
Walking with Silence

Kim Sunggyu. Currently, that was your favourite name. It was so prettily spelt, prettily written, prettily scribbled and prettily spoken. Well, maybe not spoken considering the name was uttered by weird Myungsoo but Kim Sunggyu sounded so damn pretty.

"You're obsessed Hyun," Myungsoo suddenly says, "You're obsessed with him." You blink at him. Is it a crime to obsess?

"No, it's weird that you,Nam freaking Woohyun is obsessing over a person he just met, especially a boy," He stated plainly.

Funny, because you, Kim freaking Myungsoo obsessing over Kimchi Stew and plaid shirts is the most normal thing I have ever heard.

That is such a hilarious joke; I want to puke rainbows all over your body 'cause of the -kicking joke you just thought of.

Your humour is getting worse Soo-Soo.

'Soo-Soo', a nickname given to the weirdo by his fan girls and a nickname that pissed him off to no end; which was exatly why you were sure he would either a) reply sarcastically or b) charge at you with a bull's strength. That is until he points at a random direction, turns to you, almost cries and speeds off to that random direction. Well, not entirely. He certainly does not cry and instead of running, he casually struts to the random direction, which happens to be a shop. There are three mannequins on display and each one of them is clad in plaid.

You groan inwardly and make haste towards Myungsoo who has alreadly reached the boutique. The boutique is magnificent. Its white and green wallpaper, marble floor and bright chandelier hanging on the ceiling are a few reasons to its beauty. There are countless fitting rooms, several mirrors, multiple racks holding different clothes of different colours, patterns, sizes and styles, and lots of table stools of beige colour. If this was your room, you would have been able to equip three stereos of different brands and a karaoke machine too.

Myungsoo is strolling around the boutique in awe and is trying out every single outfit he can find. Unfortunately, they are all black in colour which makes you groan inwardly again and sincerely wonder whether your best friend has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He may as well be a stalker for all you truly know. You swagger towards him and pull him by the arm. He turns to face you and scowls.

"I’m shopping Woo," He voices as it is the most obvious thing in the world (and it is).

I know but we have more important things to do than see you buy clothes for funerals.

Like what?

Going home before Mother butchers my head and sells it to the Butcher's. I don't appreciate that Myungsoo. Unlike you whose parents are on business trips 24/7, my mum actually stays home and waits for me.

Fine. But first I want that black plaid shirt.

What are you talking about? You have three plaids at home and they're all black.

He runs off before you can say anything else. The next you see of him is with a black shopping bag and a big smile plastered on his face. He grabs your arm and walks out of the boutique, less calm and more hyper than when he entered. It dawns onto you that you should have bought something as well. At least a part of you would have been staisfied. Now, you have an angry mother to deal with at home and an insatiable demon inside your very own great being. Life really never waits for anyone.


As expected, Mother is furious. "Do you know how worried I was? Nam Woohyun and Kim Myungsoo, what were you thinking? Your father," She points at you, "And your uncle," She points at Mungsoo and continues, "Called me an hour ago telling me you were returning. So may I have the worthy knowledge of why you are so late?"

"We stopped by a boutique," Myungsoo meekly replies and lifts the shopping bag as proof.

Mother sighs and says, "Don't scare me like that ever again! What would I do without the two of you?" She hugs you both with her small height and ruffles your hair. "Now, dinner's ready and served. Don't wait for Dad. He'll be late." She retreats to her room upstairs. You want to ask her to join you two, but it’s a jolly known fact that she will not eat anything until father returns home.

Myungsoo-ah, you sleeping over? You ask as you take a seat at the dining table.

He repeats your action and nods a yes. “Wanna eat outside in the living room or in your room?”

You ponder for a while. Yeah, it might get too quiet here.

“Video games or TV?”

TV. I don’t wanna get the game controller dirty. Otherwise, Mother will have to do extra cleaning.

“’Kay. Now help me with the plates and bowls!”

You carry the bowls of rice and plates of chicken wings. Myungsoo gets the pot full of chicken curry and the utensils. You carefully go upstairs. The door is slightly ajar. You push it to keep it wide open. Myungsoo scurries in after you and kicks the door closed. Everything is gently placed on the carpet. You turn on the TV and settle down next to Myungsoo who has already started stuffing his mouth with food. A documentary is broadcasted on TV.

You’re actually enjoying this?

“No, I’m just eating,” Myungsoo answers the question after swallowing the rice and chicken wing together. You shrug and start eating as well. If you could speak or utter a single moan, you totally would at the moment.

I love my mother! This food is so…

"Heavenly!” Myungsoo beams at you. “Hyun, for the first time in ages, you’ve spoken my mind!”

I was about to say delicious.

“You will never understand my deepest thoughts.”

What deepest thoughts?

He doesn’t reply, leaving you frustrated. You resume eating. For the next fifteen minutes or so, you two eat in silence. Myungsoo lets out a rather loud burp and mutters a sorry. You do the same and grin afterwards.

“Let’s wash these. I’m feeling drowsy already.”

He piles up the dishware and utensils. You open the door and go to the kitchen. Mungsoo follows suit and leaves them in the sink. You wash the dishes and go back to your room. Myungsoo is making a small bed next to yours.

