Royal Beats Sixth and Final Member Revealed!

Top Media's New Multi-Talented Girl Group "Royal Beats" Beats Charmful Beauty Tokki a.k.a Yun Min


~About Yun Min~


Her Birth Name is Jang Yun Min, while her American name is Melanie Jang.
Of all the information that we have received, Yun Min does not have any nicknames at all.
She is 16 years old, Born September 01, 1995. [09/01/1995]. Wah~ She is very pretty, and it seems like she is the second youngest member of the group. Wow~. Anyways Yun Min was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. She is Australian and Korean. hehe, She's from Austrailia~ Not a lot of idols come from there. Interesting~. Her blood type seems to be A.

~Yun Min's Personality~

Yun Min is known to be very well mannered. It's been said that she always listens and does what ever her parents wanted her to do. She is respectful, kind, caring, and trustful. It is also been said that Yun Min only speaks when she is needed to. But she can be outgoing and fun too. Also, whenever you see her, she'll always be listening to her ipod.

It's been stated that Yun Min does really well in school, and she gets straight A's on her report card. She dislikes sports a lot, because she's scared of getting injured/hurt. Besides being an honor roll student, Yun Min is also secretly taking an interest in music.

Her Likes:

  • Watermelons
  • Music
  • Arizona Teas
  • Parks
  • Beaches
  • Bunnies
  • Stars

Her Dislikes:

  • Sports [DISLIKES A LOT]
  • Rude People
  • Snakes
  • Messy Places/People
  • Sodas


Her Hobbies:

  • Cooking
  • Drawing
  • Taking Selcas
  • Going out for walks
  • looking at stars
  • Reading


Her Habits:

  • looking down/making no eye contact, when shy.
  • Covers , when laughing
  • Listens to music, when she needs to calm down or relax
  • Taps her fingers together, when she's nervous
  • Ignores People completely, when they get on her bad side, or if she doesn't like someone



  • Crowded Areas [Afraid of getting lost]

​It has been released that Yun Min is very flexible. But she also is a very good ballet dancer. Wahh~ I would like to see her dance~ It must be really good. This is probably from her flexibility; Yun Min can do stunts, like flips etc. Besides from all of that talent, the most interesting one is that she can do Voice imitations of Pokemon [pikachu, squirtle, and more ] Adding onto her amazing talents, Yun Min can play the piano and harp. A harp? wow..that's amazing.

Some interesting facts about Yun Min is that:

  • She has an obsession over Ice Cream
  • She wears circle lenses
  • Has a small Australian accent
  • Her parents never approved of her becoming an Idol.
  • She got hit just like her brother, when she told her parents that she wanted to quit school to pursue her dream of becoming an idol.
  • Her favorite colors are gold and red
  • She's never drank soda before
  • She hates any kind of candy for some reason
  • She's broken her leg before [When playing soccer at school for gym class, when she was 7 years old]

​It looks like Yun min is not allergic to anything. Anyways Yun Min can speak Korean and English very fluently, while she is semi-fluent in Japanese. She is currently learning, but she can start/ have a conversation in Japanese.



~Yun Min's Family Information~

Because of Yun Min's family fortunes, she has been brought up with a lot of love and care from her parents, maids, and butlers. She got along pretty well with her older brother. Her and her brother were very smart. But her brother told their parents that he wanted to quit school to become a singer...After hearing that news, Yun Min's parents had hit him..After her brother had left to persue his dream..a few years after...Yun Min also went to confront her parents...saying that she wanted quit school to become an idol. Her parents were shocked to hear it, and Yun Min was hit also.. Now her parents don't even talk to her now.. They've never tried to contact her either..

Yun Min's Parents:

Jang Haneul || 48 years old || Nurse || Mother

Jang Yun Byul || 49 years old || Doctor || Father

It's been revealed that Yun Min's Older brother is None other than Led Apple's Main Vocalist Jang Han Byul. Wow~ I can totally see the resemblance with these too.^^ A lot of Idol Sibling's have been revealed. The Beautiful Ham Sisters, The Pretty/Handsome Faced Kim Siblings, The Joker Siblings, and now the Brainy Jang Siblings.

Here are some clips of Yun Min Performing:







Wow~ Her voice is just kind of calming in a way, while her rap is amazing.

Yun Min's Stage Name is Tokki. Her position in the group is Face of the Group/ Lead Vocalist/Sub-Rapper. It seems like Yun Min's persona is the group is "Silent Umma." Because she secretly cares for all her members, and watches over them from a far. Yun Min's Fan Club name is #1 Royalties. While she calls her fans Princes/Princesses. It seems to be that her fan club colors are ​Gold and Red.

Yun Min has been a trainee for three years at Top Media Ent. Her thoughts about her life as a trainee was, It was hard work and very tiring, but she still thought that her trainee years were fun and enjoyable.

Yun Min was a Model for a short time before becoming a trainee. Now she is hoping to become an actress, in the future, after a few years of debuting in Royal Beats.

Well that's all the information that Top Media's Ceo Andy had provided us, so far.. Well What are your thoughts about the girls? Do you like them, hate them..Love them? haha

Well before this all ends.. Yun Min has a couple of words to say to her fans and members.

Her message to her fans is "Your loyalty and support is what gives us strength to do our best!^^ So please continue to support us all the way. Saranghae my princes and princesses."

​While her message to her fellow members is "Hello^^ Let's give it our best, and become one of the bestest girl group ever! Hwaiting^^"

Well then~ Bai Bai now.


Hello~ We meet again :3 Keke~

Finally! The search is over^^

We should all know this by now but...... Tokki is destined to be with......NIEL ! <3 Yay~ *crowd cheers really loudly*

Congrats to xSilentxStar :D You were chosen haha ~

Now I can finally start the story :3 Awwww YEAHHHH!

Please continue to support this apply fic. And Also Please comment below or pm me, any song that you want Royal Beats to debut with... It doesn't matter what genre. It could be hip hop, ballad, RnB, etc. But please tell me so Royal Beats can make their actual debut :D

​I lub chuuu~ <3


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Chapter 10: boring chapter ? no, it's not ! it's amazing !!! will wait for another chapter, don't stress out yourself .. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 4: omg i absolutely loved the first chappie! o u o

the meeting was so awesome~ ♥

i love the idea of the map!

oh gosh, i can't wait for another update!! ^^ ♥
o.o ... waiting waiting for the new chappie !!
hwaiting !
letter from andy hyung! :D
oups, i meant oppa...

it's just, tintap are always saying andy hyung,
so it kinda just... rubbed off on me? xD OTL

can't wait for the first chapter! c: ♥
Yeah that sound awesome <3
can't wait for the story !!
congrats to the chosen members !!
I've been thinking about this story lately! c:

I know you said not to rush author-nims, but Kimchi can't wait for the story!! ^-^

Kimchi is curious, will there an update soon?
If so, I'm excited!! c: <3

Btw, I changed my username.
It was formally Mir-chi, but now it's baby_dragon! xD
Angnes #8
I can't wait for this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to those who got chosen! :))
I can't wait for the stoooory~
Angnes #10
Welcome !! Kyung_Mi Fighting !!