed and smiled reassuringly. “Come sit with me and we can talk.” He motioned for Kris to follow him down the far too familiar hall. Last time he’d been there, Tao had been leading him, their fingers entwined tightly. The place seemed new and interesting. Now, it was eerily silent and gloomy looking. Did Tao really change Kris’s view that much?

The man stopped at one of the small old-fashioned doors and opened it, allowing Kris to go in first. Kris sat down in one of the two armchairs and looked around, trying to control his heartbeat. The room was completely whitewashed. There were no windows, giving it a claustrophobic feeling. The only furniture decorating the room was two armchairs and a small coffee table.

The room was completely different from the one Tao had brought him to the last time he’s came. This room seemed…out of place in this beautiful old-fashioned martial arts house. The man sat opposite of Kris.

“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Xiumin.”

“Kris…” Kris said quietly, still not able to process exactly what was happening.

“So Kris…you seem awfully upset about Tao.” Xiumin replied. “Have you known him long?”

“No.” Kris mumbled, slightly ashamed.

“Oh, then how long have you known him?”

“I…” Kris started, “I only met him that one day. I didn’t even know his name until you said it.” Xiumin must think he’s completely crazy. Here Kris is, in shreds because of someone he didn’t even know the name of.

Xiumin silenced for a moment to think this through while Kris mentally cursed himself for being so stupid. Why did he tell this guy the truth? He could’ve easily lied his way right out of it and avoided looking like a fool. There was just something about Tao that made him want to tell the truth, to be pure.

After what seemed like forever, Xiumin finally spoke up again, “I see…” he began, “You’re in love with him.”

“I’m not!” Kris replied a little too fast for his liking, completely shocked. By now he was jittering in his seat, striving to move. Xiumin just stared at him, seeming to glare right into his soul. “Alright fine, maybe I am.” Kris said after a while of silence.

Xiumin leaned back in his chair and smiled, “I knew it. I’m sorry but I don’t know where he went, but I know someone who might.” He took a pen and sticky-pad off of the coffee table and wrote a name a phone number on it. “This was one of Tao’s closest friends. He visited here often.” He said, handing the paper to Kris.

“Baekhyun…” Kris read aloud to himself. Xiumin nodded just as his phone rang.

He smiled, “Excuse me. I’ll leave you to find your own way out, alright?” he said before opening the phone and walking away.

Kris just sat alone in that room for a long time. His whole body was numb and he still couldn’t believe what was happening. He was expecting to wake up from this nightmare any second, sweat beads covering his forehead. But this was no dream, this was cold and cruel reality- something Kris had managed to avoid his whole life.

When he finally got up and began to walk down the hall, a dark and upsetting feeling hung all around and inside of him. It was something he’d never experienced before and something he hoped to never experience again.

Kris suddenly stopped walking. He didn’t know exactly why he stopped. Something in the pit of his stomach just told him that he needed to stop walking right there. He slowly looked around, realizing that there was a door directly next to him. This was the room.

With glossy eyes he reached out and opened the door, walking into the empty room blankly. This was Tao’s room, the room they’d taken the picture together in.

He sat on the edge of the small bed, just like he had before. Yet this time Tao wasn’t across the room, rummaging through a drawer. This time the happy atmosphere was gone. This time Kris was alone.

He brushed his fingers over the two small plush animals sitting neatly on the bed, as if they were waiting for Tao to return. Those stuffed animals…. It pained Kris to remember, but he couldn’t help it. Being somewhere to nostalgic seemed to make them all flood back into his mind.

A faint chill made its way through his body and he blinked, squeezing his eyes shut tight for a moment. He opened his phone and brought up the photo again.

“Tao…I will find you.” He said to the photo. “I won’t rest until we meet again.”



I just haven't been feeling this fic recently. Idk, honestly I hate this chappie. I didn't want it to turn out like this and I think my writing skills on it .

But for some unknown reason, I'm deciding to post it anyways. I hope you guys like it....

Hopefully the next chappie will come sooner. I've been working on my Vinseop sequel a lot and kinda forgot about this story :/ sorry~!!!

Also, idk if i'll be updating next week because the 13th is my birthday and I may be busy.

Anyway, I love you all so much, bye!



Comment Replies

X33exokmx33: Tao runned away :( And thanks!

sumomoyuki: Reasons~~~!!!! All will be explained eventually.

siti_rohaidah62: He ran away for reasons~~!!!!!!! I won't tell you if your assumption is wrong or right mwahaha. you'll see!

Evilblea: Ehhhh??? Yes!!!

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Chapter 9: Ahhhh. How you can you stop right there? Please update
baekhyunmybaby #2
Chapter 9: XD lol how did lay think he was going to help them see Suho? please update more often I nearly forgot what this story was about :)
Chapter 9: finally you update and finally they meet suho :D
waiting for the next chapter :3
Chapter 9: OMG, they finally met with Suho! Thank you so much for updating!! *bowing 180 degrees* I'm so eager for the next chapter!
-sleepless #5
Chapter 9: Horray great update! I was actually a little worried the wouldt be able to see Suho. I hope Suho knows where Tao is and I really love Kris's determination to find Tao. Its really sweet. Im eager for the next update!
Galdy42 #6
Chapter 9: You updated! And things are moving forward! Suho was lovely :) Thank you for the update!
Hi! Okay, so I came across your fic cuz I was googling some pictures of Taoris and I saw the cover. So I read it all in one night, and man, is it good! I love it!

Omg, so Lay is like my EXO bias (yea, i know, how did i manage to choose one? but i still have like 3 more. lol) and man, I love the way you made his character. I was really worried about him but aww!

And Kris looking for Tao. Omo! I just want to talk about everything! Baek and his ghetto language. Haha. Gosh. I love it. So worried about Tao though, but okay okay, I'll stop. Haha, Fighting! Will be waiting for your update! (p.s. sorry for the long comment!)
ShaZam #8
While i was reading the story, I seriously thought Lay was a jerk.
Until the this chapter, i see how much he cares.
That's very sweet of him to help out Kris!
-sleepless #9
I really liked the fight. The ending was unexpected but it was about time Lay and Chen helped Kris out! Now I hope they can get him to see Suho. I really like how you incorporate all the members without making them seem useless otr have it get too confusing.