Friends, Enemies, and Another Number

Until We Meet Again


Kris looked over the four boys in front of him in dismay. They really wanted to fight just because someone mentioned Tao? Well at least, Baekhyun did. He asks real tough with this little posy behind him. But what if he were alone…if he were alone would he be able to hurt a fly? “Listen.” Kris started calmly, backing up slightly, “Can we just sit down and talk? I don’t wanna cause trouble here.”

“If ya tell me what ya know about Tao then maybe we can.” Baekhyun said, glaring harshly.

“Alright, alright. I know his name is Tao, that he used to live at that old Kung Fu place and that he recently ran away. That’s it, really.” Kris said, shoving his hands in his pockets. Lay and Chen were still rigged behind him, constantly eyeing the other three boys.

Baekhyun sighed heavily. “Aight, fine. What’s ya name?”

“I’m Kris. This is Chen, and that’s Lay.” Kris said, gesturing to the other boys.

“Baekhyun. Over there, that’s Chanyeol.” He said, pointing to the very tall boy. “This is Sehun and that’s Kai.” He added, pointing to the two other boys.

“Baek, are we really gonna talk to ‘em now?” Chanyeol groaned.

Baekhyun threw a look at him, “It’s about Tao, shut up.”

The seven boys sat around a table as the sky got darker and darker. Kris learned a lot about the other boys. Sehun didn’t talk much and mostly kept to himself, staring at the ground most of the time. He seemed….sad. Kai didn’t talk all too much either, but more so than Sehun. He smirked a lot though, at things that didn’t even make sense. To make up for the other two’s silence, Chanyeol never shut up. He just chattered on and on about the most random and pointless things you could imagine. And Baekhyun was very different from how anyone would’ve thought. He wasn’t tough or anything like that. Actually, he was quite the diva and very…fragile. Without the other three boys he’d be nothing.

After a while of getting to know each other, Baekhyun finally got to the subject at hand. “So’s…what did ya want to know ‘bout Tao?”

“Ahh…Xiumin told me you were his friend. He said you might know where he is…” Kris said cautiously.

“So ya met Xiumin…” Baekhyun mumbled.

“Alright I’m confused. Who’s Xiumin.” Lay cut in.

“Xiumin works at the Kung Fu place.” Kris whispered, hoping Lay wouldn’t hear him.

“I knew it! So you were looking for that boy yesterday!!” Lay said, “What happened to ‘I don’t like him’?”

“Shut the hell up Lay.” Kris said, sounding quite upset. “Let us talk.”

“I dunno where Tao went.” Baekhyun said, leaning back. “He disappeared.”

“What do you mean ‘disappeared’?”

“He totally disappeared. One day he was there, the next he wasn’t. Like he never ever existed.”


“Impossible.” Baekhyun finished for him. “I know. But that’s all I can think of.”

“Damnit.” Kris said, slamming his hand down on the table.

“You seem to really care about this kid.” Kai said, looking straight at Kris. “Why? When did you meet him?”

“I…I only met him once. Because of a dare…” Kris mumbled.

“A dare?” Chanyeol questioned.

“These two dared me to go and hang out with him while he was sitting at a coffee shop. He took me back to the Kung Fu place…tried to teach me wushu…” Kris said, rubbing his hands over his face. “I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind alright.”

“Wait…you’s tellin’ me he let ya into his room?” Baekhyun said, raising an eyebrow. “He refused to even let me in there.”

“He did, wait we took a picture.” Kris said, talking out his phone. He flipped to the photo and held it out to Baekhyun, who stared in wonder.

“I can’t believe it…” he mumbled, handing the phone back. “That’s insane.”

“Why wouldn’t he let you in there anyway…?” Kris asked.

“Well…he’s got a secret.” Baekhyun replies, “But then again, don’t everyone?”

“A secret?”

“Yeah. It’s got somethin’ to do with why he don’t talk. He wasn’t born that way ya know. When I first met ‘em, he’d talk like it was nobody’s business. But somewhere along the way, he just stopped. It’s like he’s afraid a somethin’.” Baekhyun explained. “Maybe that’s why he’s runnin’ away. He loves wushu though, only thing that kept ‘em goin’.”

