Through The Darkening Veil

Until We Meet Again

“Stop it!” Kris screeched at the younger boy whom was currently bothering him in any way humanly possible.  Chen took no notice and continued to sing loudly, skipping in circles.

He suddenly stopped and smiled slightly, “Let’s go out somewhere!” he suggested. Kris shook his head.


“Ugh why not~!” Chen whined.

“Because I’ve got stuff to do. So why don’t you just run along and I’ll stay here alright?” Kris said, staring at a paper in his hand. It was the paper with Beakhyun’s number on it, but Chen didn’t have to know that.

“Nooo we need to go out!” he persisted, trying desperately to get them both out of that house.

“I told you I’m busy Chen.”

“Fine then,” Chen smirked and walked away. This can’t be good Kris thought to himself as he watched Chen disappear around the corner into the living room. Where was he going? And just as he left, a moment later he was back and chattering like nothing had even happened.

Knock knock knock! The wooden door sounded. Lay walked in smiling, “Guess who’d going outside today! You sir, you!” he said pointing to Kris, “You are the lucky winner that gets to go outside!” he screamed and Chen cheered enthusiastically.

            “What are you doing Yixing.” Kris said flatly.

            “We’re going outside.” he smiled. Kris continued to refuse while the other two kept on persisting. After a long and boring fight, Kris finally surrendered and they walked out the door.

            “Careful not to hit your head on the doorframe~!” Lay mused at Kris.

            Kris snorted, “At least I can reach the doorframe, shortstack.” Chen burst out laughing and Kris smiled while Lay blushed slightly.

            “Fine then.” He said surely, continuing to walk.

            They all walked silently for a long time, all wishing they had a car. Kris stopped fighting after a while. He listened to their light footsteps as they shuffled across the damp ground. He found himself thinking about Tao again and tried to make it not too obvious. He already knew that Chen and Lay were suspicious of him and he didn’t need to give them another reason.

The three of them walked for a long time, going to places Kris didn’t even knew existed. “Damnit, Lay where are we!?” Kris screamed after having realized that they’d gone in a circle twice.

            “I know where we are, calm down.” Lay, whom was leading the way, said quietly. “It’s this way.” He said, turning and beginning to walk in another direction only to stop immediately. “Wait…”

            “Where are we supposed to me going?” Chen mumbled. Lay turned and shrugged slightly, praying that Kris hadn’t noticed.

            “We’re not even going anywhere!?” Kris screamed, obviously having seen Lay shrug. “You’re so ing oblivious Yixing!” He totally lost his cool, walking across the deserted road and sitting at an outside table of a small coffee shop.

Both of the other boys just stood there, staring at him. Lay snorted, “What’s up with him?”

            Chen sighed and began to walk toward Kris. He could hear Lay yelling after him, but ignored it, too tired to deal with Lay’s overwhelming personality.

A small groan escaped Chen’s lips as he slumped down into the wooden chair next to the elder boy. Kris didn’t even seem to flinch when he sat down. It was as if he didn’t even exist anymore. As if Kris was no longer at a shut-down coffee shop on the wrong side of town, hanging out with the wrong kinds of people and trying to pass it off as a life. No Kris wasn’t there anymore. He was off somewhere much better, somewhere he really belonged.

He didn’t belong with Lay and Chen and Chen knew that. Kris was much better than that and deserved more. He didn’t deserve to be broke and living in an old run-down apartment that didn’t even have heating. He didn’t deserve to be forced to go out by others when he wanted to stay home. And most of all, he didn’t deserve to be sitting here as the sun went down, bringing darkness upon the world, at a coffee-shop they didn’t even know existed in an unfamiliar location.

“C’mon Kris, let’s go.” Lay said, eyeing a group of 4 people that were about to walk by.

“Go away.” Kris mumbled.

“No Kris, let’s get out of here.” He said again, shaking Kris slightly while warily watching the boys.

“Just leave me alone.” Kris was getting angry now.

