Royal Beats Fifth Member Revealed!

Top Media's New Multi-Talented Girl Group "Royal Beats" Beats Cheeky Maknae Kimchi a.k.a Kyumi


~About Kyumi~

Her Birth name is Lee Kyumi. But it's seems like Kyumi also has an American name; which is Aleiyah Lee.

It is known that Kyumi also goes by the name "Kimchi." This nickname was given to her by her best friend because she likes to eat kimchi 24/7.

She is 16 years old, Born on December 27,1995. [12/27/1995] After all of our curiousity of wanting to know who the maknae was, should now have come to an end. Considering her headlines for this article (Chapter) is Cheeky Maknae. <3 hehe~ I think her image suits her persona. She's both cute and adorable^^ Totally fitted to be the maknae. Anyways back to releasing information about Kyumi. She was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. Which means she is 100% Korean. Her blood type is B negative. [ B- ]


~Kyumi's Personality~

Just like her persona, Cheeky is a good word to describe Kyumi. She is very silly and cute, but she is also quiet and somewhat lazy. Kyumi is friendly, and likes to be friends with everyone. Kyumi is also funny, she likes to make others laugh. Most of the time you'll see a wide-smile on her face, since she loves to see other's smile.

Even though Kyumi doesn't always look interested in things, no worries, she is. When Kyumi is doing something, all of her attention will focus on it. But she is a little careless about things, where ever she goes, she'll leave a trail of mess (trash etc.) behind her. But it's a fact that Kyumi has a tendecy to be less cooperative also, since she likes to follow hew own rules and ideas. Kyumi is an individualist. She is one of those people, who pays attention to their thoughts a little more than their feelings, and therefore can sometimes seem like an unforgiving person. Not only that, Kyumi is irresponsible when it comes to most things, and that is why she must be treated like a child. Kyumi is also known to be very competitive, she also likes to have competitions. She wins most of them, but if she loses..then...let's just say you wouldn't want to be around her at the moment.

But besides that, Kyumi is very creative, and she will probably be the most imaginative person that you'll ever meet. And her secret to melting people's hearts is by using her aegyo's. Over all Kyumi is very unpredictable, you'll never know what's going to come next with her.. hmm...a mysterious maknae~.


Her Likes:

  • Dancing
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Candy
  • Cupcakes
  • Food [ nomnomnom. c: ]
  • Music
  • English Songs [ even though she can hardly understand it ]
  • Skinship
  • Carnivals
  • Math
  • Fireworks
  • Sports [ especially Soccer ]
  • Aegyo
  • Eating icing off cakes
  • Pororo
  • Magic Tricks
  • Video Games
  • Taekwondo
  • Having fun and letting loose
  • Being childish
  • Kimchi and Bibimbap
  • The Rubix Cube [ although she can never finish it ]
  • Her Mp3 Player
  • Baby Pink


Her Dislikes:

  • Formal Events
  • Sweating
  • Injections
  • Black
  • Horror Movies
  • Neat Freaks
  • y People
  • Scary things
  • Boring people
  • Meanies
  • Ketchup
  • Zombies
  • Cursing/swearing
  • The Dark


Her Hobbies:

  • Dancing everywhere she goes [Private and Public]
  • Telling Jokes
  • Watchin Movies
  • Playing a variety of sports
  • Doing aegyo
  • Watching Pororo
  • Playing videos games
  • Cooking [ well baking ]
  • Choreographing in her spare time
  • Listening to music
  • Studying English
  • Searching for trouble [She is quite the trouble maker]
  • Pulling pranks on everyone
  • Taekwondo
  • Drawing [she isn't very good though]


Her Habits:

  • Her left eye twitches, when she's lying
  • Fixing her hair non-stop
  • Taps her index fingers together, when she's nervous
  • Puffs cheeks out when concentrating on something
  • Blanking out when people are yelling at/scolding her
  • Hides and on her thumb when she's scared.
  • Chews on her clothes, when she's bored.
  • Puckers her lips. while eating.
  • Twirling/Playing with her hair, when she's bored
  • Make cute noises in her sleep like "bo-ba-mo-ma-da-di-un-ma..."
  • Voice goes really quiet/ gets softer, when she's around a guy
  • Becomes extremely clumsy around boys that she finds cute/good looking
  • Eats when she's upset or angry.
  • Bakes a cake, cupcakes, etc. When she's worried about something
  • Jumps up and down when she's excited
  • Screams when something scares her
  • Hugs people, when she's about to cry. [Example: If the lights goe off (afraid of the dark), she'll jump into someone's arms.]



  • Injections [ She'll runaway from the nurse ]
  • Bugs [From Ants to Spiders]
  • 2012 [ She fears the end of the world ]
  • Love [ She never felt it before, and so she's scared of what it might be like ]
  • The Dark [ She HATES it ]

It is known that Kyumi can dance and choreograph like a professional person. She is also good at playing sports, she can do amazing magic tricks, she's very good at taekwondo, and she's daebak at video games. Also Kyumi can cook really well. I bet her cooking tastes really good^^ To add on to her talents, Kyumi can play basic guitar. Like I said all of the members that have been revealed so far are very very talented and pretty. I wonder how the last member will be like.

