A little Adventure and the lovely Meeting :3 PART 1

Top Media's New Multi-Talented Girl Group "Royal Beats"


                                                                                Eunji’s P.O.V.

            I smiled as I sat up on my bed, as I stretched I leaned over and turned off my alarm clock. It was 11:00am. Today’s the day~ Finally, when I can finally meet up with the other members. I’m so excited. I wonder how all the other girls are gonna look like. Are they going to be nice or are they going to be ignorant.. Hmm.. I walked over to my bathroom and got ready. I started to fix my hair, make up, and pick out my outfit for today. I finally finished getting dressed around 10:30 am. I grabbed my bag and was about to head out my place, until I noticed a white note near the door. I wonder who it came from and how it got here. ._. I slowly picked up the note and opened it.

            Inside the little note/folder thingy, was a map, some money, and a letter. ._. Okay~ I looked at the letter and it read:

            Hello Eunji,~

                        I’m glad that I’m writing this letter to you. I’m more happy to say that you are the Leader of Royal Beats. I’m expecting a lot from you~ Make sure everyone is on task and is working hard^^. Anyways aside from that, I am writing you this letter to explain things better.

            Okay~ So you’re going to meet the rest of the members soon. I bet you are very excited. But besides that, You’re going to have to work a little hard in order to meet them. There should be a map included in the folder type thing. You are to follow the directions and find your way to your new home~ Just leave your bags in your home, I’ll have some guys come pick it up after you have left your old home. Anyways, Hwaiting!

p.s. I will be waiting at your new home^^.


                                                                                      CEO Andy Lee

 Hmm.. So this is like a treasure map type thing.  Well this is interesting. I left all of my bags in my apartment, and left on my tiny journey. This should be fairly easy. I looked at the map, and it showed that I had to walk along the Han River, until I reach a subway station, and take the Subway, then follow some arrows that should be pasted on the trees to the new house. I’m guessing this is all we need to do ._.

As I was walking over to find the Han River, I saw a group of people that was smiling at me and holding a sign saying “EUNJI! Come Here for a Second..” I kind of hesitated for a second but ended up walking up to the group of Unnis. One of them smiled and said “Wahh~ You really are pretty.” The other Unni smiled and said “Yes,very. Anyways back to the topic. In order to pass us, you will need to jump rope for 10 seconds.” I smiled and said “oh~ gomawo.” I took the rope and started jumping.

            After 10 seconds had passed, I gave the rope to one of the Unni’s and bowed. Then I started walking, after 5 minutes of walking, I finally found the Han river. As I was walking along the river, I kind of felt thirsty, so I stopped and bought a water bottle. But for some reason, the man just smiled at me and gave the water to me for free.

            After 10 minutes of walking along the River, I finally reached the Subway Station. I payed for a ticket and got on to the subway. Gosh~ This is going to be a 25 minute ride until the next stop. I sat down and took a book out of my back pack and started to read.

                                                                                     Yumi’s P.O.V.

            I heard my alarm clock go off, and as soon as it rang I jumped out of bed and smiled. Because I knew that today was when I actually get to meet the rest of the members. I’m so happy and anxious. I turned off the alarm, grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. After I showered, fixed my hair and make-up. I grabbed my luggage and heading towards my door, when I noticed a type of folder thing near the door. I set all of my stuff down and opened the folder. It had a map, some money, and a letter. I opened the letter and read it.

“ Konnichiwa Yumi~chan^^,

            So you’re Royal Beats Main Vocalist. You should know why by now right. I think you have an amazing voice and you really deserve this position. And I know that you’ll make me proud.

            I’m writing you this letter to help explain things, and how this day is going to run, basically your first schedule for being a member of Royal Beats. Okay~ So you’re going to meet the rest of the members soon. I bet you are very excited. But besides that, you’re going to have to work a little hard in order to meet them. There should be a map included in the folder. You are to follow the directions and find your way to your new home~ Just leave your bags in your home, I’ll have some guys come pick it up after you have left your old home. Anyways, Hwaiting!

p.s. I will be waiting at your new home^^.