Kris nodded slowly, “Alright…but that doesn’t help me find him really…”

“Hey listen, how bouts I give ya the number to his therapist, ok? Maybe he’ll know somethin’. You gotta promise me somethin’ though. Ya find him, ya tell me aight?”

“Sounds like a deal.” Kris said, looking up at the now black sky. He hadn’t even noticed that the sun was down until now.  Baekhyun put the number into Kris’s phone. “So where you live anyway?”

“Ain’t got no home. Just stay where I can get and keep movin’ back and forth.” Baekhyun replied, handing the phone back again, Kris had always thought that Lay, Chen and himself were pretty low street rats, but they lived in luxury compared to these four boys.

“Really? None of you?” Lay asked.

“None. We just stick together and hope for the best.” Chanyeol smiled.

“Hey well listen, you ever need anything you’re always welcome at my place.” Kris said, writing his address on Baekhyun’s hand with a sharpie.

 Baekhyun smiled warmly. “That’s mighty kind of ya’ll. Well we’re gon’ get goin’ now. I hope you find Tao.” He said. All four boys stood up and with one last wave, walked away.

Kris, Lay and Chen began walking too, doing their best to move in the right direction. The whole walk was silent and Kris thanked the lord that the other two weren’t teasing him about Tao just yet. After what felt like forever, Kris was home again. Well, he never had to actually call Baekhyun.

He took out his phone and looked at the new contact. Suho. Well, he knew what he was doing tomorrow.


Alrighty, here's the new chapter! This update is looooong overdue and i'm really sorry about that >.<

But anyway, did you like this chappie!? Kris has ANOTHER number to call. His luck right?

You think that Lay and Chen will get in the way again? Tell me in the comments!!

Also, no one guessed the three boys: Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun!

Some of you were close though, only one away haha.

You probably all thought he'd come in with Lulu.

Right? Am I right?? Ok i've talked alot~~

Bye guys!!! Another chappie soon!



Comment Replies

RenaBunny: It was epic? YUSS. I hope this one was too~ And nope, no Suho! But you were close!

siti_rohaidah62: Baek IS feirce! I realize that he's actually like...a diva. But his looks seem feirce to me, idk haha.And no D.O. sorry! Honestly I

m a fan of Chen and Lay in this too(not to sound conceded). There wasn't much sillinesss in this chappie, but as Kris would say, maybe next time!!

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Chapter 9: Ahhhh. How you can you stop right there? Please update
baekhyunmybaby #2
Chapter 9: XD lol how did lay think he was going to help them see Suho? please update more often I nearly forgot what this story was about :)
Chapter 9: finally you update and finally they meet suho :D
waiting for the next chapter :3
Chapter 9: OMG, they finally met with Suho! Thank you so much for updating!! *bowing 180 degrees* I'm so eager for the next chapter!
-sleepless #5
Chapter 9: Horray great update! I was actually a little worried the wouldt be able to see Suho. I hope Suho knows where Tao is and I really love Kris's determination to find Tao. Its really sweet. Im eager for the next update!
Galdy42 #6
Chapter 9: You updated! And things are moving forward! Suho was lovely :) Thank you for the update!
Hi! Okay, so I came across your fic cuz I was googling some pictures of Taoris and I saw the cover. So I read it all in one night, and man, is it good! I love it!

Omg, so Lay is like my EXO bias (yea, i know, how did i manage to choose one? but i still have like 3 more. lol) and man, I love the way you made his character. I was really worried about him but aww!

And Kris looking for Tao. Omo! I just want to talk about everything! Baek and his ghetto language. Haha. Gosh. I love it. So worried about Tao though, but okay okay, I'll stop. Haha, Fighting! Will be waiting for your update! (p.s. sorry for the long comment!)
ShaZam #8
While i was reading the story, I seriously thought Lay was a jerk.
Until the this chapter, i see how much he cares.
That's very sweet of him to help out Kris!
-sleepless #9
I really liked the fight. The ending was unexpected but it was about time Lay and Chen helped Kris out! Now I hope they can get him to see Suho. I really like how you incorporate all the members without making them seem useless otr have it get too confusing.