​Some interesting facts about Kyumi is that:

  • She hates real animals [She is scared of them ]
  • Her room is really messy and she is quite sloppy
  • She avoids crying/ being sad, because she doesn't want to ruin her cheerful personality
  • She is quite lazy sometimes and can spend the whole day eating and watching television, if she wanted
  • Either seen dancing, or playing a sport
  • Her voice is soft, angelic, and innocent.
  • She takes way too many selcas
  • If she didn't play and sports, Kyumi reckons she would be really fat due to how much she eats.
  • Before going on stage, she goes throught the dance steps once or twice, even though she knows them by heart.
  • Her dad bought her a car for her 15th birthday, but she can't drive it yet.
  • She loves helium balloons
  • Sometimes gets scared when she's alone in her apartment
  • Minsoo is Kyumi's best friend [ they tell each other everything ]
  • Minsoo is over protective of Kyumi [ In a brothely way ]
  • Kyumi is like Minsoo's younger sister. They're considered to be siblings from different families.
  • Her Ideal Type is SHINee's Minho.
  • When with herfriends, she can become the biggest ert ever, and she loves telling erted jokes
  • She is way too clumsy

​What even more interesting, is that Kyumi has absolutely no allergies at all. She is known to speak korean fluently, of course, and she is currently learning English. She can start a conversation with what she had learned so far.


~Kyumi's Family Information~

Kyumi grew up in the fast life, Seoul City. Her parents neglected most of her childhood, but due to their fortunes, they always spoiled her. Kyumi recently bought her own apartment [ Using her family's riches ] and is staying there. Kyumi prefers the apartment more, because it gives her a view of the city.

Her Parents are:

Bang Eunhee || 42 Years Old || Doctor || Mother

Lee Jongho || 43 Years old || Hotel Owner|| Father

It has been said that Kyumi's relationship with her parents is far from stable. Eunhee and Jongho are very buisy people, and had never seemed to have time for Kyumi. But they do send her loads of gifts, since she is their only child.

Here are some clips of Kyumi Performing:







Wahh~ Isn't her voice just wonderful^^ And her dancing is amazing.

Kyumi's stage name is Kimchi, just like her nickname^^. Her position in the group is Maknae, Sub-Dancer, and Sub-Vocalist. Kyumi's group persona is "Aegyo Cutie." Kyumi's fan club name is "Cupcakes." While she calls her fans "Cupcakies." And it seems like her fan club color is Baby Pink~.

Kyumi is fresh and new :3 She's always been a trainee at TOP Media Ent. Here is what Kyumi said about how she felt during her trainee years. "Personally, I found it fun. I didn't mind the long practice sessions, or the hardcore exercise. I am athletic, and I love to dance, so those sort of things were stuff I enjoyed. I remember I used to be the only one who was still full of enjoy, after the very long practices. I would work extra hard and push myself. I was determined to correctly do all my dance steps, and hit all my vocal chords. I loved life as a trainee, and now, in Royal Beats, it shows that my hard work paid off. Plus, I got to hang out with a lot of unnies, who found me cute. I liked all the trainees, and they were all so kind. I love how I got put in the same group as some of my favourites. It makes me extra happy!"

Aside from being an Idol in a Rookie Group, Kyumi is also an Ulzzang. And I'm sure everyone can understand why.. I mean look at her~ She's abosutely cute and pretty^^

Well... That's all the information we know so far~^^ If we find out more, we'll be sure to tell you all. But before we go~ Kyumi has a few words she would like to say to her fans and to her Unni's.

Here is the message to her fans~ "Annyeong Cupcakies~ please enjoy Royal Beats, and I hope you make us feel right at home, in the Kpop industry. Also, I hope you anticipate our upcoming debut, be prepared! It's going to be amazing!!!!!"

And here is the message to her Unnis': "Haii der unnies, please take care of me, and treat me good. Watch out for my pranks though~ ^^ㅋㅋㅋ"

well then~ Byee for now^^

Hello~ We meet once again haha~

Well, It's been a while since I updated~ so I'm sorry for the late update ><

It looks like Kimchi is destined to be with..... *drum rolls across the page* umm....DANCING BOY CHANGJO~ WOOOOOOOO :D jfkjdakfj^^


Congrats to Baby_Dragon :D haha

I love chuu~




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Chapter 10: boring chapter ? no, it's not ! it's amazing !!! will wait for another chapter, don't stress out yourself .. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 4: omg i absolutely loved the first chappie! o u o

the meeting was so awesome~ ♥

i love the idea of the map!

oh gosh, i can't wait for another update!! ^^ ♥
o.o ... waiting waiting for the new chappie !!
hwaiting !
letter from andy hyung! :D
oups, i meant oppa...

it's just, tintap are always saying andy hyung,
so it kinda just... rubbed off on me? xD OTL

can't wait for the first chapter! c: ♥
Yeah that sound awesome <3
can't wait for the story !!
congrats to the chosen members !!
I've been thinking about this story lately! c:

I know you said not to rush author-nims, but Kimchi can't wait for the story!! ^-^

Kimchi is curious, will there an update soon?
If so, I'm excited!! c: <3

Btw, I changed my username.
It was formally Mir-chi, but now it's baby_dragon! xD
Angnes #8
I can't wait for this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to those who got chosen! :))
I can't wait for the stoooory~
Angnes #10
Welcome !! Kyung_Mi Fighting !!