                                                                                      CEO Andy Lee

Wow~ This sounds fun. I left all of my luggage near my door, and only brought along my mini back pack. As I was walking down the street, I took out the map and looked to see where I need to go. So it says that I have to find the Han River and walk along the river until I have reached a Subway Station, from there I ride the Subway to the next stop and then follow arrows on trees to my destination. Maybe I could be the first one there. Yes, I’m determined to do so.

            I started to run down my street when I suddenly see two guys holding a sign with my name on it. I ran towards them, and they kindly greeted me. I bowed back and said “Annyeonghasayo. So why do you have my name on that paper?” as I pointed to the paper. One of them smiled and said “Hello there, Miss Yumi. You have to beat one of us at Rock, Paper, Scissors, in order to pass on and go to your destination.” I slowly nodded and said “Okay~” The other ahjussi said “Rock, Paper, Scissors!.” He quickly threw out a rock, and out of pressure I closed my eyes and threw out a random hand sign. Suddenly I heard the other Ahjussi say “Well done, Miss Yumi. You may pass. Good Luck on your journey.” I bowed and waved at them, then I turned around and started to run.

            Okay, after 4 minutes of running, I finally reached the Han River. I jogged along the river, and finally reached the Subway station after 10 minutes. I bought my ticket and sat down at a random seat.  Oh geez, a 25 minute wait until the next stop. As I looked around, I noticed that I was sitting next to this girl, she looked really pretty. She also seemed smart, maybe it was because she was reading. Keke~ oh wells. I smiled and reached out my hand, then I said “Annyeong~ I’m Yoon Ji, But you can call me Yumi. Nice to meet you^^” The girl slowly lowered her book and looked at me. Uh oh~ Did I bother her ._. Suddenly she smiled and said “Annyeong^^ I’ m Eunyoung, but you can call me Eunji~ Nice to meet you Yumi. But can I asked you a question..” I nodded and said “Sure, asked away.” She looked at me for a while then she said “Why are you all sweaty?” I looked at myself and laughed. Then I said “It’s complicated.” She slowly nodded. Then we started talking about our interest and stuff. She really seemed like a nice person. And the thing was we both didn’t have cellphones xD I couldn’t have a cellphone cause I had to turn my phone in, before I could become a Trainee.

            Without even noticing it, the time had passed by pretty quick. After getting out of the station, I pulled out a map and was going to read it, when I saw Eunji take out the same exact map. We both looked at each other and said at the same time “No way…” I looked at her and said “You’re a member of..” Then she finished my sentence by saying “Royal Beats?” We both laughed. Then Eunji smiled and said “Let me re-introduce myself. Annyeonghasayo^^ Leader of Royal Beats Eunji~imnida.” OH~ She’s our Leader.. I think that fits her well, considering she was the President of Student Council at her school. I smiled and said “Annyeonghasayo^^ Main Vocal of Royal Beats Yumi~imnida.”

            Wow, what a coincidence. We decided to work together, after following about 10 arrows, stopped in front of this huge house. No way~ This cannot be our house.. there can be no way.. Eunji looked at me and said “Is this our new home? ._.” I shrugged and said “I don’t know..” We walked up and knocked on the door, when suddenly it flew open. We slowly walked in, then saw Andy standing in the middle of what I think is our Living Room. He smiled at us and said “Why, Hello there girls. I’m guessing that you two have me already?” We looked at each other and smiled, then said “Neh~” Andy nodded and said “Well you girls have a seat, we have to wait for the rest of the members to arrive.” We nodded and sat down.

                                                                                MinAh’s P.O.V.

            I set my alarm clock to ring at about 10:30 am, so that I could have enough time to get my hair curled and everything. I wanted to look nice and fly, since I’m meeting the rest of the members. I already know one person. That is HyunAe, we were pen pals, when she lived in America. It’s such a coincidence that we ended up in the same group. But I ended up hitting the snooze button a few times. Before I slowly sat up and got ready.

