Royal Beats Third Member Revealed!

Top Media's New Multi-Talented Girl Group "Royal Beats" Introducing~ Royal Beats Leader and Helpful Umma Eunji, a.k.a. Eunyoung~




~About Eunyoung~

Her birth name is Ham Eunyoung.


One of her nicknames is Ryu, because her family members use to call her that.


Also like the other two previously revealed members, Eunyoung is 17 years old. Born on March 4, 1995. [03/04/1995] Oh~ So now we know that Eunyoung is currently the youngest one that has been revealed so far.  She looks so cute and innocent. Maybe she's the maknae?.. Eunyoung was raised in Incheon, South Korea. Considering that she also grew up in Korea, means that she is fully Korean. Her blood type is O.


~Eunyoung's Personality~

Eunyoung or known as Ryu is a rich girl. It's been stated that she lived by herself, since her parents were busy with their works and that makes her indepedence. Eunyoung looks really kind, cute, lovely and like a very helpful girl. It's been said that she acts like a baby, but sometimes as a dad, and sometimes as a mom. Eunyoung is said to be an angel, but also a devil. Hm.... I wonder why~ Facts stated that she is kind with everyone and changes in to a completely different person when someone makes her mad.

Eunyoung is  also known as the money maker,  since she can make money using her energy and creativity. Eunyoung lived with the maids and butler, but that doesn't mean she is the troublemaker. 

It is known that Eunyoung is a good actress. She acts like she's crying when someone made fool of her. It is also known that she is the president of student council and is known for being trusted by many people.


Her Likes:

  • books
  • teddy bear
  • ice cream
  • Running Man
  • musical instruments

Her Dislikes:

  • lightning 
  • thunder
  • milk
  • messy places
  • haunted houses


Her Hobbies:

  • cooking
  • play video games
  • swimming
  • write a new song
  • drawing

Her Habits:

  • she will confess everything to the teddy bear before she sleep
  • she will automatically wake up at 6am
  • always sing random stuff when she doing something or boring

Her Fears:

  • lightning and thunder
  • cats and dogs raining
  • being alone when its raining


It has been said that Eunyoung can copy a dance just by watching it. She can remember everything with just one sight. She's known to be very proffessional at  tongue twisters. And she also has a flexible body.~ Wow Eunyoung seems to be really talented. But not only that Eunyoung can play the piano, the guitar, and the drums. With all the talents revealed from the members so far, Royal Beats can be made into a band, full of talented and beautiful girls.


Some interesting facts about Eunyoung is that:

  • she always eats chocolate but doesn't get fat
  • she can hold her breath for 10 minutes
  • she is the master of taekwando


But another interesting fact is that Eunyoung is allergic to chicken. Yes, that's right. It's says that Eunyoung is allergic to Chicken. So keep any sort of Chicken away from her.  Besides the fact of being allergic to Chicken, Eunyoung's talented side is once again going to be shown. Eunyoung can speak Korean, English, and Chinese fluently, Japanese Semi-fluently, and she is currently learning French.


~Eunyoung's Family Information~


The Ham Family is a rich family. Eunyoung's parents are rarely seen at home and only meet at breakfast, lunch, dinner time  and  on the weekends. Eunyoung and her sister went to school in the morning and took extra classes : singing, acting, taekwando, language in the evening. However Eunyoung's family is as happy as other families, even though they can rarely see each other everyday. Eunyoung and her sister are always being together until she was 14 years old than she had to stay alone, since her  sister had been sent to university.

Eunyoung's parents are:

Ham Min Hee, 49 years old, Mom

Ham ByunJi , 51 years old, Dad.

 Of course, if anyone payed close enough of attention, then they would of realized that Ham Eunyoung is the younger sister of Ham EunJung. You could tell that Eunyoung had got the beautiful looks from her Older sister. So as we know it, we have another Idol sibling born. The Beautiful Ham Sisters, The Pretty/Handsome Faced Kim Siblings, and The Yong Jokers siblings.


Here are some Clips of Eunyoung performing:





Wahh~ Eunyoung's voice sounds exactly the same as her sister's. So heavenly~


Eunyoung's stage name is Eunji. Her position in the group is Lead Rapper and Sub-Vocalist. And to everyone's surprise, Eunyoung is also the Leader of Royal Beats. I think that Eunyoung fits the Leader image very well^^ Eunji Hwaiting!  Eunyoung's Group persona is "The Umma." Eunyoung's Fanclub name is called "Crystals." While she calls her fans "Crysty." It seems to be that her fan club colors are White and Sky Blue.

Eunyoung has been a Trainee at TOP Media for 4 years, and she says that while she was a trainee it  was amazing and fun but tiring at the same time.

Not only is Eunyoung our lovely leader, but she is also a Dj.

That is all the information that we know about Miss Eunyoung, for now. We haven't gotten any more news about the other revealed members. But there is news going around that another member shall be revealed today.

But before this all ends once again, Eunyoung has a message to her fans and also to the other members of Royal Beats.

Eunyoung's message to her fans, She had said "I hope you will loves me as your Leader of the group and mommy !" Aww how sweet :3

Eunyoung's message to the other Royal Beats members, She said "I hope we will be friends and be good to each other. please make me as your mom, so I can help you ..."

Hello, we meet once again :3

But I'm here this time to reveal our Third Member. YAY :D  Anyways, Eunyoung is destined to be with Ricky. Oh yes Ricky <3

Congratulations to kanghara, for becoming our new Leader :D

                                                                       Anyways Love You Lots and Peace,



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Chapter 10: boring chapter ? no, it's not ! it's amazing !!! will wait for another chapter, don't stress out yourself .. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 4: omg i absolutely loved the first chappie! o u o

the meeting was so awesome~ ♥

i love the idea of the map!

oh gosh, i can't wait for another update!! ^^ ♥
o.o ... waiting waiting for the new chappie !!
hwaiting !
letter from andy hyung! :D
oups, i meant oppa...

it's just, tintap are always saying andy hyung,
so it kinda just... rubbed off on me? xD OTL

can't wait for the first chapter! c: ♥
Yeah that sound awesome <3
can't wait for the story !!
congrats to the chosen members !!
I've been thinking about this story lately! c:

I know you said not to rush author-nims, but Kimchi can't wait for the story!! ^-^

Kimchi is curious, will there an update soon?
If so, I'm excited!! c: <3

Btw, I changed my username.
It was formally Mir-chi, but now it's baby_dragon! xD
Angnes #8
I can't wait for this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to those who got chosen! :))
I can't wait for the stoooory~
Angnes #10
Welcome !! Kyung_Mi Fighting !!