I’m sleeping on the floor too.

"Hn…Pass me more blankets and pillows then."

Here! You throw the items he requested at his face and smirk.

“The hell! I swear you’re the spawn of Satan!” He whimpers but continues making the bed. “You sleep near the TV. I don’t wanna die early in case of a short circuit.”

That’s so kind of you Soo! I think I’m dying from your sweetness.

“Thanks!” He makes himself comfortable, turns to the bed side and sleeps. You sigh and switch off the lights and the TV. As you are nearing a deep slumber, your phone suddenly beeps. You check it and the screen reads 'New message!' Who can be awake at this hour?

You check the message. It reads, "Hey, Sunggyu here," with a collon and an ending bracket, in short---a smiley.

The drowsiness flies away and a surge of energy courses through your body. You excitedly reply, "Hi! Aren't you sleepy?"

Another follows a beep. 'Nah, I should be sleepin' though. Got work tomorrow.'

'At least you have something to do. I'm at a dead end.'

'Huh? But you get to sleep! Till twelve or something.'

'Not really. Mom wakes up early and I send my dad off with her.'

'Wow. Must be tough. I don't live with my parents. Aunt's nice enough to let me sleep, but she has me workin' this autumn.'

You contemplate on asking his parents whereabouts but shrugg it off. You aren't ready to reveal about your biological and adoptive parents so why should he? Instead you type a quick 'What about school?' and wait for his reply.

'We have Autumn break. It lasts for a week mostly.'

'What will you do about work?'

'Probably quit for school and go back when Winter holidays begin.'

'That's that's messed up.'


''Cause winter break is only a month long, which means you have to quit work afterwards.  Then return to work before a new semester starts.'

'Hmm...That is messed up.' A collon and a capital letter 'd'.

'Well, what do you expect? I am the Great Nam Woohyun!' You attach an emoticon that is grinning a billion dollar smile and donning black sunglasses.

'Cocky, eh?'

'Says the not-so-great Kim Myungsoo.'

'What if he sees that message?'

'He's sleeping.'

'So he's actually next to you?' A dozen exclamation marks follows the question.

'Yeah. He usually sleeps over at my house.'

'You must be close.'

'He's my only friend as of now so I guess we are close...'

'Are we friends?'

'Are we?'

'I suppose. Are we?'

'Are we?' The two of you keep throwing back the question at each other repeatedly. 'We are.' You finally answer.

'We are, huh? So as friends, you wanna go out this Sunday to the arcade in Chun Hee Street?'

'The arcade? As in the GameLoft Arcade?'

'Yes, that arcade.'

'Oh hell yeah I do!'

'Deal! Will discuss the details tomorrow, 'kay?'

'Kay kay! I sound like a girl.' An equal sign, an underscore and an equal sign at the end

'Maybe you are one. Ho! Ho! Ho!'

'Yeah, because Santa Claus is coming to town!'


'Yesh, seriously.'

'I got to go now. Night-night!'

'Good-night, Sunggyu.'







'Ughh! It's hyung. I'm older than you (hopefully). I honestly have to go now.'

'Oh...Well then, good-night for reals!' Here comes the collon and the closing bracket.

'Sweet dreams!' He finishes off with the same old smiley.

You put down the phone. Friends...Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun are friends.

A/N: Hey everybody...I know I haven't updated in ages but I've been lazy. More like I just didn't know how to write all my ideas down. I've come back with a very long (by my standard) update to make up. I have a week long holiday so I have lots of time to write down drafts. My goal is high productivity. Once more, I apologize for the late (overdue) update.

I will edit again later. I noticed I changed the tenses at the very end. I corrected it. Sorry is that confused you. >.<








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Chapter 8: I love this. It seems like myung is another half of hyun, cause he can read hyun's thought greatly,
Why don't u continue this story?
RedCookies #2
Chapter 8: it's interesting myunggie knows well what woohyun unspoken words. it just seems like they have telepathy. kk
what happen exactly with woohyun so he cant talk??
yeah yeah its being more and more interesting xD
sunggyu must learn to understand woohyun from myungsoo I think :P
Wasn't the first quote from the bible? Maybe Nick Sparks used it, too...
it means gyu will be the person who mr nam sent it?
I'll anticipating more of this.. woogyu <3
update soon ^^
yeah~ soooooo, nam industry related to woohyun, and I'll anticipated more woogyu then <3
oh my, myungsoo was so damn amazing, he can read woohyun :D
and nam industry, is it related to woohyun? :3
I love the way woogyu met again >..<
they actually shared their affection towards each other :")
and I love myunghyun relationship, myungsoo can understand woohyun without word, adorable :")
kpopluv7 #9
Love it !
But I was totally confused xd
I thought it was Sunggyu's POV and not Woohyun's ;s
I finally got it at the part where Sunngyu introduced himself
Lol i was like o_____O what's happening ?
But then I got it xd my bad hahah
I Love This! This So Adorable! Cant wait till the next chapter! I like your writing style, it makes since to me! ^.^ Upload soon Kay!