            After I was finished, I dragged my luggage over to my door when I ended up tripping on my own foot and face planting the floor. Oh geez. I looked up, and saw a folder thingy on the floor. I opened the folder and found a map, a letter, and some money. I stuffed the money in my pocket and read the letter.

”Annyeong MinAh,

            It’s Time to show your moves and your grooves to everyone. Welcome to the group. As you know, You are Royal Beats’ Main Dancer. So dance well, and take care of your body, don’t injure yourself, alright.

            I’m writing you this letter to help explain things, and how this day is going to run, basically your first schedule for being a member of Royal Beats. Okay~ So you’re going to meet the rest of the members soon. I bet you are very excited. But besides that, you’re going to have to work a little hard in order to meet them. There should be a map included in the folder. You are to follow the directions and find your way to your new home~ Just leave your bags in your home, I’ll have some guys come pick it up after you have left your old home. Anyways, Hwaiting!

p.s. I will be waiting at your new home^^.


                                                                                      CEO Andy Lee

            Oh Darn It, I am horrible with directions. I grabbed my teddy bear backpack and skipped out of my house. I skipped down the road, and saw a lady standing there, holding up a sign with my name on it, but she also had this other persons’ name on it.. OuO oh well. The lady told me that in order to pass on, I had to show her a little dance routine. I nodded and started dancing. After I finished, she started to applaud happily. I skipped away, when I remembered that I didn’t know where else I was supposed to go. I turned back and went to asked the lady, but then I saw another girl and she was jumping rope. Wah~ She was so pretty just like a doll. Omg… I wonder if she is another member of the group… I tapped the lady’s shoulder and said “Umm…where am I supposed to go to next?” The lady shrugged and said “Your supposed to look at your map.” I started to look for the map, when I remembered that I forgot to bring it with me. It’s at home. I looked at the lady and yelled “OMG! I left the map at home! What should I do ;~; oh geez…oh geez..” Suddenly the girl that looked at the doll said “Calm down~ Does your map look like this?” She showed me the map, then I smiled said “What~ You have the same map?! Are you apart of the new girl group Royal Beats?” She smiled at me and nodded, then she said “Annyeong, I’m the visual of Royal Beats Yun Min~imnida. But you can call me Tokki.” I smiled and said “Annyeong, Royal Beats Main Dancer Min Hee~imnida. But you can call me MinAh.”

                                                                                Tokki’s P.O.V.

            I woke up this morning around 11:00am. I kind of took my time and ate some breakfast. I wanted to look nice, since I am meeting the rest of the members. I carried both of my luggage and backpack towards the door, when I noticed a folder near my front door. I opened the folder and found a map, some money, and a letter. Hmm.. I wonder who it could be from… I opened the letter and read

”Hello Tokki,

You’re the one that will be representing Royal Beats and I know that you will represent your group well. Well to Royal Beats. You are the Face of the Group. In short, You’re Royal Beat’s Visual.

            I’m writing you this letter to help explain things, and how this day is going to run, basically your first schedule for being a member of Royal Beats. Okay~ So you’re going to meet the rest of the members soon. I bet you are very excited. But besides that, you’re going to have to work a little hard in order to meet them. There should be a map included in the folder. You are to follow the directions and find your way to your new home~ Just leave your bags in your home, I’ll have some guys come pick it up after you have left your old home. Anyways, Hwaiting!

p.s. I will be waiting at your new home^^.


                                                                                      CEO Andy Lee

I’m pretty good with directions, this should be kind of easy in away. I left my luggage and only brought my back pack, and headed out. Once I got outside, I noticed that the sun was shining pretty bright. I smiled and started to walk down the street. Then I saw an unni holding up a sign with my name on it. I walked up to her and bowed. She smiled at me and said that I had to jump rope ten times. I grabbed the rope and started jumping. Just when I finished, I saw this girl run over and asked one of the unni’s for direction. Suddenly she started flipping out about how she left a map at home. I walked over and told her to calm down.

