
Until We Meet Again

When Kris awoke the next morning he was already overly excited. Today he had to call the man names Baekhyun with the number that Xuimin had given him. Baekhyun was supposedly Tao’s closest and single friend. Xuimin had instructed Kris to call this man because he may have an idea about where Tao is and why he left. Kris seemed to be meeting a lot of new people because of the mute dark-haired boy.

“Baekhyun….Baekhyun…” Kris thought about the name, mumbling it to himself. His stomach growled loudly since he hadn’t eaten when he’d gotten back from the martial arts school. “Baekhyun…bacon.” He smiled to himself at his new discovery, slowly walking to the kitchen. That’s what he wanted, bacon. He rummaged through the fridge, searching for the delicious food. When there was none to be found. He sighed and stepped back “Damnit.” He was really looking forward to that bacon, oh well.

Kris soon shrugged it off and made some toast instead, freaking out slightly when the toast popped out. If there was one this Kris new it was that no matter how tough you are, how ghetto you are, how cruel and detached you are, you always jump when the toast pops out of the toaster.

He laughed at himself and took the toast. When Kris had finished his breakfast, he decided that it was about time to call Baekhyun. He picked up his phone and opened it, staring for a moment before realizing that he needed the paper with the number on it. He put his phone down and went to get it.

Where was that paper?? It wasn’t on his side table, it wasn’t in the kitchen, it wasn’t in his pocket or even on the carpet. Kris stopped and looked around, thinking hard about where the small sticky note may be located. After a moment of thought, he had a light bulb moment. He kneeled down on the floor and found his pasts from the previous day. Sure enough the paper was in the back pocket. “Awesome.” He mumbled to himself, happy that he had found it.

Glad that that distraction was over, it was finally time to call Baekhyun. Kris’s heart sped up slightly as he picked up his phone but just as he was about to dial in the number, his far too familiar ringtone chimed loudly throughout the quiet room. Kris swore to himself as he answered the call.

“Hello?” he snapped.

“Well then, someone’s moody.” Lay mused back, ignoring Kris’s snide greeting.

“What do you want Lay.” Kris groaned.

Lay smirked slightly, amused by the whole situation, “Where did you storm off to last night?”


“Why?” Lay asked though he already knew the answer. Whenever Kris’s replies turned vague and boring it was obvious that he was hiding something and at this time, Lay knew exactly what it was.

Kris paused before answering, “No reason. I was just in a bad mood”

“Your life’s in a bad mood Kris.”

“You shut the up, why did you call?” Kris said. He sounded threatening, though Lay wasn’t fazed.

“Just to chat…” Lay said smugly.

“Well in that case I’m hanging up. I’ve got better things to do that talk to a lowlife like you.” Kris said the last part jokingly though a small part of him actually meant it. Kris tried not to be too rude to his friends, but sometimes he just wanted to bash their heads in using a sock full of pebbles then feed the pebbles to them one by one, watching as they’re forced to swallow the hard stones. He smirked to himself at the mental image of that.

“What type of things?” Lay inquired. “You gonna go see that mute kid again??”

Kris didn’t even respond but instead just hung up the phone without a second thought. A second later the annoying tone began playing again though. Kris reluctantly picked up, knowing he’d just call back again.

“That was rude Wu Fan~” Lay sang mockingly. Kris rolled his eyes, wishing that Lay could see him.

“What do you want with me Yixing?”

“I want you to tell me the truth.”

“There’s nothing to be told.”





“YES YOU KNOW THERE IS~” Lay sang loudly. Kris pulled the phone away from his ear slightly to avoid bursting his eardrum. Once again Kris hung up dramatically.

There was a brief moment of silence before the phone began to ring again. At the very same moment Chen walked into the room, not even bothering to knock. “Hey hey!” he screamed loudly. Kris groaned, refusing to answer the phone again. “Who’s on the phone.”

“You answer it.” Kris said, throwing the phone to Chen.

He shrugged and flicked it open, “Hello?”





“Where’s Kris?” Lay asked after that brief and strange greeting.

“Oh you mean the pout-a-pus?” Chen chuckled, glancing over a Kris, “He’s currently hitting his forehead against the kitchen doorway…why?”

“I think he went to see the mute kid the other day,” Lay said.

Chen smiled, “Really?”

“Yeah. And I think something happened. You know what we’ve gotta do right? This thing that’s going on between them…it can’t happen, agreed?”

“Sa-bo-tage?” Chen whispered, pronouncing each syllable separately.


Chen chuckled slightly, “Agreed.” And with that, they hung up the phones.

“Oh Kris~~” Chen hummed, skipping over to Kris, a crooked smile plastered to his face.

Wah~ I'm sorry this chappie took so long >.< I hope it was good though! I actually liked it haha...

Alright so little story. When I chose Beakhyun to be Tao's best friend I was just taking a random member. I asked my sister a few days about who else Tao's really close to in the band because I only know he's close to Kris and she told me he's really really close to Baekhyun. I was like "Oh yes!!" and she just stared at me like I was crazy.

Ok I'll shut up now. Bye...



Comment Replies

deathangeL_se7en: Yay i'm glad you like it that much! And thank you, I'll try to update more often, I promise! Kris finding Tao...going by the forward and name and stuff I don't think that'll happen just yet >.<

siti_rohaidah62: Yes good Kris! Go and do that! Unless your annoying friends *coughcoughLAYANDCHENcoughcough* get in the way...

MeuluPN: I'm happy you like my story~! And yes Tao changes Kris. Ever notice how Kris is always -face expressionless or really upset looking, until Tao comes along. As soon as Tao's in the picture he's smiling and laughing and everything. Tao changes Kris for the better. I rest my case.

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Chapter 9: Ahhhh. How you can you stop right there? Please update
baekhyunmybaby #2
Chapter 9: XD lol how did lay think he was going to help them see Suho? please update more often I nearly forgot what this story was about :)
Chapter 9: finally you update and finally they meet suho :D
waiting for the next chapter :3
Chapter 9: OMG, they finally met with Suho! Thank you so much for updating!! *bowing 180 degrees* I'm so eager for the next chapter!
-sleepless #5
Chapter 9: Horray great update! I was actually a little worried the wouldt be able to see Suho. I hope Suho knows where Tao is and I really love Kris's determination to find Tao. Its really sweet. Im eager for the next update!
Galdy42 #6
Chapter 9: You updated! And things are moving forward! Suho was lovely :) Thank you for the update!
Hi! Okay, so I came across your fic cuz I was googling some pictures of Taoris and I saw the cover. So I read it all in one night, and man, is it good! I love it!

Omg, so Lay is like my EXO bias (yea, i know, how did i manage to choose one? but i still have like 3 more. lol) and man, I love the way you made his character. I was really worried about him but aww!

And Kris looking for Tao. Omo! I just want to talk about everything! Baek and his ghetto language. Haha. Gosh. I love it. So worried about Tao though, but okay okay, I'll stop. Haha, Fighting! Will be waiting for your update! (p.s. sorry for the long comment!)
ShaZam #8
While i was reading the story, I seriously thought Lay was a jerk.
Until the this chapter, i see how much he cares.
That's very sweet of him to help out Kris!
-sleepless #9
I really liked the fight. The ending was unexpected but it was about time Lay and Chen helped Kris out! Now I hope they can get him to see Suho. I really like how you incorporate all the members without making them seem useless otr have it get too confusing.