“Uhh…I think Lay’s right Kris, let’s leave.”  Chen said. The boys were beginning to slow down as they got closer, laughing and talking amongst themselves the whole time, yet still seeming to flick to the three every once in a while.

The one in the front seemed to be the leader, though he was easily the smallest and least frightening. A very tall boy stood at his right with curly brown hair. He may have been even taller than Kris, but they couldn’t really tell. The other two boys were about the same height, though several centimeters shorter than the previously mentioned. All for boys had various shades of brown hair.

“You two have been bothering me all day.” Kris growled, suddenly looking up. “And all I wanted to do was call this stupid number!” He screamed, holding out the paper with Baekhyun’s number on it.

“Baekhyun?” Chen read aloud, nodding. The shortest of the group stopped, hushing the other boys and making Lay tense up. Chen and Kris didn’t seem to notice. “Who’s that?”

“It’s a…long story. I’m supposed to call him though to get information.” Kris said.

“How’d you…how’d you get his number in the first place?”

“Ahh…Xuimin. I was…I was gonna ask about Tao.” Kris mumbled.

“What’d you know about Tao!?” One of the boys yelled over, surprised and angry. All three turned to see the shortest one walking over quickly.

Kris stood up, putting his arms out as if waiting for a fight. The short boy got right up in his face, though Kris had to look down on him because of his height. “So you know Tao?” Kris asked casually, smirking. From this close, he could see the thick black eyeliner on both of his eyes.

“Yeah, what of it? What do ya want with him?” The boy snarled.

Kris chuckled slightly. “Are you by chance…Baekhyun?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, yeah I am.” Baekhyun said. “Now answer he, what do you want with Tao?” he sneered. From behind him, chuckling rose from the other three boys and cracks of knuckles sounded. Did they want to fight?


~oOo~ Next Time ~oOo~

"I need your help." Kris said, "I need to know where Tao went."


"He dissapeared, like he never existed. There wasn't a trace left behind."


"Also, he has a secret." Baekhyun hummed, "But then again, doesn't everyone?"


"I need your help."

"My help!?"


Join me next time, can't wait!

I'm sorry that look so long >.< Anyway, was it good!? I hope it was!!!

Also, if you noticed I put a preview to next chappie there, just because!

So do you guys think you know who the other three boys with Baek are?

Leave a comment with a guess!!!

Alright, bye guys, Love you!!!



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Chapter 9: Ahhhh. How you can you stop right there? Please update
baekhyunmybaby #2
Chapter 9: XD lol how did lay think he was going to help them see Suho? please update more often I nearly forgot what this story was about :)
Chapter 9: finally you update and finally they meet suho :D
waiting for the next chapter :3
Chapter 9: OMG, they finally met with Suho! Thank you so much for updating!! *bowing 180 degrees* I'm so eager for the next chapter!
-sleepless #5
Chapter 9: Horray great update! I was actually a little worried the wouldt be able to see Suho. I hope Suho knows where Tao is and I really love Kris's determination to find Tao. Its really sweet. Im eager for the next update!
Galdy42 #6
Chapter 9: You updated! And things are moving forward! Suho was lovely :) Thank you for the update!
Hi! Okay, so I came across your fic cuz I was googling some pictures of Taoris and I saw the cover. So I read it all in one night, and man, is it good! I love it!

Omg, so Lay is like my EXO bias (yea, i know, how did i manage to choose one? but i still have like 3 more. lol) and man, I love the way you made his character. I was really worried about him but aww!

And Kris looking for Tao. Omo! I just want to talk about everything! Baek and his ghetto language. Haha. Gosh. I love it. So worried about Tao though, but okay okay, I'll stop. Haha, Fighting! Will be waiting for your update! (p.s. sorry for the long comment!)
ShaZam #8
While i was reading the story, I seriously thought Lay was a jerk.
Until the this chapter, i see how much he cares.
That's very sweet of him to help out Kris!
-sleepless #9
I really liked the fight. The ending was unexpected but it was about time Lay and Chen helped Kris out! Now I hope they can get him to see Suho. I really like how you incorporate all the members without making them seem useless otr have it get too confusing.