            But surprisingly she ended being in Royal Beats just like me. We decided to go on the tiny trip together. After walking for a while, and taking the Subway, we finally arrived at the house. MinAh jumped up and down saying “This is going to be the house we’re living in? No way! It’s too nice!” I shrugged and said “well there is only one way to find out.” I walked up to the door and knocked.

            Suddenly the door flew open and there were two girls standing in front of us. They both bowed at the same time and said “Annyeonghasayo, Royal Beats Leader Eunji and Main Vocal Yumi ~imnida Nice to meet you two^^” MinAh and I both bowed back and said “Annyeonghasayo, Royal Beats Visual Tokki and Main Dancer MinAh~imnida. Nice to meet you two also.” Eunji smiled and said “Should we sit out here and wait for the other two?” MinAh smiled and said “Yes, I can’t wait to meet HyunAe.” We all looked at her and said “HyunAe?” MinAh nodded and said “Yes, She was my pen pal, when she lived in America.” Yumi looked at MinAh and said “Wait what?! She lived in America?!” MinAh nodded and said “Yup, and Tokki is from Australia.” EunJi looked at me and said “What! Your from Australia?!” I nodded and said “Neh~.” We then started talking to each other. Suddenly 4 vans pulled up, and delivered our bags. We set our luggage to the side and sat on the steps to the house.

                                                                         HyunAe’s P.O.V.

            I sat up and looked at the time; it was 12:00pm. Ugh~ I guess I should get ready, to go meet the rest of the members. I showered, fixed my hair and make-up, and then got dressed. I brought my luggage near the door, and picked up a folder that was somehow in my house… There was a map, some money, and a letter. I put the money and map in my backpack, then I took the letter.

It said

”Sup HyunAe~

Haha Welcome to the Family.^^ You’re the Main Rapper of Royal Beats, and I also heard that you can compose some music. Maybe if you work hard enough, one of your songs can be included in Royal Beat’s next album.

            Anyways I’m writing you this letter to help explain things, and how this day is going to run, basically your first schedule for being a member of Royal Beats. Okay~ So you’re going to meet the rest of the members soon. I bet you are very excited. But besides that, you’re going to have to work a little hard in order to meet them. There should be a map included in the folder. You are to follow the directions and find your way to your new home~ Just leave your bags in your home, I’ll have some guys come pick it up after you have left your old home. Anyways, Hwaiting!

p.s. I will be waiting at your new home^^.


                                                                                      CEO Andy Lee


Oh Gosh, Do I really have to go through all of that trouble just to reach the house? Ugh~ Wait.. the note did say that someone was going to come pick up my luggage~ Keke. I grabbed my bag and walked outside, and then I turned a corner and hid there, waiting for the people to come pick up my bags.

            After about ten minutes had pass, a black van pulled up to my house. I saw two guys loading up the van with my luggage. After they both went inside to get my other two bags, I quickly ran into the back of the van and jumped in. Then I quickly hid myself under my other luggage. After a while, I felt the luggage on top of me get heavier, then the door shut. Yes, I actually got in and didn’t get caught. I stuck my headphones in my ear and started to listen to music. This little trip should be fairly easy for me. I closed my eyes, and took a tiny nap.

                                                                              Kimchi’s P.O.V.

            I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing from somewhere; I quickly threw around all of my clothes and empty chip bags, and finally found the alarm clock. I looked at the time.. It was 1:00pm. Oh Gosh! I’m late!  I quickly got dressed and did my make-up. Then I brought my luggage near my door, then I noticed a folder near my door. I opened it and quickly read it.

”Hello Kimchi!~

You’re the Maknae of Royal Beats. Keke~ Hope you have lots of fun, but make sure you work hard too. HWAITING!

            I’m writing you this letter to help explain things, and how this day is going to run, basically your first schedule for being a member of Royal Beats. Okay~ so you’re going to meet the rest of the members soon. I bet you are very excited. But besides that, you’re going to have to work a little hard in order to meet them. There should be a map included in the folder. You are to follow the directions and find your way to your new home~ Just leave your bags in your home, I’ll have some guys come pick it up after you have left your old home. Anyways, Hwaiting!

p.s. I will be waiting at your new home^^.


                                                                                      CEO Andy Lee

Okay~ So I have to follow the map? I’m guessing. I quickly found a bike nearby and rode it like crazy. I passed a lady holding my name on this sign but I didn’t care as long as I get to the house on time. I quickly rode over, and finally found some arrows on the tree. I followed the arrows and  finally found a huge house… Don’t tell me this is the house ._. IT’S SO HUGE OMG!! THIS IS AMAZING. I threw the bike down and ran up to the house.

            I found four girls sitting there in front of the house. They all stood up when they saw me.  I ran up to them and yelled “Annyeonghasayo! Royal Beats Maknae Kimchi~Imnida!! Nice to meet you all! Keke.” One of the girls smiled and stood up, then she said “Annyeong, Royal Beats Leader Eunji~imnida.” Then she pointed to these two girls that both had blonde hair then said “That’s our Main Vocalist Yumi and that’s our visual Tokki.” Then the other girl that looked really cute waved at me and said “Hai hai^^ I’m Royal Beats Main Dancer MinAh~ Nice to meet you.” I smiled and said “Wow, Is this all of us?” Eunji shook her head and said “No..where missing one more..” Suddenly Andy walked out and said “Girls, we have a problem. No one has seen HyunAe..She didn’t even pass one of the girls that I set up to test each one of you.” MinAh looked worried then said “Don’t tell me…she got kidnapped.. ._.”

            Suddenly two vans pulled up, I went over and grabbed my luggage~ Suddenly the other driver went to open the other van and grabbed out two luggages, when suddenly a girl jumped out of the trunk, she yawned then stretched.

            Andy walked over and said “HyunAe?” The girl nodded and said “Yo~.” MinAh ran up to the HyunAe chick and said “What are you doing in the back of the van?” HyunAe scratched her head and said “Well…I didn’t want to go through all that trouble of riding the station and such, so I just jumped in the back of the truck when the guys weren’t looking.” Andy laughed and said “Luckily, You’re safe, Anyways.. HyunAe introduce yourself.” The girl bowed and said “Yo~ I’m Royal Beats Main Rapper HyunAe~imnida. Nice to meet everyone.”

Hello everyone~ I am back with another  update.. Sorry this was quickly typed up so it may be kind of boring and weird in a way... But I promise that the next update will be more interesting^^ 

It will take me and my co-author some time to update and write up the chapters because we both have vocal lessons and dance lessons... So please bare with us :D



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Chapter 10: boring chapter ? no, it's not ! it's amazing !!! will wait for another chapter, don't stress out yourself .. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 4: omg i absolutely loved the first chappie! o u o

the meeting was so awesome~ ♥

i love the idea of the map!

oh gosh, i can't wait for another update!! ^^ ♥
o.o ... waiting waiting for the new chappie !!
hwaiting !
letter from andy hyung! :D
oups, i meant oppa...

it's just, tintap are always saying andy hyung,
so it kinda just... rubbed off on me? xD OTL

can't wait for the first chapter! c: ♥
Yeah that sound awesome <3
can't wait for the story !!
congrats to the chosen members !!
I've been thinking about this story lately! c:

I know you said not to rush author-nims, but Kimchi can't wait for the story!! ^-^

Kimchi is curious, will there an update soon?
If so, I'm excited!! c: <3

Btw, I changed my username.
It was formally Mir-chi, but now it's baby_dragon! xD
Angnes #8
I can't wait for this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to those who got chosen! :))
I can't wait for the stoooory~
Angnes #10
Welcome !! Kyung_Mi Fighting !!